• Member Since 4th May, 2017
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Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.



You really do need to keep an eye on Cozy Glow. Turn your back for a second and she's off, away and escaping. Over the hills! Out to the sticks! Out to villages that might maybe possibly have not heard about what she did, or at least not yet.

There to plot, there to plan, there to get started on getting everything running smoothly and like it should again. Or at least get started on cooking up some revenge. Either way.

And there's also that weird alien thing she came across. He could be useful...

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 388 )
Obtex #1 · Jan 26th, 2020 · · · #1 ·

Oh ya I already like!

Oooooooo I stopped actually watching anything mlp after season 5 so I’m not quite sure who cozy is, but I’m liking this!!

(So did I but shh, don't tell anyone.)

What a strange black bar that does absolutely nothing to tarnish the reputation of the author in the eyes of the majority of the fandom. What a strange black bar indeed. :rainbowwild:

Please, like I have a reputation...

For anything other than variations on the same story over and over again. And being very English.

Why isn't there an OC tag?

Hmmmm true.... you need a PR person.

Change “ variations on the same story over and over again” to “ transformative works of art that seek to bring new life and variation to the Human in Equestria sub genre.”

Change “being very English” to “ being of like culture and vision to the classical greats such as Shakespeare and Chaucer!”

With wording like this you are sure to build a reputation! That you can then turn on it’s head and fill with fluff as you are wont to do.

Paul's near-total inability to give a crap about the obvious villain pestering him is definitely going to set off Cozy's temper at some point or another. This whole premise amuses me.

Even in jest this sort of language made all of my skin crawl off my body to hide under the sofa.

She's mostly holding it together...

...for now...

An important lesson here. Just because someone has difficulty speaking the language, does not in any way mean they are unintelligent.

It’s supposed to! You are a human being! Marketing people aren’t! :pinkiehappy:

Reading your stories is pleasant

...well, in fairness marketing people are humans. It's just that they appear to work v hard sometimes to convince us otherwise :ajbemused:

That's surprisingly uplifting to hear.

I have decided that he is speaking in the thickest possible Russian accent, and you cannot convince me otherwise.

You know, I found myself doing that too.

Which is weird, on account of him being - as with everyone I do - English. But hell, it's funny.

That's funny. I didn't want to say, but a couple of times he came across to me as Yiddish. I can certainly see Russian.

I'm greatly concerned by this gentleman's soldering technique. Sparks indicate he was shorting a live circuit, while applying the heat.

Then again, it seems media in general doesn't seem to understand that soldering is NOT welding. So if that's where one gets their impression of the task...



A fun way to melt your face off.

Not to mention destroy things. Magic or no, you don't work on energized components if you don't want that energy to surge across an accidental tap and melt everything.

I can already tell that these two will share a great friendship in the future. Really liking the story so far.

Cozy decided not to draw attention to that, or acknowledge it. So he wasn’t buying it completely, so what? He was buying it enough, no reason to worry. She just decided to be happy. Or at least look happy, which was basically the same thing.

That is sad.

Do find it funny that Cozy hasn't really stopped to think about how bad Paul's home world must have been. She's not dealing with an innocent pony, here...

My internal explanation is that she doesn't really care about what other people say to her beyond what use it has to her.

...at least right now.

I could only imagine Paul as a russian with a thick accent

He is basically an exercise in having my cake and eating it too.

Amusing implied accent? Yes! Still techinally English? Yes!

Though...whether England exists as we know it where he came from...ah who cares, it's not important.

“I only make those things because they tell me to. If I did not, they would shoot me. I saw them shoot others. So I did what they tell me."

Paul worked for Boston Dynamics, Big Brother, the EU, or Skynet. My money's on Disney.

The idea of anyone actively working for Skynet amuses me on some base level...

To be fair, someone had to build the initial robots who would build more robots...

I do wonder at what point that guy is sitting there thinking "I've made a terrible mistake somewhere along the line."

Probably that bit in T3 where the weirdo minigun robots are cruising around the office gunning everyone down. One chap still sat at his desk feeling very embarrassed.


I do wonder at what point that guy is sitting there thinking "I've made a terrible mistake somewhere along the line."

Probably around the same point the machines started using his colleagues' entrails as stocking stuffers. Or when the coffee machine gained sentience and refused him service.


Yeah, that company was the Cyberdine Corporation.

Do you even TERMINATOR bro?

Remember how in Salvation they gave Skynet a whole bloody speech?

Going from "Decided our fate in a heartbeat" inscrutable machine acting nominally in genocidal self-defence to "Muwhahaha! I'm so EeEeEvVvViIiIiLlLlL!".

Not a fan of that film.

Stoic fellow, ain't he?

The grand plan being her life, really, and everypony and everything in it just being a part and component of the greater whole. Like clockwork! All fitting together perfectly! Always just a question of finding what should go where, then hah! Everything would work.

Title drop!

Still glad to see Paul's a bit more genre savvy than most others (though that's rather easy when most others are ponies) and caught on to Cozy's cutesy-wutesy act.

Wonder how long it'll take for Cozy Glow to give up her life of evil and get adopted by Paul.

He had a rough year or two.

It was a seamless drop! And he caught on, but hasn't stopped him going along with it, softy.

And STOP READING AHEAD. In my brain. Stop!

The way I prefer to phrase this is "(s)he said the thing!" but you do you.

love the interaction between these two, followed and faved

Sleeps in a bath and is an intensely light sleeper, yeah, he was around in some kind of war.

I love the way you write Cozy. Scheming, perceptive, cunning, but still childish. I also like Paul's character. In a way, he's almost perfect at handling Cozy.

Cozy elected to ignore that jab (recognising that he had in fact made a jab) and looked again at ‘dinner’. She gave the spoon a gentle nudge which disturbed the surface, though did little for the consistency. The whole thing remained a gloopy, unappealing grey mass. Difficult to work out if what she was seeing were lumps or clumps, these two things being distinct, and neither being especially good.

What is that food?

I am doing my best to convey my idea of Cozy. Glad it seems to be working!

And the food is...something unappetising.

What a life he lead


Sleeps in a bath and is an intensely light sleeper, yeah, he was around in some kind of war.


What a life he lead

I am thinking something like Robert Neville from I Am Legend

Well considering he had a hand in manufacturing several large mecha/Metal Gear units, he was probably in either military engineering for some country or a PMC.

I was imagining something like Lutefish, honestly.

Paul will eventually impart his greatest superpower onto Cozy.

His incredible skill at not giving a @#$@.

It is a skill she desperately needs, for she was born with a congenital defect that deprived her of all chill.

You know, you're not wrong. She's a little tightly-wound.

It's like there's a piece of paper pressed between two sheets of glass.

One person stands one side, another person the other.

Both looking at the same thing, but not seeing the same thing.

Deep man, that's real deep.

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