• Published 27th Dec 2011
  • 10,672 Views, 389 Comments

Leap of Faith: Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful - Wolokai

Somepony's causing problems in Manehatten, and Twilight won't believe who it is!!!

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Chapter Eleven - In the name of the Law!

Twilight's head was on fire, and her body was numb as ice. That was the best way she could describe the furious pain roaring through her brain and loss of feeling in her body as she slowly gained a hold of her shattered consciousness. Her stomach felt like it was a lost ship upon a trembling, gurgling sea of rage and misery, threatening to capsize in an instant...or in her case, to throw up. "What...the shit?" she swore in her head, trying to process what all had happened the night before. She couldn't remember much, save a few flashes and images of flying bar stools and the taste of blueberries. What she DID remember, was the moment that her and Trixie had walked into the bar for 'Lunch'. Letting out a small moan, Twilight tried to move, but found herself unable...the sudden realization of a weight pressing down on her flashing in her mind. She was trapped under something.

Opening her eyes slowly, Twilight stared at the closed eyes of Trixie before her, the azure unicorn draped lazily over her. Twilight was just about to speak when she realized she couldn't...looking down in her field of vision and suddenly letting out a terrified squeak. Feeling started to rapidly course its way back through the lavender mare as she felt Trixie's tongue hanging limp inside her own open mouth, her own mouth open and pressed firmly against hers. "OH MY GOSH!!!!" Twilight squealed in her mind, her face turning red more rapidly then anypony could have dared imagine. It was only then that Twilight felt a similar burning somewhere else on her body, nearly matching the fire of her head...realizing that the soreness was radiating from the direct middle of her haunches.

Trixie screamed and flew back, startled awake by the cry of terror that Twilight let out of now vacant mouth as she shoved her hooves against Trixie's chest. The azure mare hit the nearby counter with a loud 'BANG!' as Twilight screamed "TRIXIE WHAT THE HELL!?!"

Trixie blinked, a hoof up to her head as she groaned "What!? What happened, what's going on!?"

Twilight had crawled backwards and pressed her back up against the fridge, tears in her eyes as she squeaked "Did...did you...oh my gosh Trixie how could you?!"

Trixie's head was bowed, hooves over her eyes as a throbbing pain echoed in her head, her heartbeat audible in her ears. She groaned "How could I what? What happened?!"

Twilight felt her eye twitch as she shouted "You RAPED ME!"

At this, Trixie's head flew up and her eyes widened as she whispered "Say what?"

Twilight whimpered, her hooves on her haunches as she squeaked "I woke up with your tongue in my mouth and our...our...we were pressed..." She couldn't finish her sentence, her eye still twitching and her lungs closing up slightly.

Trixie frowned, her wide eyes still staring towards Twilight. She whispered "I...don't remember last night, what do you mean I raped you!? Why in the fucking hell of all Equestria would I....uh oh." She stared over towards her left, her eyes passing over the completely empty bottle of 'Braeburned'.

Twilight hugged herself tight and whispered "What do you mean you don't remember!? What are you staring...what's in that bottle!? What did you do!!?"

Trixie sighed in aggravation and held out her hooves towards Twilight, half-shouting "Alright just calm down! Look, neither one of us knows what happened, alright!? I only meant to give you a raging hangover, not ride horseback! So our haunches burn, that drink makes EVERYTHING burn! And so what if...if I kissed you, big fucking whoop! Mare's kiss all the time! The only way we're really gonna remember anything is if we take some water mixed with a tad bit of cider...only remedy that colt down in Appleloosa told me would work."

Ten minutes later, the headache plagued mares shared the mixture of cider-water and a few pills of aspirin. Trixie put her head in her hooves and groaned as Twilight tried to blink the pain out of her eyes and whispered "Do you always feel like this after you drink? Celestia damn it all I feel like garbage..."

Trixie scoffed and muttered "Gee, thanks...at least I have a tolerance to it, unlike you miss 'Hardass'".

Twilight rolled her eyes as she sighed "Hey, I did what I did to get the lesson of friendship across, alright? Don't expect me to do that again anytime soon though..."

"Lesson?" Trixie asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm "Really...a lesson? What the hell kind of lesson was THAT!?"

Twilight blushed slightly and stared down towards the table she at and whispered "Well...friends always enjoy doing the things they like together...like cooking, or shopping...I figured you'd enjoy a good drinking buddy."

Trixie raised an eyebrow and muttered "Uh huh...well a lot of good THAT did! Do you remember anything yet...?"

Twilight nodded, looking away with an embarrassed blush "It's...slowly coming back to me. I remember some stallion calling me purple...I didn't like that."

Trixie rolled her eyes and waved her hoof in frustration, shouting "Not about the bar fight! I remember that part, I'm talking about last night, US!" Twilight blinked and looked up towards the ceiling for a moment and thinking.

After a few minutes, Twilight sighed and shook her head, muttering "No...I still can't remember last ni-"

And then...it struck her.


Like a crashing wave of ocean water, Twilight saw and felt the memories of the previous night flooding back to her. She had already dragged her tongue across Trixie's rear, begging for blueberries. Trixie had already popped the bottle of the 'Braeburned', and had taken a chug. She held it out to Twilight and muttered "H...here...this tastes like blueberries! Drink up Twilight!" Eager to get the taste in her mouth, Twilight eagerly grasped the bottle and chugged down at least five mouthfuls. At that moment, there was no denying that she completely blasted. Trixie herself took a massive load of the bottle and blinked, time and space bending her utterly smashed mind. They found themselves a few minutes later giggling, laughing hysterically, and howling as they ran about the house, chasing one another like a sick game of cat and mouse.

At one particular moment, Twilight shoved Trixie against the living room wall, pinning her with her hooves and whispering seductively "Got you...". Trixie blushed and gasped as Twilight shoved her head forward and pressed their lips together. At first, Trixie was startled, but then...she got used to the idea. Kissing back, Trixie threw her hooves around Twilight and dragged them both to the ground. They rolled around on the ground, desperately trying to rub and smother one another with kisses and affectionate nuzzling, until eventually Twilight was the one to claim victory. She wrestled her way on top of Trixie and smiled, whispering "You ready for a REAL rodeo?" Trixie, a furious blush passing over her face, nodded and put her hooves on Twilight's sides, spreading her haunches and...


Twilight's eye twitched as she came back to reality, whispering "Eight times...". Trixie, who had been watching her closely, raised an eyebrow and gave her a questioning look. Twilight's bottom lip quivered as she tried to speak "W...we fucked, eight times...I was on top for six of them."

Trixie's eyes had fully widened, her jaw dropping at the sudden realization. She muttered "We...we seriously...did it eight times!?"

Twilight nodded very slowly, muttering "Twice in your bedroom...once in the hallway...four times on this table...and once in your shower." The two mares were silent after that, staring towards one another as the clock on the wall ticked much too loudly in Trixie's opinion. Finally after several tense minutes, Twilight sighed and muttered "Well...that debunks the rape theory...so much for my virginity....."

Trixie smirked and whispered "Well at least you're taking it well..." Twilight looked up, noticing that Trixie was looking off to the side and frowning.

Blushing, Twilight leaned forward and whispered "I'm not mad...this is just really sudden is all...from what I could remember I think I enjoyed it so it's not all bad..."

At this, Trixie threw up her hooves and shouted "How are you taking this in stride!? Isn't this at all awkward for you!? Twilight we got smashed and FUCKED eight times! How can you just sit there all calm and shit?! You lost your virginity without a care in the fucking world and you act like it doesn't even matter!"

Twilight leaned back, startled at Trixie's sudden outburst and muttered when she was finished "Trixie...what happened, happened. There's no changing that, ok? Sure it's a bit...awkward, but there's no changing the past. The only thing I can think to do is just accept it, analyze it, learn, and move on from it. It's just how I am Trixie..." Trixie scoffed and looked off to the side for a moment, staring towards a far off wall. She wasn't really surprised when Twilight asked "Was it good for you...?". The azure mare thought about it for a moment, her own memories of the previous night flowing through her mind slowly. She remembered the heat...the passion...the friction between her and a screaming, groaning Twilight as the hours of rolled by into the night. She had wanted Twilight...she needed Twilight. After a moment, Trixie nodded and sighed, blushing and looking towards Twilight for a moment who asked "So...what does that make us?"

Trixie scoffed and answered "Technically? Friends with Benefits, since you insist on driving this friendship shit into my brain. Anything else, that's all on you..."

Twilight blinked, whispering "What do you mean 'anything else'? Are you talking about...being Marefriends?"

Trixie started at Twilight for a moment before she spoke "Um...there's not much else besides that. Concerning that, I think we can both agree our feelings are a bit of a mess right now. I don't know how I feel about you anymore, and I'm sure you don't even know what to feel about anything right now. We've only been together here for a few days, and I'm not sure after everything that's happened that we can just go and develop feelings this fast...if there even any feelings at all. Let's just...continue on with the friendship business and we'll deal with this later, my head's pounding."

Twilight nodded slowly and watched as Trixie made her way over to her kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets for a pan. It was true, Twilight really didn't know how to rationalize her feelings for Trixie anymore. Over the course of a few days, she had gone from enemy to lover. She looked at Trixie differently, her eyes running over her curves, down her flank, and back up to her chest, neck, and beautiful, bed-ragged mane. She felt drawn to her now...like she needed to be in her company...like she wanted her.

Hopping off the chair, she went to the kitchen as well and spoke as she walked in "So..anything you want to do today?"

Trixie looked over at Twilight for a moment as she placed the pan on the now heated stove, muttering "You're the friendship teacher, remember? I just want breakfast...whatever you wanna do, I don't care." Twilight nodded and smiled slightly, a simple enough idea popping up into her head.


Central Park was one of the only real places Trixie believed was free of Manehatten's corruption. The trees had already begun to sprout new leaves, free of the destructive temperatures of the winter nights that had begun to grow warmer with each passing day. All around, families of ponies enjoyed picnics, running around with their foals and fillies, and simply sitting and enjoying one another's company. Twilight and Trixie themselves were situated under one of the trees, laying on their bellies and watching the groups of ponies at play. Trixie looked over and muttered "And...exactly what lesson is this?"

Twilight smiled and watched as a small filly was tickled by her father, the two of them giggling and chasing each other about. She looked towards Trixie and whispered "The same as what everypony here in the park is doing. Enjoying one another's company!" Trixie raised an eyebrow as Twilight went on "Think about it, friends are around each other for a reason. They enjoy doing the same things and hold the same interests, BECAUSE they enjoy being around one another. Friendship is about togetherness and closeness, and I figured it would be nice to just enjoy one another's presence." Trixie nodded slowly and looked over towards the family. She found herself smiling after a little while, watching the father chase around his little filly.

After a moment she spoke, getting Twilight's attention "My dad and I...we used to play around Trottington Park in Canterlot. Mom always laughed when I managed to trip him up with my magic and jump up on top of him. We'd have the best tickle fights...followed by a trip to the ice cream parlor."

Twilight smiled and whispered "I know it may be different...but you can still have those good times again Trixie. I have loads of fun with my friends in Ponyville...and I wish you and Thoen could have fun as well."

Trixie raised an eyebrow and asked "Are you asking me and Thoen to...come back to Ponyville?"

"Of course" Twilight nodded with a smile "I mean...sure everyone would need a bit to get used to you coming back...but it'd be a NEW you! A happy, friendly Trixie that I know everypony will love!"

Trixie smiled at this, looking down towards the ground and muttering "Maybe...I'll talk to Dad about it later."

Twilight nudged her side, whispering "Why don't we go see him now? The sooner the better, right?" Trixie thought over it for a moment before nodding and standing, the two of them making their way towards the entrance of the park.

Just as they exited onto the sidewalk, however, a loud, booming voice roared in their direction "There she is! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!!" Twilight gasped as two guards clad in the red armor of Manehatten glared towards her, their front hooves pawing at the ground in front of them, as if ready to charge.

Trixie looked to their right and gasped, pointing towards the nearby wall and shouting "Oh no, Twilight look!" Twilight looked to where Trixie was pointing and gasped, staring towards the various posters...of her.

Wanted for Train Robbery!!! If you see this pony, contact authorities immediately! BITS REWARD!

It was this caption that rested under a rough sketch of her, the posters lining themselves along most of the wall. Twilight gasped as she remembered the first day she came to Manehatten...the guards and the train! "Oh SHIT!" She squealed as the Guards began their charge towards them.

Trixie growled and jumped in front of her, shouting "Twilight shield your eyes!". With a quick hoof over her eyes, Twilight turned her head away as Trixie lit up and ignited her horn with a furious flash of light, blinding the guards and causing them to stumble forward onto the ground. "Come on!" She shouted, dragging Twilight down the sidewalk in a full gallop.

It wasn't long before the guards shook the blindness away and gave chase, shouting after them "STOP! IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!!!!"

Trixie laughed at this as they flew down the street, shouting back at them "Your law is bullshit!". Twilight screamed as they rushed towards the crosswalk ahead, the 'DO NOT TROT' light blinking rapidly. "Come on, hurry!" Trixie shouted, barreling across the street as the light above changed from red to green. Taking a quick dive, the two of them reached the other side safely, unlike the guards who were stuck on the opposite side of the street crowded with carriages. Trixie let out a small laugh, but suddenly squeaked as three more guards caught sight of Twilight from their side of the street. Turning quickly, the two mares ran down the street, shoving through the thick crowds of ponies and receiving loud shouts of protest in return. "Run Twilight, run!!!" Trixie screamed, trying her best to keep Twilight ahead of her and away from the rampaging guards.

"Where are we going!?" Shouted Twilight, weaving in and out of the crowds and trying to stay ahead of the guards.

"Run to Thoen's! It's around the next corner and down the street on left, eight buildings down!" Trixie shouted back, skidding to a halt and turning on her hooves. "Keep going I'll catch up!" She yelled, bowing her head and lighting up her horn. An empty carriage parked nearby gleamed with Trixie's pink aura of magic, moving and turning forward to roll into the guards. The pursuers and the bystanders nearby lept back in a panic as the carriage crashed into the nearby building, cutting off the sidewalk. Trixie shouted with triumph but turned suddenly at the yelps of Twilight's voice. She gasped as four guards rounded the corner in front of Twilight and grabbed at her, doing their best to pin her to the ground. "NO!!!" Trixie screamed, galloping forward to intercept them.

Seeing this, Twilight screamed towards her "Don't! Run away or they'll get you too!!! Trixie run!!!!". Trixie slowed slightly, hesitating as one of the guards slipped a small silver ring over Twilight's horn, negating any magic she would attempt to use.

Growling, Trixie turned her head and watched as more and more guards made their way down the street towards Twilight, the odds quickly turning against them. With a quick shout of "I WILL FIND YOU!" to Twilight, the azure unicorn dashed into the nearest alley in hopes to cut across the corner and make her way to the street Thoen lived on.


Thoen licked his lips in concentration, his horn aglow with azure magic and his eyes dead set on the small, miniature anchor in front of him. A small model ship rested in front of him, a pair of tweezers magically floating in front of his eyes and grasping the small anchor. He felt a small drip of sweat rolling down his forehead as the anchor neared the front of the ship, his voice just a tiny whisper "There we go...nice and easy...just...right th-"


Thoen yelped and jumped out of his chair, the tweezers flying up and sticking themselves up in the ceiling. Landing roughly on his flank, Thoen spun around in his chair and shouted "Fucking hell Trixie! You're gonna give your old man a heart attack doing that! What in the hay are you...." He trailed off as Trixie started to cry, her eyes soaked with tears as she sniffed and bawled. "Goodness Trixie...what's wrong?! What's happened!"

The azure mare rushed to her father, grasping him in a tight hug and shouting "The guards took Twilight! They've got her for the robbery of the Hoofington Express!"

Thoen frowned, holding his daughter tightly and whispering "Oh no...how long ago was that?"

Trixie sniffed, wiping her eyes and whimpering "No more then...then five minutes ago..."

Thoen nodded, whispering to Trixie "You sound really devastated...I guess this means you've had a change of heart about her?". Trixie could feel a raw emotion gripping at her, a feeling of loss and agony...maybe even as bad as the feelings she had when her mother died. The loss of a loved one...the loss of a mare she cared about. There was no mistaking it this time. After the days she spent with Twilight, the bar fight, their night of drunk passion, the park....she finally realized that she was not only starting to change from Twilight's friendship lessons...but that she was falling in love with her too. Thoen smiled as he felt her heartbeat against his chest and whispered "So...what are we going to do?"

Trixie, in response to this, let out a sobbing growl and clenched her teeth, whispering menacingly "I know what you're going to do...but as for me...I'm going to rip every fucking stone and brick out of that damn jail. In the name of the law my ass!"