• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 839 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

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Blaze soar over Vale looking for the monkey Faunus, he wanted to have a ‘talk’ with him why he winked at Blake. He saw the Faunus and the detectives running around a corner almost knocking on the ground, a girl with orange hair. Blaze wanted to follow them but then he saw Weiss running towards the girl he wanted to see what happened. He saw Weiss run into the girl and they both fell down, Blaze thought it was a little funny, that Weiss fell to the ground, not the other girl. It didn’t look like it bother her at all, which Blaze thought was a little weird. Then the rest of the girls arrived.

“No! He got away!” Said Weiss while on top of the girl.

Yang. “Uuuhh, Weiss....?” Weiss look at her team mate who pointed at the girl Weiss lying on.

Weiss look at the girl and got up. “Euh!”

The girl then waved at the girls. “Salutations!” Said the girl as the laid there. Blaze, who was still hovering over them couldn’t help but question how strange this girl was.

Then Ruby spoke. “Um… hello.”

“Are you… okay?” Yang asked the girl.

“I’m wonderful. Thank you for asking.” The girl said with a smile.

The girl just laid there which confused them all. “Do you… wanna get up?” Yang asked her.

The girl was silence for a few seconds. “Yes.” She then placed her hands on the ground, and she flip up landing on her feet, that made the girls back up a little. “My name is Penny. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” The girl told them.

“Hi Penny. I’m Ruby.”

“I’m Weiss.”

“Hello, I’m Opal.”


Ebony didn’t say anything, she just crossed her arms looking at Penny with narrow eyes, there was something that was wrong with her.

Then Yang spoke up. “Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?” Weiss elbow her after that. “Oh, I’m Yang.” She said with a straight back.

“I’m also curious if you hit your head.” Said Blaze which made Penny look around.

“Where did that voice come from?” She asked the girls.

Blaze just rolled his eyes. “Look up.”

Penny did that and she was surprised to see Blaze hovering in the air. “How are you doing that?” She asked the Faunus.

“With my wings?” He decided to land on the ground. “How ells could I fly.”

“You have a point.” She then saw Blaze ears and tail. “Wait, you have three animal part? How is that possible?”

Blaze just shrugged his shoulder. “Don’t know, I just have them.”

Penny nodded. “Right, might I asked for your name?”


Opal couldn’t help but rolled her eyes of what her team leader said. “His name is Blaze and this grumpy girl here is Ebony.” She said while nodding her head towards the girl from Vacuo.

Ebony raised an eye brown. “Why did you give my name to her?” She asked the panda Faunus.

“Because you didn’t give her yours and that’s not very nice.”

“That’s because there something fishy about her and I don’t trust her.” She whispered to Opal.

Then Penny spoke. “It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“You already said that.” Weiss reminded her.

“So, I did!” Said Penny. It was official, Blaze thought that this girl isn't normal.

Weiss decided to apologize to Penny. “Well, sorry for running into you.”

Then seven Beacon student decided to head back, Blaze eye Penny as he walk past her. “Take care, friend.” Said Ruby as she followed her friends.

After some walking Weiss decided to talk. “She was… weird.”

“I hate to admit it, but the princess has a point, that girl was weird.” Weiss gave her team leader an angry look after she said that, which Ebony just ignored.

Weiss just shook her head. “Now. Where did that faunus riffraff run off to.”

Then all off sudden Penny was standing in their way. “What did you call me?”

Then Weiss just pointed at Yang and the rest of the group. “Oh, I’m really sorry, definitely didn’t think you heard me.” Said Yang with some nervosity in her voice.

“No, not you…” Said Penny as she walk past them al stop in front of Ruby. “You.”

“Me!? I don’t know, I- what I- um, uh.” Ruby was very nervous right now, considering Penny was right on front of her.

“You called me ‘friend’. Am I really your friend?”

Ruby was very nervous right now. “Uummm…” She look over to the team mates for advise who just made signed with their body which said no.

Blaze and his team just watch the whole thing. “This should be interesting.”

Ruby then look back at Penny. “Ya, sure! Why not?” Weiss and Yang actually fell on the ground while Ebony just placed a hand on her face and shook her head.

For some reason Penny was very happy when Ruby said that. “Ahaha! Sen-sational! We can paint our nails, and try out clothes, and talk about cute boys!”

Blaze look over to his team mates. “Do you two and Luna do that stuff when I am not around?” He asked them.

“Pretty much.” Opal said with a shrug.

Ruby then leaned over to Weiss. “Ooh, is this what it was like when you met me?” She asked her.

“No, she is seems ‘far’ more coordinated.” Said Weiss while dusting of her dress.

Then Yang decided to ask a question to Penny. “So, what are you doing in Vale?”

“I’m here to fight in the tournament.” Penny said with a cheer in her voice.

Weiss a little surprised when heard that. “Wait… you’re fighting in the tournament?”

Penny then saluted. “I’m combat ready.”

Opal leaned towards her team leader. “What a weird girl.” She whispered to him.

Blaze crossed his arms. “I’m starting to thing she is not a normal girl.”

Opal was intrigued of what he said. “What do you mean?”

“I’m not sure yet but there something weird about her.” Opal just nodded, maybe they would find out in the tournament.

“Forgive me, but you hardly look the part.” Said Weiss.

“Says the girl wearing a dress.” Blake remined Weiss.

Weiss was offended by what Blake said. “It’s a ‘combat skirt’. She said while crossing her arms.

Then Ruby appeared beside Weiss. “Yeah.” Then they gave each other a ‘high five’ and Ebony was just shocked to see Ruby and Weiss agree on something.

“Wait a minute.” Weiss walk over to Penny and grabbed her by the shoulders. “If you’re here for the tournament, does that mean you know that monkey tailed… rapscallion?”

Penny was just confused. “The who?”

Weiss then hold up a weird picture. “The filthy faunus from the boat.”

“Give it a rest Weiss, this girl doesn’t know Sun.” Everyone look at Ebony when she said that. “Crap, I wasn’t supposed to say that.” She said while slapping a hand in her face.

Weiss let go off Penny walk over to her team leader. “You know that monkey faunus?” She asked her leader.

Ebony let out a sighed. “I don’t know him, but I know he’s from Vacuo that decided to go Haven academy and that’s all I know.”

“That’s is? That’s all you know off that filthy faunus.”

Blaze had about enough that Weiss call that sun character a filthy faunus, he was about to let her have it, but Blake beat him to it.

“Why do you keep saying that.”

Weiss look at Blake with confusion. “Huh?”

“Stop calling him a rapscallion. Stop calling him a degenerate. He’s a person!”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Would you like me to stop referring to the trashcan as a trashcan, or this lamppost as a lamppost?” She said while pointing at the different stuff.

“Weiss…” Ebony warned her, but she didn’t listen.

Blake wasn’t happy. “Stop it!”

“Stop what? He clearly broke the law. Give him time, he’ll probably join up with those other faunus in the White Fang.”

Blake then clench a fist. “You ignorant little brat.” Blake then turned around and started to walk.

Weiss then look over to Blaze. “Are you going to let her talk to me like that?” Blaze said nothing he just watch as Blake left, feeling bad for her. Blaze could have step in a stop it all but that would probably have made it worse. Weiss just huffed and walk after Blake, then they started to argue again.

“I think it’s time to go.” Said Ebony as she walk after them, the others agree with her and followed her.

“Where are we going?” Penny asked them.

“We are going back to Beacon and you can go back to wherever you came from.” Blaze told her.

Penny jump a little. “Oh, right.” She then happened to look to her left. “Oh no.” She placed both hands over her mouth.

Blaze look in the direction where she was looking and saw a girl with hair that look like ice?

Eira had just rounded a corner. “I swear, if I find that…” She stop talking because she found the one she was looking for. “PENNY.” Then Penny started to run in the opposite direction of Eira. “GET BACK HERE.” Eira ran after her, she ran past Blaze and Opal so fast they had trouble seeing her.

“Holly crap, she was fast.” Said Blaze as they look in the direction of where they had ran off to.

“Yeah, but who was she?” Opal asked a good question.

After Blaze and Opal had managed to catch up with the rest, they could see that Weiss and Blake was still arguing. They argued all the way back to Beacon and the still agued when they arrived at the courtyard and at that moment, everyone was just sick off it.

Weiss. “I don’t understand why this is causing such a problem.”

“That ‘is’ the problem.”

Then Weiss stop and faced Blake. “You realize you’re defending an organization that hates humanity, don’t you?”

“Not everyone hates humans.” Opal mumble to herself.

“The faunus of the White Fang are pure evil.”

Blake took a step closer to Weiss. “There’s no such thing as ‘pure evil’! Why do you think they hate humanity so much? It’s because of people like Cardin, people like ‘you’ that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!”

“People like me??”

“You’re discriminatory.”

“I’m a victim!” Weiss closed her eyes and let out a heavy sighed. “You want to know ’why’ I despised the White Fang? Why I don’t particularly trust the faunus? It’s because they’ve been at war with my family for years. War. As in actual bloodshed.”

That shock everyone there, they never imaged that it was actually bloodshed. Even Ebony and Blaze who usually have a cool attitude couldn’t help but feel sorry for Weiss. Then Blaze noticed that Opal was not feeling well, it was like she had a burden on her shoulders.

Then Weiss counited. “My grandfather’s company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I’ve watched family friends disappear, board members executed, an entire train car full of Dust… stolen. And every day, my father would come home furious, and that made for a very difficult childhood.” She then look Blake in the eyes. “You want to know why I despise the White Fang?! It’s because they’re a bunch of liars!” She took a step closer to Blake. “Thieves!” Another step until they were face to face. “And murders!”

Then Blake snap. “Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!!” it took a few seconds before Blake realized what she just said, she just told them she was a faunus and member of the White Fang. “I..” She took a few steps back before she before she disappeared into the night.

Blaze couldn’t help but rub a hand on his face. “Well, that happened.”

The first one to say something was Ruby. “Wait, Blake is a faunus? She was a faunus all along?”

“Yes Ruby, Blake is a faunus.” Blaze told her.

Then Weiss spoke up. “You knew, you knew, and you didn’t tell us.”

“Yes, Weiss we knew and the reason we didn’t tell anyone is because Blake ask us not to.”

Weiss then walk over to Blaze. “You should have told us so we could have contacted the police.”

That made Blaze look at her with fury in his eyes. “Excuse me? Contact the police.” Weiss was a little afraid right now. “You can’t blame Blake for everything the White Fang have done and beside, you can’t blame every faunus for what they have done.” Weiss wanted to protest but Blaze didn’t let her. “Did you forget everything I said earlier today?”

“Of course not, I just don’t like the faunus that is from the White Fang.”

“It didn’t sound like that a minute ago, it sound like you hate every fanuns. What about Velvet, Rarity and Applejack? Do you hate them just because they are a fanuns.” Weiss tried to find the words, but nothing came to mind. “I thought so, like I said before; don’t judge every faunus because of the White Fang. Blake might have been in the WF, but I know for a fact that she regret everything she had ever done for them. I know that doesn’t make up for everything they have done just don’t judge her before you get to know her.” That made Weiss look down in shame. “And another thing.” She look up at him. “If you report her to the police then you and I are going to have a problem, got it?” Weiss nodded her head. “Good, come on Opal, we let’s head back.” He started to walk back to Beacon.

“Head back? what about Blake?”

Blaze stop. “You know as well as I do that Blake just need some time alone and beside, she can take care of herself. We still have to talk to Luna, we can look for Blake tomorrow. I’m also too tired to look for her now.” Blaze told Opal.

Opal didn’t want to admit it, but Blaze had a point. Blake could take care of herself and she was also tired, they headed back to their room leaving team Excalibur alone.

None of them spoke, none of them didn’t know what to say. Then Ebony decided to say something. “Well, I hope your happy Weiss. You may have broken up team Blackout.”

Weiss was shocked when she heard that. “Me? How is this my fault? Blake is the one who is with the White Fang.”

Ebony just gave her blank stare. “And?”

“What do you mean 'and'? Don’t you care that she is with the White Fang?”

“No, I don’t. She isn’t in a WF anymore and I don’t care, if you just look past that she is a faunus you will see that she is a good person.” Ebony started to walk towards the school but stop when she was by Weiss. “Also, if you report Blake to the police, then Blaze isn’t the only one you have to worried about.” She pattered her shoulder before she walk to the school.

Weiss then look at the sisters. “Don’t tell me you two also take Blake side."

The sister gave each other a look before looking back at Weiss. “Yes, we do. We don’t know what you have gone through Weiss, but you can’t blame it on every faunus, that’s not fair.” Yang told her.

“I agree with my sister.”

With that they both walk to the school leaving Weiss alone. Were they right? is it wrong to blame ever fanuns for what the White fang have done?


Penny was walking the street in Vale with a girl with hair that look like snow, she was wearing a pair of pants that are a dark navy, a white short sleeved shirt and a sweater that happens to match the same colour as her hair, she was wearing combat boots, on her wrist was cobalt coloured bracelets with the centre stone resembling a snowflake.

“Mind telling me why you decided to sneak of the ship and explore Vale, Penny?”

“I just wanted to see this place, I have never been here before.”

The other girl let out a sighed. “I understand that you are curious about this place, considering you have never been out of Atlas but that dosen’t give you the right to sneak out. Every time you do I have to go out and find, which get’s me into trouble with Rylee and general Ironwood."

Penny just hung her head in shame, she didn’t mean to get her into trouble. “I’m sorry Eira."

Eira just smiled and patter her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, just promise you won’t do it again.”

“I promise.” Then she hiccupped.

Author's Note:

This chapter was a little difficult to write, I hope I did it right.

Eira belongs to FrostTheWolf