• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 2,909 Views, 192 Comments

Sunset Shimmer: Kunoichi - RIPoste

Sunset Shimmer took a trip past the Mirror, only to be found by Orochimaru. In a world of war and manipulation, will she ever find her own way again?

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Land Of Waves IV. New Skills, New Thoughts

The first thing I noticed was the light.

The second thing I registered was the splitting headache I had. It almost felt as though a troop of Yaks had been dancing on it, brought me out for a round of drinks and then tossed me straight into a wall.

Basically, it really hurts.

I groaned aloud, and tried my best to sit up, before a hand pushed me down.

“Stay down, Kyoku-chan. You are in no shape to move.”

I opened my eyes, and blinked a couple of times as my sight readjusted itself before finding myself looking upon the masked face of Kakashi-sensei. He wasn’t looking at me though, and had his one eye trained upon his signature copy of ‘Icha Icha Tactics’ in his hand.

Yeah, sensei likes a porno book called ‘Make-Out Paradise’. Ew.

“Urgh, hi sensei… What happened?”

“You tried to use the Shadow Clone technique without the appropriate chakra pool.” Sensei replied, not looking up at me. “Though one might question why you would such a reckless thing.”

Ah, so that’s why. I winced slightly as I remembered Naruto teaching me the jutsu. I tried if for myself for a little while, even managing to bring forth a clone before I felt something like a brick wall slammed into my head and caused me to black out.

That was probably what sudden chakra deprivation felt like. Oh joy, now I get to feel what sensei feels.

“On the bright side, you are not dead nor in a coma.” Kakashi-sensei continued brightly, “which one can attribute to a miracle.”

I paled. Was the Shadow Clone Technique really that dangerous?

“Yes it is,” Sensei said. Apparently I had said my thoughts aloud. “The shadow clone differs from the remaining clone technique because it divides the user's chakra evenly among the number of clones you made.” He eyed me though his expression was unreadable. "As such, there was a reason why it was a forbidden technique. Still, why did you want to learn the technique?"

"Eh," Should I tell him the truth? I shook my head, which was hurting like hell. Making up a lie was too risky at this point, better just say the truth. "Naruto and I found out that information could transfer between the shadow clones upon their disappearance, it seemed like something useful to have..."

"Mmmh, useful indeed." Kakashi-sensei nodded as he closed his eye, seemingly in thought.

“Right…” I looked at him. “Sensei, any pointers for increasing my chakra pool?”

“Mmmmmh,” He thought for a moment, though he still kept his eye trained on his book. “You could always strain your chakra coils by making sure that you reach your maximum usage of chakra each day. It would help condition your coils to produce a little more chakra each day. I wouldn’t recommend it, though.”

“Why, sensei?”

“Because it would mean that you would end up being very sore the next day.”

Really? Seemed like a small price to pay. I also did not miss the fact that it was also the same method I was currently using to grow my mana pool. Perhaps magic and chakra were somewhat related?

“Now enough of talking, you need your rest.”

Unfortunately, now that I was awake and slightly aware of the soreness within me, I found that falling asleep was not really an option at the moment, due to the sharp aches throughout the body rendering myself unable to drift off into sleep. With nothing better to do, I stared up at the ceiling and did the only exercise that was possible for me to do at the moment that could also help me ignore my current plight.

Reimagining the fight the other day. Specifically, the one with our most formidable adversary yet, especially since Kakashi-sensei said that we would meet him again.

He was truly a dangerous foe, now that I think about it. Cocky and arrogant? Definitely, but also extremely dangerous.

I spared a glance at Kakashi-sensei. There had been rumors that Kakashi-sensei was the top ninja in Konohagakure, and the closest one to becoming the next Kage, despite his lackadaisical attitude. The fact that Zabuza Momochi could push him to such an extent spoke a great deal of that nuke-nin’s skill.

But still, something just did not seem to add up. In fact, the more that I thought about Zabuza’s actions, the more that I felt that something was out of place.

Perhaps it would not hurt to get a second opinion on this.

“Sensei, can I ask you a question?”

“Hmmmm?” He did not look up from his book, but I could tell that he was paying attention.

“When you fought Zabuza, did you feel something weird about him?”

“Oh, how so?”

“He could have killed Tazuna-san at any time, don’t you think?”

Kakashi-sensei pondered my words thoughtfully. I took his silence as approval to continue, “Then there was the hunter-nin, he could have killed Tazuna easily while Zabuza was fighting us, but they did not.”

“True, but then, would it have mattered?”

I widened my eyes, surprised, “Pardon?”

Kakashi-sensei closed his book and looked at me. “Even if Zabuza would have an ulterior motive when facing us, would it have mattered if we know what he wants?”

“But wouldn’t it be easier to know what he wants?” I replied, a little bit more defensively than I would have liked but I was shaken by his uncaring attitude. “If we could work it out with him…”

Kakashi-sensei sighed. “What is our mission, Kyoku-chan?”

I blinked, why the sudden change of topic? “To protect Tazuna-san.” I replied.

“And that is what we will do.” Kakashi-sensei said. “We are shinobis, first and foremost, and fulfilling our duties is what we must do. Protecting each other, for example.” He smiled at me, “and completing the mission, for another.”

“Our foremost concern is to protect Tazuna-san. So Kyoku-chan, so long as Zabuza and his hunter-nin friend seeks to kill him at the behest of Gatou, we will do our job, and protect him by any means necessary. Sure, knowing his motive may help us, but as long as he still seeks to kill Tazuna-san, we will have no choice but to face him in battle.” He smiled at me, “regardless, that was helpful of you to bring to my attention, I will keep what you said in mind.”

He went straight back to reading his book after that, leaving me to mull over what he said in silence.

The day passed and soon I was considered fit for duty. Of course. Duty meaning training, as Naruto volunteered to take my shift on the bridge. He probably felt a little guilty about what happened to me, when I knocked myself out trying to perform a jutsu out of my league the other day.

He was a nice kid that way. I resolved to treat him a little better.

On another note, I managed to convince Kakashi-sensei to impart me a nice little jutsu, citing a possible encounter with Zabuza as the reason. Besides, I was already rather proficient in the art of Water Walking, and having a counter to Zabuza’s Hidden Mist Technique would be a godsend.

Fine, I’ll be honest, I just wanted another technique in my arsenal.

So here I was, in the woods not too far off from the village, learning. Considering that this was a D-ranked ninjutsu, I should be able to learn it within the week, though I was currently stuck on step one.

Dog. Horse. Bird. I thought, forming the handseals respectively. Dog. Horse. Bird. Dog. Horse. Bird. Dog. Horse. Bird. Dog. Horse. Bird. Dog. Horse.”

“Faster.” Kakashi-sensei called out from his little spot under some trees.

I nearly cursed aloud when he broke my concentration, but dutifully collected myself and sped up. Handseals were a requirement when learning new techniques, as they provide a focus for the shinobi in question to channel their chakra. There were twelve standard ones, with certain handseals associated with certain jutsus. Of course, there were other variations out there, like Naruto’s cross seal for his shadow clone technique, but in the end, the function they served was the same.

To use a technique, one must follow three simple steps. First, they had to gather the chakra they wish to use for the technique, next would be to mould it, to turn it into the appropriate form for the jutsu in question, whether that be a simple body reinforcement jutsu or a nature release technique like Sasuke’s Grand Fireball technique. Finally, they would release it, achieving the desired effect. Handseals forms the basis of the second step of the equation, helping the shinobi in question concentrate as they ‘prepare’ their techniques.

Simply put, they were mnemonics.

Why? One need only need to look back at the shinobi history, where they will find clues of powerful shinobis that do not need handseals to release their jutsu. Of course, the process was not highly recommended, as a lack of fine focus and chakra control might lead to said chakra being needlessly wasted when moulding the jutsu. Wasting more chakra on the technique than necessary as a result.

So, in short, start from the basics: Handseals.

Which was why learning a new ninjutsu was always a rather tedious process. First, one needs to practice the handseals for the technique, to the point that it becomes natural and swift enough to be efficient on the battlefield. Then they need to learn how to channel the chakra to the appropriate element. Lastly, one needs to properly control the technique so that it would have the desired effect that the user wants.

“Kyoku-chan, you need to speed up.”

“Yes sensei,” I replied, groaning internally.

Dog. Horse. Bird.

The days passed by quickly, or slowly if you would. Each day was a standard mix between training and standing guard. Truth be told, Naruto and Sasuke’s progress at the Water Walking technique was faster than I had predicted. Sure, they weren’t masters at it yet like Kakashi-sensei, one does not simply become experts at the flow of chakra over the course of a single week, but they were at least proficient enough at it.

I’d actually resent that. Or at least, I would if I was not running myself ragged by the end of everyday that I was not standing guard. My routine was actually simple, either training with the boys in the day, or practicing my new ninjutsu, all the while trying to hit my chakra and magical limits by expending as much of it as I possibly could without impairing myself.

Of course, it appears that Kakashi-sensei was not lying about the soreness that comes with chakra and magical depletion. I winced as I attempted to reach out for one of the bread on the table. Truth be told, I had not expected the situation in the Land of the Waves to be so dire. Inflation was insane here, food prices cost six times the prices that you would had gotten them for in Konoha, and even then, there were not enough in each store to go around. Tazuna-san was one of the wealthier ones, capable of putting food on the table for all of us for the time being, but even then, he had confessed that his funds were getting low.

“Where are Naruto and Sasuke?” Kakashi-sensei asked.

“Probably still out training.” I shrugged, wincing a bit as I did so. Though I did not miss how quickly Inari had excused himself from the table. Not surprising, considering how heated Naruto had been when he had argued with and lectured the younger boy on his weakness the other day.

“Mmmmh, how is that new jutsu for you coming along?” Sensei asked.

“I think I got it down.” I smiled as best as I could, “though I still lack a bit of control though.”

“Are you sure that you’re not pushing your kids too hard, sensei?” Tazuna asked. “These days they seem so much more tired than usual.”

“Mah, the important thing is that they are learning.” Kakashi-sensei smiled, shrugging as he did so. “Besides, they bounce back really fast.”

I snorted at the small humorous slight that Sensei had tossed at me, turning back to the meal at hand.

“We’re back!” Naruto crowed as he made it through the front door, on the back of Sasuke.

“He trained until he was exhausted again didn’t he?” I asked Sasuke, who nodded in affirmation. Looking at Naruto, I shook my head. “YOu shouldn’t do that, what happens if Zabuza attacks in the middle of the night?”

“Says the one who have been draining her chakra coils dry each day.” Sensei muttered.

“Touche.” Though inwardly I resented that. I was still relatively fit for combat, and if I did need a chakra boost, the soldier pills which I had bought would have been sufficient.

“Well,” Kakashi-sensei nodded, closing his book, causing the rest of us to look at him. Rule one of Team Seven, when sensei closes the book, he was serious. “Tomorrow Naruto will be guarding the house. Sasuke, Kyoku, the two of you will be accompanying Tazuna-san along with me tomorrow.”

“Kakashi-sensei,” Sasuke asked. “You’ve fully recovered already?”

“More or less,” He shrugged. “The reason for the sudden change in deployment is Tazuna-san’s bridge is nearing completion. As Zabuza was hired to kill Tazuna-san to prevent the completion of the bridge, there will be a high chance that he would strike within the next few days.”

“But,” Naruto raised his hand, “Wouldn’t it be better for all of us to be present?”

“Because there’s a chance that they would strike here.” He answered before looking to the rest of us, “anyone knows why?”

Right, learning on the field with Kakashi-sensei.

“Because a hostage situation will be extremely valuable to them.” I answered, “especially considering that Zabuza had been defeated by you before.”

“Correct,” Kakashi-sensei nodded, “and that means that in order to level the playing field, there is a good chance that they will attempt to capture Inari and Tsunami-san here.” He looked at Naruto. “Your job would be to protect them, understood?”

“Yes! Sensei!” Naruto saluted, almost falling off Sasuke’s back if not for the Uchiha’s quick reflexes.

“Now get some sleep.” Kakashi-sensei said, “you’ll need it.”

The next morning saw the four of us fresh and properly geared.

“Take care!” Yelled Naruto, or one of his clones, I could never really tell. Still, I gave him a nod as I moved out of sight of the compound. The walk to the bridge was relatively quiet, though Sasuke and I kept ourselves alert. Especially since we did not know when or where Zabuza would strike, not to mention that hunter-nin friend of his.

No incidents occurred on our way to the construction site, though it did not escape my notice that the mist around the area was gradually thickening as we walked along.

“Sensei,” I whispered. “This mist is not natural.”

“Trap?” Sasuke asked.

Tazuna stiffened visibly, but Kakashi-sensei took it in in his usual nonchalant manner, walking forward without a care.

The message was obvious: Spring the Trap.

We continued on into the mist, which was gradually increasing in opacity as we moved onto the bridge. However as we neared the end of the incomplete structure, Tazuna let out a gasp.

We looked to him, only to see the man pointing at the edge of the bridge. Turning about, I grimaced as I took in the scene.

Bodies lying on the ground, motionless. From the looks of it, they seemed to be Tazuna’s workers.

“Sasuke.” Kakashi-sensei said.

Nodding, he walked forward towards one of the bodies, as he did, I watched his surroundings intently, in case he was walking into a trap and needed backup. My worries were for naught, as he arrived at the nearest corpse without incident and knelt beside it.

Alive. He signed back at us.

“They are alive.” I said, mostly to assure Tazuna as he did not understand our sign language.

“Thank goodness.” He sighed in relief.

“Don’t let your guard down, Tazuna-san.” Sensei said even as the mist began forming around us, thickening far too quickly to be natural. “Sasuke, get back here.” The Uchiha nodded and quickly returned to us.

“Hello again Kakashi.” Zabuza’s voice filtered out from the mist eerily. “I see you brought your brats along with you again.” A chuckle rang throughout the air.

The mist dispersed, and I widened my eyes in surprise as I took in not one but ten Zabuzas surrounding us.

Water clones!

Still, we had a plan for this situation.

“Sasuke, do it.” Sensei said calmly.

Ten swords spun in motion, but Sasuke was faster still, a kunai in each of his hand swinging and stabbing in a blur of movement as he leapt from one clone to the next. In a span of two eyeblinks, where there once stood ten Zabuzas, there were now puddles of water, the only reminder that they were there. Sasuke swiftly returned to his position at the side of Tazuna, barely out of breath.

“Impressive.” Zabuza said, striding out of the mist, with the Hunter-nin that had carried him off following him closely. It did not escape my notice that they were now between us and the only escape route off the bridge, barring the water around us.

“Remember the plan, my little genins.” Kakashi-sensei said as he stood in front of us.

“Yeah…” I muttered in response.

We had a plan, a very simple plan.By right, I would have had no cause to be worried, but for some reason, when I look at that boy in the Hunter-nin mask standing opposite me, I could not help but feel a sense of unease.

And I did not like it one bit.

Author's Note:

Hello all,

Still have a lot of things to do on my end, so I'll just hope you enjoy this chapter! And please leave a like if you did!
