• Published 6th Feb 2020
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Equestria Ninja Girls on a Yacht - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their ninja friends are ready for some Rest and Relaxation on board the Hamato Cruise Line. With some funny hijinks to go with it

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The Hamato Cruise

In New York City, the Rainbooms, Spike, and Fugitoid were in Applejack's family truck driving through the city before heading to the harbor

They looked and saw parked in the waters was a cruise ship decorated with the Hamato symbol, “Wow!” the girls gasped.

“So awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

“Astounding.” Fugitoid marveled.

“I'm so excited!” Pinkie cheered, “Another yacht cruise!”

“And this time no surprises like last time.” Sunset added.

“Uh-huh.” the girls agreed, as the truck parked in a lot where other vehicles were.

They got out to see other people gathered around, ranging from families, friends, and others. Even several of their friends from CHS and even students from Crystal Prep were gathered. Everyone was already decked out in cruise wear, even Fugitoid.

“Hey, girls, over here!” came a voice.

The group looked over and saw the Turtles, the Mutanimals, Bebop, Rocksteady, April, Casey, and Keno. Every single one of them was also decked out in cruise wear.

The Rainbooms rushed over to greet their friends, “Leo, it's good to see you all.” Twilight greeted.

“We missed you guys so much!” Pinkie squealed, as she hugged Leatherhead and Mikey.

“It's so nice we can all enjoy the cruise together.” Fluttershy said, as she hugged Slash.

“Especially since you guys are all dressed for the occasion.” Applejack noted.

“Yeah,” Slash agreed, “Thanks for hooking us all up with this cruise wear, Rarity.”

“My pleasure, Slash. You all look so wonderful.” Rarity marveled.

“That's because we're wearing outfits you designed.” Bandit reminded her.

“I know.” Rarity giggled.

Mikey spoke to Fugitoid, “Hey, Fugitoid, love the look you're sporting too. Especially the hat.”

“Why thank you, Michelangelo. Yes, Rarity hooked me up with an outfit too.” the professor admitted.

“I felt the professor should have at least some selected choices in clothing. Even though he's never had to before.” Rarity said.

“And it does make me stand out less.” Fugitoid admitted.

Mona looked at the ship, “This'll be a real experience for me since the ships I'm used to being on fly through space, and not ride atop water.”

“One thing both have in common is you can get seasick.” Applejack said while thinking about last time during Spring Break.

“Will you be alright, Applejack?” Sunset asked in concern. The girls recalled how A.J spent most of the cruise seasick.

“Don't worry. I brought medicine this time.” Applejack assured her.

“I may need that myself.” Raph said.

“Yeah if your space sickness gave us any clue.” Mikey added.

“Come on, buddies, let's get on board.” Bebop said excitedly.

“Da. Let us cruise.” Rocksteady agreed.

“Hey, don't overlook us!” came another voice.

The group looked over and saw their Shadowbolt friends, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, and Lemon Zest.

“Sour Sweet. Sunny Flare. Good to see all you girls made it.” Leo greeted them.

“And miss a chance on a yacht?” Lemon asked.

“Takes us back to when we got to have our Spring Dance on one.” Sugarcoat put in.

“With help from us.” Rainbow reminded.

Indigo went to Keno and kissed him right on the lips. When they parted, the pizza boy spoke amazed, "Man I missed that."

"Me too." Indigo added, as the two chuckled.

“This is great,” Mondo cheered, “The more here the better it is.”

“Couldn't have said it better myself.” Rockwell agreed.

Sour turned to Bebop and Rocksteady, “So you guys are allies now?”

“And friends too.” Rocksteady added.

“Pretty neat, huh?” Bebop asked.

“Sure is.” Lemon agreed, as she fist bumped with Bebop.

“Well, come on team.” Leo said, as the group followed the crowd up the ramp and onto the cruise ship.

Waiting for them was Karai, Shini, and the Dazzlings who were all decked out in cruise wear, “Hey, guys.” Adagio greeted.

“So great to see you!” Sonata cheered, as she hugged Pinkie and Mikey.

“Welcome aboard the Hamato Cruise, courtesy of yours truly.” Karai declared.

“Not bad, Karai.” Donnie admitted.

“Though how were you able to afford all this?” Raph inquired the cost.

“Well, the yacht used to be a Foot cargo ship when Shredder was in control,” the girl began, “But I pulled it out of storage and decided to give it a makeover.”

“This makeover couldn't be cheap.” Applejack suspected.

“How were you able to afford this?” Casey wondered.

“Yeah, didn't we burn Shredder's dirty money?” Leo asked her.

“That shrine wasn't the only place Shredder kept loot. He has hundreds of accounts that I took control over when he died. Don't worry the money that went into this was legit.”

“So why turn a cargo ship into a cruise anyway?” Sunny asked curiously.

“Even with all of Shredder's riches, the Foot Clan still needs funding. So I decided to do something for the community and create this cruise ship.”

“And that's sweet you named it after sensei's clan.” Sunset smiled.

Karai nodded, “I owe it to him to use the name for real good.”

“So is everyone ready to have fun and excitement?” Shini asked the group.

“You bet we are!” Mondo answered in joy.

“Same here,” Spike added, before grumbling, “I wasn't even invited on the yacht the last time.”

“Oh, Spike,” Twilight said, while holding onto him, “We wanted to bring you, but the Luxe Deluxe had a strict no pets policy.”

“And yet they allowed an on board petting zoo?” Spike countered making Twilight laugh sheepishly.

Karai smiled, and scratched behind Spike's ear, “Don't worry, Spike. You're absolutely welcomed on board because you're more than a dog. You're our friend.”

“Good to hear.” Spike barked happily.

“It's also good you invited the students of both our school here.” Rainbow put in, as she saw several of their friends and classmates like Flash, Lyra, Bonbon, Snips, Snails, and more.

“I felt they should enjoy this like you guys,” Karai began, “I also tracked down some other friends, some of you may know.”

“Like who?” Applejack wondered, until a little boy's voice could be heard.

“Bebop! Rocksteady!”

The mutant duo's ears perked up as they looked over and saw a bunch of familiar kids running over to them. As it turned out it was Lily, Billy, Sally, and Johnny; the kids Bebop and Rocksteady befriended on the beach after the Memory Stone incident.

“Hey, there's our little buddies!” Bebop cheered, as he patted the boys heads.

Rocksteady squatted down to their levels to hug the kids, “Good to see little comrades again.”

“It's good to see the two of you.” Lily giggled.

“Having you guys on board is sure to be a blast.” Johnny said excitedly.

“That's because we're awesome.” Bebop said doing a dance.

“We'll catch up with you later, ok?” Billy asked, as the kids went back to their parents.

The group was surprised, as Raph spoke flabbergasted, “You guys have admirers?”

“Da. We help kids on beach when bully teenagers mess with them.” Rocksteady explained.

“Oh, that's so sweet of you guys.” Fluttershy said happily.

“Well, yeah. I mean what fool in their dumb mind would pick on children?” Bebop asked.

Karai nodded, until a voice called out to her, “Karai!” Everyone looked over as a little girl familiar to Karai and Spike came running over and embraced the ninja girl who returned the gesture.

“There's my little sister.” Karai said, as she ruffled the girls hair.

“Sister?” the group asked in confusion.

“Guys, this is Harmony Song. My friend from the beach. And surrogate little sister.” Karai introduced them.

Harmony spoke to them, “It's nice to meet you all,” she spotted Spike in Twilight's arms and pat his head, “Hi, Spike.” the dog panted happily.

“You know Karai?” April asked the girl.

“Oh, yeah. I got lost on the beach and she helped me find my mommy.”

“Did she now?” Leo asked, looking smugly at Karai.

“That's right. She's the best big sister I could've ever asked for.” Harmony said standing by Karai's side.

“Aw.” Mikey cooed at the cute scene between them.

“Harmony!” the girls mother called.

“Coming, mommy!” she called back, before looking up at Karai, “I'll see you later.”

“See ya.” Karai replied, as Harmony hurried back to her mom.

“Karai a sisterly type?” Raph asked in disbelief, “Now I've seen everything.”

“Har-har.” Karai laughed sarcastically.

“Well, come on. Let's check this ship out.” Leo told the group, as they started to check the ship out.

"I hope they got bread here." Pigeon Pete said hopefully.

"May wanna keep them away from the deck." Indigo said.

"Yeah, otherwise seagulls will be wanting to snatch them." Donnie put in.

"No seagulls taking my bread!" Pete said with determination, as the group laughed.

They explored the ship seeing it had an all you can eat buffet, a pool, a jacuzzi, a deck for shuffleboard, a fitness gym, an indoor basketball court, a petting zoo, a theater, the works.

As Karai watched all the passengers get settled in, Adagio approached and spoke, “Karai, everything's in order.”

“All passengers accounted for.” Aria added, as she walked over.

“Safe to say we can get the show on the water.” Sonata joked, as her sisters rolled their eyes.

Karai nodded, as she spoke into an earpiece, “Ok, crew. Anchors away!” The ship pulled up its anchor, and the cruise ship moved away from the harbor and headed out to sea. The Turtles, the Rainbooms, and their allies were eager to have some much needed fun and relaxation.

Author's Note:

These pictures depict the groups in the cruisewear they are dressed in. Artwork and inspiration courtesy of BozzerKazooers and TMNTony.