• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 824 Views, 9 Comments

True Colors (Amf Version) - amf studios

what happens when four of the biggest egoed ponies in equestria discover they were never ponies at all? chaos, thats what.

  • ...

Rainbow Dash

"So... you live here?" Chrysalis asked her drone as she observed the odd little town of Ponyville.

"Well, I don't live here per se, I have three different places of residence, mostly because due to circumstance, all your daughters ended up in different areas. I keep teleporting to them every so often, by far the hardest to keep track of is Trixie, she's always on the road," Scorpia replied.

"Trixie?" Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you never named em so I started calling them what their adopted parents did," the drone said, "I already memorized their magical auras so I can find them at a moment's notice. Though I spend most of the time here because this is where your most reckless daughter lives."

"Reckless, reckless how?" The queen asked with a bit of worry. Before Scorpia had the chance to answer, a flash of red, yellow, blue and cyan rushed by them nearly taking off their heads. The blur of color seemed to stop somewhere in the middle of town, next to a building that was way too pink for Chrysalis' taste. As it finally stopped, it became clear that the origin of the burst of color was a Pegasus mare with a mane of multiple different colors. She appeared to be bringing some kind of package into the building.

"Reckless like rushing through town in the blink of an eye," Scorpia said with a smirk.

"wait... her?" Chrysalis questioned, "what's with the rainbow hair? They were so adorable with their black coats and the dark manes!"

"and would obviously be fakes. the only ponies with dark color schemes are Sombra, Luna, and Edgy internet OCs, I made them look like the ponies taking care of them so that no one would suspect a thing," her sister answered.

"well, your fashion decisions aside, I guess it's time," the Changeling queen donned a sheepish grin.

"Come on ya coward," Scorpia said jokingly, pushing her queen along.

Inside the building in question, The Carousel boutique, the cyan pegasus was currently setting down some boxes of fabric. This was Rainbow Dash, self-proclaimed coolest pony in Equestria. She'd agreed to help her friend, Rarity, prepare for the annual, Grand Galloping Galla.... they'd been assured Prince Blueblood wouldn't be in attendance this year.

"Annnnd- That's the last of em!" Rainbow said setting down the final boxes, "Be sure to make mine 20% cooler than last time, k?"

"Thank you, Darling," her Unicorn friend said, "and please... DON'T say that again."

"Whatever, but seriously, make it good, this might finally be the year!" the "Pegasus" said in a voice of excitement.

"Of course, darling, any day now the Wonderbolts are sure to make you an official member!" Rarity nodded.

For as long as Rainbow could remember, she'd had a love of flying, and not just any flying, the most extreme flying possible! The faster and more death-defying the better was how she lived, and nothing was a better representation of that, than the Wonderbolts. The most elite pegasus fliers in Equestria, they were fast, tough, brave, everything Rainbow strived to be!

She'd been trying for years to be noticed by the Wonderbolts. Years of training and preparation and finally she had been accepted into Wonderbolt academy, and She'd been recently made a reserve. That was a mere level below the real deal, so it was only a matter of time.

"you are gonna cheer me on at my first show, right?" Rainbow asked.

"but of course," the unicorn replied.

To neither of their knowledge, Chrysalis and Scorpia were observing their conversation via the window.

"wait a minute... I know them, they're..." Chrysalis' jaw dropped, "My daughter is an Element of Harmony?!"

"I know, right?" Scorpia chuckled, "I thought only ponies could represent the elements, guess I was wrong."

"No, no, no, you don't understand, I tried to kill my own daughter!" Chrysalis was on the verge of a freakout, "No, no, this is bad, once she knows who I am she won't want a thing to do with me! If she's in contact with her sisters she could turn them against me as well, then not only will I have no heir but my Children will bitterly hate me!"

"Chrissy, Calm down, all we gotta do is show her your good side. We won't tell her she's a changeling just yet," the drone said, patting her royal sister on the back, "I'll be your wing pony, just stay calm, and don't say more than you need to."

"Alright..." the Queen said still unsure.

The two walked into the shop, Chrysalis was still nervous and thus tried to avoid eye contact.

"Oh, Lyra, pleasure to see you, dear," Rarity said taking notice of them, "Just browsing, or are you looking to buy?"

"Neither. Ya see, my friend here is a huge fan of Rainbow Dash and we saw her come in here," Scorpia shoved her sister forward, giving her a wink.

"Always happy to meet a fan," Rainbow said taking Chrysalis' hoof, "whatcha name?"

"um..." Chrysalis mentally scolded herself for not thinking ahead with this, "L- Lovesong."

"Well, Lovesong, what can I do ya for? Autograph, picture, private show?" The daredevil listed off, she got like this whenever someone stroked her ego.

"I was wondering if... we could talk for a while?" The Queen looked to her drone who nodded in approval.

"um, I guess," Rainbow replied, she'd never really been asked to have a conversation by a complete stranger before, but hey, she could use it as practice for the many interviews she's gonna get as a Wonderbolt.

"Thanks, but... could we go somewhere a little more private than a store?" Chrysalis asked, she came here to get her daughters, not deal with ponies staring at her.

"oh, sure," Dash replied, "seeya, Rares."

The trio took a short walk to a rather empty park. It was around noon and a weekday so most either had work or school at the time, perfect for catching up undisturbed. Scorpia found a table and a couple of benches and sat weirdly, with only two legs on the bench and her front legs at her sides, she'd always been weird like that.

"So, what'd ya want to talk about, how awesome I am?" Rainbow dash said taking a seat opposite of them.

"Well, I honestly want to know you, I've heard what you've done, but nothing about you yourself," Chrysalis answered.

"Well, if anyone tells you I'm the coolest pony in Equestria, Listen to em, because they're right," Rainbow smirked.

"Well, she has a changeling's ego," Chrysalis thought to herself, "Well, I'm sure of that, but what about you like... any goals? Maybe an overachieving sibling you're compared against."

At this point, she was just testing how much Rainbow actually knew about herself.

"Nah, only child, but I have been trying to get myself into the Wonderbolts since I was a filly," Rainbow replied, "I've also been taking advantage of a little something, turns out I have a photographic memory when I fly."

"ok, so she doesn't know her sisters yet... " Chrysalis was honestly getting a little tired of this, she wanted to tell Rainbow who she was, but that could have really bad consequences.

Scorpia noticed her sister's ire and said, "Hey, Rainbow, why don't you show her the "Rainboom," I don't think she's seen it."

With that, a grin popped onto the Dash's face, "You got it!"

The daredevil swooped into the sky, flying so far up she looked like an ant from their perspective. Somewhere along the line, she stopped in mid-air, falling backward down to the earth. As she plummeted, she unfurled her wings and began to increase in speed. Chrysalis felt her daughter's aura flare-up to intense levels, levels so high it usually meant things were about to get nuts. Rainbow continued to increase in speed, her aura still rising in intensity, until finally, it happened.

All of her magic and speed condensed into a sonic boom, but not just any sonic boom, a colossal explosion of light, propelling Rainbow back upwards with a rainbow trail following her. To everyone within the area, the light was a large disk of rainbow, but to Scorpia and Chrysalis, the changeling magic behind this majestic display could be seen in its fullest. A web of dark blue magic stretching through the air, just like Rainbow herself, the rainboom had been disguised.

"A Sonic Doom?!" Chrysalis said jaw dropped.

"Eeyup, she's been doing it for years," Scorpia replied.

Rainbow's aura finally faded as she flew back to the disguised changelings, "What'cha think, pretty awesome, right?"

"uh..." Chrysalis was speechless, "A Sonic Doom? AT HER AGE?!

"Um, I think Lovesong's had a bit too much excitement for today, Thanks Rainbow!" Scorpia began pushing her sister away.

"No problem!" Rainbow dash said flying away.

Chrysalis watched at her daughter faded from sight, how could she have missed it? Inside that seemingly ordinary pegasus was a growing changeling queen with a magical aura strong enough to take on armies! With a successor like that, not only would the hive survive, but it would grow at a rapid pace.

"She's quite the gal once you get passed her ego, eh?" Scorpia said, "The first time she pulled one off was when she was a pupa, her first one was the size of mine! If she were to actually put in the work to learn magic, she'd easily surpass the princesses... I kinda regret not making her a unicorn."

"Wow... If she's that powerful... what are my other daughters like?" The queen asked.

"eh... none of them top her," her sister replied, "speaking of which, we should probably go check on them."