• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


You gotta kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.


"I got a bad habit,/And it ain't goin' away." -The Offspring, 'Bad Habit'

Gallus is known for his habit of using....certain language that shouldn't be used in school. Headmare Starlight Glimmer has offered a solution to help with this problem: a swear jar. But for some reason, she insists that I help by being in charge of the jar. What in Celestia's name did I do to deserve this?

Cover art drawn by DeadParrot222.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

Should have seen that ending coming! :rainbowlaugh: I don't think even I have a vocabulary that extensive. Have an upvote for making me chuckle!

Whatever job Gallus has seems to have some pretty good pay.

As a person whose language is... *ahem* pretty colorful, I understand poor Gallus' struggle:twilightsheepish:
Oh man, this was so fun to read, and the way you wrote, not only Gallus, but the rest of the gang here is just amazing (Sandbar, the good, educated boy; Yona and Silverstream, too innocent for their own good, not knowing any of the words; Ocellus, the one the innocent would voice their questions to; and Smolder, laughing her ass off about the situation). This story made my week, good job:twilightsmile:

Wow, lot of ten dollar words in this story courtesy of Sandbar. Who knew a surfer dude like him could be so well-spoken? .....Oh who am i kidding, i totally knew! :twilightsmile:

I see you raided a thesaurus for every synonym for "omitted" you could find. That only made it funnier, though, so it's a pity there weren't more you could've used so you wouldn't have had to cycle through them all as much. :rainbowlaugh:

I also assume the bits Gallus was putting into the jar were of the lowest denomination of bit (whatever that is), otherwise it stretches believability a little thinking Gallus really had ready access to that much money all throughout...but then we can also overlook that detail for the sake of the story. :raritywink:

Approve of the lesson. Regardless of one's stances on swearing, it's still important to remember that there's a reason they're swear words, and that they have consequences to them that are shared with everybody within hearing range. IMO, better to use them sparingly, if at all, than to overuse them. :twilightsmile:

“So Yona won’t learn new griffin words?”

I'm sorry, I just...I just can't picture Yona swearing. She's just too much of a cinnamon bun. :rainbowlaugh:

The Funniest line wasn't even about Gallus.

“Can we have a jar for each time Counselor Trixie calls herself ‘the great and powerful’?”

Headmare Starlight hung her head sighed, “Believe me, I tried that and it didn’t work. The silver lining to all of it was that we were able to add a new wing to the dormitories….”

Only one question just one when can we expect the redacted omitted sequel and the what the expunged did I just read uncensored just so we can have sand bar swere


Glad you enjoyed it!

I will admit, I tried to find more words similar to ‘redacted’ (even went to SCP to see if they used more than just ‘redacted’ and ‘expundged’). Nevertheless, they all still work.

My buddy and I were kicking around the idea of Gallus getting allowance or something to imply where the money was coming from, but we both thought against explaining it for there sake of ease.

The lesson was something I felt was kinda nice and worth using the new six to have them learn it. Also, it was just fun to write and have Gallus lose his marbles with the jar.

As for Yona, she is a supreme cinnamon bun and as much as I agree, it would still be kinda amazing to see her unknowingly swearing.

Wait was that why gruff was mad at him because he kept biting though bits so fast

This story, especially its ending, is so [EDITED / EXPUNGED / OMITTED / REDACTED / WITHHELD] hilarious!:rainbowlaugh:

Felt like reading a bad SCP


Nah, more just Grandpa Gruff being Grandpa Gruff.

thats even more hilarious

I am not one to swear at all, it’s the way my parents raised me. 

Story of my life I never really swear at all ever since my parents teach me mostly my mom 😅

Me too, but mostly because I was raise by my grandmama and she is a super religious woman and strongly against “bad words” do To this I can’t swear even if I tried. And believe me I tried

Gallus was overjoyed as he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he started with a deep breath and he started to shout with rage at the top of his lungs, “What in the [EXPUNGED], [OMITTED]. Who the [EDITED] [REDACTED] this [OMITTED]....how in the [WITHHELD] am I supposed to [EDITED] [OMITTED], [REDACTED]!”

“Well,” I stood back in shock, “that certainly illustrates the diversity of your vocabulary, doesn’t it?”

Boondock Saints reference? Cool!

Unfortunately, neither of our grips were good and the jar fell with a loud crash, causing the coins to spill across the entire office floor. All three of us stared at the mess in horror.

I could manage to calmly utter only two words, “Oh [REDACTED].”


What is considered a 'bad' word also varies from country to country. For example, in the United States, 'damn' is considered an expletive. In Britain, however, it is not; use the word and few people will take offence.

Gallus had his claws crossed and didn’t react to it for a few moments. Finally, he relented and took two coins out and dropped them in the jar. The coins echoed in the empty jar.

And immediately my mind wouldn’t wait where is he getting the money from he’s not wearing any clothes. Or does he keep all his bits up his butt

on reread, i noticed this error:

but it is considered odd for one to have a conversation with at least a single swear word.

did you mean: without?


Fixed! Thanks for pointing that out!

also while i have your ear, i do still kinda like this story, upon rereading it comes off as... sanctimonious? is that the right word?
like it's beating me over the head with what it wants me to be, without care for who i am at my core

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