• Published 25th Mar 2020
  • 7,433 Views, 136 Comments

A Changeling Life - SleepyBear

  • ...

I am a warrior!

“Come on! is time for us to sweat!” Lorax said enthusiastically.

“Hm,” Bob smiled at the changeling antics.

“There will come a time, if you pass the warrior test where you will have to lead a team and protect them,” The commander said with a smile. “Follow me!”

The commander led the way once again, deeper into the hive, without wasting time he sprinted behind his new mentor, he took this time to smell and check see how the scent changed as the distance between him and the training camp started to gap closer.

Eventually, after a few more minutes running, the commander and Lorax stopped running altogether, Bob was confused, was this the training camp? He couldn’t see anyone yet.

Bob looked down and noticed that the floor beneath his hooves was covered with soft grass; he also noticed that the scent he caught earlier was super concentrated around the area.

So he concluded this must be the main entrance into the training camp.

The more he advanced, the more he noticed the ground under his hooves changing as if the floor was alive, with no time to admire that a hole in one of the hive walls opened up.

Both the commander and Lorax leaped through the hole, with Bob following them.

He looked around, his eyes wide. There were changelings everywhere, training alone or in groups, fighting each other.

The changelings noticed the commander and saluted, though the majority was staring at the foreign changeling Bob, for heads began to turn and stare curiously in his direction.

‘Great I’m popular... you know what the say... small towns have... Large gossip...’ Bob thought as he smiled awkwardly, waving his hoof at them.

“Attention!” The Commander shouted, making every changeling in the area to stand firm, “We have a new recruit! his name for now is...Bob... he choose the warrior path! For glory!”

“For glory!” The changelings shouted back.

‘What kind of cult I joined,’ Bob questioned inside his head.

“Back to training!” The commander ordered, and everyone went back to what they were doing, not before saying.

“Yes, sir!”

Bob wondered where the son of the commander was, perhaps this was his day off or was on a mission.

“Here comes our Queen,” The Commander said with a smile.

Bob sniffed the area and was pleased that he was able to locate the Queen’s scent a moment before she appeared from another hole the walls conveniently open.

‘I’m getting good at this Bloodhound business,’ Bob thought with pride.

“The warrior clan, or the army path, yesterday I would’ve put my love that you were going to choose the espionage team,” Chrysalis said with a smile, slowly gliding towards her commander.

Chrysalis and the commander started to talk, leaving Bob to wander around the training camp alone, Lorax had disappeared the moment they arrived, so he was alone.

Bob felt a rush of relief as he recognized Lorax’s scent very close, turning around he found the goofy changeling having a conversation with another changeling.

‘God am I glad I’m part Bloodhound now,’ Bob thought, as he approached them.

As Bob walked through the changelings towards Lorax, he could hear them talk among themselves about him.

“Pathetic, even his name shows how stupid he is.”

“Why would the Queen accept a hiveless piece of shit”

“He smells like a weakling!”

Then one changeling, in particular, sounded out above the rest. “We don’t need that crap with us, the Queen might be merciful, but if he gets in our way, I’ll kill him!” The changeling that had spoken was twice as big a the commander. “Once a hiveless, always a hiveless. The Hive needs warriors, not more nymphs to take care of!.”

Bob was mildly scared; this changeling looked particularly more dangerous than anything he has seen in the hive, excluding the Queen, the commander, and the squad captains.

‘Great, now I have to sleep with an eye open, so Mr hulk doesn’t crush me,’ Bob thought watching the huge changeling slowly go away.

Lorax approached Bob flying down and whispered into his ear, “That big monster is Masrur. He doesn’t like anybody . Don’t take what he says to the heart. You must prove to him and that you’re are truly a warrior, and he’ll let you be.”

“Bitch excuse me, but I take death threats very personal,” Bob said, looking at Lorax.

“I suppose... just don’t fight him...” Lorax sighed, “I don’t wanna get my ass molded into a different shape because I tried to save you.”

“Hm, good to know you will have my back,” Bob chuckled, but something caught his attention, the big asshole that was trying to bully him was moving towards them, hiding within the crowd, Lorax was unaware, but Bob could smell him.

“In any other scenario, I would let you deal with it alone,” Lorax smiled, “But... is Masrur we are talking about...”

“Good yo know anyways,” Bob smiled, still following Masrur with his nose.

Masrur that had disappeared out sight appeared behind the two of them startling Lorax. “Like you, two could even scratch me, a noisy changeling and an untrained hiveless. At best you two will stain my hooves with your blood.”

Many changelings nodded in agreement as Masrur went on, well aware that he had the support of his audience, “But is fit, the weirdo of the hive and the hiveless together, maybe this hiveless will do us a favor and take that other piece of crap with him.”

Once again, Masrur started to leave, this time with a big smile on his face.

‘I’m scared, but there is a limit on how much shit I will take from a bully, I never allowed anyone to bully me when I was a human, and I’m sure as hell won’t allow an overgrown roach bully me in this world,’ Bob thought as he glared at Masrur.

Bob flattened his ears, narrowed his eyes at his target, and planted his hooves on the ground as he crouched, and then with a powerful kick to the floor, he leaped through the changeling crowd and planted his hooves on the back of the of his tormentor.

“Don’t interfere, Lorax!” Bob said, otherwise, the bullying would never stop.

Masrur was utterly unprepared for his attack. He staggered sideways, losing his footing.

Filled with rage, Masrur turned around and roared like a monster charging at Bob.

Bob was determined to kick his ass or at least show him he was not going to take any kind of bullying, so with that in mind; Bob shapeshifted into a tiger once Masrur was close and dug his claws deep into the changeling skin and sank in his teeth into his neck.

Masrur roared once again this time filled with pain, shapeshifting into a manticore, Masrur grabbed the tiger and threw it against a wall.

“Bring it on, bitch!” Bob shouted, still in tiger form, he was not going to back down now.

“I will end you!” Masrur shouted back, charging at him once more.

The two changelings were locked in a bloody battle, shapeshifting into different animals, Masrur had more experience, but he wasn’t aware he was fighting something that was beyond anything he had fought, an angry human.

Bob knew he was probably going to lose this, but he was going to make everyone understand his point, mess with me, and I’ll end you.

As Bob shifted into different forms scratching, biting and punching the big changeling, he noticed that the size of the changeling meant nothing when you could shapeshift your body, in this type of battle, imagination, was the key.

He also noticed that he felt no fear, only exhilaration coursing through his body, his hooves clashing against his enemy, the roars of pain and anger, and the blood staining the floor.

He was enjoying it, more that he would care to admit.

He also noticed that shapeshifting into biped creatures gave him the advantage that he could use the martial arts he used to practice, like he was doing on his gorilla form using his boxing skills.

He could also hear the changelings around them, murmuring with excitement.

Chrysalis that was talking a few minutes ago with the commander teleported between them and with a glare, silenced the noisy crowd.

Bob and Masrur remained on the spot, staring at each other, gasping for air, blood stained the area.

Bob could feel cuts and bites around his body, bleeding, but Masrur was not better. They kept staring at each other, their hostility not yet gone.

Chrysalis took a step forward and said, “You fought valiantly for your Honor, Bob, and for that fighting spirit is that I welcomed you to the hive, does anyone questions my decision now.”

“No...” Masrur smiled, his mouth and lips full of blood.

“Good, now go to the medics,” Chrysalis commanded, “After that, I will name you, so you can finally call yourself a warrior of our hive!”

“Follow me,” Masrur said, glaring at Bob, “I’m sure you don’t know where the medics are, so I’ll guide you this once.”

Bob reluctantly followed the changeling while wondering why he was friendly all of a sudden.

As he followed the changeling, he started to replay the fight on his head and how the only way he was able to fight him one on one was that primates could adapt to the use of martial arts so well.

Bob was well versed in the biped arts of self-defense, having learned, Karate, Boxing, and Aikido when he was a child.

Of course, he would have to adapt specific stuff for them to work correctly, but so far, they helped a lot.

The changeling medical ward was astonishing, but Bob didn’t have the time to admire it as he heard a changeling laugh.

“Two hours... this is a new record,” Orux said, laughing.

“Hm,” Masrur grunted.

“Boy, am I glad the job comes with health insurance,” Bob smiled at Orux.

“Only the best of the best for the hive,” Orux said, approaching the two bloodied changelings, “Oh, by the way, this is gonna hurt... a lot.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, a family member got sick and well.

Anyways here is the chapter!