• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,887 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Vocaloid – Poni Poni Poni: 19

Author's Note:

Ms. Poni's POV

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Ms. Pinkie Pie's POV

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Ms. Julie Trotter's POV

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My friend Julie Trotter and I had seen my sister's Hitomi Doll the day she got home from school with it. How could we possibly have missed it? Not so much for the size of the doll itself, merely a foot tall. It is a large doll, to be sure; but not large enough, to stand out on its own.

A one foot tall doll should be easy enough to hide, in once backpack, among all the scholastic literature she is carrying with her each day.

Now, what stood out, is the changes to her face, primarily; aside from her bearing and attitude. Not to say, she should not have been happy, on her birthday; far from it if I am to be honest. Yes, she sure was happy; no doubt about it, and I would have been the first to question it, if she had not been.

Just as it is not the doll, standing out; it isn't her jubilant mood, standing out on its own. I had seen her wearing accessories, to the point of making her into a Cat-Girl before. Just that now, it is further enhanced; making it more profound, emphasizing the personality of my sister. It isn't as if she had been called Neko for nothing.

The first, and most obvious on her face: is the short muzzle, and then her now cat-like eyes.

If she had been graceful before, now she is even more cat-like in her motions. One could barely hear her steps, as it stands. Why? How? What had happened, causing these changes in her. Making her previously hidden inner cat come out to the fore.

She had been a bit shy about it, at first; but soon proved to be very proud of the entire event.

I had followed her into her room, quietly; where she had explained the situation to me, letting me know what happened.

She picked up the doll from her back pack, pointing to the doll; explaining that her name is Hitomi.

“Hitomi?” I inquired.

“Yes, Hitomi!” she responded, self assured.

“Sounds like a Japanese name!” I responded; “Like the girls in these Anime shows you follow?” I inquired.

“Yes, exactly..” she responded.


The Hitomi doll is impressive, all on its own; both in performance, and in the extensive list of accessories she owns. I have never seen a doll with this extensive set of accessories. They always come with a small set, including clothes and associated accessories for this one moment. Almost, as if it is from a specific scene in an episode. This Hitomi doll is a full box of the entire series.

What the accessories are intended for, or what their capabilities are; I have no idea, because they are no mere decorative plastic items as customary. How could I? She never told me, or explained it. Well, why should she?

Maybe she could have; but she did not know or understand enough herself, at the time.

The day after, it had all faded into the past. Yesterday's news, as it were.


The Crusaders are not here. Where did they go? They just never transferred into the new location.

Maybe they are still at home, in Ponyville. We can only hope they are doing fine. Rarity, Applejack and their friends are looking after them.

There has to be crusaders. They need to exist. They need to be here. It is simply the way of things.

There be Crusaders. There will always be crusaders. Crusaders come in threes.

Nothing to do about it, but we all love them.

If there is no crusader, I will summon them. Plain and simple.

At least, I know how to.

With that said; I had called up the drawings of the Hitomi doll. I just had to adjust them, to serve the purpose. One Earth-pony, one Pegasus, one Unicorn. Just that they will have to make the choice: who is who. It is not my place to make the choice, to dictate it. What's the fun in that? Maybe Discord had enjoyed the position, the arbitrator of Destiny? I do not know. Just as I do not care.

This is not my position. I just bake the Muffins for them to enjoy the party. What more is there?

I am the Party Pony of Ponyville. I throw parties; right, left and center. Simple as that. With that out of the way, I bake the confectioneries and make all the party food. Just as I prepare the location, invite all the friends and make all the party favours.

For this party, three crusaders are required; I invite them to the party.

While I guess they could not come to our village. So be it. At least, I can see them. Knowing they are around, is all I need right now.

I don't actually need her stylus, to work my magic. All I need; is the files and a tool, with which to make the adjustments. Of course, it is also very convenient if I could draw up new designs.

My wall-mounted television set can be operated verbally. I have all the controls I need. The fact that I have my own connection, does not exactly hurt either.

Once the basic adjustments have been made, I make three copies; before I make the individual adjustments for the respective Crusader, to make them their own original.

Curiously enough; all the accessories will be adjusted, as I change their individual dolls.

For the sake of the argument; I name the set “the Crusaders”, then name the individual doll: “Apple Bloom”, “Sweetie Belle” and “Scootie Aloo”.


“Ping!” is heard, as the render is complete.

Only I had sent the respective boxes to their individual owner they are intended for.

“This should be a surprise, for the girls as they discover the gift I sent them!” I snicker.

I post a notification on the board in the Mayor's residence, for every pony to see. Just as I send a message on the electronic board everyone can read in their own home. Furthermore; I make the effort, to write a blog about this occasion on my own FiM account.

Well, why not? I can't just withhold the information.


I had just gotten home from school.

“Home work!” I mutter under my breath, as I walk over to my room.

I open the door, only to stumble in before I close the door behind myself.

On the bed, I can clearly see a package, wrapped in colour full gift wrappers and tied up with a beautiful bow on the top.

Of course, the wrappers are a bright pinkish cerise. Very colour full. Just as the paper is covered with multiple Ponies all over it.

Is it my birthday?” I ponder; “I am fairly sure it is not..” I continue; “just as I know, it is no other special holiday or special occasion today!” I conclude, as I am walking up to my bed.

I had seen no indication; to the effect of any special occasion, or indeed that this package could even be here.

“If this is for me, I can as well be courteous enough to open it!” I mumble to myself.

At least, the card on the package stated it is for me. I stare at the package, as I read the card over and over again.

As I make up my mind, I choose to accept the package as a gift to me. With that, I pull the wrappers off; only to see the package of the gift, in all its glory.

the Crusaders” the text on the package reads.

Is this a doll; like the Hitomi doll, Neko got the other day?” I ponder.

Of course, the doll is large: a full foot tall, and comes with a multitude of accessories. Well, why not? I manage to extract my doll, from the confines of the package. Only, there is none of the restraints these dolls comes with.

This package has never been in a store, or even been intended to ever be in one!!” I realize, taken aback by the unexpected realization.

As I am picking up her accessories, one note comes out of the package.

Caution Caution Caution” the note reads; “Adoption procedures” it continues; “In order to activate the doll; lift her up before you, promptly gaze into her eyes!” the note concludes.

“Okay..” I mumble; “here goes nothing!” I continue, as I am picking up the doll as the instruction requires out of me.

I hold her before me, gazing into her eyes. At first, the eyes are fairly glassy as if dazed or dead. Only as I gaze into her eyes, I can see the first glimmers of consciousness in her eyes; before she starts to wake up, actively maintaining the gaze for a moment before she blinks her eyes: once, twice and thrice.

“Greetings, Julie Trotter!” she exclaims.

“Greetings!” I respond.

“Uhm, could you hand me the head-set?” she inquires.

“Yes, but of course; but which is the head-set?” I respond.

“It's like head-phones, but with a microphone up front!” she explains; “and it is in my natural skin-tone as well!” she concludes.

“Oh, fancy..” I mumble; “kind of, like a hands-free for a Phonie!” I conclude.

On second thought; the head-set is only too easy to find, on the account on its location in the container that had so recently imprisoned her.

At first, her head-set is just skin-tone. The natural colour of my skin; since she is my doll, she had made it match my skin for some untold reason. How could they know my skin-tone; unless my sister had told them, what my skin-tone is? Only the tone is far too close, even for that possible eventuality.

“Here you go!” I put forth; as I am handing her, her head-set.

“Thank you, Julie!” she responds; as she is accepting the proffered head-set, she had just asked me to give her.

As she is accepting the head-set, taking it into her hands; the head-set is slowly warming up to her individual body-temperature; thus activating it, in a mere moment as long as a minute at the most. Once she recognizes the head-set as active; she is promptly putting it onto her head; the next moment, I find an identical head-set on my own head. Only, I had not noticed it or realized it at the time; only after she had pointed it out to me, explicitly explaining the situation.

“Any time I put on an accessory, such as this head-set; you will be wearing it as well, in effect!” she explains.

“Oh!!” I exclaim; nodding my head, as if I had understood what she tried to explain.

Which, of course; I had not, not by a long shot. How could I? It's magic? Which I have no grasp of. How could I? It just does not make any sense.

“These head-sets enables us to talk to one-another, as if we had been mere inches or feet apart!” she puts forth, tapping the mike before her on the head-set on her head.

“That..” I exclaim; “is very convenient!” I then conclude.

“Yes, indeed it is!” she snickers; “Could you pick out the wardrobes from within the package, please?” she inquires.

“Yes, but of course!” I respond, soon extracting the required items.

“Thank you, Julie!” she responds; “Could you pick up my home, as well please?” she now inquires.

“Of course!” I merely respond, as I am picking up her home from within the package.

The home is not a complete villa or cabin, but merely a bed room with a bed and space for her wardrobes. The bed, already made; prepared for her to lie down, to rest or sleep as if she had been a human. She is a Friend,or Companion; currently in a Human form, even if it is not exactly limiting her by any means.

“Could you place my home under your bed-stand, please?” she inquires.

“Of course!” I respond, as I place her home where she had just requested me to place it.

“Thank you!” she responds, as she is walking up to the door to her home.

Curious..” I ponder; “it is almost, as if I could see her walking around in my room!” I ponder.


I notice her, as she is standing before a full body mirror; the doors to her wardrobe open before her, as she is examining the accessories or clothes available to her. The selection is large enough, to make me gasp in shock.

“White, yellow and orange are obviously out of the question..” she explains; “so I guess purple would be the colour for you today!” she concludes, as she is extracting a pair of deep lavender panties from the selection within the confines of her wardrobe.

“The colour does look good...” I agree.

Of course the deep purple hue she has selected for me would look good on me, I could as well acknowledge it. Pinkie Pie had known this all along, even if I don't know that right now.

There are no labels, or subtitles on my newly acquired clothes; but what's the point, it isn't as if I can take them of to examine them in the first place. These are just the effect of the accessories she had just put on. As such, I can't take them off.

While I had indeed felt the unexpected pressure of these clothes, but that soon faded away to a barely noticeable sensation I could ignore fairly easily.

What I could not ignore, is the effect of wearing these panties she had put on me. Even if the effect only makes itself known, under specific circumstances. Unless I need the access, that is.

While wearing the head-set, this will not be an issue; since she knows when it is required, thus capable to swap accessories to fit the situation.

“Before you put anything on, there is one small item..” she points out, as she is holding up three separate options before me; “do you prefer the Unicorn, the Pegasus, or the Earth-pony?” she inquires.

“The Unicorn!” I respond, pointing an extended finger at the specific option in question.

“The Unicorn it is, then..” she responds, as she is picking up and donning the relevant accessory; “She is Sweetie Belle and has white fur!” she then elaborates.

As she is donning the accessory, I'm sprouting a Unicorn horn matching Sweetie Belle. Likewise, my ears slowly moves up to the top of my head, gradually changing to match the appearance of a Filly.

“Whoa!!” I exclaim, as I realize what is happening.

Yes, the change is quite distinct and profound!” I realize.

I pick up my regular daytime panties I had worn before I stepped into my room and found the package on my bed.


I had just finished putting my clothes on, as I notice the muzzle.

It isn't the length of the muzzle, as short as it is. Just as it isn't my voice changing. Ponies have very short muzzles. It is just slightly longer than my nose was, the day before.

Curiously enough, the head-set is adjusting to the shape of my face; both the length of my muzzle, and the position and shape of my ears. Something a head-set should never have been capable of adjusting to.

There is an unexpected, strange sensation; just before I notice a connection as if I had dialed up a friend. If I had not dialed her up, she had dialed me up. What's the difference? I can talk to her, as if she had been in the room, standing a foot or two away from me. Just as if we had been facing one-another, on opposite sides of the dinner table.

A moment later, I can clearly see Neko's sister before me. For the sake of recognition, I will refer to her as: Poni, from now on. In part, due to her appearance. In place of the Neko face, she looks like a Poni. The muzzle, the eyes, the ears and mane.

She had apparently opted for the Unicorn accessory, just as I had.

“Hiya, Julie!” she exclaims, as she is scanning my room.

It isn't as if she had never seen my room. She is just taken aback by seeing my room before her, as she is sitting in her own room. I guess I see a blend of her room, and mine. The surprise should be expected.

“Hiya, Poni..” I respond; “you chose the Unicorn Sweetie Belle too?” I inquire.

“Yes..” she responds; “the accessory looks so cute, on her; I could not resist it!” she points out.

While we had not considered the physical appearance, and not the physical effects these accessories could have upon us; the wings may be cool, but could these wings even carry our weight even for a few minutes hovering? The only consideration on my mind, had been just how cute and adorable the Unicorn's horn looks before I had selected the option.


All of a sudden, I see my friends Julie and Ponie phasing into view in my room. Apparently; they had found the same gift in their respective rooms, in the process of trying out and exploring the offer.

While I am wearing a skirt and blouse over my underwear; I can still feel a hint of the pinching contraction the accessories apply to my most private parts, just as the accessories has been put on.

“Hiya!” I exclaim.

“Hiya!” they echo, in response.

“Call me Sweetie Bell!” Julie suggests; “Or, Sweetie for short!” she then continues.

“Then you could call me Apple Bloom..” Poni suggests; “Or, Apple for short!” she concludes.

“Guess I am Scootaloo, or Scootie Aloo!” I respond; “Just call me Scootie, or Scoots!” I add.

“Do you like singing, or playing Music?” Sweetie inquires.

“Sounds like fun!” Apple intones.

“Maybe we could publish a few Vocaloids, on the Tubie?” I inquire.

“The connection could be recorded, for this purpose..” a voice intones; both Audio and Visual representation of your performance!” the voice then continues.

“Wait, what was that?” I inquire; “You did hear that?” I then continue.

“Yes, I heard it too!” Sweetie puts forth; “If the voice is to be trusted; it is confirmation, on how to record our performance!” Scootie suggests.

“I have a few songs, I have written..” Sweetie proposes; “you should be able to see the text, as if you were watching Karaoke on the TV screen!” she suggests.


“My little 'orses, My little 'orses..”.


“Whoa!” I exclaim; “Even if we could sing your song, Sweetie; I had not expected to hear the Instrumental track, with our Vocal performance!” I continue.

“It just published on the Tubie!” Scootie proclaims; “And it appears we already have views and followers!” she then continues.

What I, we had not been expecting; aside from the instant fame, is just how well the recording had rendered us in our anthropomorphic form.

Not to be complaining, I like my equine appearance. It is just such an unexpected result. I somehow look, as if I had been rendered with CGI. Of course, I can only imagine the viewers would love the high quality rendering of us dancing on the stage. We know there are no anthropomorphic Ponies, so it has to be rendered. Doesn't it?

One could see my ears move on top of my head, just as one could see my tail move naturally behind me. The movements, on two hooves only looks too realistic to be believed.

“Vocaloids should be in Neihponian (Japanese)!” Sweetie points out, a moment later, there is a corresponding version in the correct language.

What is shocking, is that the lips are perfectly synchronized with the words. As if we had performed the lyrics a second time.

She managed to produce a few more versions in other languages, including the Ponish version. But, why not? How the lips synchronized to the vocals, is beyond me. Yet, it is a very powerful demonstration of both skill and dedication.

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