• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 3,904 Views, 75 Comments

A Herd of Ponies and Ungulates - StatiZkyZ

Six ponies and six familiar creatures from a faraway land interacts in Equestria.

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The Champion of the High Plains and the Party Pony

Ponyville is not ready for what’s coming for them.

Even after the town had experienced getting kidnapped by changelings, or almost let a nightmarish creature from the dreamscape escape, they still aren't ready for this.

Running towards the unsuspecting town in form of a yellow ball of fur at high speed is none other than the very creature that even the other Foenum champions fear, the one that caused some predators to flee from her, even the big bears.

For her simple hugs contain enough force to pulverize a brick.

Her speed allows her to crash through six houses without losing momentum.

Her squeals can shatter eardrums.

For all she can do, she can eliminate ponykind in just one day if she wants to.

However, of course that’s not her intention. Paprika lives to spread happiness, kisses, and gifts of T-shirts to anyone with a heartbeat. Already, as she gets close to Ponyville, the first target is on her sights. A gray pegasus with yellow mane is walking at the outskirts of town, sees her with one of her eyes, and greets.

“Hello…! Welcome to--”


At the next split second, said pegasus gets squeezed to the point she can barely breathe. Mercifully, Paprika finds another pony, making her let this pony go to chase her next target. The mare drops to the ground, completely fine, but confused.

“I just don’t know what went wrong…”

Mere minutes later, the streets of Ponyville have either ponies running away, or ponies on the ground trying to let their body recover from the hug they just received. Not even the fast earth ponies, teleporting unicorns, or flying pegasus can get away from the super fast alpaca. If ponies are lucky, they’ll somehow slip through their hug like a bar of soap, ending her embrace early. Paprika will think they already got their share of love, and moved to the next one.

When all hope seems lost, just as Paprika homes into a grey earth pony with a pink bow tie, something happens.


A bright red stop sign causes the alpaca to freeze mid air. Huh, why did she freeze? Even she’s not sure. Is it something about the stop sign? The color? The voice? Whatever it is, Paprika’s fruit fueled body just stopped working, apparently that includes stop receiving gravity as she’s still suspended mid animation. She’s not sure to stop what, after all, so “stop obeying the laws of gravity” is still a possibility that she can’t ignore!

“Okay, now stand!”

With the stop sign out of her way, Paprika stays in place, much to the relief of every single pony in Ponyville. The alpaca simply bobs her head on the spot, looking at the pony who managed to stop her with wide eyes. A pink pony with a slightly darker pink bubbly mane.

“Hi! I was told you would come here! And so did my mane! It went twitchy twitch then you entered Ponyville!” The mare said with equal enthusiasm.

Just hearing her voice makes Paprika bounce on the spot and giggle in excitement. Whoa, who is this pony? She looks fun! Does she want hugs? Gifts? Maybe a T-shirt?


“Paprika! That’s a cute name! I’m Pinkie Pie!”

✨🍎🍓🌟🎼💙✔❕ 🎇🍥✨🍩🍪🏀💖🌻🍉🍌👑⭐🌌🌈💙❕

"Oh! Oh! That's pretty cool! I like making friends too!"

Wow, someone who understands her! The alpaca is so happy that she gives Pinkie a kiss and one of her tightest hugs she has ever given to someone to show her love. To her surprise, Pinkie feels different, she’s… less stiff? Her body seems to bend perfectly to her hug like… rubber? The pony even returns her hug albeit less powerful.

“He he! Wow, you’re so strong! I guess you’re not the Champions of the High Plains for nothing!” Pinkie commented, albeit with a few silent grunts between her words.

It’s her. She’s the one that deserves so much love and happiness! Tightening her hug even more, Paprika actually felt Pinkie’s body getting compressed around her forelegs. The pink pony strangely went a bit silent, and when the alpaca looks at the mare, her mouth looks like a wobbly line, her expression hard to read.

“N-Nice meeting you to, P-Paprika!” Pinkie said, still sounding cheerful. Oh, she’s okay, great! The alpaca stays close to Pinkie, slightly rubbing her floof on the mare. After the alpaca is satisfied with the hug, she lets go, standing in front of Pinkie, bobbing her head cheerfully.


“Hmm, I got an idea! Why don’t we have a party for everypony? Two of us will prepare it together, and then we’ll show how much we love them that way!” Pinkie said, confetti flies behind her as she moves her forehooves into an arc. “What do you say?”


“Great! I know the place where all the parties started! Sugarcube Corner! It’s this waaaaaay!” Pinkie said with a sing-song voice, before zipping towards her home in Ponyville, followed by the yellow alpaca behind her. Once the two of them had disappeared behind the door, the ponies in Ponyville slowly start to come out and resume their daily activities, yet they still worry for the floofy menace that might return to them…

As coincidental as it can be, Mr and Mrs Cup Cake are away, so Pinkie can focus on her alpaca guest. Ever since Paprika enters the building, Pinkie sees her looking around a lot like an alpaca in a candy store. Wait, technically, she is an alpaca in a candy store! Paprika herself felt like she’s in some strange paradise, so much delicious scent she had never smelt before! Raised in the highlands, the food she knows are only fruits and vegetables, so she has no idea what all the cakes and candies are made out of.

“All parties need a delicious cake, with lots of fillings and frostings! I’ll make sure I’m ready to--”

The next thing that follows is the sound of a plate hitting the floor, luckily in a way that doesn’t cause it to shatter. Paprika just planted her face on a cake with pink frosting, giving it a nuzzle and several licks. The mess she’s making is not alien to Sugarcube corner, but…

“Oh, wait! I see you want to have a taste already! Buuut, that cake isn’t the one for you, because the one I’ll make for you is going to be extra super delicious!”

Paprika doesn’t seem to mind as Pinkie returns the now empty platter onto the counter again. Unfortunately, the mess must be dealt with later. The pink pony can’t waste any time baking the cake, since Paprika already seems impatient. Stopping next to her, Paprika watches Pinkie as she… stirs something yellow in a bowl. What is that? The curious alpaca arches her neck over Pinkie’s shoulder, observing her. Eventually, The alpaca is getting too curious, and she sticks her hoof out slowly to touch whatever it is, but Pinkie moves it a bit out of reach.

“Wait, it’s not ready yet!” Pinkie said to Paprika, who seems to see baking as an alien operation. Oh, whoops, she didn’t mean to! Maybe a hug will make Pinkie feel better! Unfortunately, the time Paprika chooses to do it is when Pinkie is pouring milk into her dough. The sudden grab makes the pony squash the milk carton and spill all of its contents into the mix, and even making a bit of a splash.

For a brief second, Pinkie panicked inside, fearing that she might’ve botched the entire mix. Thankfully, the master baker knows how to compensate. Just make sure she doesn’t put more liquid, and add more of the… chocolate chips to balance the taste…


Though, she’ll also need some personal space to do all that.

“P-Please… M-Move back slightly, Paprika…” Pinkie asks politely, gently pushing the alpaca away. Her face is showing some nervousness then last time. At least it works, Paprika is now a step away from the earth pony. “I-It’s okay, though, I can still finish the cake for you!”

For once, the Alpaca’s face doesn’t show her sweet and carefree smile… for around three seconds, at least. Working around the milk problem, Pinkie starts adjusting the ratio for her other ingredients. However, her head never said that a bigger cake is a bad thing. If she got too much milk for a medium sized cake, might as well add too much of the other ingredients and create a bigger sized cake! That’s it! No harm is done when she’ll just make a bigger cake, it’s much easier anyway!

Thus, this calls for more sugar!

As with all cakes baked by Pinkie, it will need lots of sugar. The mare just finished emptying a whole jar, then she takes another one and starts pouring it. Pinkie’s eyes seem to sparkle as she watches the white tiny crystals fall into the mix in a white waterfall. Except, the waterfall suddenly died down into a smaller stream. Strange, wasn’t the jar full?

When she moves her eyes up, a long tongue is gathering the falling sugar into it. Paprika also had no idea what this is, but it reminds her of that… thing in Reine. What did Velvet call it? Snow? Definitely doesn’t feel or taste like it…


Pinkie moves the jar slightly to the side and continues pouring the sugar, but then Paprika decides to share the sweetness she’s feeling with Pinkie, and kisses her all of the sudden. Even the mare who’s sometimes criticized for not respecting private space is getting overwhelmed. On the other side, the yellow alpaca is already quite having fun with the sweet taste, so why not share it? Through another kiss…

“Wait!” Except Pinkie stopped her with another hoof. “I almost forgot the vanilla!”

Said ingredient is on the other side of the kitchen, thus Pinkie zips away, leaving Paprika alone for a bit. Another attempt of showing her love had failed. Why though? The alpaca let out a sigh and one rather rare emotion to show on her face, but it didn’t last long, Pinkie return with the ingredient she needs, pouring a dash of vanilla to the mix, along with a few more ingredients that Paprika does not recognize.

Right after, Pinkie put the dough into a device that Paprika had never seen before, among other things. It starts to whir and seemingly mix the contents of the bowl together. Oh, the alpaca seems to understand it a little bit. So you put all kinds of food into the bowl, and it mixes them together? She doesn’t know what mixing them will do, but adding things into it seems like a fun idea! In fact, the champion might help with that!

Grabbing into her world famous floof, or at least Foenum famous floof, Paprika grabs… a broccoli. Why a broccoli? Even she doesn’t know, it’s just what she felt on her hooves first. She slowly tips the vegetable towards the bowl. It makes the mixer stutter slightly, as the broccoli gets slowly broken down and added into the mix.


Pinkie shrieks in a rather exaggerated manner, but her concern is anything but exaggerated. Out of pure reflex the mare bumps to Paprika, pushing her away from the mixer to turn it off, and sees the result…

The broccoli is still mostly intact, but there’s parts of it in the dough, dotting it with some green color. Oh boy, Pinkie had seen a lot of funny looking things, but a broccoli cake mix is really something… strange. Even the master baker isn’t sure what to do with this batch, and she starts sweating. How do you fix this, how do you fix a mix with solid vegetables in it without throwing it away and starting over!?

“Ehe he he heh… I-I can still save it! There must be a way!” The mare laughs nervously, or what others might hear as an attempt to salvage a really bad situation. However, when Pinkie looks at Paprika as she’s trying to find something that can save her cake, her concern shifts from the mix to the champion.

Paprika is frowning, and not just frowning, but really frowning. She sighs as she sits on the floor against the kitchen’s counter. It’s a very unfamiliar sight for the normally happy go lucky alpaca not smiling, even though Pinkie had only met her around an hour ago. The mare can only watch as the champion sigh, and her fur seems to turn several shades darker.


Pinkie is rather stunned by the sudden transformation, kinda reminding her of herself whenever she’s depressed, however rare it is to happen. There’s also the words Paprika just said… After she takes the bowl away from the mixer, the baker decides not to finish her cake now, there’s something more important to do.

“What… did you not understand?” Sitting next to the sad alpaca, Pinkie listens to what Paprika had to say. Though, it’s more of a rant more than anything.


Pinkie listens as Paprika speaks up with her, the mare just nodding a few times to make sure the alpaca knows she’s listening. She speaks about her life in her home, how others treat her, and how the other champions sometimes see her. It doesn’t take Twilight to see that Paprika can be seen as the… odd one out in the group of the six champions. The reason for that is something Pinkie is listening to right now as the alpaca tells her story.

“Oh, I see… You just want to make others happy.” Pinkie said. “Well, I can relate, really! Including the last part.”

Wrapping her hoof discreetly around Paprika’s shoulder, making the alpaca turn her head, even though her face looks unnaturally grumpy. It’s really weird… Ever since she’s more active in her alpaca community back in the Alpake Highlands, no one seems to be comfortable with her, something she can’t wrap her head around. What did she even do? All she did was give hugs, kisses, and gifts, all good things to make others happy! What’s so bad about that? Shouldn’t everyone want happiness?

Thankfully, Pinkie, too, has a similar view in life, to make everyone laugh and be happy around her, but in the process, she learned something important. Maybe she can share her wisdom.

“You know, you are right, everypony wants to be happy in life! There’s nothing better than the feeling that wants to make you smile, isn’t it?” The mare seems to tone down her famous excitement as of now because of the rather… precarious atmosphere.

“But… as strange as it sounds, sometimes you can’t make others smile. That makes it super duper sad, isn’t it? For me, you, and them, right? So! After some digging… but not literally digging a hole in the ground, more like learning new things about them…”

Paprika was barely able to catch that last sentence since Pinkie spoke it out quickly. However, at least she’s listening, and despite her wool is still a darker shade of yellow, her lips don't frown as much. Something Pinkie said makes her curious about her story. Pinkie sighs, yet she still retains her smile as she continues.

“It’s just… everypony is different, and that means what makes them happy is different too. Yeah, a lot of ponies love parties, but there will be one that doesn’t. I know it might sound weird, but it’s just true. It’s just like some ponies love apples, and some don’t!”

The alpaca’s eyes widen almost dramatically, before she sighs. That… does that mean others don’t like her? Is that why she was thrown away by the rest of the alpacas in the highlands? Sure, it turned her into a champion that saved Foenum, and gave her six new friends that she now holds dear, but now that she think about it…


“N-No, silly! It’s not that they don’t like you! It’s more like… They don’t like what you’re doing.” Pinkie tries to reassure the champion. “Of course, you try to be nice, and that’s good! But you can try to be nice in a different way, in the way that they like!”

In the way they like…?

“...Speaking of which, I miiight have jumped on the baking a bit too quick.” Pinkie rubs her mane with her hoof. “I don’t think I have asked you what’s your favorite flavor, or what cake do you want, did I?”

In all honesty, that completely slipped Pinkie’s mind. An unintentional mistake, but turns into not exactly the worst thing since now she can use herself as an example. The mare’s cakes usually taste great that a lot of ponies don’t care what flavor it is since it’s still so tasty. So, Pinkie tends to just bake for her parties without a specific order. Hearing this, Paprika seems to understand, and starts thinking about her cake that Pinkie is going to make for her.

“So, what cake do you want? I’ll make anything for you! An upside down strawberry cake with a vanilla base? Or cupcakes baked on their sides with grape flavored frosting? Hmm?”

Pinkie puts her hoof in her cheeks, looking at the alpaca. Although it’s not sure if Paprika understands the message Pinkie is trying to tell her, the pony’s smile is… contagious, even though Paprika’s mood isn’t completely back to her old self yet. Her eyes might still only half open because some sadness still lingers in her, yet Paprika smiles back. For so long, she always tried to make others happy, and though she never expected anything back. Pinkie is… truly the first one that openly asked her what she wanted.

Someone who tried to make her happy.

Almost shedding a tear, Paprika wraps her hooves around Pinkie into a hug, catching her off guard. It starts out soft, but it soon gets tighter, and tighter. Anyone else that got hugged in this manner would start suffocating, but somehow, like last time, Pinkie seems to be able to take it without too much problem, even though her body seems to contort slightly from it.

💖💖💖❕❕ ✨🍪🌈🍫🎺💖⭐💋🌈💖🌻❕

“T-Thank you too, Paprika!”

Pinkie hugs back, though nowhere as intense as the alpaca. Only now Pinkie starts to feel the effects of the hug, but thankfully it doesn’t last too long. As Paprika’s brighter shade of yellow returns to her, she lets go, and so does Pinkie.

Two cheery individuals that always want to make others happy.


“...Wait, come again?”


Pinkie’s hooves stretch to the side to grab some paper and a pencil, writing down that Paprika is saying. Something about the cake she wants. What was that? Using… that, as the main ingredient? Maybe with peanut butter… Oh, she wants some chocolate? That can work, chocolate always works! The garnish would be… That sounds great!

“Huh, I have to admit, I don’t think I’ve thought about making something like that!” Pinkie said, reading what she wrote one more time, before putting the paper into her mane. “I love it! You know what this means?”

With her hoof, Pinkie brings the champion closer to her, while her other hoof carries the bowl that contains the botched mix with the broccoli, or maybe it’s not exactly botched at all…

“It’s time… to bake!”

A banner is stretched across the roof of Sugarcube Corner, along with some other party decorations, making curious ponies flock to it. More party decorations greet them inside, balloons and confetti are everywhere. Most importantly, however, Pinkie is supposedly serving a new kind of cake and is sharing it with everypony as part of the “Welcoming Paprika to Ponyville party”.

The alpaca herself is standing next to the counter, her smile on her face is eternal as she looks around at the ponies here. She and Pinkie had planned for her to be the one giving the cakes to the ponies who want to try them, and the alpaca’s speed allows her to serve the tasty treats in record time. That way, she helps in making ponies happy too. Look at those smiles around this place! Paprika is so happy that she’s bouncing on the spot, sometimes giggling in joy as ponies express their gratitude to her for delivering a slice of the cake.

During the little party, Paprika and Pinkie have to serve a brown stallion going to the counter to get a slice of the new cake. The alpaca quickly takes notice of the green bow tie he’s wearing, something about it is just so fitting with the cake she’s handing to her. The stallion is willing to get a sample first, but his smile afterwards says that he might be back for more.

“My word, Pinkie, this is quite an exquisite taste!” He said. “I can clearly taste the strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate, but what’s this ingredient inside?”

Hearing the question, Pinkie looks at the alpaca next to her, and they both wink at each other.

“Our secret ingredient!” Pinkie smiles, and Paprika giggles in glee. It’s not the answer the stallion is exactly hoping for, but he’s not too disappointed. He has yet to learn about the science of food.

“Well, whatever it is, I hope I can still have some after I have done my errands. I’m sure Ditzy would love to have a taste of this too!” The stallion ate the rest of the cake. “I promise I’ll be back with her soon! Goodbye for now, Pinkie, and…”

As he turns his head to look at the alpaca next to the earth pony, the stallion sees one of Paprika’s hooves seem to reach out to him, but she stops midway.

“I think she wants a little hug!” Pinkie chuckles. “It’s all part of the party!”

Realizing that Paprika just loves to give hugs, Pinkie had made a little party rule. Whenever a greeting or goodbye happens with the Champion of the High Plains, a hug is the way to show it. Though, it must not be too tight, and Pinkie needed to explain this to Paprika multiple times, but she eventually gets it… maybe.

“Oh, I don’t see why not.”

Holding her breath, Pinkie watches as Paprika gently hugs the stallion for around three seconds, before they both let go. That was perfect! No sound of a powerful squeeze, and no struggle or choked voice from the pony! Even Paprika starts to see the value of giving softer hugs, they feel much happier receiving it! Pinkie smiles, almost like a proud older sister.

“Thank you, miss Paprika. I hope you have a good day in Ponyville!”

The stallion waves his hoof as he exits Sugarcube Corner. When he’s out of sight, Paprika reaches into her floof and pulls out a broccoli with Pinkie watching. Huh, the color does look the same, no wonder she looks there first. The alpaca playfully lobs it, and Pinkie catches it with his nose, showing an impressive balancing act.

Turning over to you, the duo wave their hooves.


“She says, thank you for reading my chapter! Bye bye!”

Author's Note:

Sorry this took forever :pinkiesad2:

This is a real tricky one to write. Paprika is still an enigma, and she's not the best at communicating. Now add that with all the wacky stuff Pinkie and her does :derpyderp2:

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with how this turns out, and hopefully you enjoy this too!