• Member Since 24th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I love fluttercord way too much.


Discord and the gang find themselves hiding in a broom closet in yet another dangerous mission. Discord finds himself crowded against the back wall with a terrified Fluttershy right next to him. He'd like to let her know that he'll keep her safe.

He'll have to be quiet about it, though.

Just a little blurb I whipped up last night in a random instance of inspiration, with the typical dangerous MLP-esque advienture that I don't want to make into an entire story. I'm pretty sure it's even longer than planned just so I could throw some dumb jokes in there. But if it makes you smile, then I've accomplished my mission.

Added the tag 'OC' but he's really not that important.

If you hate anything even remotely fluttercord-related, then this isn't for you.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

This was hilarious and so cute! I smiled all the way through. The way you write Discord is impeccable in my opinion, and the details and pacing all work together to make reading this feel like watching an episode of the show. Except better, for obvious Fluttercord reasons! :yay:

This is a good story and a joy to read! Where to start?

Maybe with how Twilight and Discord are shown to have great respect for each other? Or the cute image of everypony snuggling against Discord for warmth? Or how you just captured Discord's personality so darn well, complete with all his snarkiness and caring for his friends?

The moments between Fluttershy and Discord are so good. Discord saving the best cuddling spot, right next to his heart, just for Fluttershy? Cute. Discord kissing Fluttershy on the cheek to calm her? Adorable. Them kissing each other despite the danger they're in because they're just so caught up in the moment? Super sweet!

I'm glad you published this. I'm eagerly waiting for that oneshot! :heart:

A very enjoyable fluttercord moment :)

Not only did you smile, but you think it read like an episode! I'm honored. Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you like how I depict Discord. Snarky yet sweet when he wants to be, that's our Discord!

Like I said on the server, keeping the friendship theme alive and highlighting it even in a romance story is very important to me. I'm so glad you appreciated that part of things! I'm glad you enjoyed the romance, too. Even Discord can be sweet and sincere without being OOC or losing his sass. I think so, anyway. I'm glad you agree!

You are too kind, my cat-loving friend. Thanks for looking this over for me too and adding it to your faves. You know how much I value your opinion.

I'm glad! Thank you!

Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!

Is it weird that, as touching as the Fluttercord moment was, it was actually Twilight wanting Discord there because it'd fee weird without him, that made me "Awww!"

Also...so what happened with Spike? Was he in the closet with them?

I don't think it's weird at all, because I wanted it to be an "awww" moment. I love to highlight his friendships, especially with Twilight. I friendship those two so hard!

And that is an excellent point! Yes, Spike is there the whole time. I'll make some tweaks to make that apparent. Thanks for pointing that out! Okay, now he's in the closet too, and part of the Discord cuddlefest at camp.

He was a lot more stoppable right now, but if Disney’s Ron Stoppable could do it, then he definitely could, too. Wasn’t sure if he could get his Kim Possible to date him, though.

Discord groaned. Oh, what was this? Kung Fu Panda 4 ?

The difference between Discord and this guy, however, was that Discord was cocky for a good reason. Discord actually was amazing. He wasn’t some power-hungry poser that just pretended to be amazing like this Dreamworks reject was.

Be careful with those references you'll get copyright lol:rainbowlaugh:

“I’ve read a lot of books, seen a lot of movies,” Discord said.

Ya think

Rainbow Dash blinked. “What’s a ‘movie’?”

*copies from Miriam webster* "a recording of moving images that tells a story and that peoplewatch on a screen or television "

I like love the story:heart:

Making unnecessary references in stories for Discord to use give me life.

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

THIS WAS ADORABLE!!! I feel all warm and fluttery. I LOVED EVERY SECOND. Discord's voice was just *chef's kiss*.

I really, really liked the part where Discord called Fluttershy the "best pony ever" (SO CUTE!) and the part where AJ called him 'sugarcube'. :rainbowkiss: He's such a part of the group I love it.

I love this story, Oh! now I'm really wishing Discord was in the movie it would have been cute and funny, but, ques ara sara ( what will be, will be)

He was a lot more stoppable right now, but if Disney’s Ron Stoppable could do it, then he definitely could, too. Wasn’t sure if he could get his Kim Possible to date him, though.

It wouldn't be Discord without a reference to another franchise, wouldn't it?

Okay, just read the rest of it. Apparently, Discord's a troper. :rainbowlaugh:

This is literally my goal every time I write him. The Discord muse demands it!

Oh this is wonderful!
I love the idea of Discord tagging along on their quest so much. And it sounds like a really funny and exciting quest! I actually would've very happily read it as a whole big adventure story 🤣🤣
But I am very grateful for what we got anyhow!

The image of them all sprawled over Discord while they slept is hilarious but also Fluttershy on his chest with his paw draped over herrrr omg the feels🥺❤

The whole scene in the cupboard is so so so sweeeet!! Of course Discord would want to comfort a terrified Flutters, and you made it so wholesome and beautifully gahhh😭❤

And I also adore how you write Discord! It's honestly fantastic and hilarious😂

The kiss was all the magic he needed to send that Kung Fu Panda rip-off villain to Tartarus😘 Le power of LOVE!!!

Thank you for this. I really enjoyed it <3

Oh man it'd been quite some time since I've been on fimfiction and I'm so happy to see you have a fluttercord one shot here 🤩 this was such an adorable and fun read! I loved how you portrayed their relationship and the relationship Discord has with the rest of the crew. The dialogue was spot on! I can totally hear and picture him saying all this. All in all, fantastic job!

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