• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect


This story is a sequel to Beer and a Knife Fight 3: Beer Hard With a Vengeance

It's been literal months of pure romantic bliss for Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna.

Gee, I wonder what they're up to right now?

"One of the few stories to ever cause me actual, physical pain." -iisaw

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

But why, though?

Author Interviewer

Good question.

One of the few stories to ever cause me actual, physical pain. Okay, maybe it was those two dozen jalapeƱo poppers I ate right before I read it, but I'm going to give you credit. The timing was just too perfect.

honestly Pony Life doesn't look THAT bad--it's only temporary, after all

Author Interviewer

It's not, but just try and tell the bronies that...

I'm a brony and I don't hate Pony Life--it looks like a more comedic, less serious take on the franchise, like Transformers Animated

Author Interviewer

I'm trying to be sarcastic, here. :B

I find Pony Life more mildly annoying than anything else, but it no more affects my appreciation of the show that was than the existence of Turkish Batman effects my appreciation of Batman. If anything is going to drive me away from MLP for good, it's the endless cloacal flow of godawful fanfic I have to wade through to find occasional gems like the work of PresentPerfect. :raritywink:

Author Interviewer

Trixie, who though etiquette was something you could toke out of a bong.

I mean, given Discord, it could be.

The tea was jasmine, because jasmine was the kind of tea everyone made when they wanted to look like they knew something about tea. As much as Twilight loved her marefriend, she had to admit Luna was precisely the type of pony who bought jasmine tea for precisely that reason.

"I could have chosen it because jasmine is a night-blooming flower."
"You could have. Did you?"
"... No."

She had zero respect for the drink, much in the way Twilight had zero respect for Spike.


Take this board state, for example. It was fourth and down, with five yards to the goal, and Twilight had two pawns in the penalty box. Luna had a knight in timeout and another in the house, but she was up five runs to four, two men on deck, Wolverhampton nil. Twilight's last audible had failed to sink the three-pointer, so she was running out of options.

How many stops until Mornington Crescent?

A flash from her horn, and her wings changed from purple feathers to dark grey veined leather.

So, did it physically hurt you to write that, or just spiritually?

And Imposing Sovereigns II.

Hey now, I wash my hands of this one.

Fine nonsense indeed, and good use of Lavan. Also, Trixie is the best Princess of Trixie.

Author Interviewer


So, did it physically hurt you to write that, or just spiritually?

I think it's funny that anyone would find this junk attractive. :V

And I don't know why Trixie's Element is Trixie, but I don't know what else it could be.

It's been a while since I read the first three stories, so I wasn't sure what to expect. If only re-reading them all had done anything to prepare me for this.

tHaT CoVeR aRt lOoKs FaMiLiAr!

Author Interviewer

GeE, i WoNdEr WhY...

This is a historical document now, you realize.

Author Interviewer

I remain, as always, the architect of my own downfall.

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