• Published 9th Jul 2020
  • 2,487 Views, 9 Comments

Sunset's Love Life - The Beginning - Lil Sunny

Sunset Shimmer, forgiven for her past mistakes, and with a new friend to boot, why does she have to be so cute?

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Another brisk autumn morning came in as Twilight Sparkle awoke and felt around her bedside for her glasses. She thought back to her dreams from the night before, of cuddling Sunset, holding her hand and kissing her in the rain. Her heart beat faster and one could almost see a slight tinge of pink on her purple cheeks. She sighed.
“Why is my heart aching for a girl I’ve only ever seen as a friend? Why a girl at all? Sure my time with Timber wasn’t perfect, but just because I realised I didn’t like him that way and broke it off doesn’t mean I should be instantly going for the opposite sex. This is all highly illogical.”

“Love isn’t always logical Twilight.” Spoke a soft voice in her door frame. It was Cadance, former dean and current principal of Crystal Prep Academy, and soon to be Twilight’s sister in law.
“Love comes from the heart, how you feel about someone. And it doesn’t restrict itself based on things like gender or appearance. I won’t pry into your personal life, but I think you’d do well talking to a friend about your problems before they get any bigger” she finished with a smile.

Twilight took a breath. “Thanks Cadance, I’ll keep that in mind.” Cadance left as Twilight showered and wore her usual purple pleated skirt marked with a pink star and white sparkles, the cutie mark of Princess Twilight, along with a blue striped polo shirt and a star shaped hair clip, finishing with short socks and sneakers. She made her way downstairs to breakfast.

“Good morning dear.” Spoke her mother Twilight Velvet. “Would you like me to whip up some pancakes? Or just grab something quick and get there early?”

Twilight smiled at her mom. “I think I’ll just have some cereal today, thanks mom.”

After a bowl of unicorn-o’s she grabbed her backpack, said goodbye to Spike and caught her bus to school. She arrived at 8:50 AM, shortly before school started and witnessed an argument between her friends Applejack and Rainbow Dash who quickly reconciled. She also saw Rarity and Fluttershy speaking to one-another and then laid eyes on the subject of her affection. Sunset Shimmer.

She truly thought Sunset was a goddess given human form. Slightly thicker than the other girls, long red and yellow hair sat perfectly atop her head. A beautiful, unblemished face and well toned legs completed her observations of the yellow skinned wonder before her.

The morning class was fairly boring. Mr Cranky Doodle went over some seemingly complex math which was child’s play to Twilight and so her thoughts turned to Sunset, she ended up daydreaming long enough for Mr Cranky to notice and walk over to her and clear his throat.

“Well Miss Sparkle, if you think this is too easy, maybe you can demonstrate to the class how to find the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle.”

Twilight smirked. “Gladly Mr Cranky.” She took his chalk and went up to the board demonstrating the formula and placing in the numbers he had written to solve it perfectly.

“You always were a smart one Miss Sparkle, but still, you need to pay attention. Dreaming is for bed, not class.” Mr Cranky scolded her.

At lunch she sat with the girls and of course, the topic of the class came up.

“You still think Mr Cranky isn’t a hardass AJ?” Rainbow Dash said cockily.

“Yeah yeah, that was cruel. But next time he might want to challenge somebody who ain't a genius.” Applejack smirked.

Twilight blushed. “I’m hardly a genius, I just never had friends so I spent a lot of time doing work beyond my age. Eventually others will catch up to me. Especially since I still don’t have much of a social life.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Surely you must enjoy something outside of school besides studying. How about walking? Or shopping? Or ooh! Maybe you have a handsome young boyfriend at home you aren’t telling us about, hm?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “No, Timber was nice but I’m not looking for another boyfriend any time soon thank you.”
Rarity took note of the fact she specified boyfriend and the group went on to the band room to practice their instruments.

Twilight was a fair singer, but she would never have the courage to perform for a crowd, and was thankful her friends had that covered for her. Meanwhile any time she got the chance she snuck a glance over at Sunset. She couldn’t help herself and unfortunately for her, someone noticed.

After the band practice she was cornered by Rarity.

“So, not looking for a boy friend I believe you said? Well, from the way you were staring at Sunset during practice I dare say you’ve considered batting for the other team so to speak. Would you like to come home with me this afternoon? I’ll happily talk about your choice in partners away from prying ears.”

Twilight gulped, then she remembered what Cadance told her, that a friend could help her out.

“That might actually help Rarity, thank you. I’ll have to call my mom after school to let her know I won't be home till later.”

The afternoon classes were fairly boring for Twilight, although she was anxious about spilling her secrets to Rarity. After school she called her mom who told her it was OK to visit Rarity as long as she came home at some point, or made sure to stay with Rarity for the night if it got too late. The pair walked away from the school grounds towards a modest town house.

“Well Twilight, welcome to my home. My parents are out of town until tomorrow and Sweetie Belle is staying over with Scootaloo tonight so it shall just be the two of us. Which might make it easier for you to divulge your desires.” Rarity spoke, rather flirtatiously. She was trying to rile up Twilight a little and make her feel more comfortable.

Twilight sat beside Rarity on the couch.

“Well, where do you want me to start?”

“Tell me about your preferences these days. Still into boys? Or are you interested in seeing what the fairer sex has to offer?”

“I never really thought about it. To me it shouldn’t matter what kind of person you choose to be your partner, boy or girl, as long as you feel a connection to them. I guess that would make me bi?”

“Oh please, I completely agree with you and I don’t think labels are needed in our modern world. Everyone is much more tolerant these days of however you choose to live your life. And I for one am glad of it. So then, on to the next point. Sunset.”

Hearing her crush’s name caused Twilight to involuntarily blush. Rarity smirked.

“Gotcha. Your face tells me all I need to know darling. So tell me, what do you see in her?”

Twilight sighed. “Everything. She’s well toned, her skin is smooth and beautiful. Her hair flows gorgeously and her smile is the sweetest I’ve ever seen. I’ve always been shy, insecure even. But with her I feel. Safe. Like nobody’s going to try and steal my purse or hurt me. Because she’d put them on their butt if they tried. She’s so much stronger than I am, and I love being close to her.”

“Ahh yes, the old sub and dom. Usually terms with a more, ahem vulgar meaning. They can be used to describe a simple relationship too. Simply put, one person feels like the other is stronger, and is willing to let them take charge while they provide support. And I imagine you feel that way about Sunset.”

“It’s a little embarrassing Rarity, but yes, I do.”

“Have you told her how you feel?”

Twilight sighed again. “No. I’m afraid it'll mess up our friendship, even if there’s no chance of a relationship I would still be happy just being beside her as a friend. But confessing how I feel to her could ruin that, so I’d rather not risk it. I don’t even know if she’s interested in dating girls, never mind me. She went out with Flash a few years back from what I hear.”

Rarity laughed. “Oh please, that’s what he’ll tell you, she’ll say it was more like he clung to her like a lost puppy and she gave him a chance, a chance he squandered by being idiotic and forgetful. Sunset was still ruling the school by that point and even I felt sorry for her having to pity a loser like him. Ahh but he has gotten better, no longer so naive. Shame he couldn’t get a girl if his life depended on it.” She giggled.

“Anyway Twilight, if you want, I could speak to her for you. Try and find out what kind of partner she’d be looking for. I won’t mention your name in any way, nor anything that could link her back to you. Would that help?”

Twilight smiled. “That would be a big help Rarity, thank you.”

The two chatted long into the evening, Rarity heated some leftover pasta for the both of them and by the time it got dark Twilight hadn’t noticed until it was too late.

“Oh no! My mom wanted me back before dark! She said if it got dark I should stay here but that’s only if you’re ok with it, Rarity.”

“Of course dear, we can watch a movie, I’ll make popcorn. Just two gal pals relaxing the night away, I could loan you some pyjamas if you want to get a little more comfy. Might want to call your mom before she starts panicking though.”

Twilight nodded and called her mom. “Hi mom, no I’m not out in the dark, I’m still at Rarity’s. I know, I’m sorry I wasn’t home in time. Yes I’ll stay here tonight and be home tomorrow afternoon I promise. Thanks bye!”

After changing into some of Rarity’s spare pyjamas, the pair watched a sappy romance movie and ate popcorn. Rarity even hugged Twilight and began to cry when it looked like the couple weren’t going to end up together. By the end Rarity was sniffling and drying her tears while Twilight just watched on, fairly uninterested.

“Call me heartless, but that was a load of garbage. I mean, some people might like it but It’s not really my thing.”

Rarity pouted. “Well, I suppose some of us just have more refined tastes.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Nonono sorry Rarity, that's not what I meant. I mean, you probably wouldn’t be interested in the complex chemistry I’m researching at the moment, everyone has different tastes and interests. And your knowledge of romance might actually be of benefit to me in the end. And to you if you ever decide to look for someone.

...Are you looking for someone?”

Rarity sniffed one last time. “Well if you must know. I’m looking alright. And I’ve found the one I want. But of course she’s too straightforward to notice my flirting. Applejack is nothing if not honest. But she could stand to be a bit more observant.”

“Have you tried telling her directly how you feel? It seems to me like you know what needs to be done, you’re just not doing it.”

“Yes. I suppose I do, don’t I. Maybe after we deal with your little predicament I’ll come clean to her. I can’t imagine she’d be interested in me though. She’s hardworking and honest, almost to a fault. She’d never look for a diva like me.”

“You work hard too, just doing different things. And I’m sure she can see that. Plus you don’t know what kind of person she’s looking for. Give it to her straight and see what happens, that’s my advice.”

Rarity smirked. “Advice you can’t seem to follow for yourself hm?”

Twilight blushed. “Shush Rarity, I guess I’m sleeping here tonight, can I get a blanket?”

Rarity smiled. “Darling I wouldn’t make you sleep on your own on the couch, you can share my bed if you like. Or we can both take a chair in here.”

“It would be a bit awkward being in your bed with you when we both have our hearts set on other partners. I think it would be better to stay in here.”

“Alright dear. I’ll get some blankets.”

The next morning Rarity woke up and saw the clock read 8 AM in horror.

“AHH! Twilight! Get up, quick! We’re running late!”

Twilight groggily awoke and saw Rarity’s phone on the table. Reading the time she began panicking too. The pair washed up and dressed as quickly as they could manage, grabbing some toast on the way out; they made it just in time for the bell to ring, signaling their first class. Rarity spoke to Applejack.

“Applejack dear, we need to have a serious discussion. Lunch time behind the bleachers I think would yield the least eavesdroppers.”

Applejack looked puzzled. “Uhh, ok Rares. Sure thing.”