• Published 24th Jul 2020
  • 2,678 Views, 93 Comments

Your Eyes On Me - DatZigga

So, there’s this cartoon I used to watch as a kid. I think it still wants me to...

  • ...

Entry #2 - The Gang’s All Here (And Boy, Are They Weird!)

It’s pitiful how much time I have in the day and how little I have to do anything with it.

Today is Saturday. I decided that I would revisit that episode, the apparent celebration of a returning character. It started exactly as it had the first time I watched it, with Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie having their little argument, before descending upon the town. The majority of the plot revolves around the other ponies being told the news.

I’ve written the summary of what happened below. It went something like this...

Twilight and Pinkie ran across Ponyville, heading to Canterlot Boutique. Pinkie Pies, as she does, bursts through the door without a care, pronking about with an excited smile. Behind her, hunched over with nervousness I’m her eyes, was Twilight Sparkle. Her eyes darted around the room, as if she was scared someone would see her.

“Rarity~!” Pinkie called out in a sing song voice. When she wasn’t meant with a response, her face quickly soured. “RARITY!”

“Not so loud, Pinkie!” Twilight scolded, rubbing her ears as she winced. “Rarity’s probably just busy.”

“This is no time to be busy! We’ve had all this time to be busy! Now, it’s time for action!” Pinkie began to bounce up the stairs, a mare on a mission. Twilight sighed and, much more slowly, climbed the staircase.

Rarity was entranced by the sewing machine, the roar of the motor having a certain cadence that enraptured her thought. The fabric she held was heavenly to the touch, rubbing against the frogs of her well-manicured hooves. Her eyes were unfocused as she found herself in a deep, almost meditative statement. Although her hair was frazzled, her eyes heavy, she was at peace with herself.

All that came crashing down as Pinkie blasted by her bedroom door. Rarity let out a scream as she suddenly pushed the fabric deeper into the sewing machine, jamming it. Pinkie tackled Rarity from behind, wrapping her hooves around her abdomen. Rarity felt all the wind squeezed out of her.

“Rarity!” Pinkie cheered. “He’s here! He’s finally here!” Rarity, while struggling to breathe, levitated the pink mare off of her. As she was suspended in the air, Rarity took a gasp of hair and took some deep breaths to level her heart rate. When she was finally calmed, she glared icy daggers at the Pinkie.

“Sweet Celestia, darling!” Rarity yelled. “You nearly gave me a heart attack. Again. This week.” Pinkie blushed and smiled sheepishly. “Exactly what could have happened this time to make you forget. You know, besides from the usual sugar rush and lapses in judgement.”

“He’s here, Rarity! Weren’t you listening?” Pinkie frowned. Rarity gently set Pinkie back on the ground, putting a hoof to her face.

“Pinkie Pie.” Rarity started, massaging the bridge of her muzzle. “That are quite a lot of ‘He’s’ in Equestria. Can we skip the pronoun games already?” Pinkie’s eyes lit up.

“The pronoun game?” She asked excitedly. She then began to bounce in place. “Oh, oh! We can totally play the pronoun game!”

“Pinkie, I just said-“ Before Rarity could finish, Twilight let herself in the room.

“I wouldn’t bother, Rarity.” Twilight interjected. “Pinkie is in an especially good mood today and nothing’s going to calm her down.”

“I assume it has to do with this stallion she’s worked up over?” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “I’ll admit, I never took Pinkie for the romantic type.”

“I wouldn’t exactly say a stallion, Rarity.” Twilight corrected.

“Wait a second…” Rarity started, growing suspicious. “Is Pinkie…?” Rarity looks left and right, before approaching Twilight to whisper in her ears. “...one of those interspeciests?” Twilight groaned and stuck her face with her hoof.

“No, Rarity.” Twilight rolled her eyes. She then gestured her head in a direction. I would like to note that the gesture was subtle, as though she had tried not to draw much attention to it. I’ll wait to make a judgement.

Rarity was as confused by the gesture as I was. Up until she wasn’t.

Rarity gasped, a blush coming to her face. “Twilight! You don’t mean…?”

Twilight answered with a nod, a little smile forming on her face. Slowly, one began to slowly for, on Rarity’s. Then, suddenly, her face changed to a look of sheer terror. She quickly ran behind a divider, from which I could only see her silhouette. Even in the silhouette, I could recognize that she was covering herself as though she was naked behind there. Which was odd since she was covering her chest, when she has no breasts and her crotch, when it shouldn’t even be visible in her stance.

“I-I’m not ready!” Rarity cried out. “If he’s back, I want to look my absolute best! Oh, please tell me he’s not here yet!”

“Well, not entirely.” Twilight answered. “It’s a bit complicated, but regardless, he will be here. Pinkie suggested we throw a party. We could use your help!” Rarity peeked her head past the divider.

“You think I would miss this for the world, darling?” Rarity smiled, her horn glowing. Several dresses flew into the divider with her. “I would happily join in the festivities and even provide assistance. But, not until I’ve found a suitable outfit! I mean, honestly Twilight, couldn’t you give a lady a ‘head’s up’, as it were?”

Rarity ducked behind the divider, looking between two pairs of dresses. Twilight backed away, smiling.

“That’s one down, Pinkie! Where next?” Twilight turned to where Pinkie was. Emphasis on was, as Pinkie was nowhere to be seen. Twilight sighed, heading back downstairs.

Twilight managed to follow the sounds of squeeing and laughter to the town's market district. She found Pinkie bouncing circles around Applejack, who looked unamusedly at the unicorn as she approached. Twilight could tell that AJ was in the middle of selling apples when Pinkie came to harass her.

“Finally!” Applejack took one of her apples and popped it into Pinkie’s mouth. Pinkie sat, staring at the apple. Then, she began to nibble the apple contentedly. “Ah was hopin’ you weren’t far behind. Mind tellin’ me what in tarnation has Pinkie bein’ extra Pinkie today?”

Twilight repeated the gesture before. Unlike Rarity, Applejack understood almost instantly.

“Woah, are ya’ serious, Twi?!” Applejack pulled her hat off her head, holding it to her barrel. “Don’t be pullin’ my leg here! He ain’t been around here in...ah don’t know how long!”

“I wouldn’t lie to you, Applejack. He is back.” Twilight looked away, somberly. She mumbled to herself, “Hopefully.” She peeked back up when Applejack threw her hat into the air.

“Yee-haw!” Applejack cheered, catching the hat again. “It’s about darn time he showed back up. I just knew he’d have the good sense to remember us. Just like we remembered him.” She placed the hat back on her head. Just overhead, a pair of pegasi approached the group.

“What’s going on over here?” Rainbow Dash asked, torpedoing towards the three ponies. She came to a grinding halt in front of them, before she could crash through them like technicolor bowling pins. Behind her, Fluttershy landed with much more elegance and grace. “First, we hear Pinkie running through Ponyville like a maniac and now AJ is yelling like she won a lottery! Is there something I should know about?”

“Rainbow, there doesn’t have to be something.” Fluttershy said warmly. “AJ can be excited and Pinkie can be Pinkie. Nothing special has to be occurring for that to happen.” By this time, Pinkie had finished her apple. As such, she sprang back into the group, bouncy as ever,

“But something special is happening, Fluttershy!” Pinkie grabbed her cheeks and squished them. “The most, spectacular, incredible, amazing, show stopping, never the same, totally unique-“ Another apple was shoved into her mouth, courtesy of Applejack.

“The boy is back.” Applejack answered frankly. Behind her, Twilight stiffened, shocked by what she had heard. Applejack, sensing the alicorn’s tension, turns to look at her assuredly. “Don’t worry, sugarcube. I know what I said.”

After a couple rewatches, this line stands out to me. Twilight has spent the entire episode talking around the narrative crux of the plot, seemingly nervous ever step of the way. And here, Applejack seems to shake her deeply. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but this moment seems significant. Just thought I’d make note of it. Back to the recap.

“Wait, really?!” Rainbow asked incredulously. When Applejack confirmed with a head nod, Rainbow shot directly into the air, hooting and hollering. After a few fly-bys, she comes to another screeching stop. “It’s been like, forever and a half since we last hung out! Can we talk to him now?”

“No!” Twilight shouted suddenly, before reflexively covering her mouth. The other ponies stared at her. Twilight cleared her throat.

“I mean, it’s been such a long time.” Twilight clarified. “We don’t know how he might react if we just, you know, go back to how we were before.” The other girls looked at each other, frowning. They all then collectively nodded.

“It would still be nice if we could.” Fluttershy spoke up, her head tilted toward the ground. She pawed at the dirt. “I miss him.” Twilight approached, wrapping a wing around her.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy.” She reassured the pegasus. “We”ll figure something out. We always have.” Twilight moved to stand before the rest of the ponies. “As of now, let’s focus on giving him-“ Pinkie pushes Twilight to the side.

“-the greatest party EVER!” She screamed, finishing Twilight’s sentence. The others cheered in agreement.

It was at this point the show began its musical number. I was always a fan of the show’s music. From the ear worm of “Winter Wrap Up”, to the bop that was “Til The End Of Time”, to my all time favorite, “The Smile Song”. So, picture my amazement when the musical number seemingly encompasses elements from all the previous songs from the show. It was a medley, combining melodies and referencing lyrics. It was a song celebrating all of the show and where it had gone. It even helped to fill me in on some of the things that happened, such as a few villains being reformed, a school being built, and the entire cast having fought a trio of recurring villains.

However, as much of an absolute delight of a song it is, I noticed something worth writing down. I’ve listened to this song a lot. An embarrassing amount actually. The thing I notice is that the song is not only about celebrating the past episodes, but of the mystery character as well.

Pinkie led with her singing of all the stories she would tell and how she loved to make him smile.

Applejack followed with her verse on how the mystery character was a part of her family.

Rarity, from her room, sung of how she wished to dazzle and enrapture him as she once did before. She later joined the group in an ornate dress, even for her.

Rainbow’s part focused on the stunts that she would perform for the character's amusement.

Fluttershy sung of how she would enjoy the quiet moments they share and how she would sing lullabies to soothe the character to sleep.

Twilight closed out the solos with her fondness of the character, seeing them as a friend, partner, and closest companion despite being far away.

Finally, they all sung in harmony, the verse united by the praise they gave to this unknown individual.

After some thinking, I came to understand why I loved the song so much: I felt like it was about me. Looking back on my memories, I remembered the laughter Pinkie gave me, the admiration I had for Applejack, the beauty that endeared Rarity to me, the awe that Rainbow gave me, the calm that Fluttershy provided, and the lessons and values Twilight taught me. It all felt so personal. The song resonated with me. And as I sat, listening to the TV set, I felt like I did when I was a kid. I felt like that kid again.

So, why do I find it unnerving?

As the song concluded, a new pony entered the room. This one was one I was unfamiliar with. Her most memorable feature was her curly, purple mane with a blue streak. She looked at the group curiously, asking the question that’s been burning in my mind.

“Who are you guys talking about?” Starlight asked. The mane six were all startled by her sudden appearance. Twilight was the first to answer.

“Oh, um, well it’s…” Twilight’s voice died down, as she came to a realization. One that I noticed as well. It was practically seconds before the episode would hit the credits. Twilight stuttered as she tried to think of a name. “Y-you see, we’re throwing a party for…” She looked around at the decorations they had set. It was all too generic to be for anyone in particular. A sweat drop rolled down Twilight’s face. Just then, just when it looked to be over, Spike entered the room behind Starlight.

“Hey, Twilight!” He greeted, lugging several saddlebags behind him. “I’m back from the market! You won’t believe how long the lines were-“ As Spike talked, the six ponies all surrounded him, smothering him in a sudden embrace.

“Spike, of course!” Twilight laughed nervously. “It’s the anniversary of when I hatched him out of his shell! Right, girls?” The other five vigorously nodded their heads.

“But it’s not even-“ Pinkie stuffed a cupcake in his, silencing him in a bit of irony.

“We’re so glad to have you back, Spike!” Pinkie beamed, her eyes completely unconvincing. “You are TOTALLY the dragon I was excited for the entire time! Yup! Definitely!” Spike gave an aside glance to the camera. As he did so and a circle closed in on his face, I saw for a brief moment that his eyes widened in surprise.

Then just like that, roll credits. The episode ended and so had my fifth or so viewing.

I’ve studied over the episode. I’ve studied over the song. I have wasted so mush of time understanding what this episode was about. By all accounts, this episode failed the most basic principles of writing. There was no goal, the characters talked around the plot, and the ending was unsatisfying. It was like the episode was made last minute.

That’s when it hit me.

It was last minute. They weren’t expecting anyone to watch the show, least of all me. The ponies didn’t expect me. The episode was about me, wasn’t it?

I am the one who came back.

What the fuck.