• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 3,466 Views, 251 Comments

Harmonious Destiny - OverlordCornutt

It was simple, test Drifters new piece of tech. Get Paid. Of course, things rarely ever get to stay that simple. Now a Guardian finds himself and his ghost stranded on a strange planet, with very colorful denizens.

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Chapter 17 – Jubilation

Chapter 17 – Jubilation

The early morning sun softly danced through Canterlot Castle's stained glass windows as Cyrell slowly ambled down the long hallway that connected the living quarters to the central most section of the illustrious keep. The sight was dazzling as he observed the bright colors of the rainbow tinted glass reflecting off the polished marble hallway walls and soft crimson rugs that ran along the ground. In some ways it reminded him of the older portions of the Tower walls, such as the annex, where mosaic tile art could still be found amidst the cold metal and brick work of the walls interior.

Those small bits of artistry were apparently an ancient tradition of some cultures, who had at one point called the area before the creation of the Last City, and others were brought and kept alive by the survivors of other cultures as they tried to keep the rich history of humanity and its cultures alive in whatever way they could. Of course it also reminded him of Trostland, and the crumbling Pre-Collapse church that Devrim had called home since the Red War. Cyrell pondered if that building was once as bright and inspiring as this one when it still was bustling with the life of local folk going about their days in peace.

The Titan kept up his stride as he let his mind wander to and fro, muscle memory and his subconscious mind guiding him forward as if on autopilot. He briefly thought about his own origins, a taboo amongst most Guardians save for those whose past were all too easy to uncover like Ana Bray or Lord Felwinter as he had come to find out while working alongside Rasputin.

Had Cyrell, or whomever he had been before his first life ended, been a native to the Cosmodrome? Perhaps he was one of hundreds of thousands of foreigners desperate to escape what must have seemed like the End of Everything. Did he have a family? Could one of them have also been raised as a Guardian? It hadn’t been until recently that these thoughts truly began to have significance to him. For so many years since he was first raised he was content to simply be a Warrior of Light, a chosen Guardian of Humanity. But maybe he too could learn from his past self like Ana had?

Cyrell ceased his strange musings as he made it to the first set of enormous and heavy dark oak doors leading from this hallway and toward the center of the Castle. After he cleared his mind of the jumble that was that last train of thought he pushed the heavy doors open with ease and made his way toward the kitchen. From behind him came a glimmer of light as Selene materialized beside him, humming a chipper tune as she took her spot beside him. Her lone eye closed as she bounced merrily in the air.

Cyrell chuckled lightly as he watched his Ghost enjoying the early morning calm. The two silently continue their journey from the central hub of the castle down another set of corridors much like the previous towards their final destination, the royal kitchen and dining hall. As they exited the last hall into the main dining area, the two were immediately beset by the sweet scent of freshly baked waffles, pancakes along with an assortment of different fruits and other morning time sweets.

All around the various servers and kitchen staff could be seen swiftly entering and exiting from one room to the next, some pushing carts stacked with food and others devoid of all but some dirty dishes. They wove in and around both one another and Cyrell with practiced ease as he lumbered in toward the kitchen before sticking his helmeted head inside.

Inside the chaos of the halls was amplified ten fold as cooks and chefs shouted and tan from one station to the next filling out orders and placing them into carts, while others took the finished dishes and began to vigorously scrub them clean. Amongst this maddening culinary conundrum was none other than the Element of Laughter herself, Pinkamena Diane Pie looking like more of a blur of pink than a pony given how fast she was moving from place to place all the while cheerily shouting out orders to her fellows as they dutifully obeyed the hyperactive mare.

She had just turned around to begin a new task when she caught the hulking man and his ghost poking in from the door, offering. The top a wide smile and waving towards them, before saying, “Goooooood Morning early birds! Same as usual for you big guy?” She spoke without issue even as her hooves were hard at work making another batch of batter.

Cyrell offered a curt nod and thanks before Pinkie flashed a quick salute and was off again to set upon his own breakfast. With that business finished he walked in towards a set of tall patio glass doors, leading outside to a little outdoor nook that was secluded enough from the rest of the dining hall denizens. The furnishings here were made of some kind of marble or other light stone, elegantly carved but durable enough to hold his heavily armored form without issue.

Cyrell and Selene sat there together enjoying the sunrise, made all the more spectacular thanks to the elevated position of not only the castle but of this particular patio space, granting them a breathtaking view of Canterlot as it glowed under the morning sun's rays, bringing with it a soft breeze that danced around the mountain as the denizens, mostly song birds and some squirrels, began to stir and take off from their nests and burrows. Slowly the city and all its inhabitants would be bustling to and fro like any other day.

This routine of Cyrell’s had become as practiced as anything else, his body moving almost of its own volition as he awoke and came to this spot to watch the early morning sunrise. He had done much the same when he could on Earth, watching the sun slowly coast over the wall and bathing the Last City in warm morning light. A moment of peace in a universe that seemed to always have some new disaster to take care of.

They stayed unmoving, he and Selene, until the quiet moment was interrupted by the sound of a meal cart slowly being rolled outside. At its helm was of course Pinkie Pie humming a song to herself as she skipped toward them with Cyrell’s morning meal. As she got to the table she removed the lid with a flourish, saying “Here ya go Cyrell! Auntie Pinkie Pie’s World Famous Blueberry Muffins™ with eggs and a Super Duper Protien shake, just the way you like it!” Her trademark ear to ear smile was as bright as always. Cyrell chuckled to himself before thanking her and removing his helm and laid it on the table to his right. Taking his utensils he began to eat after muttering a soft ‘thank you’ to the energetic mare.

Pinkie remembered the first time she brought Cyrell his meal he had wanted to eat in complete solitude, often eating in his quarters in the beginning, to avoid removing his helm around anyone he didn’t know. He still preferred to keep his face hidden, but now he was at least willing to go outside and get some fresh air. Pinkie hopped into a seat beside him and pulled out her own plate from her mane, along with all the ‘fixings’ as Granny Pie called them.

Had anypony else seen the scene of these two eating in silence they might have been more than a little confused. While Pinkie was well liked practically everywhere she went, her unique personality was one that some took more adjusting to than others. It came as a shock that the hulking Titan not only was willing to tolerate the mare's eclectic personality, but almost seemed relaxed around her in a way.

Pinkie had noticed this as well, her Pinkie Sense had gone off a few times, sweaty hooves mixed with itchy ears and a twitchy nose meant that some pony was remembering a friend they had lost. Pinkie had spoken with the others to try and parse if any of them had managed to learn more about Cyrell, and as luck would have it Luna had mentioned something about a Cayde-6. Pinkie may be a silly pony, but she understood that there were some things that a party just couldn’t heal as much as a sympathetic ear, and some tried and true friendship and patience! So she didn’t bring up the name, not until Cyrell was ready too.

Though speaking of parties… There was something she could ask about that should be fine for now. Taking a moment to finish off her last bite of strawberry banana and chocolate waffles, she looked to Cyrell as he donned his helm once more before asking “So Cy-Guy, I’ve been wanting to ask you about the WILD parties you have back home!” Both Cyrell and Selene tilt their heads giving the pink party pony a sidelong glance at the nickname, the pink mare ignored the look as she continues “As a party planner extraordinaire myself I have to know everything so I can improve my next big party/fiesta/financial meeting/birthday!”

Cyrell held in a light chuckle as the pink pony had taken a rather ridiculous pose at the self proclaimed title of “party planner extraordinaire”, a hoof to her chest and one hind leg balancing her on the table as she stood in her chair. Selene was also just barely keeping it together as Cyrell spoke.

“Well I’m afraid I can’t offer an in depth breakdown of the planning portion of the Last City’s many festivals or celebrations, that is all done by Eva Levante. A very kind woman who has done a great deal for us Guardians, most importantly planning the celebrations like the Solstice of Heros, Crimson Days, The Festival of the Lost, The Dawning and the newly introduced Guardian Games.”

Pinkie’s eyes grew and grew, Cyrell swearing the ly had sparks in them, as each new celebration was listed off. He continued saying “She also was the premier fashion expert that Guardians went to for customizing their armor. Something I’m sure that Rarity will no doubt want to know more of, I’m sure” Cyrell glanced back at Pinkie, who had a Manila folder with a picture of Rarity pinned on the front with a paperclip as she wrote down a series of notes before closing it and stuffing it back into her floofy mane.

Cyrell knew better than to ask questions about Pinkie’s abilities, and honestly he had seen stranger things than a pink pony that could store a comical amount of random items in her mane, though that was certainly on the list of more unique encounters for him and Selene. He still had nightmares about Xur taking off his hood and the horrors that may be hidden beneath it.

Suppressing a shudder he glanced back out to Canterlot. “I suppose you want me to talk about them anyway don’t you?” He looked at the mare from the corner of his eye to see her practically vibrating in place as her head shook up and down rapidly, her smile even larger than before.
“Right then, let’s start with Crimson Days then. Really it’s as much an event by Eva as it is Lord Shaxx. I heard her once tell a story that it was inspired by an ancient holiday that existed before the golden age. It’s all about celebrating couples and lovers, though most also just use it as an excuse to form smaller Fireteams to gain popularity in the Crucible. I personally never participated”, Pinkie now had a new Manila envelope that looked like it was about Cyrell, the mare writing notes while glancing up and nodding to let him know she was listening as she furiously scribbled away, her pink mane bouncing in tandem with her nods.

“… anyway it’s one that now has somewhat fallen out of popularity, with most choosing to give more support to the celebrations aimed at boosting overall morale for both the City and Guardians alike, so it’s really more of a personal holiday than a City-wide celebration now.” Pinkie looked at Cyrell before tilting her head and asking “Didja not have a date and that’s why you felt too embarrassed to participate?” The question came out of nowhere and Cyrell choked on his water as he had just taken a sip of it, sputtering as he tried to recover, the Ghost and Mare both giggling at his expense. “No he managed to choke out between coughs, “I just never cared for it! And that’s all there is to it” the indignant Titan affirmed, crossing his arms across his chest as he stared at the mare and ghost. Though without any way to see the Titans animosity, it failed to stifle the laughs.

Pinkie eventually managed to regain her voice, saying “Sorry Cy-Guy, I couldn’t resist! You set it up so perfectly! Though ya know that’s kinda similar to Hearts and Hooves day here, just without all the BANG POW KABOOOOM ya know?” Pinkie said, wiping a tear from her eye as she motioned for him to go on. Cyrell huffed, but began again, “Anyway, then there is The Solstice of Heroes, a celebration of the accomplishments of Guardians across the system, honoring their sacrifice by taking to a special zone called the European Aerial Zone to celebrate with bonfires and other activities. It was especially somber after the Red War and when… when Cayde died as well.” The Titan paused, for a moment, before he looked back to Pinkie. “It’s always been a favorite of mine for a while now and I’m glad to participate whenever possible”.

A pink hoof gently reached across the table before resting on Cyrell’s hand. Pinkie had a knowing look in her eye, but said nothing else. Oddly enough she now had the pencil that was writing in her folder held, somehow, in the front most curl of her mane. Cyrell couldn’t help but smile at the absurd picture as Selene hovered close to his helmeted head.

Cyrell coughed into a gloves hand, saying “Alright, let’s talk about a happier occasion. Ironically, that would be the Festival of the Lost.” Cyrell took a moment to drink some more of his water, and when he looked over at Pinkie he saw that she had stopped writing in her notes and was looking at him with an incredulous stare. “How in all that is sugary and delicious is a holiday called ‘The Festival of the Lost’ a happy one?” She questioned, tilting her head slightly.

“Well…” Cyrell began, “Despite the name it’s usually a time to remember those who we have lost and celebrate the lives they lived, but it’s also a time for candy, costumes and scary stories. It’s very festive, uh no pun intended.” He shrugged as he explained the rather odd, yet apt, description of the Guardian holiday.

“Pinkie immediately sat up and exclaimed “OH! So it’s just like Nightmare Night in a way! Well why didn’t you say so silly?” She giggles as she waves a fire hood at Cyrell. Now it was Cyrell’s turn to tilt his head as Selene asked “What is Nightmare Night?”

Pinkie realizing that she had yet to explain ANY of Equestrias holidays dropped her notes and pencil as her hooves shot to her head. She gasped and said “Ohmigosh I can’t believe I never gave you my best seller Pinkie Pie’s Guide to Equestrian Festival, Parties and other Celebratory Shakanery!” She said as her hood dove deep into the Pink depths that was her mane. A few seconds of rummaging later and a hardcover book was handed to a befuddled Cyrell. He grasped the book in his hands and saw that sure enough it WAS a book written by her about the various celebrations of Equestria.

“This here,” she began, “Is all you need to get caught up on the rich history of Equestrias many holidays and festivals! Plus a few minor holidays, no longer practicing shindigs and a few anecdotes from yours truly.” She finished by jumping on her back hooves and bowing up and down like. Luckily she was adept at balancing and was able to keep herself held up for some time. Pinkie went on, “you know, now that I think about it that Solestic one sounds kinda similar to the Summer Sun Celebration… er well kinda. It was started to celebrate Princess Celestia’s rule after Equestria recovered from her and Luna’s big fight!” Cyrell nodded his head, he had briefly talked with some of the other Elements about how they met and had received the entire story on their way to the Capital. After having met the two Diarchs it had proven to be quite the odd revelation that they had at one time fought one another so viciously… Though the same had happened to Guardians he knew who had been just as close as them, so perhaps it wasn’t as strange as he’d like to think.

Pinkie had been listing off deserts and decorations while these inner thoughts played out, allowing for Cyrell to recall his senses in time to hear her say, “Anyway, so do you have anything like Hearth's Warming?!” She leaned over the table to get in his face, stars twinkling in her eyes as she waited with, literal, bated breath. A moment passed, then a few more before Cyrell gently pushed her back into her seat and asked “What exactly… IS Hearth's Warming?” Pinkie clonked a hoof to her forehead, a small thunk accompanied the action, as she chuckled to herself. “Sorry about that, I just love, love, LOVE Hearth's Warming sooo much!” She excitedly said, “You see it’s when we celebrate with all our friends and family and neighbors with yummy treats and songs and presents!” She flun two hoof-fulls of confetti to cap off her rushed explanation before she rapidly blinked a few times and then added in with the least amount of enthusiasm that a Cyrell had ever seen from her “Oh and uh, it’s also to celebrate Equestria’s founding and the Unification of the Three Tribes and whatever. But that’s not as important as Carols and Cake and CONFETTI!” Cyrell couldn’t help but feel like Twilight might have some choice words for the Pink One’s seeming disinterest in the history around the festival as yet even more confetti was flung by the hyperactive mare before him.

Once her own mini celebration was done Cyrell grabbed her attention, saying “Well the only other holiday that comes to mind is The Dawning, which does as a matter of fact in love baking cookies for our friends and exchanging gifts as we end one year and look forward to the next” he said, at the mention ‘baking cookies’ he noticed that Punkie had begun to… vibrate. At an alarming rate as well. Suddenly his vision was full of Pink as he heard the hyperactive party planner whisper right in his ear “You never told me you could back Cy-Guy old buddy old friend…” he couldn’t se wit, but he knew the grin on her face was likely to split her head as he felt her deceptively strong grip pull him out of his seat and towards the kitchens once more, Pinkie exclaiming “You have to show me ALL the cookies you’ve made, plus their recieved and who they were for and what kind of oven you use, do you like to use sugar or supplement it with other ingredients? What flour do you use? Oh, OH what about FROSTING?!” The two disappearing back into the castle. Selene for her part had watched the entire affair play out, amazed at just how easily the smaller mar had managed to literally drag the large Titan away like he was nothing at all. Chuckling to herself she made haste to catch back up with her kidnapped charge and the eccentric baker that now held him hostage.

Hopefully they could find substitutes for all those Dawning recipes and save Cyrell from a sugary demise.