• Published 26th Nov 2021
  • 1,481 Views, 15 Comments

Ozpin The Great And Powerful - dudenotactive

Salem had been defeated, Ruby Rose had fulfilled her destiny. Ozpin finally won, his duty is finished. Only one thing left to do.

  • ...

Home And Good Friends

The house Turner had bought was not exactly one for gatherings, heck, he wouldn't even invite his own mother to such a place.

Boxes littered everywhere, the stench of old ruined his senses, a layer of dust so thick that you would confuse it as part of the house. There was also the odd painting left by the previous owner, it was too disturbing to look at so it was best left unsaid. Definitely his highest priority. As for the rest of the house, it needed a few tweaks and sweeps for it to finally feel like a real home.

Sadly, all he had was a dustpan and a couple of rags; he had forgotten to buy everything he needed for the house.

Turner would of course go and purchase his desired tool, but as if fate was against him, the gods saw fit to place the pink menace right outside his doorstep. He gave her another glance through the window, she just sat there with a grin so big, he swore her head could split apart.

It would seem that his day would end with a sour note.

He returned to his biggest problem yet, his house needed attention and it would be best to focus on it. But the problem was, he had no way to sweep the dirt without a proper broom. He may be an inventor, but under these conditions, he couldn't just invent a vacuum cleaner just like that. He had no proper materials as well, so that was completely out of the question.

Then an idea practically shone upon him like a heavenly ray of sunshine, or perhaps it was because the pink pony had a flashlight pointed directly at Turner. He glared at her before the curtains fell. Now plunged in darkness, Turner executed his grand plan. One of the few things in this world he'd rather not use due to reasons he'd rather not explain, something he first found out the moment he first saw this odd world.

One moment the house was still, the pink demon awaited for his exit by the door, then suddenly a great gust of wind nearly tore the house apart. Dust flew out of every window along with unwanted pests. Overflowing with pride, the Doctor smiled upon his victory over the common dirt.

During his younger days as a pony, he discovered how rich of magic this world is, and with it, his magic was restored to its fullest potential. And yet, he perished every thought of using any of it. Only on some occasions did he resort to using his spells and other conjurations. Most of it was to protect others, though he had drowned in sin, Ozpin had not forgotten his humanity... No... Ozpin is no more, he is Doctor Time Turner...

"Let me guess, wind fairies?"

"Bon Bon, what are you doing in my house?"

The mare shrugged. "Figured you'd need help cleaning and unpacking, but it seems you got the former covered."

"We had a deal, Bon Bon."

"I know, but we're still friends."

Brows knitted, Turner glared at the mare. "Don't flatter yourself... We're just two ponies who tolerate each other."

"I can agree with that." She snickered. "So, what was that about? Back at the cafe, I mean..."

"Whatever do you mean?" He feigned ignorance as he continued his chores.

"Not a lot of ponies know you as much as I do, Doc, something was eating you. If you want to talk, I'm here."

He scoffed. "You're the last person I'd talk to if I'm being honest."

"While you were acting like a statue earlier, Derpy told me about your little trick on the train here."

He remained silent, Bon Bon's glare burned deep into the back of his head.

"I thought you said you weren't going to use your magic."

"I said I wouldn't use my magic for others," Turner corrected her. "It is mine, and I can do with it as I please."

"There it is again, the 'I can do whatever I want' excuse." There was a hint of spite in her voice, their relationship is quite rocky from the view of others. "And I said it a few times before and I'll say it again: You're just selfish."

"Is it wrong to look out for yourself?" He questioned. "I am merely looking out for myself, you know how it is in this world of Grimm."

"Grimm?" A single brow arched. "Oh right, the Shadow Beasts. I just don't understand why you'd keep all the things you know to yourself."

"That is indeed a wonder, sometimes I even ask myself why."

"You do realize that you could help so many ponies if you share the information?"

If Bon Bon wasn't a hardened agent of SMILE, she would've cower beneath the Doctor's furious gaze. It was filled with so much malice, enough to suffocate anyone faint of heart.

"Right," She scoffed. "You just don't care."

"Glad we are on the same frequency, now if you wish to be useful, then help me set up my desk. Lyra will be here soon and I would rather have somewhere to work."

"Doctor!" A series of taps were heard from the door.

Turner sighed in defeat, it would seem that he had predicted Lyra's arrival wrong, she was much earlier than expected. With a quick flick of a hoof, several pieces of furniture flew out of a box. His telekinesis was remarkable, and though he would not admit how easy it was for him, the desk assembled itself in just under a minute.

He did not like using magic, it made things too easy. Which meant that there was less work or zero effort.

"Invite her in, I'll go unpack my tools."

Despite being reluctant, Bon Bon did as she was told.

But when she opened the door, she had not expected the number of ponies to greet her. It was the three mares she met back in the cafe, who accompanied Lyra over to Turner's house. Pinkie was there as well, but she wasn't that important to Bon Bon.

"Oh, you brought Derpy and the others?"

Derpy smiled sheepishly. "Well, when I heard that Lyra was going over to the Doctor's house, I realized that he had just moved in so that meant he had a lot of unpacking to do!"

"Vinyl and I thought it would be great to help the Doctor feel right at home! So we brought a housewarming gift!"

Vinyl made an upset gesture at Octavia.

"Fine, it was Vinyl's idea," Octavia admitted as she raised a record disc. It was the gift the DJ had in mind for Turner, she had hoped it was perfect for the mysterious stallion. "Well, I guess we better head right in and see what we can do to help!"

"Aren't you guys moving a little too quickly?" Bon Bon believed. "Not even a tad bit curious about what happened back at the cafe?"

"Fire spirits," Lyra said with unwavering belief. "Doc always knows everything! Who knew that those also exist?"

"Right," Bon Bon sighs, she saw no point in explaining or arguing. She best just move this thing along.

One by one the mares entered, but just as Pinkie was about to follow the door was closed right in her face by an invisible force.

What the three mares expected was a room littered with cardboard boxes, instead they came to witness a cozy-looking room filled with furniture to make a picture-perfect home. Even Bon Bon was taken aback, she knew that magic was to be the cause, but this was beyond what she had thought of before.

Unicorns are adept at using telekinesis, so much that it was used for everyday life. Only one who was a master could ever complete countless tasks with so little time.

"My," Octavia was completely speechless, she of course expected that some work would be done, not like this. There was even a couch big enough to fit four ponies, and a couple of chairs that looked so comfy just from the sight of them.

Derpy had also expected to shed some sweat but was somewhat glad that she did not need to work, only to enjoy herself in this house with her new friends.

"Well ladies, I was expecting Lyra but I have enough for everypony!"

Every mare in the room looked over to the kitchen entrance, there they found the host of this small unexpected gathering with a small trolley of sweets and tea.

"But your company is not unwanted, though I must do something before any of us could enjoy ourselves with some cookies. But I have to warn you, these cookies are the best in the world, my mother baked them."

"Aw, how nice of her!" Derpy cooed.

"Now, I suppose you wish to get this over with, am I correct, Lyra?"

"Yup! I got some rehearsals all week and I won't have enough time for our little thing," She answered with a cheerful tone. "I mean, there's so much to do."

"I understand," A warm smile shined brightly. "Lucky for us, Bon Bon and I have not yet carried my desk into my office, so we can work here for now! Though... I have to ask you three to leave the room, this might not be something you want to be a part of."

Derpy looked over to the other musicians, all three were confused about what he meant. "It's alright, we won't bother... whatever it is you two are planning to do. We will be fine." Octavia said.

"Are you sure?" He waited for an answer, but it would seem that nothing had changed. "Very well, let us proceed Lyra."

"Ready when you are Doc!" The mare said excitedly as she rested her right foreleg on the Desk.

Bon Bon decided to just indulge herself in some savory tea; there were still some personal problems she needed to take care of, especially when she had just run away from work unintentionally. The rest of the mares watched with great curiosity as Turner dug through his desk before producing several tools.

They all blanched when Turner pressed a flat-tipped screwdriver against Lyra's leg, their reactions grew intensely when that same tool sank into Lyra's skin.

Screams nearly shattered the windows when a portion of Lyra's leg popped open... to reveal metal beneath the surface. No, it was a series of pistons and wires.

The three felt as if one big secret had spilled into the room, and the source was a small opening in Lyra's limb.

"As I said, it is something you three would find disturbing." The Doctor commented.

"Lyra, what happened to your leg?" Octavia was a bit too brash at the moment, the sight of the machinery was too much for her to think properly. Though she was just curious, perhaps there was no ill intent in her question.

Some would think it was a touchy subject, Lyra did not show any sign of discomfort, as if this scene was a casual tea party. "Oh nothing serious, I kinda lost it when I was still in Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns, there was a spell I wanted to do but it ended poorly for me."

"You sure you're okay telling us?" Derpy finally regarded Lyra's feelings.

"Oh good heavens!" Octavia gasped when she realized her error. "I am deeply sorry if I was a bit too blunt."

Lyra waved a dismissive hoof. "That's okay! This story is my favorite one anyway! So as I said, a magic mishap took my leg away. And I was honestly bummed out about it, but my friends in class had my back all the way, thanks to them, I wasn't so down about it. And let me tell you the best part of this story: So there I was sitting on a bench waiting for my parents, they were taking so long that I decided to doodle on my notebook just to pass the time.

I drew myself on it, but I had this awesome robot arm to replace my leg! I was still a silly filly back then, so I had a wild imagination. There I was, minding my own business, until this weird colt- ouch!"

"Weird?" Turner repeated as his tool gently pressed against one of the pistons.

"You were always a weird one, Doctor!" Bon Bon claimed from her comfy seat.

"Weird is not the best word to describe my amazing intellect, I am what many will agree is mysterious. It has more charm if you ask me."

"As I was saying, this mysterious-" Lyra made sure to flutter her lashes at the Doctor just to get a reaction, to which he only ignored, the others on the other hand could not restrain themselves as a series snickers and chuckles were shared. "-colt approached, he took one look at the drawing and sat down next to me. None of us said a single word, he just sat there with his hooves in his bags. Then he brought out some toys and I thought he was gonna ask me to play with him, but the colt just ripped the toys apart!"

If they were confused before, it could not be compared to their current confusion, Derpy was eager to learn what madness brought this colt to his decision to just break his toys.

"And before I knew it, this colt started to assemble them again, but differently! It didn't take him long, but once he was done, I was in awe! This colt from nowhere had built a prosthetic leg from a bunch of toys!"

"I told her all she needed to do was focus a small portion of magic into the leg and she would be able to walk on all four again." Turner decided to take over the story and explained it much clearer to the three curious mares. "As for my reason to do such a thing? I had none, it was simply a moment of desire, a desire to create the perfect prosthetic limb. A small investment that will pay off in the future."

"See what I have to put up with?" Bon Bon made a rhetorical question.

"That is truly amazing, Doctor!" Octavia voiced her opinion.

"And this will help ponies with missing legs?" Derpy inquired.

"The patent shall be sold for a reasonable price, but it will be available to any business that is interested."

"Like the hay-powered engine?"

"Yes, that is also one of my designs, but how did you know?"

Derpy hummed a cheery tune. "Well, I kinda took a peek at that sketchbook over there, you certainly have buckets of talents!"

"As much as I am flattered to hear that, I do advise that you refrain from interacting with my sketchbooks. They are private, you see."

"Oh, o-okay... so-"

"No need to apologize, my new friend, you were simply curious." He smiled warmly. "I'm just happy that you all could be here to see my home."

Derpy smiled back. "Aw shucks, Doctor! I'm also happy, happy that I made a lot of friends today!"

"And what friends they are," Octavia said. "honestly, you three are the most interesting ones in the room."

Turner knew that she was talking about him, Derpy, and Lyra. The three somehow reached a different level on the normality scale. Of course, Lyra would've been with Octavia and Bon Bon, but thanks to her strange fascination with the human myth she was ranked the same as Turner.

Though Bon Bon was not what she seemed to be on the outside, she still shared the same level of ordinary with Octavia, an actual wolf in sheep's clothing. For Vinyl, she was balanced on the center of it all, though she was mute, her communication was not zero.

"There, all done!" Turner said as he closed the panel of Lyra's leg. "Everything is in order, and I see you've taken great care of your leg, I am honestly proud of you, Lyra!"

"Aw, thanks Doc!"

"Well, all this excitement has me parched!" Octavia informed. "But I am afraid that the tea you prepared must've gone cold by now."

Luckily, Bon Bon was there to save the day. "It's alright, while you guys were having a little science talk, I kept the tea warm for everyone!"

"Wonderful, and I do love that aroma!"

Vinyl simply nodded as she took in the scent of relaxing tea.

"Aren't you going to have some, Doctor?" Derpy asked as she realized that the host himself sat down empty-handed.

"No, I much prefer coffee over tea." He said as he held a fresh brew of his preferred beverage. From out of nowhere to be in fact, which only left Derpy in a confused state.

Somehow, Turner felt as if fate was writing his story just so he would meet these mares. But he will worry about that next time, for once after a whole day of stress, he could finally relax. Though there were some complications throughout his day, Turner was satisfied. His house was clean and ready for guests, even if he had forgotten to move his desk. Somehow, Turner managed to make three new friends even if it was his first day in Ponyville.

But his new life was not without issues; The pink demon was still at his door, and the General was a persistent pony.

The former problem could be easily solved, but the latter was what Turner was concerned about the most. And yet, he thought nothing about it. It was time to relax and not freak out his guests. He'll leave that problem to his future self...

He should really stop using his magic, it felt like he was taking this power of his for granted.

And sometimes, it felt great to help others...