• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 2,264 Views, 76 Comments

Them's Friendin' Herds - NotSoDogNinja

Twilight and Oleander accidentally fuse Equestria and Foenum together, leading both of their inhabitants to ward off the Predators together. And BFDI.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Dangerous Cracks, Deep Caverns, and Dress Crafters

"I hate this show! The TV guide says absolutely NOTHING about when Fluttershy shows up."


Discord, do you have any idea what a TV guide even does in the first place?

"Of course! Where I come from, it gives a detailed analysis of every single episode, not just one or two sentences about each episode at maximum."

How did you even survive, coming here? Just... keep watching.

"Hmmm... the timing keeps bouncing around. It looks like this one starts JUST before those unicorns went on their quest to the cave..."

"...An' THAT's how I became the Champeen a' the Prairie." Arizona concluded.

Arizona and Applejack had been walking for a few hours. Nothing out of the ordinary for either of them, though.

"Sounds perfectly reasonable. Jus' one question. Wah don't the Key Seekers work togethah'? Strength in numbah's, right?"

Shrugging the best she could, Arizona replied, "Well, I'm not opposed to the idea of the Key Seekah's workin' togethah, but rules 'r' rules, and there's nuthin' we ken do to change 'em raht now."

Fair enough. Applejack looked on ahead. "Ponyville was ne'er this far out. Whah do you think it is noaw?"

Arizona readjusted the Knapsack on her back with a slight toss of her head. "Well... In MAH world, this is the path towards Reine. A city filled to the brim with the stuck-up likes of the Reindeer. Eh, if what you told me about Ponyville is true, then it pro'lly joined up with it. Either way, it should be JUSS- Whut in tarnation?"

In front of them, a massive ravine had appeared from in between two large sand pillars. There were two posts on either side of it, implying there was a bridge at some point, but it was out, for one reason or another.

Applejack stared into the ravine in disbelief. "Seriously? We came over here, just fer this ta happen?"

"Ah jus' don't believe it... Whut 'appened?" Arizona said, crouching down low.

"Oh, the bridge is out, ya know? Shoulda' seen you ova' there. Thought I heard hooves a' comin'."

The two cowgirls turned to look at the new voice, which had come from behind them. "Aw, now don't be shy now. Would be nice to have some company!"

A cow walked out from behind another wagon, which the two had just noticed. "I'm Madison. Nice ta meetcha'!"

Seemed nice enough. "Howdy, Madison! Name's Arizona!" "An' mine's Applejack."

Madison winked at them. "Well, aren't you all jus' bundles of joy!" Lightly lowering her voice, she added, "I also saw that you, uh, know yer way 'round the canyon. Saw you come the SECRET way."

AJ and AZ shared a proud glance between each other. It was rather strange, the blue marking on the stone, the cliffside jump, but they had a vague understanding of how it possibly worked.

"Aw, don't worry 'bout it none. We ain't gonna talk 'bout it to anypony." Applejack responded.

Maddie nodded. "Good. Say now... Aren't you one of Minnie's calfs? Thought I recognized yer momma's poofy hair as sure as the sun shines! What'cha doin' out here with yer friend?"

[Need ta be on my way...................]
[> How do I get to Reine City?]

"Well hol' up! Fastest way forward is over this 'ere gap, but... ya know. I'm waitin' for the pronghorns ta come by and fix the bridge. Just a day or two more."

Arizona sat down dejectedly. "Dangit all! Now what?"

Applejack, on the other hoof, piped up. "We NEED ta get to Ponyville! Er... Reine? Er... you know what Ah'm sayin'?"

"Hey, no need to fret! We'll figure something out." Madison mooed, staying optimistic. "Worry like that, and you'll end up with more wrinkles than a raisin by the time you're my age."

"Yeah, you're right! There's gotta be another way past, er, barrin' jumpin'," Applejack said.

"I dunno 'bout that... unless you count the tunnel..."

"Tunnel?" Arizona leapt up back onto her feet. "What's the deal with the tunnel?"

Madison hesitated for a split second before giving an explanation. "Oh, them? Well, it's an old salt mine that goes through the canyon. Used ta be the Reine Deerfolk would hire us Cattlekind to work 'a cut 'a what we mined."

"Salt?" Applejack turned to Arizona. "Is that yer currency here, or somethin'?" Arizona nodded.

Madison continued. "Either way, there was some kind of disagreement, and the whole place shut down. Probably still some salt left too."

"Well, straight through the canyon? Yeehaw!" Arizona shouted to the sky.

"That's the shortcut of shortcuts, there," Applejack agreed.

"Wha? Did you two drink cactus juice for breakfast or somethin'?! Decent folk jus' don't go there anymore! Could be some other beasties live down there, or maybe the rocks are all collapsed..."

"Hmmm...Well..." Arizona decided to try a different tactic. "You're headed to Reine city too?"

The older cow perked up. "Oh, sure! I make this trip all the time! Was headed there to sell some grain and milk. Ever since the decree went out, they're buying as much as they can get! I tell ya that Deerfolk city ain't nuthin' but a slum'a snoot-bags... but they're practically giving away their salt. Times are what they are. What kinda business d'ya have there, Equid?"

[Who, me?...............................................]
[>Tryin' ta' find a friend.]

"Ah'm tryin' ta find a friend over in, uh, Reine. Pretty sure she's there, at least.

"A friend, huh? Well... I suppose that's a fair claim. Whut does he look like?"

"Er... a she, actually. She's another pony, but she's purpler than a grape in the garden, an' has wings an' a horn. Couldn't miss 'er." Applejack provided. Notably, Madison looked skeptical about all of this, but that was probably normal behavior for her. Especially in badlands like this. Applejack continued. "Well, sure I'm gonna run inta' her sooner or later..."

Madison seemed understanding. "An what about yew, Ari?"

"I'm after the legendary key! I'm gonna find that on' thing, lock up em' sharp-toothed critters crawlin' about, an' save the world! Jus' like the stories!"

Madison eyed her slantedly, then asked "Yer parents know where y'are?"


"Could I just step over that edge there for a sec?"

"Now, now," Madison laughed. "No need to fuss. Meant no offense. You just seem a little young to be runnin' around lookin' for trouble like that."


"Tell ya what. Why doncha' set up camp here with me? Might be somebody'll come by in the mornin' ta fix the bridge."

[> Sure, why not?..............................................................]
[Wanna look around a little more...]
[BUT THOU MUST...........................................................]

"Ah agree with Ari. Don't see any harm in spendin' the night here." Applejack agreed.

Madison winked again. "It's a sleepover! I'll get ya set up."

Approximately two hours later, when Twilight reached the cave

Both Applejack and Arizona were sitting next to the fireplace that Madison generously set up for them.

Applejack was silently dozing off, head down and eyes closed, but Arizona was quite nearly wide awake. Sighing contentedly, she whispered to herself, "Champe'en of the Prairie, and helping a new friend untangle this mess. I'm WAY to excided ta sleep." She looked over the chasm again. "Goshdarn broken bridge... I'm two trots away from tryin' that tunnel."

Arizona stood up slowly and walked behind Maddie's cart. Suddenly, she heard a noise from above herself. Didn't sound like anything she heard before. Almost like an eerie wind. A few chills ran down her spine. Finding the courage to look up, she saw... a Predator. Dropping all silence, she shouted, "Hey! You're-"

Before she could say any more, the wolf ran into the abandoned mineshaft, disappearing from the light of the lanterns.

Creeping up near the entrance, Arizona listened for any sign of the wolf. Nothing. "No way... They're already here?"

Making up her mind, the brave calf entered the dark tunnel in front of her. Almost. "Psst. Applejack!"

"Mmm...wha? Whozat?" The farmpony jumped up quickly. "Oh It's you, Ari. What's goin' on?"

"Saw a wolf. Headed into the tunnel. Wanna get 'im?"

AJ stretched her legs. "Well, sure. Jus' gimme a moment... There we go."

Both of them suddenly looked at a piece of bread sitting next to the fireplace.


GAINED BREAD LOAF! +24 Slices u lik'd the bred

GAINED SLIGHT REGRET! -2 Happiness Not the best of choices...

"So, yew ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

They walked into the cave, where they saw a wolf sitting long at the other side of the tunnel. Suddenly, he looked up and turned tail on them, heading down the tunnel further.


Applejack was leading, being the older of the two. But not by much. Arizona was right behind her. They turned to the right, trying not to knock into the walls. Quite suddenly, before them was a treasure chest behind a chasm, elevated several meters in the air. To their left, was another mineshaft.

"What's that doin' up there, Ari?"

Arizona shook her head. "I dunno. Why anyone would jus' leave somethin' like that 'fore leavin' is beyond me. Can't reach it anywho; if we use our lassos, it'll fall down into that hole there faster 'n a pig in a poke. Sure we'll come 'cross it again eventually."

They headed towards the left, reaching a tiny stretch that branched off. They all met up again at one point, thanks in part due to this entire structure being engineered. Strangely, the next part was not straight at all. It turned to the left first and led into a small stony room, before turning back to the right again.

Applejack stepped into the cul-de-sac first, Arizona right behind her. "Ne'er thought we'd be doin' the huntin', eh, Applejack?

"True, that Ari! Where'd 'e go-"

Suddenly, two wolves came on either end of the cul-de-sac, blocking off both exits.

Arizona stared at them. "oh..."


The two wolves charged at the bovine first, sensing something greater from her. They were right. Just before they came upon her, she slammed her forehooves into the ground so hard, the floor shook. Both wolves were thrown up into the air, quite nearly hitting the ceiling, before crashing back down.

One of them ungracefully hit the ground, while the other one was roped in by Applejack, who showed no mercy to it, kicking it over and over again.

Arizona was doing something similar to her wolf, flinging it higher into the air, before finishing it of with a few clean hits on its midriff.

Bothwolves were in critical condition, but that would just get worse, as both of them were thrashed against the wall, and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

It's over!

"AN' GOOD RIDDANCE!" Arizona mooed, snorting angrily. She turned to her companion. "Are you okay?"

AJ checked herself. "Alright. That was some stunt you pulled, there. Where'd you learn somethin' like that?"

"It was my pa! Always told me to try mah own style of fightin'." Turning back towards the new path, she hung her head, whispering, "I understand now, Pa. But I can't jus' let these monsters run free in Foenum again... Gotta keep figntin'! Everyone's countin' on me! And Applejack and 'er friends, too! Can't let 'em down."

The path led to... a hole. Nothing more, nothing less.

Applejack looked down this hole as well. "Another roadblock? This 's getting annoyin'."

"Dangit, there's gotta be more to this cave... Is that water I hear?"

AJ struggled to hear more than a trickle, but there did seem to be water at the bottom of this tunnel. "Yeah, Ah think there is. Is there any reason whah?"

Arizona backed up a bit.

"No, Ari, Ah don't think that's the best i-"

"Here goes!" With that, the calf jumped into the chasm, and into darkness.

"Arizona!" Cowgirl instincts kicking in, Applejack leapt into the depression to save this brave, yet brash calf.

Approximately fifteen seconds later


Gasping for air, AJ surfaced near a very wet Arizona. "Remind me to keep you reined in before you jump the cart."

"You're welcome!" The two swam to the nearest bank, where a wolf was sleeping. Not wanting to get into a conflict until they were more prepared, they simply slipped past it and into a nearby mineshaft.

Once there was inside, Arizona mouthed to AJ, "Huh. Don't know why we're here, but I think there might be something at the end of this one."

"Why do you say that?" Applejack turned around a couple of times. "It's completely dark in here!"

Finding a lantern and some tinder, Arizona struck her hoof on a rock a few times. "Not completely!"

ouchy ouch fire ooh ow hot

The flames from the lantern glowed an ethereal blue color, filling the nearby area with warmth.

"Huh... I feel it too now. Wonder how that worked."

Arizona shrugged. "Doesn't matter. Let's see what's at the end of this one."

The ungulates headed towards the end, illuminating another lamp as they went along. A narrower path revealed some sort of underground river.

"Probably flooded up. Let's see what's at the end of it." They lit one more lantern up on the way. Finally finishing the river wade, the ungulate were greeted with a... skull and bones of a deceased ungulate, and rather fresh at that. Appeared to be a cow skull, but the most interesting thing about it was its left eye. A single glass eye was in its socket, reflecting blue and yellow colors around the general area.

"What 'appened 'ere?"

Applejack shook her head. "I dunno, but... feels wrong to leave it like this. I think we should take it."

GAINED SANDY SKULL! +1 Crossover +3 Bad Time he's dead where he stands. that's why i don't make promises.

With that being done, the two left the cave. And right smack dab into the wolf they saw earlier. It yelped in surprise, before snarling and striking an attacking position.


The wolf lunged at Arizona, who simply blocked his advance with a well timed headbutt. After that, she simply followed up with a few hits in the right places, and he was down for good.

It's over! That was fast.

Applejack looked on in amazement again. “You gotta teach me how to shrug off pains like that.”

"Not too hard, if yer expectin' it. Come on, let's keep goin'."

A short wade, and a small hike later, the two came upon a stone with a blue engraving on it. "This again?" They looked up at the ceiling, filled with stalactites. "Golly, this is a bit of a squeeze." Arizona put on a determined face. "Gotta keep low, or else we'll hit our noggins."

Jump across the chasm?

"Yep! Let's go!"

Because of the low ceiling, staying low was basically a requirement. Not the easiest of tasks; being used to the open air meant changing their style, and FAST.

The first jumps were the easiest, but Arizona was the least used to confined spaces, and very narrowly avoided the first couple sets. On the third, though, she rammed straight into a rather blunt one from below, causing her to shoot downwards at a fast speed.

Looking down at the edge of her platform, Applejack saw the calf lying on the ground dazed, but not hurt. "You okay down there?"

Arizona shook her head, then called back up. "I'm fine! Just a little dazed! There’s a way for me to get back, so just give me a sec!”

True to her word, the cow was soon at the previous location. She jumped the crack successfully this time, meeting up with AJ. Together, they finished crossing the gaps, silently thanking whoever left those stones there.

The two came upon a large open room. A few wolves were prowling around, but they didn't seem to notice the farmer and adventurer. Yet...

"Say Ari?" "Yeah?" Applejack motioned towards the two exits of the room. "There are two exits here. Which one leads out?"

"I don't know..." The cow looked back and forth at the exits. "How about this... you take one, and I'll take the other? We can both take care of ourselves, I think..."

“Alright... Ahl tray to see what’s over to the raht. You trah to see what’s ahead, and clear out any predators there.”

Arizona was in agreement. With all said and done, Arizona ran over to one of the wolves, and started to lay roughshod on it, leaving Applejack to take the tunnel on her right.

Surprisingly, there were no predators in the general vicinity. All Applejack could see were a few bridges, stringing together the several "islands" of solid granite. A single pathway was very clearly laid out for any traveler to follow. At the end of it, was a single exit. Overhead and to her right, a second path was visible, possibly leading back to the first room.

Well, weren't anywhere else this cave led to. Walking forwards, she suddenly noticed something on the walls. Or rather, lack of something. Wasn't this a mine? For salt?

Weird, weird. Sure, it might have been mostly cleared out, but still. They must've left something, other than these cleared out rocks. In fact, some of them looked recently mined, but that could have easily been her imagination.

As the cautiously turned into the next room, Applejack reflected on what those predators had looked like. Like she had surmised before, they seemed like timberwolves, but more... spirity. Waitwaitwait, not just spirity... DEVILLY. That was the word.

A blue light flashed in front of her. 'Yiee! Whut's that? Who's there?"

The light receded, leaving only Applejack and the same stone from before. "Yew again? Well... Ah suppose that cliffside will pose a bit of a problem..." she said, gazing up at the path before her. "Guess you're some kind of warning for travelers, huh?"

She kicked her hind leg down hard, leaving a tiny indent on the floor. "Guess Ah'll have to climb this thing! Here goes!"

Challenge the climactic crag?

"Bring it!"

The first couple of jumps were short and easy. Just a hop, a skip and a jump. Of course, AJ had to crouch down for most of them, but she made it through no problem.

The upwards climb was otherwise, much more grueling. One wrong step, and she'd plummet down to where she started.

Fortunately, the next jumps were in a closed area, so even if she did fall, she could just redo it. But once she got out of there, there was a short gap that she had to cross.

Easily jumpable! Just a windup, then-

"Oof!" A random rock got in the way. Suddenly, where she should be flying, she was falling. Down... down... into...

"AAAAAAAA- Oof-Dangit!" Back where she started?

Wait, what?! She should have been dead! That's... also kinda weird to think about.

"Well... at least redo's are definitely possible..."

Trying again, she managed to clear the gap this time by a long shot, as she had originally predicted. As she continued the climb, she kept thinking about how she was saved.

Was it the stone? Her friendship magic? Or just the way things worked in this world? She wouldn't know.

All she did know, is that she could continue her quest, and get back to Arizona. She was at the top of the crag.

"Whew! That was... interestin'... but Ah won't question it fer now... Shood probably get back to Ari now... Wait, whuzat?" Noticing something sparkly out of the corner of her eye, she ran towards it at a rather brisk pace, for someone who just finished a cliff climb.

A treasure chest! Nice. She made a motion to open it, before suddenly stopping to take a look at her surroundings.

It was a room from earlier! "Wow... these cows sure knew how to clear out a place..."

Pushing the thought from her mind, she turned again and opened the treasure chest that lay before her.


You found the Hylian Hat! Press START to get into the subscreen to equip the hat!

Press (A)

With that finished, Applejack picked herself up, and headed towards the north part of the caverns, where she hoped Arizona still was.

And then immediately fell down a hole in the path, dropping her down a level.

Yep. She was on the path she had seen earlier, crossing the wooden bridges a little bit ago. Looking down on the place she once trod was... kinda spooky, with how high up she was, but at least she knew where she was headed.

Back in the large room she was in before. Well, Arizona wasn't there, but there weren't any wolves either, so... That meant that Arizona cleared them out!

Knew she had somethin' in 'er.

After walking through the still-warm predator death sites, Applejack came into another room, with nothing in it but a black... thing. Not knowing what to do, she tried to talk with it.

"Howdy!...Who 'r what are ya?"

It responded by circling around her.

"Uh... Ah don't understand. Do you speak ponish?"

The orb simply increased its speed, flying ever closer and more annoyingly to the orange pony.

"Uh... POHHHHHN IIIIIISH. Do ya understand me?"

Apparently not. The orb flew a little bit away, before launching itself at Applejack, who was caught off guard by it completely. It hit her in the side, causing her to take a heavy fall to earth.

"Alright, that's it!" AJ reared up on her hind legs, using both mouth and hooves to commandeer her lasso onto the entity, flooring it. She then stomped down on it, HARD, with one of her hind legs. Upon doing so, it shattered, leaving many blue and green orbs in its place.

Before she could react, the orbs flew at Applejack, getting absorbed into her. It felt... strangely good?

"Whah...Ah feel great!" She started to walk forwards. "Bettah keep mah eye out for more a' those things..."

She started to head down the maze-like caverns once moe, searching for the cow she had left some time ago.

"Where is she?"

Arizona paced around a little bit in a small room. Sure she could have gone ahead, but then she could have left Applejack behind! Better safe than sorry.

In fact she was just about to stop her balking and get on walking, when Applejack poked her head into the cave. "Oh! Applejack! Howdy!"

Applejack returned the warm gesture, then sat down. Musta' had a rough time trying to find her.

"Well, you did clear out those predators good, sugarcube!"

"Thanks! Didn't want ta' leave you behind, so I waited for you. Come on, let's keep going. We're almost out of here, I can sense it!"

The next room contained a few groups of enemies. Some of them were wolves, but at the rest Arizona looked confused.

“Are those coils a’ ropes? Wit’ ‘eads?”

Applejack provided an explanation. “Snakes. These looks like poison at me. Yeah ta keep yer distance, an’ watch for tricks. They’re smart un’s.”

“Yeah, but where’re their legs?”

“They don’t ‘ave ‘em. Let’s take ‘em down!”

They ran to the first group of predators, who fully anticipated this move.


There were three wolves and one snake in this first group. Almost immediately, the snake spat out purple venom from its fangs, striking a direct hit on the calf.

“Woah! Wasn’t expectin’ that!”

Arizona had to stop to at least get the toxins out of her eyes, giving the first wolf a chance to strike. He rammed himself into her, flinging her upwards as he did. A second wolf lunged at Applejack, who didn't have much time to do anything, really.

Remembering what Arizona had done before with a previous wolf, Applejack stood her ground, trying to not get pushed at all, only to fall prey to the creature's claws, as they raked down her side. Somehow, this only launched her a little bit away, instead of tearing her flesh entirely. Quickly regaining her footing, Applejack lunged towards the snake, who was back at a distance, still spitting at the calf.

Arizona had gotten herself mostly in the clear, finally landing a few hits of her own on the wolf of her own. Making sure to keep her eyes shielded from the venom, she threw a few more hooks, then charged at him, headbutting him HARD in the gut. Finally finding the snake, Applejack silently got behind it, then pounced on its tail. Instinctively turning around, the snake was met with Applejack's forehoof, which, uh...

Have you ever ran into a wall before when you were five for no damn reason other than to show how "invincible" you were? That's about the force the snake got hit by. The snake crumpled with this single attack, and flopped uselessly to the floor, where it started to fade. AJ started to stand up to see if she could help Arizona, only to get hit from behind by a large muzzle.

It attacked again, trying to get closer, but this time, the pony knew to keep at a distance. This new wolf was relentless, trying to edge her against the wall... how could she-

"Applejack! To block, trah tah not stay rooted like a tree on a Tired Tuesday! Let yerself get pushed back a bit, an' it'll feel less- oof!" The wolf that had attacked Applejack had shifted his attention to the cow, leaving the battle to be a two one-on-ones.

The wolf Fluffers struck once more, from above this time. Taking Arizona's advice to good use, Applejack slightly braced herself, enough to hurt less, but not enough to keep her riveted in one spot. Fluffer's attacks bounced off Applejack's body with nary a scratch, leading her to launch into her counterattack.

Arizona was doing well with hers as well. She had gotten hers between a rock and a hard place, that hard place being her hooves. She was basically doing a jig on him with all of the downwards aimed attacks at his nearly finished body.

Both wolves were down at nearly the same time, each fading away into nothingness as well.

Arizona checked herself and the supplies, then sighed. "Coulda' been worse. Still, glad that's over!"

A nearby howl called their attention elsewhere. "Aw, shoot."

The other wolves and snake, quite nearby in fact, rushed onto the duo too. This time, they were ready for what they had to offer.

The venom was blocked right off the bat by Arizona, who jumped high in the air to slam down on it. Applejack had to deal with both wolves at the same time.

To her credit, Applejack was quite quick with her lasso. It whipped out, past the frontrunner and onto the back one, who was thrown under Applejack's iron grip.

The other wolf attempted to run away, to get stomped on by Arizona. Well, stomped near. The shockwave threw him a little bit into the air. Ari twisted her head upwards quickly, tearing a surprisingly large chunk of black fur from his body.

Knowing she had one Arizona taunted, "Had enough yet? Too bad, ya'll in for a-" She reared back, preparing to launch herself forwards, before flying at a breakneck speed! "-hurtin'!"

Time seemed to slow down, as she landed the final blow of the battle. The wolf collapsed, but didn't disappear.

Applejack ran over. "Yew jus' don't give up, now do ya? Take this!" *Kick!*

Suddenly, the wolf exploded into green orbs! They lay on the ground, glistening with another, gentler glow. They pulled themselves into the heroes, healing any wounds they had.

It's over!

"Still don't know how those orbs work..." Arizona remarked. AJ just looked on, shocked, as usual. "What in the name of Granny Smith's super secret apple pies was that move?"

"Well, ya see, through 'ours of trainin' and fightin', I figured out that if I use a special technique once in a while, I can land a hit like that! An' well, I know when I can use it, because, because... I got no diddly darn idea."

AJ shook her head. "C'mon. We still got the rest 'a this cave to explo'. Ah ken almost feel the fresh air agen!"

The next room contained no predators, lucky for them. Only two treasure chests were there, free for taking.

"Welp. Guess we should take a looksee?"

GAINED DUSTY DUSTER! +3 Indifference I don't feel like playing the game to find the descriptions for this, and I am not looking at seventeen playthroughs of it either.

GAINED TEN-GALLON TOPPER _1 Sense of Care Same principle.

Cool. The ungulates headed into the next room, one more step closer to the exit.

The next room contained the same black orbs from earlier, as well as a firepit. Arizona motioned towards them. "Ah'll take care 'a them, yew see what that firepit is about. Mebbe we ken siddown an' take a breather.

AZ briskly walked over to the orbs, where she went to town. Applejack stepped over the firepit, striking her iron horseshoe on a rock, and breathing life to the fire.

ooh ow fire ow ouchie hot

Again, the fire emitted the same blue light that the lanterns had. No reason was forthcoming, so no reason to bother thinking about it too much.

They sat down for a few minutes, simply feeling the warmth of the fire. Not a word passed between them; they were just happy to spend this time together.

"Hrrp...Ah! There we are! I think that's enough, Applejack, let's finish this up!"

Standing up, Applejack replied, "Sure thing. The exit's o'er thataway, so let's go." The two headed through the next door, where a few howls could be heard.

"Anotha' one? Well, we'll just have to take 'im out as well!"

"Er. Ah'm not sure about that."

"What's wrong? It only sounds like there's oooonnnnn n n n e e......"

One final predator. The final one. And it was massive. His eyes glowed yellow, and two smaller wolves flanked him on either side. A snake slithered out from the shadows, joining the ranks.

A standoff. Both sides moved not an inch forwards or backwards. Then the yellow eyed wolf snarled, casting its gaze hungrily on the pony in particular.

She didn't notice, or perhaps she just didn't care. She shouted a challenge. "So, yew wanna get in a line, or are we gonna do this hoedown style?"

The two smaller wolves leaped at the pony first, who simply guarded. "Hoedown it is!" She shouted to Arizona. "Take down the snake, then we'll face the big guy togetha'!"

Arizona nodded, and leapt into battle.


The two wolves were quite the nuisance. Despite their size, they hit true, at least causing Applejack to retaliate. And retaliate she did, with a single shake of her head, she threw both of them off with her superior strength.

Arizona was faring equally as well with her foe, having thrown it off guard in the first place. She readied for a stomp, before getting interrupted by the larger of the wolves's claws.

The small wolves were taken care of, one with a full lasso truss, the other with a well placed blow to the head. A few drops of venom oozed onto Applejack's body, but she gave no heed as she heard the cow's cry of pain. She leapt onto the behemoth's back, trying to distract it long enough for Arizona to break free.

Once, twice, she struck with her front hooves. The father wolf reared up on its back, and effortlessly threw her off, into the wall, completely stunning her. Arizona was left there, back on her hooves.

Worriedly, she chanced a glance at Applejack, who was clearly unconscious. The remaining wolf loomed overhead, while the snake inched closer. Was this how it ended? Was this-

No. She couldn't let her friend die like this, so close to escaping!

She readied her stomp again, this time throwing her entire mass and will into it. This time, a huge shockwave flew from the place her hooves landed, throwing the wolf high into the air, and the snake into the ceiling, effectively crushing it.

The wolf snarled again, attempting to bite the calf, but she had different plans. She whipped out her lasso, and drew him in close, before throwing him roughly on a patch of rock behind her.

"Heh! That's a wrap! Ya'll in fer a... Beatin'!"

It's over!







"Miz Applejack! Yer awake!"

Applejack was sitting by the fire. Arizona was looking at her with concern and relief in her eyes.

"'Ey, Ari! Ugh, what 'appened? Ah feel lahk Ah got 'it by a train there."

"You got knocked around pretty badly by that predator, but Ah think Ah patched yew up nicely."

Applejack suppressed a laugh. Arizona wasn't having any of it. "What's wrong?"

She couldn't hold it in. "Bahahahahahaha! That hat...and that mustache? You have gotta be kiddin me! Ahahahahaha!"

Arizona shook her head. Yeah, maybe she should change.

THE M-POWER +1 Superstar Points +2 Jump Height +1 Sexy Mustache It's-a-me, Moo-rio!


"Let's get outta here. I checked for predators. The way to the city is clear as day, so let's see if we ken make good time."

Applejack nodded, getting a few last chuckles out of her system. "Alright. Just, don't put that ridiculous outfit on again, okay?"

He saw them. He saw them head out of the cave, and into the sunlight.

But, now was not the time to strike.

That will be later.

But for now, following them seemed like a good plan.

Ah, the predators will rule once more. He could almost hiss in excitement.

But, there was no harm in being patient.

Absolutely none at all.

*knock knock knock*

Pen: Huh? Oh! Hi! You must be the person who ordered those dresses!

?: Yes, I am. I just wanted to check on their progress.

Pen: Yeah! I think we're all done with it. If you want to see them, they're in the back of the room. Miss, uh... Horsé Collins?

H. Collins: Yep! That's me!

Pen: Hinny of the Hills. I'm familiar.

H. Collins: Huh?

Pen: Yeah! I read about it from totally not a random diary I found on the ground.

H. Collins: ...

Pen: Alright! Right over here.


H. Collins: Is everything alright back there?

Pen: Not sure... Do you want to check it out with me, or do you just want me to go alone?

H. Collins: I'll...come. I haven't seen a show like this yet.

Pen: Great! Let's go.


H. Collins: Snake?

Pen: What's going on?

H. Collins: Snake?

Pen: Snake?!

Eraser and Blocky: SNAAAAAAAAAKE!!!

Pen: We're comin' for you guys!

Pen: WAIT! It's already dead!

Eraser: Oh. So we've just been kicking around this dead red-black snake for two minutes?

Pen: Yep. Uh... you okay, Mrs. Collins?

H. Collins: Uh... Yes?

Pen: Anyways, Here's the dresses.

H. Collins: *gasp* They look gorgeous! You're very talented, for Rarity's understudies.

Pen: Yeah! Eraser was surprisingly good at sowing.

H. Collins: Well, if it isn't to much to ask, could I take them now?

Pen: No problem. Totally fine with me. You think you can carry that?

H. Collins: Absolutely! Dresses aren't that hard. You know, I used to work as a stage hand.

Blocky: I bet you were pretty good at it!

H. Collins: Thank you!

Pen: Well, thanks for stopping by. See ya!

H. Collins: Bye bye!


Eraser: Is she gone?

Pen: Yep.

Eraser: Did you tell her that we couldn't get the diamonds?

Pen: Nah, she didn't need to know. Besides, Yellow Face's cheap plastic toys worked out fine. Plus, I searched for HOURS for some, and all I found in that stupid cave was salt. Just all over the place. I took it with me. See? I also found a cactus, this weird orb, and a cowgirl outfit that I left there. Doesn't matter. If I took stuff, I left stuff in their place.

Author's Note:

Note: chapters that involve more exploration/ have epic boss battles will be longer. General meetups will be MUCH shorter. Not an excuse for me leaving for two weeks. School and a couple of tiny problems. And no more two week hiatuses, hopefilly.

Totally NOT based off of THIS, really.

Next up: Party Balloons and Picnic Baskets! And Spike!

I also TOTALLY didn't have Pen "steal" all of the salt so I wouldn't have to memorize the placement of it.