• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 20: A slap in the right direciton.

It was mid afternoon if I had to guess, when my eyesight regained enough focus to separate all of the colors from the white glare, but the haze over my sight was ever present. This was being corrected as the minutes ticked by, but the best I could describe the experience would be to think of a watercolor painting and then smearing it with your hoof; the colors and general outline of the image is still there, but diluted.

Oh, and my body felt extremely lethargic to a fault. The act of lifting my head left me almost breathless the first time, but gradually lessened as I attempted to assert some control over my body- my legs fared no better. Unable to stand because of a lack of strength became a secondary worry when I noticed a distinct lack of holes in my legs. This sent me scrambling for a recollection of memories to explain this horrifying shift in biology, and the belief that a certain nymph snuck in and filled the holes up while I slept became more accepting than the possibility a terrible fate had befallen me.

I looked around the room trying to take my mind off of the ridiculous, but still plausible notion when I noticed the room had been rearranged since the last time I was awake. The Element Bearers were supposed to arrive, and to give them the space to reconnect with the royal family, Topaz, Cersus and myself left for the University…

“CERSUS! TOPAZ!” Certain memories came galloping back and this time I managed to sit up right. It didn't last long as the weight of some lingering pain inflicted me forcing me to lay down once more, but my memories for why I was this way were a blur…

“I swear to Order and Harmony it was the blizzard, but I see no evidence of it. Maybe I was trapped in a nightmare, and that is why Luna sought to wake me?” Possible, but I wouldn’t know laying around wasting the day away when the answers I seek, and my duties require my ability to get out of bed.

I gritted my teeth as the act of moving my body was a struggle, but eventually the strength of a changeling that had spent years absorbing natural, and unfiltered love took its effect, for the numbness gradually declined and I was able to regain the most basic functions of my limbs. This allowed me to stagger off the bed enough to stand on unease hooves while I struggled to catch my breath from the mild exertion.

The holes that had always been a part of my appearance, and considered a changeling’s defining characteristic were notably absent from my legs, but that bothered me little then the amount of exhaustion I was feeling by standing up. I caught a break and on weak legs stiffly walked to the dresser Topaz, and myself used to better view what other changes my body might have undergone, for my own thoughts could not be trusted. I swore the amount of time I lost Topaz and Cersus in that storm, or I fell prey to a nightmare I couldn’t say, but the signs were mounting it being more than a day.

“A week?” Month?” I asked myself, and noticed the hoarse tone my voice carried, and discovered trying to say another word became more difficult than two words earlier.

I held off talking for the moment and turned my attention to the reflection and almost voiced my displeasure at what was seen- a magic repressment made of gold around my horn. A golden ring with unicornian etchings were usually reserved for the more serious, or the magically gifted members of the correctional system. A few, but very rare instances a magical repressment was required was to avert the patient from causing further injury to themselves and those around, and even as I pondered that notion it did little to dispel my fears of what had happened prior to my slumber.

My true self had been exposed there wasn’t any doubt for how could they place this ring upon my horn and not have seen my un-guise self?

“They must have for no pony would authorize this level of containment on a unicorn without a good reason, extensive sleeping included. The placement of the repressment alone would require a high level of authority, and that’s not including actual placing of the device.”

I argued that point with myself for another few minutes to give my weak legs enough time to recover enough to hide the trembling effort it took to keep myself standing. The self induced argument provided little benefit then to voice my concerns to a respectable authority, this nearly blinded me to the horrors of my body…

“I’m different!” I cried out. “What has happened to my carapace..my body?”

The holes were the only noticeable change I’d notice earlier for their importance to my race, but somehow during my uncertain sleeping time, my body had changed for the worse; my carapace had become more angular to better reflect the nymph’s shapes homework, long triangles, multiples of them had been angled to give the impression of guard armor, but less pleasing to the eye. A better visual representation would be to seek out one of the dice used during our Spider and Catacombs game, my carapace was angled like a die but with hooves.

I finally gave in and fell onto my flanks as my legs couldn’t handle the weight of this revelation- I was no longer a pure changeling. My appearance alone resembled a foal’s attempts of drawing their first fantasy race that looked like a pony but with another horn, or a funny name. I was a mockery of the changeling race.

A gloss that was never present had been gradually spreading the longer I focused on the reflection till it mirrored the mirror. My head fin had remained mostly unchanged save for the streaks of green becoming more pronounced in the sail (as Topaz playfully called it), and my fangs had shrunk enough as to not protrude from behind my upper lip.

“They’re not even fangs…” I noted how dull they were as my tongue ran over both of my former fangs.

My wings were about the one thing that had remained the same I noted with some excitement as I unfolded…

“They’re colorful.” I sighed and folded them against my back for now they refused to go under the carapace like before. Oh, and I had grown a mane as well, nothing too bright thankfully.

The dark green I’ve used for my transformation had carried over to my changeling form leaving it a permanent addition between the two forms. Rare for changelings to carry features between shifts for it could be used to identify a ling out in the field, and the Queen often forbid such lings from even leaving the hive in the first place, if the lack of love didn’t stop them, then needless defects would out the being.

Acceptance of my life’s situation had quelled much of my hopes of ever returning to the hive, and that understanding allowed me to focus on what I had deemed more important- guard training, Topaz, pottery, justice, and exile love distribution to name a few. This new change only further informed me there would never be a way home. If presented, I would of course turn the offer down for my current circumstances have proven very favorable and enjoyable, but it is the act of realizing that path is forever close that strikes me with sorrow, and not the desire to return itself.

For a reason I can’t define, but only guess, the possibility I could be extended the offer to return to the hive kept me optimistic during the lower points of my life, which is why I was adamant Cersus return if given the chance…

“Do what I can not do.” A saying I had heard some of the older families of Canterlot tell their foals to place the burden of furthering the family’s status upon them with each passing generation.

Cersus became that to me in a sense, but that has changed in the recent couple of years for I no longer strived for her eventual return, more than strived to provide her the choice of returning if she so desired. It’s this gradual shift of my thought process that allowed me to make the distinction of how I should direct my efforts in tutoring the young nymph to complement her own ambitions. It was that same shift that now directed myself toward the criminal path of rule breakers if it meant reuniting with my family…

“Family.” I whispered as if I was afraid of somepony stealing it from me, but that’s exactly what I was worried about.

Around that same time, closer to the moment of reaffirming Cersus’s relationship to me at Viridian’s home, certain measures were taken to expand upon this declaration by incorporating Topaz into the design with surprising success. Even with the establishment of the ‘family’, all was not well if rocky at best, but somehow through the hurdles we stuck together until the thought of not being a familial unit proved distasteful.

Looking at the ring once more I tried using my magic to no effect, and proved the ring wasn’t for show, and in fact being used as instructed. With that assessment proved true, I shifted my focus from the ring onto restoring basic motor functions to my limbs by performing a few basic stretches until they refused to shake because of the exertion, and not from a lack of use. Now I could begin the work of figuring out…

I paused as I finally noticed a large silver bell on the nightstand, which sat next to a silver platter of fresh fruits. No recollection of purchasing this bell came forth, and thus concluded it to belong to Castle Staff for they on occasion and circumstance provide a bell as part of an ‘on call’ service; I’d never partaken in this service for the idea of partitioning a pony’s schedule into an unspecified length of time rubbed my fur the wrong way.

Yet, here I was undisguised with a magic suppressant ring around my horn as I yearn to discover how the situation came about. I reached out and rang the offered bell.

“Hello?” I inquired as its high pitched, but regal chime effortless redirected itself from wall to wall. There was no immediate response, and rang it once more.

This time, I could pick up the scuffed, and frantic movement of a hooved creature and a low grunt that sounded like hushed chatter before a practiced three knock pattern reverberated from the door. I knew this simple, but useful knock for I suggested it to Shining before my promotion became known to myself- a friend was here, may I enter?

“You may enter.” I commanded while struggling to remain firm in speech as my vocal chords were still dry from the lack of use.

There was a moment in the silence where their fear sought me, and the obviousness of my condition was known, but to how many that had yet to be determined. Standing by the dresser was meant to give the pony entering the appearance of space, and chose to remain there as the metal fastenings of locks were worked to allow them passage.

“They installed locks on our own quarters.” I sadly noted as the fastenings were removed and the door creaked open. I had expectations, but to see an older mare I recognized walk in with a newly minted sergeant leaned further on the spectrum of unlikely. “Viridian. Sgt. Flash Sentry.”

The pair looked upon with renewed interest alongside a current of fear, or mistrust, but to further tilt the meter toward highly unlikely it was Topaz’s mother that took the first step toward me.

“Idol…Can I call you Idol, hun?”

The way she sought my permission correlated with her recent treading around my presence, but only with the added trepidation of seeing my true self. Reflection only showed how neglectful and selfish I’d treated the aging mare who had treated not only myself with warmth, but taken Cersus under her wing so to speak and provided the love a growing nymph needed. Ever since our confrontation I had almost avoided her with the excuse of duty and family to prevent this exact moment for I had no clue how to move forward.

So I nodded as I felt, and saw some of the older mare’s fears depart as the pegasus’s wings went limp, the need for flight not needed anymore.

“That’s lovely hun. We were worried about you dear, especially Topaz and Redshock.” Viridian squeaked out as a new wave of mixed emotions clobbered me.

“I had no control over my absence, but I will assure you if given the choice it wouldn’t have happened.” My admittance earned a nod from the pegasus.

“That’s about what I expected from you, Idol. My daughter had her limited share of stallions before meeting you, but you were different, and not because of what you are mind you, but there was something about you that drew Topaz to you. I may tease the poor dear, but I’d experienced it myself by my own mother’s hoof so I felt entitled to it, and our first meeting was no different at first; I’ve seen how she acted around you, and how embarrassed she became by my questions about foals, and that wasn’t because of me asking her friend, but her valuing your opinion so much that your answers made her think.”

Viridian took the initiative by taking two steps forward as I took a step back trying to ignore the compassion that sparkled in her eyes, for they reminded me so much of Topaz’s own eyes and her ability to equal parts instill fear, hope, and love in me.

“Please Vivi, you underestimate Topaz, and over embellish my influence to proportions that are simply not true. “ I tried arguing, but the aged mare had to give me a single look for me to know how futile it was.

“Nonsense, Idol. I raised that mare, and know her well enough to see the trends in the making before the dear even realized what was going to happen, and Idol…” She took another step closer to me, and gently raised a hoof to touch my chest. “...you changed all of that even if you don’t believe it. I was young once, and might have dated several stallions looking for something I couldn’t find until my husband one day showed up on my doorstep. Literally!”

“Just like that?” I asked, now curious about the stallion they seldom spoke of, and for a distraction. Viridian suddenly seemed eager to talk about her late husband as her wings fluttered in an unseen breeze.

“Why, Storm Cloud was a doll. Even to his final days he was the finest stallion any mare could have had, and just showed up! A knock on my door, and he was standing there asking if I’d seen his stray cloud, ha! I had thought he was being flirtatious, and played along… he really did lose his cloud, but luckily the weather patrol had found and pinned it to one of their own. After that, he made it an effort to lose that cloud more often!”

“Storm Cloud..Storm Cloud…” I tested the name a couple of times as I noted Vivi’s emotions warming up the more I repeated the name. “I do believe that is the first time I heard your husband’s name, and strangely enough the name fits the family.”

“Topaz eventually grew to appreciate her name, but our short-sighted-ness cost her many years of grief from the local foals, and for that we did feel guilty about. We almost took Topaz to the council so her name could be changed at one point, but after weeks of back and forth were told no, but by that time she had grown thick enough to ignore the teasing. Stormy still felt terrible for many years after that.”

It was by this time an old and buried thought returned that needed clarification.

“Wait, wasn't your husband was an earth pony?” I interrupted the mare’s trip through the yesteryears of those cherished memories, but a changeling’s memory was good for a reason, and I recalled it being mentioned that Storm Cloud was an earth pony.

Viridian paused to process what I had asked, and with fascination, I watched as her short clover green mane lost its curls before bouncing back. She placed a hoof over her muzzle, and mumbled something before dropping the hoof back to the crystal floor.

“Oh dear, that changes the context of the whole story! You are right dear. Storm Cloud was an earth pony adopted by a pegasi family in his early foal years, and it's why I mistook our first meeting for aggressive flirting. Why else would an earth stallion knock on a single pegasus mare’s door asking have they seen his cloud? It practically sets itself up!”

When presented in that context, the absurd becomes obvious, and another almost parallel to my whole relationship with Topaz if you replace the cloud watching bit with bug watching in the vast expanse of the desert. I let slip what I was pondering, and Vivi giggled at my ‘silly comparisons’ as she called them, but went on to suggest her story was silly while our own was romantic.

“It’s all perspective dear, and Celestia forbid I tell you what's romantic or not for you’re the expert! You know, being a..”

“Changeling.” I finished as her mood shifted to fluctuations deemed uncomfortable, and the drawing out of words in an effort to purchase more time. “We only gauge one’s emotions to determine what would produce the more idle outcome we seek. Cady is the love doctor as Shining Armor mentioned once before.”

Oh. Well.. What is that on your head?” She pointed up toward my head, and what I assumed was aimed at my head fin, which Viridian shuttered as it unfolded, confirmed to be the target.

“It’s simply called a ‘head fin’ that serves no major purpose in changeling society. The nearest comparison would be in the same way ponies use their ears to convey certain moods, but it’s more commonly used to assert your position within society. Just a few months ago I had to extend the fin out to get Cer..”

“Redshock, right? So, she really is..one of you?” Viridian asked, almost whispering as she looked me up and down. I nodded.

“Her real name is Cersus, and no. We are not her sires, but treat the nymph much like our own for we are all she has.” I lowered my head fin, and the sudden movement caught Vivi’s eyes as they watched the fin retract. “I never fully apologize for my outburst those many months ago, and for that you have my sincerest regard.”

Even after ‘unofficially’ declaring my desire to court her daughter, I hadn’t experienced the more loving side of Viridian for I felt the nymph would benefit more from the attention. I don’t believe she had ever displayed any affection for myself besides courtesies, and a modest nuzzle on more joyous occasions like Hearth's Warming- a hug was never a consideration.

“You poor dear. I was scared, and you were protecting your family as any father should, so for thought I’d never held any ire for you. If it wasn’t for you, I might have lost the only family I’ve left.” She released me from the hug after that, and for a moment we said or did anything as the emotions ran high and needed time to collect themselves.

“No pony besides Topaz or Cersus had ever hugged me before, and I find the it… well, strange.” The mare smiled, and I found myself unable not to follow her example.

“I’m surprised and delighted to see you Viridian, and very sorry you have to see this grotesque form. Perhaps after more explanations Cersus might show you what a true changeling should look like.”

I had expected more of a reaction to the reveal, but instead of screaming or more outward displays of disguise to match my appearance, another hug wasn’t even considered. With a blink of my eyes, she had once more closed the distance and wrapped her hooves and wings around me as an outpouring of love, none romantic, but genuine concern and admiration were freely given to me…

“Excuse me sir, but are you suggesting you’re ugly?”

We had forgotten all about the newly promoted Sgt. Sentry, and while his deduction wasn’t wrong, Viridian always had a thing for proper etiquette even if it meant fibbing to spare one’s feelings. I flinched as her hoof connected with the side of his muzzle.

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