• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 24,998 Views, 1,581 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 59

Author's Note:

No lie, I think I have some sort of narcolepsy.

Anyways, take this short chapter. I have things planned, some funny things, some sad things, just know that I do have things planned. :trollestia:

I was currently trying to figure out if I was still able to pull off a moonwalk on all fours, why? Because I had time to kill. Also because I was using this as a gauge to see how hard it would be to dance as a pony, since all I have to go off of is the times I saw horses back on Earth being taught to trot in time with music. Spitfire was currently watching me from her place on the couch, she was lying on her side and watching me with amusement as I muttered and mumbled to myself.

I'd managed to do a moonwalk while standing on two feet, so this shouldn't be that hard. It was just the same thing, though I was moving two sets of feet shaped differently than two regular human feet. So.. yeah.

"Right hoof flat," I muttered as I pressed my hoof down. Then I raised my heel and slid my left hoof back, I made sure to do this with both of my right hooves and then shifted my weight again before doing the same thing with my left hooves and sliding them back. I did it a few more times before my brain registered how to do it slowly so that I could then do it smoother.

"Okay, I got it," I said as I nodded and turned to fully face Spitfire as she tilted her head. "What did you get?"
"You remember that little dance move I showed you when I slid back on two hooves?" I said with a small grin.

She thought to herself for a moment, glancing up at the ceiling before nodding, "yeah, what'd you call it.. the moonwalk, was it?"

"Exactly! Now, I'm gonna show you how I can do it on all fours," I said as I turned my body away.

"Oh, this I gotta see!" she said as she sat up. I let out a chuckle as she leaned closer in interest as I took a breath and prepared myself.

"Well, watch and learn," I said with excitement.

I took a deep breath and focused, then began to moonwalk backwards on all fours. It was definitely harder than doing it on two feet, but I managed to pull it off with a bit of effort. Spitfire watched, her eyes widening in amazement.

There was also an idea where quadrupeds could spin I'm a circle whole doing something like this. Then again, I've only heard this theory once before, but I wanted to see if it was true. So why not tempt fate and see if I could do it, the only negative outcome would be light teasing from Spitfire, and probably a hug.

That sounded reasonable.

Only I was stopped when Mother entered the room like a ninja and caused me to jump three feet into the air and into her waiting hooves, her giggles drowned out my surprised shriek as she held me close and nuzzled against me as she sat down next to a grinning Spitfire.

"Where were you?" I said as she plopped me onto her lap, her hooves supporting me as I gave her an amused glare. "And why would you scare me like that? that's cheating," I said with a small huff.

Mother chuckled and gave me a playful nudge with her nose. "I'm sorry, Honey. I didn't mean to startle you. I just couldn't bear leaving you alone for any longer," she said with a smile.

"What am I, chopped hay?" Spitfire said as she playfully nudged Mother. Mother simply chuckled as she continued nuzzling me.

I rolled my eyes and leaned into her touch, letting out a contented sigh. "Well, you missed my amazing moonwalk on all fours," I said, turning to Spitfire with a grin.

Spitfire laughed and clapped her hooves together. "It was pretty good, I have to admit. But I still gotta know, where'd you learn how to do this?" she said as she gave a look at Mom. "You teach him?" She said to which Mom shook her head.

"I got bored one day and figured it out, I guess?" I said in more a confused tone to make it seem like it was one of those childish tones. Making it seem like I was clueless and just figured it out myself instead of the actual reason, I stole it from a very popular music artist back on Earth.


Twilight Sparkle furrowed her brow as she reread the letter from Princess Celestia. She had been tasked with keeping a close eye on a young foal, and the princess had emphasized that it was of the utmost importance.

Twilight knew better than to question the orders of the princess, but she couldn't help but wonder why this particular foal was so important. She scanned the letter again, looking for any clues or hints as to what made this foal so special.

“You alright, Twi?” The voice of her beloved assistant would cause her to set the letter down on the table and turn around to see Spike standing there.

Twilight smiled at Spike's thoughtfulness. "Thanks, Spike. I'm fine, really. Just a little busy with a new assignment from Princess Celestia."

Spike's eyes widened. "A new assignment? What is it?" he said as he waddled over.

Twilight hesitated for a moment, considering whether or not to share the details with Spike. Ultimately, she decided that he deserved to know. "I've been tasked with keeping an eye on a young foal. Princess Celestia emphasized that it's very important."

Spike looked surprised. "A foal? That's.. weird. Do you know why it's so important?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, not yet. But I'll find out. I just have to finish figuring out how much theoretical power the old mages of history needed in order to raise the moon by themselves"

Spike nodded. "Well, you know I'm always here to help you out, Twilight. Whatever you need, just say the word."

Twilight smiled gratefully at Spike. "Thanks, Spike. I appreciate it."

"The letter says that the foal's name is Speckles," she said as she set the letter down and turned to face Spike. "I have no idea who that is." And she knew everypony, well, almost everypony. The Mayor hadn't given her the updated Ponyville census when she asked for it.

"And how do you plan on finding out?" Spike said as he sat back in his basket.

Twilight didn't respond and simply pulled one of the drawers back on her table and pulled out a black suit with her magic, turning to face Spike with a small grin. It helped her sneak into the castle once, so didn't doubt that it would be effective in helping her research that foal.

But Spike didn't seem to agree with her mental, already knowing where her train of thought was going as he gave her a deadpanned look.

"No," the baby dragon immediately denied. "You are not sneaking around in that suit after what happened the last time, and I am not putting one on and sneaking around town with you."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "That was a one-time thing, Spike. Besides, I need to find out more about this foal and keep an eye on them. It's important. I can't fail the Princess."

Spike groaned. "Fine, but I'm not going with you. You're on your own this time. I do not need any more time-traveling nonsense," he said as he laid back in his basket, pulling his blankets over himself as he dug into a well-deserved mid-day nap.

Twilight chuckled. "I won't need your help, Spike. I've got this."

She put on the black suit, covering herself from head to hoof, and then teleported out of the library, determined to find out more about this mysterious foal named Speckles.

But as Twilight went a few minutes into her mission, she stopped and realized something, this suit wasn’t going to help her in the slightest. What was she even thinking? She let out a sigh and lit her horn, the suit disappearing and instead being replaced by a pair of binoculars and a hat over her head.

The passing ponies either gave her a brief greeting or a strange look as she giggled to herself before crouching down and jumping into a bush, which didn’t really cover her form all that well, her back half was seen as she uprooted the bush and started moving it along the ground.

Some ponies would stop to stare as they watched a part of Twilight sticking out of a moving bush as it headed further into Ponyville, specifically a pair of ponies would be staring at her retreating form. A stallion and a mare looked at each other, looked at the bush, before looking at each other again.

“Twilight’s antics?” The stallion said.

“Twilight’s antics,” the mare nodded her head as the two shrugged their shoulders and kept walking down their own path.

"But should we be concerned?" The mare said as she thought of something, tilting her head as she stared up at the stallion. "I mean, the last time she acted like that, we were practically killing each other over a doll," she said with a shiver. The memory of that day still haunted her.

"Well, now that you say that," the stallion said as he paused and stared over to where Twilight's tail disappeared around the corner. He went to say something, but stopped and shook his head, "Actually, nah, let's just get back home and prepare for the the worst."

The mare pursed her lips before nodding, "alrighty then."

Then the two kept walking, the lingering thought of Twilight Sparkle probably destroying the town of Ponyville in their minds.