• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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Below Rainbow Dash was an icy terrain of two huge glaciers sliding against each other. She could see the massive, jagged, crack between them and occasionally hear the thunder-like cries from the ice as they split and cracked due to the stress and pressure. There wasn’t more than a light dusting of snow on top of those monumentally huge ice shelfs and no rocks or mountains around for miles either. No life around for that matter too. Rainbow Dash thought she might’ve seen some large birds flying around above it in places but besides that it was still.

Of course that also meant there were no houses, no cities, no castles, or really any sort of civilization around here at all. Which also meant she probably wasn’t finding a new adventure today. Not unless a meteor came falling from the sky and smashed into the glacier and a gigantic monster emerged from it. That would’ve been awesome!

Rainbow Dash eagerly looked up at the sky to await the meteor crashing through the clouds.


“Well, I knew it was kind of a long shot,” she frowned.

A breeze swept over her and Rainbow Dash shivered. Though she had gotten used to these freezing temperatures for the most part it was still getting colder the further north she went. If she stopped moving and naturally heating up her body frost would probably form over her wings and extremities in only a minute or two. Which also meant she’d need to find some cover or shelter before she decided to sleep tonight. Or she was just going to freeze and not wake up.

That probably meant she was going to need to fly a long ways and get past these glaciers or maybe try and build a little cloud house up in the sky. But for now she still had many more hours before she would need to do something like that so at the moment she just enjoyed the view and kept flapping her wings along. She wasn’t hungry either, having gotten her fill of food yesterday, so that was one less thing to worry about. Considering how often she had to worry about food on this journey of hers it was kind of fortunate that for once she had a full belly.

It was amazing just how quiet and calm things were too, although she figured that’s probably what most of the True North was really like. Tranquil and empty. There had just been so many parts of it for her that were much louder and frenzied.

Rainbow Dash flew down lower to the glaciers until she was but a few feet above their surface. She hummed along while thinking about how long ago it was she had started on this adventure. This was easily the longest she had ever gone without seeing one of her friends ever since they all came together back during that first Summer Sun Festival. She really did miss them but wow was she gonna have a lot of stories to tell when she got back. She could just picture how fun that party was gonna be.

“Who knows when that’s gonna be though. I don’t know when I’m turning back...” Rainbow said to herself. “I don’t even want to turn back now.”

Despite some of the things she had to deal with she didn’t regret this journey one bit, it had brought her the excitement and adventure she had been looking for and there was no telling what else she might experience. Rainbow Dash was just never satisfied and she wanted more and more from the True North. Anything it could give her she would take. That’s what this adventure was all about.

“I’ve met so many awesome creatures so far too,” she smiled as she thought about her soldier friends back at the Empire, Dust Bunny, Larkon, and even now those silly gang members at the metal mountain. So many personalities, so many new friends. That alone made the journey worth it.

There were certainly plenty of creatures that she wasn’t happy to reminisce on but they were part of her journey too.

Blizzard, Karkona, Resin, that weirdo Harlequin guy, and… Rainbow Dash shook her head, not thinking about her.

It was all part of any grand adventure. And if she had to take the bad with the good then so be it. Resin may have left a sour taste in her mouth but Rainbow was at least satisfied that she hadn’t failed yet, everywhere she visited was now better off than when she first arrived thanks to her and her awesomeness. How many more villains would she topple? As many as she needed to.

Hopefully there were more fun fights in the near future. Rainbow Dash had had a few good ones lately but she wanted another epic battle like she had with Karkona. She smiled as she thought about that fight, not only did it feel good to beat that smug, bloodthirsty, mammoth into the ground it was an exhilarating fight that made her go all out. Nothing else on her journey so far compared to the pure satisfaction she had of beating him with her own hooves. There had to be more fights like that she could find up here. And hopefully ones that didn’t have so much riding on them or were built on the suffering of others. Rainbow Dash would even be really happy for just a fight between friends as long as it was good. That’s something she could really go for right now.

If it was a fight where the fate of the world hung in the balance… well, that would be pretty awesome too. Rainbow Dash would also be happy if she had to have one of those.

“Twilight would be so jealous… actually no she wouldn’t be. She doesn’t like fighting. She’d just be happy that I saved the world. Applejack would—no she wouldn’t care either.” Rainbow Dash frowned. “Pff, whatever. Someone would be jealous.”

Rainbow Dash flew back up away from the surface of the glacier, climbing higher so she could see far out into the distance. While these glaciers were both gigantic they both did clearly end somewhere up there. Rainbow Dash would be able to easily reach the end of them before evening and then she could look for a place to stay. Maybe there would be something right past these two huge sheets of ice, who knew?

Even as cold and desolate as things might get, Rainbow Dash’s determination wouldn’t waver. She knew she was coming to the end of what could be called the north soon. Eventually she’d be at the top of the world and the only way to go would be south. She had traveled so far that there really couldn’t be that much left, the True North will have been completely conquered by her. If she ever went back to that Yak checkpoint she was going to laugh in Archibald’s face about it. Proved him wrong, didn’t she? Once she actually did get to the north pole she was going to dance on it.

“How do I tell when I’m actually at the north pole for sure though?” Rainbow Dash wondered to herself. “Eh, I’ll figure something out. Maybe if I fly high enough I’ll be able to see the whole world curving down… that’d be awesome.”

She put some extra power into her wings and blasted over the glaciers towards the horizon. Forget conserving energy or taking a break now, she wanted to see what was next.

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