• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna fap | The Death Writer | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter

Comments ( 145 )

Let Spike have a go at her

He'll get his chance

Better yet, have Sweetie have a go at her.

You're getting ahead of me, boss. Patience.

What's the website the pictures from

That would be derpibooru. I thought that was generally understood, but I'll adjust the description accordingly

I cannot wait to see who gets a go at Rarity, next.

Isn't choking implied by deepthroating?

Perfectly Insane

Depends on the girl.

I specified choking as in "Twilight is moments away from strangling her past the point of being unconscious"

I recently got into hot water with a reader for not marking my Dazzlings story as incest despite me making it clear that this depiction of them has them as lifelong friends rather than family. I'm just trying to cover all bases here so no one gets mad at me

Then shouldn't it be tagged strangling, not Choking? Those are two separate things.

Yes I looked it up on there and nothing popped up

Are you going to finish this story

Rarity is a classy woman, the pinnacle of elegance, beauty, and grace. Demure, conservative, chaste, and prideful.

At least, that's who she pretended to be. After some self-reflection, it became clear to her that this persona was a facade. The real Rarity isn't a princess.

I hope it's okay that i take this out of context and go on a ramble. Have you ever noticed that, in every fight scene where she's actually present, Rarity goes straight for the hoof-to-hoof? Despite having, at minimum, telekinesis and a ****ton of sharp objects on her at all times? Combined with the bizarre accent that isn't shared by any member of her family or social circle, it makes you wonder...

I wanted to make a joke about how she was actually a monk class or something DND related but I didn't have anything clever.

I'm far behind in the actual show so I have no clue if we ever get any real backstory on Rarity, but I do recall a theory that ran the circuit a while back that still holds water, as far as I know.

The theory goes that Rarity and her family are whatever the pony equivalent of white trash is (or, at the very least, lower-middle class). She grew up poor-ish, and developed a sort of resentment for her family and the stigma associated with those sorts of ponies, so she threw herself into the more lavish, bougie, extravagant parts of life as soon as she could, and she developed a phony mid-Atlantic accent to make herself seem more sophisticated and important than her mouth-breathing, red neck parents.

In reality, I doubt that much thought was given to her actions. It was probably as simple as "Rarity is a proper lady, so wouldn't it be funny if she just punched that guy?" and that was it. It would explain a lot about her character, though. Why she's so obsessed with her image, why she's so uppity, why she cares so much about fashion and her business, and why her parents don't seem to be around very much and left Sweetie Belle in her care.

Again, don't know if there's in Season 9 or whatever that debunks that theory, and it ultimately doesn't matter. I just think it's neat to talk about.

Also, for the record, that's not where the idea for this story came from. I just wanted to beat on my second least favorite character, and I thought this would be a fun way to do it

oh hot love your work it's amazing and can't wait for more chapters


Also, for the record, that's not where the idea for this story came from.

Oh, I know. I all but directly said that my comment is unrelated to the actual story.

How can you be demure and prideful?

Demure in her behavior, prideful of her appearance

I love this idea so far, nice work!

Every time Rarity says "Goddess" I picture 2257256 (explicit) on Derpibooru and think she's referring to Twilight's cock, rather than Twilight herself.

amazing, please contiune to have fun writing this story!

That's weird, bro, but thanks

will spike be part of this fun at all or maybe big mac?

Mac, maybe but probably not. Spike, just a matter of time

So everyone in town knows the real Rarity? That is either really good or really bad.

When explaining the nature of the real Rarity to friends, I likened her to a local celebrity or street performer, like The Naked Cowboy of NYC. She's well known for her antics in town, and while some tourists might find her strange, most locals are used to using her.

To all involved parties (with a notable exception), there's nothing strange about this arrangement. It's just Rarity being Rarity, in the same way that people tend to turn a blind eye to Pinkie's shenanigans

1041975 ah ok then thanks for the reply and hope you're doing well

My hands are up I swear. I'm not doing anything sus I swear.

Handsome Jack is proud of you for making the distinction. You may live a little longer.

Idk why, but I'm getting the impression the author doesn't like Rarity. I could be wrong, of course.

I like Rarity a lot! She makes for an excellent punching bag.

I'm sorry, what? That seems to imply the idea of inducing lactation by stimulating the nerves of the breasts, areolae, and nipples. Similar to the series-specific fandom idea of a horngasm.

An orgasm purely from breast stimulation is just an orgasm, and unless I'm mistaken there are people out there whose breasts are sensitive enough for pleasurable stimulation just to them to induce orgasm.

No, it doesn't imply that at all. It implies an orgasm (see the "gasm") that is induced from the boobs (see the "boob"). No one said anything about lactation (for now) except you, and you are making what they call a false equivalence.

Just laugh at the word boob-gasm like everyone else, uce

I'm telling Shy that she owes me another date. I asked for a nice night out and she sets me up with some psycho bitch who needs to be knocked out in order to get off

Aww, poor Zeph. Rarity sure is selfish.

I know, right? Rares is such a cunt, she deserves everything coming her way.

Ummm, don't mind me, but..does the guy that commisioned this hates Rarity that much?Or do you hate her?
I mean, don't get me wrong, the story is..umm...mean spirited, I actually thought it was a troll fic

This story isn't commissioned and I am not so pathetic that I would dedicate real life energy towards hating a fictional character.

I mean, I don't like Rarity very much at all, but I wouldn't call it mean-spirited. It's all in good fun, and Rara is okay with it, so no harm done.

Also, you can tell this isn't a troll fic cause it doesn't suck.

I mean yeah, I would lie if I tell that I didn't enjoy the story a little, but at the same time, you made it too...unrealistic.Don't get me wrong, I don't expect stories about ponies to be realistic, but to turn someone into a living sex toy..it's too much.
Rarity reminds me of an overly exagerated bimbo, which is a turn off for me

Then I don't know why you clicked on this story in rhe first place.

Bye, Felicia

Because I expected something else.I'm all for stories with slutty women, but not for"degraded women that barely resemble human beings".So bye indeed

What about rarity human counter part

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