• Published 5th Oct 2020
  • 1,709 Views, 63 Comments

Cut From The Same Cloth - TCC56

The only one who can save Coco from herself is herself - her extradimensional horse self.

  • ...


Twilight would insist that there is no real difference between theory and practice - any shift is because the end user is improperly applying the theory and no amount of logic can fully account for human error.

Coco Pommel would disagree, because standing on two legs was damned well harder than it sounded.

Fortunately she had Twilight Sparkle on one side of her and Sunset Shimmer on the other - both of whom were experts at being bipedal. So while it was disorienting, at least Coco didn't fall over.

"I'm so high," noted the earth pony - now a pale cream girl. She stared down at her feet and the black leather mary janes she was suddenly wearing. "Am I really tall or is this normal?"

Sunset smirked. "It's normal. You're actually a little short for a human of our age group." Gently she took hold of Coco's fist, prying it open from the Equesterian hoof-hand to something more natural to humans. "Judging by most of us who've come over, you'll get used to it in half an hour or so. Your mind's still having mixed signals and that'll pass naturally. Just walk around a bit and your legs will figure it out."

"I've got the same problem whenever we go to Equestria," Twilight chipperly noted. "Well, being a quadraped and--"

"Can we not? I'm pretty sure she gets the idea." Sunset glowered at her human companion, knowing full well the frustrations that line of conversation was heading toward. "Let's focus on our mission."

Unsteadily, Coco raised a hand. "Um. Sunset? I don't want to sound ungrateful but it's our mission, not yours. The Princess was specific about that - the map picks the ponies it needs for a reason."

On her other side, Twilight nodded. "She's right. All past instances of the map table's selections we were told about have been exclusive. Not that I don't like spending time with you or the girls, Sunset!" She rapidly backpedaled her words. "But, well..."

Pouting, Sunset made her displeasure clear. "Look, just because some magic table says you don't need my help doesn't mean--" She stopped, derailed by both of the others looking at her - one pleadingly apologetic and the other with wry frustration. "...Fine," she huffily replied. "I'll just... go hang with Wallflower or something."

She backed away - slowly at first, then turning fully away after a hesitant wave.

Once Sunset had left earshot, Twilight let out a sigh. "Sorry. Sunset wants to help but she overdoes it sometimes. And she's... kind of bad about control issues."

Coco gently nodded as the pair started away from the portal plinth, taking it slowly so she could get used to walking. "Is it a redeemed villain thing? The Princess said Sunset used to be evil."

Twilight laugh-snorted. "Pft, no! I mean, I used to be evil and I'm not like that. I think it's just a Sunset thing."

"You were..." Coco blinked rapidly as her brain tried to reset. "But you're Twilight Sparkle. You can't be evil."

They turned, moving away from Canterlot High now - heading into town. "It wasn't my brightest moment, no. And the girls would tell me I wasn't evil." Her voice dropped, hushed by the weight of the memory. "But I wasn't good, either."

Both were quiet for a few more steps before Twilight picked back up again. "While your Princess and I are very different people, one thing I do know is that we're both human." She paused for a beat. "Well, pony." Another beat. "You know what I mean."

Coco quietly giggled.

"We make mistakes. We have emotions. I guess being the all-powerful Princess hides that." Twilight didn't hide the bitterness in her voice.

And surprisingly, Coco shook her head. "No, actually? I knew that. That's why I said it." She paused their walk, taking a moment to put her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Twilight Sparkle can't be evil because she understands that she's like the rest of us and makes mistakes. She has the strength of character to look at what she does and find her own flaws. Then she fixes them. Maybe sometimes after a bit of freaking out, but she does. And it shows us it's alright for us to be less than perfect, too. That's why she's a Princess of the people - she sets an example we can reach for and try to live up to. We all love Princess Celestia because of what she does for our world - but we love Twilight because of what she does for us."

Twilight frowned deeper. "Yeah. She's great."

Undeterred, the former pony gave Twilight's shoulder a squeeze. "Is having somepony to look up to so bad?"

"It is when she's you," came the almond-bitter counter.

Coco wavered, losing the momentum. Instead, she changed tack. "We, um. We should probably focus on the mission."

Twilight didn't argue the change of subject. "Yeah. I think Sunset had a good point. I used to go to Crystal Prep, so I'm the only one of our friends who could be your guide there. Although..." A stray thought skittered across her brain. "Maybe we should start by talking to Rarity? I mean, the human Rarity. Since you know the pony one, maybe she knows the human you?"

The idea made Coco perk up. "Oh! Yes, that's a good idea! Since my world's Rarity helped me get away from Suri, then this one--"

Twilight frowned as they turned up a sidestreet. "Actually, no. Wait. If the human you is still Suri's assistant, then Rarity probably hasn't met you yet. Since that would mean the human you should have had a similar encounter."

A nearly identical frown came to Coco's lips. "That's a good point." She sighed heavily. "I guess I'm just reluctant. I've been avoiding my Suri ever since I left her. I know I should reach back out to her and try to help, but, well. She can get pretty mad. Trying to meet a different one is, um. It's almost as scary."

Gently, Twilight gave Coco's hand a squeeze. "It's going to be okay. This Suri doesn't have any reason to be angry with you, and even if she is you're not alone."

Coco smiled gently back. "I know. I couldn't do this if I was."

A shiver ran down Twilight's spine. She'd spoken with other Crystal Prep students and staff since she left the school - the Shadowbolts were sort-of friends to the Rainbooms and Cadance was still, well, Cadance. But since that fateful day at the Friendship Games she'd only returned to the building twice: once to collect her things and once to help Rarity's silly attempt to infiltrate the dance studio. Beyond that, Twilight had kept well away. There were far too many memories in the hallowed halls.

Now it loomed large in front of them - the tiled roof of bright blue contrasting with the building's dark brick. Between the twin spires, the central clock rang out the Westminster Chimes to mark the half-hour.

Twilight glanced at her watch to confirm. "...Still nine seconds slow," she pronounced. A look between them - and a frown. "We're going to have to be careful about this. It's a school day, so we're not really supposed to be on their campus."

"Can't we blend in? If the other me is supposed to be here, then we could just... pretend?" Coco bit her lip nervously, unsure if a sensible pony plan would also be a sensible human one.

Her companion shook her head. "Somewhere else that might work. But Crystal Prep has a very strict dress code." Twilight waved vaguely first at her own outfit - violet skirt, powder blue blouse, magenta vest - then at Coco's - red skirt, cream blouse with a purple sailor's collar, red cravat. Then she motioned towards the building and a distant Fleur De Lis in her uniform - plaid magenta skirt, maroon vest, purple tie. "We don't blend."

Coco's eyes darted between them both. "If I had a little time, I could put something together?"

Twilight again shot down the idea. "They'd probably still recognize me anyway. Let's just keep our heads down."

The pair crept forward onto the school's grounds with the utmost care and stealth. Akin to ninjas, they made their skilled infiltration past the front gate, across the lawn and into the building.

Which is where they were immediately spotted.


Coco bumped into Twilight as the native human recoiled.

Dean Cadance swooped in, grabbing Twilight up in a hug. "Well, this is a surprise!"

"gwak," croaked Twilight from somewhere inside Cadance's grasp.

A small giggle slipped out of Coco.

Instantly, that drew Cadance's attention like a t-rex sensing motion. Without releasing Twilight, her eyes locked on to the Equestrian. "Oh, and Coco! I didn't know you two knew each other!" The joyous pink face smiled over top of the mass of violet hair. "I guess you're bringing Twilight to support you for the upcoming Art Of The Dress competition." Barely braking for breath, Cadance gasped. "Wait! You're not using her as your model, are you?" She released Twilight, pushing her out to arm's length to examine the native teen. "You are! Oh, that's wonderful! Finally, someone who recognizes just what a beauty Twilight can be!"

Coco opened her mouth to explain things - only for Twilight to cut her off with a nervous laugh. "Ahahahaha... Um. Why, um, yes! Yes that's exactly it! I'm... Coco's new model!" She put on her best, fakest smile. "You know me! So enthused to be helping out a friend." Pulling free from Cadance, she slung an arm around Coco. "But you know how it is! So much work to do and so little time, right? We really should get to the next fixing."

"Fitting," Coco gently corrected.

"Fitting! Next fitting!" Twilight's head bobbled.

For a moment, Cadance looked between the two with pursed lips. Then she gave a hesitant nod. "Yes, you're probably right. The competition's only in two days, after all." A weighty sigh escaped her lips. "Can you blame me for wanting to be around you more, though, Ladybug? Now that you're not at Crystal Prep every day, it's like I never see you!"

The unease and nervous energy in Twilight's expression softened and drained into a small but earnest smile. "We'll fix that, Cadance. I promise."

And her former babysitter smiled back. "I'll hold you to that." She stepped aside. "Go on, I'm sure you're both eager to put on your final touches. And good luck!"

The pair skittered away, leaving the waving Cadance behind them. Twilight pulled Coco along, guiding her as Coco guided the conversation in a hissed whisper. "What was that about?"

"I panicked!" Judging by the tone of her voice, Twilight was still panicking. "But now we're inside and have an excuse to be here, so that makes it easier. I'll just have to figure something out later to explain to Cadance why the other Coco doesn't know anything about me or why I'm not modeling anything. Because I'm not."

With a deep sigh, Coco let it go rather than chase further down that rabbit hole. "At least we're in."

Two more hallways passed in quiet between the pair - classes were in, so the halls remained mostly empty. Only a handful of students passed by them, most enroute to a bathroom or to their locker. Passing into the Arts department, they found one such student at their locker - and it was almost the student they wanted.

Even though it wasn't the same one she'd spent so much time toiling under, the sight of Suri Polomare made Coco freeze up. Sure, this one was human and visibly quite a lot younger - but she still had that same aura of Angry Suri energy around her. The furious slam of her locker door drove home that mood to everyone within earshot - admittedly just the pair and Suri herself, but had anyone else been present they would have gotten the hint instantly.

Coco certainly did. The slam made her flinch hard enough to recoil into Twilight. Her surprised grunt in turn attracted Suri's attention to them. The Crystal Prep designer's eyes narrowed. "Coco."

"Um. Hi, Suri." Coco's hands latched onto each other, tightly holding on to herself in a surprisingly human gesture. Years of fear boiled up through her gut, threatening to be vomited out and dissolve Coco into a cowering mess.

Suri scoffed right back. "Oh don't you try that act with me. It's too late, we both know that." Her eyes flickered to Twilight. "And I see you've already moved on. Going to worm your way in with Rarity through her friends?"

The accusation's slap drew another wince. "Suri, it's not like that!" Coco took a step towards the doppelganger of her original mentor.

And then she froze, stiff as a board. Because when Coco took that step forward - Suri took one backwards. She retreated from Coco.

Something about that tiny, alien movement terrified the Equestrian.

Suri did her best to mask her emotions, hanging an angry face over that literal mis-step. "Just... just go, Coco." Her expression twisted up as she wrestled her tongue into saying the next bile-filled words. "You won. Alright? You won. I've pulled out of the contest. Take your victory with at least a little grace, 'kay?" Shrugging on her backpack, Suri's mask slipped for just a moment to show her defeat - shoulders slumped and eyes unable to meet Coco's. "I suppose I taught you too well."

Then she turned - and she ran without dignity.

Coco let her go. She was too busy trembling. Twilight reached out - and as soon as her fingertips grazed the Equestrian, Coco sank to her knees.

"Oh no. What have I done?"

Author's Note:

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think Suri was going to be the villain in this one?