• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Sunny Solaire

Praise the Sunset



Approximately three thousand years before the events of A New Hope, Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer are a pair of Mandalorian bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy. With their friend Rarity, they work together to hunt down wanted individuals for anyone willing to pay, while dealing with the corrupt Republic, the hidden Sith, smugglers, crime lords, and nosy Jedi.

Originally a greentext story for /mlp/, I decided to post a non-greentext version here.

Chapters (32)
Comments ( 22 )

I heard that one of the Hutts there, Diamond Tiara

Now that’s just mean :rainbowlaugh:

Really enjoying this! My self-insert loving side is bummed it’s only Sunset that’s sensitive, but I’m still super interested in where this goes.

Overall super enjoyable was surprised it was ending that quick but feels perfect with a sequel coming.

Tatooine was once a garden world if I remember correctly, at least in legends. I think the Rakata turned it into a desert

"Last one out, get the lights"
Halo 3?

Good read, man. On to the next one!

10461433 Very true. But one simply cannot help but chuckle at it

Why did you make this an anon story?

Because I wrote this story on /mlp/ in 2015 as a greentext story. This version is a revision so it's acceptable for FiM.
Plus, Anon stories are my favorite kind of pony stories.

She's sitting at the controls with her cheek resting on her fist, looking more frustrated than a Miraluka with a child's "I Spy" holodisk. You stand up out of the co-pilot's seat and head back into the ship. "I'm going to get Adagio ready."



Never in my life have I ever wanted something so badly to find. Thank you, and I shall enjoy this

My pleasure. Thank you as well. Hope you enjoy the ride.

Enjoying the story so far. The details have been pretty good, and I can picture things pretty clearly, though the fights do feel confusing to me at some points.

For instance, I'm confused how he injured leg his inured bad enough for it to give out under him after the fight.

Most of the deflected bolts whiz past you, but a few hit the ground in between you and him. Finally, he deflects two that hit you in the arm and leg, but your armor takes the brunt of it. Other than a sharp sting that makes you stop firing for a moment, it just makes you angry.

This is the only instance I can find any mention of Anon getting hit in the leg, but it states his armor took the brunt of it. Did the armor fail and break, and thus take most of the damage but still allow some through?

Regardless, still enjoying the story and looking forward to reading more of Anon and Sunset's Hunts!

Question why was it necessary to test out the death sticks it it was pretty clear what they did

I remember reading this and the other greentexts back on the /SWMLP/ generals when Sarge's story was still going. Good times.

Comment posted by Red nova deleted Yesterday

I have a question can you show anons equipment?

Any chance of the pics getting re-uploaded? Some of them aren't loading for this and a few of the previous chapters

I've been noticing that. I'll be sure to dedicate some time to fixing that problem.

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