• Member Since 4th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen May 20th


Rufyart am Fvoe, Enevhfyart am Levjaffeb... igmu xirt yev vatyf ar fye irom


A lyrical tribute dedicated to the memory of the twenty-five ponies who were discovered deceased in New South Wales;


Chapters (1)
Comments ( 16 )

Beautiful hommage there, SouthernCross. ^^ A musical take on http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4780/Twenty-Five, I presume?

75956 Pretty much. Same concept, different execution. I like to think of it as your works companion/theme song.


Sounds good to me. I'd kind of have enjoyed some acknowledgement, though. Yknow, just "Inspired by Twenty-Five" or something, that being said.

You have a typo in the title there; it's "Requiem for the Twenty-Five," not "Requim."
Otherwise, I thought that this was pretty good. I'm not really a poetry writer (I stick to darker crossover stories), but this really caught my attention. 4.5/5.

Great little poem cross, so sad...

I wish I knew the bastards that did that...


You and every other animal lover in this hell hole we're forced to call home.

There are Bronies in almost every country. Instead of crying about this atrocity. Do something about it.

Someone knows who these bastards, are if you live in that area keep your ears open and find them!

Then tell the police.

weep for the loss Then get the revenge

I agree with every lets find em btw i great imagry cross good job:pinkiesmile:

I agree with everypony lets find em btw i got great imagry cross good job:pinkiesmile:

Sry bout postin twice but last one had some mistakes STUPID iphone

Umm cross i was wondering if it isnt to mich trouble but maybe you could reac my first chap its my first fic ever and i need someone good to read it it it isnt o much trouble:fluttershyouch:


Sorry, didn't see this comment untill now, which fic are you talking about?

so the message is... if we really love ponies... we should kill them all so they can go to equestria.
did i get it right?

If your intention was to make me feel anything by reading this then you failed.

Don't get me wrong, what happened to those animals was horrible, but I just didn't feel anything by reading this.

(sits back and waits for the hate)


To be honest, neither do I. It's not one of my better works and I could rewrite it a million times and not be happy with it and not have it convey the intended emotions properly.

I don't delete it as a form of honesty. I can, and do, write crap and sweep it under the proverbial rug won't make it go away. On the up side I can look back at this in the future and say 'Look how far I've come.'

Gave your comment a thumbs up by the way.

I have never understood the need for cruelty

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