• Published 24th Oct 2020
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Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake - Dewdrops on the Grass

Trapped on a cruise ship with fifteen others, all with lost memories, Sunset Shimmer struggles to survive a killing game orchestrated by a mysterious being only known as Monoponi. Post Season Nine FIM. Now complete!

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Chapter Four: Passing in the Night Part 6

Chapter Four:
Passing in the Night
Deadly Life Part 2

“Flash Sentry?” Adagio gaped. “What the hell?”

Before I could say a word, the door to the promenade was kicked open again, by Rarity, who carried a blushing Trixie in her arms bridal style. “Who was it?!” she shouted frantically as she brought Trixie over and set her down carefully so the illusionist could steady herself on her crutches. “Who--oh my word!”

“What happened, Applejack, Tiara?” I asked, looking at the two of them, feeling more frazzled than I had since the investigation first started. “I thought he was searching with you guys!”

“He was!” Tiara replied, throwing up her hands. She pointed at Applejack. “Ask her! She’s the one who tried to do CPR!”

“Tried? More like failed,” Applejack admitted with a sullen frown. “Ah did mah best, but he wouldn’t wake up.”

“I don’t understand,” Scootaloo stammered, grabbing at her hair with her right hand. “Who the hell had a chance to do this? And why?! Do we have two blackeneds on our hands again?”

“You just might!” echoed Monoponi’s voice throughout the rink as he flashed into existence above us, still carting his mug of coffee as he settled to the floor. “Though I’m just as taken aback as the rest of you. I never would’ve thought we’d see a double murder twice in a row!”

“So he was murdered, then,” I said, glaring at him.

Monoponi glared right back at me, gesturing at me with his floating coffee. “Of course he was! Someone alive right here is responsible for his fate, just like every other instance! Don’t question me! Your Captain saw the whole thing happen. Was quite the show, lemme tell you, upupu.”

I looked back down at Flash, feeling an overwhelming wave of sorrow pummel into me, dashing me against the proverbial rocks of despair. “So the two blackened rule applies again. We have to find them both,” I said mutely, in a monotone.

“If there’s two, then yes, you will,” Monoponi agreed. His mouth spread in a savage toothy grin. “Ahahaha, it’s never a boring day on Captain Monoponi’s ship, is it?”

“Excuse me,” Adagio simpered, looking down at Monoponi with a fake smile plastered on her face. “But I was wondering about something. What if there’s two blackened and we fail to find either one of them? Do they both get to leave?”

“Hmm, that’s a good question,” Monoponi said, taking a few sips of his coffee while tapping one forehoof on the floor. “Tell you what: if that actually somehow happens, which I doubt, then yes, they’ll both get to leave. Never say your Captain isn’t generous! But that’s only if you all vote wrong for both of them. If you catch one, they still die with the rest of you.”

I fell down onto the nearby bench with a solid thump on my ass, my face falling into my hands. “This needs to stop,” I said, feeling the beginnings of tears falling down my cheeks. “We need to stop killing each other, damn it. What’d Flash even do to anyone to deserve this? Nothing! God!” I took my hands away from my face and balled them into fists, slamming them both down on the bench. “This isn’t fair.”

“Life’s not fair, Sunset,” Monoponi interjected, leering at me. “I thought you of all people would know that by now, ahahaha!”

“Shut up!” I railed at him, whirling with a fist readied to slam into his face. “Shut the fuck up! I am so tired of this shit! I am sick to death of hearing you make fun of us while leading us into murdering each other!”

Monoponi leaned in closer, his grin spreading to split his muzzle in half from ear to ear. “Well, if you’re so tired, Sunset, I’ll be happy to let you rest, for eternity! You just have to hit me. Do it. Do it and you won’t have to deal with any of this ever again.”

I howled, rearing back with my fist and sending it hurtling forth, right at his jaw. At the very last second, Adagio grabbed my arm and yanked me away from him, a terrified expression haunting her face. “Stop it you idiot!” she shouted at me. “Do you want to die that badly?!”

I struggled in Adagio’s grip for a moment before relaxing, leaning against her. “No,” I moaned, letting my arms drop to my sides. “No, I don’t.”

“Upupupu!” Monoponi leaned back onto his rear hooves, slapping his belly with his forehooves as his wings kept him aloft. “Ahahahaha! Oh Sunset, you’re so easy to tease. That temper will get you killed one day, mon cherie, mark my words.”

A dark hatred coursed through my veins as I sneered at him. “No. You’ll die long before I will,” I vowed. “I’ll make it happen.”

“You’re welcome to try!” Monoponi said, waving a forehoof at me. “In any case, you people have a lot more investigating to do, so I’ll let you get on with it. Take this Monoponi file, and have fun!” His horn lit up long enough to send our Monopads bleeping before he disappeared in a brilliant flash of crimson light.

The instant he was gone, I sat forward, filled with fresh determination. “I don’t know who’s responsible for Flash’s death yet,” I declared loud enough everyone could easily hear me, “But I will find you. You won’t escape. I promise you that.”

“I’m certain you will, Sunset,” Rarity said, nodding at me with a determined smile. “I believe in you. Though perhaps you should rein in your temper a bit.”

“She’s just tired, like the rest of us,” Scootaloo said, waving it off. “Probably needs more coffee. I’ll go get us some more.”

“Ah’ll go with you,” Applejack said.

“Go ahead,” Tiara said, sighing as she rubbed her forehead with her index finger and thumb. “I’m getting a splitting headache dealing with this crap. Sunset, you finished investigating Rainbow’s body, right? There’s no reason to guard it anymore?”

I swallowed, but nodded. “More or less, yeah.”

“Good, then Trixie and Rarity can guard Flash’s.” She glared at all of us. “There’d better not be a third murder during the rest of this! We’re going to be up all night with the trial as it is.”

“Oh, there won’t be,” I assured her. “Not if I can help it.”

Adagio gave me a quick half hug with one arm, and kissed my cheek. “Just don’t do anything else stupid.”

I pulled out my Monopad to check the new file first, as usual.

Fact #14: Monoponi File IVb: “The victim is Flash Sentry, the Ultimate Boytoy. Time of death is approximately 10:45 PM. Signs of amphetamines and opioids were discovered in his system.”

“Wow, thanks for nothing, Monoponi,” I muttered, glaring at my Monopad in irritation before setting it aside. I checked my pockets and pulled out a fresh pair of gloves, glad I’d thought to keep a stock on hand at all times.

Adagio and I took a moment to move the body out from between the benches where he’d fallen, and up onto one, giving us plenty of space to work with. “We’re going to have to check him top to bottom,” I said, taking a moment to slip the arctic coat he was still wearing off his arms so we had better access. Then I started with his face, peeling open his eyes, noting they were bloodshot, the pupils strongly dilated, frozen in sudden surprise. I then moved down to his face, and noticed his lips were pale, just like Rainbow Dash’s. Hmm… might’ve been from the drugs, if he was poisoned.

I ran my hand down his neck and paused, feeling around it. “Hey, his lymph nodes are swollen.” Then I snapped my fingers. “I knew he was sick! Damn it, Flash, why didn’t you admit it? Adagio, help me open his mouth. Rainbow, can you…” I trailed off, flushing in embarrassment and a bit of shame as several people all glared at me. “Err, does anyone have a penlight?”

Rarity, shaking her head at me and sighing, rummaged into her skirt pocket. “Here, darling.”

“Thanks,” I said as I took it, and used it to peer inside his throat. “Well, hello there, white spots.”

Fact #15: Flash Sentry Body Condition: “The body was found in the ice skating rink, behind one of the bleachers. His entire body was ghostly pale. His throat is spotted with white, and lymph nodes in his neck were swollen.”

“Doesn’t that usually mean strep throat?” Adagio asked as I peered all around inside his mouth for anything else out of place.

“Usually, but not always,” I replied before setting the penlight aside, confident nothing else stood out. “We’ll want to check the library again.”

Returning to my examination, I ran my hands slowly down his arms and hands, though I found nothing out of place. Then I switched to his torso, and on a hunch I pulled up his shirt, so I could examine his bare chest and stomach. Good thing too, because I instantly spotted the swelling in his stomach, standing out against his otherwise well sculpted muscles. I pressed my hands onto and around it, feeling it give to my touch, then bounce back when I stopped. “Weird. What caused this?”

“Don’t know,” Adagio muttered dryly, giving me a quizzical look. “Are you going to take his pants off too?”

“Actually, that’s a good idea,” I said, ignoring her exaggerated eye roll. “He might have other symptoms or signs we can’t see without doing it. You’ll have to help me.”

“Sure, sure, that’s why we’re doing this,” Adagio grumbled as she assisted me in stripping off his pants, one leg at a time. “It’s totally not because you want to stare at his dick.”

“He’s dead, Adagio,” I shot back. “I’m not a necrophiliac, god.”

Rarity gasped when she realized what we were doing. “What are you doing? Is that truly necessary?”

“Yes, Rarity,” I insisted as I ran my hands up and down his legs, searching for any other swelling. Nothing appeared immediately out of place, so I lifted his leg to look at the back. And then I spotted it: a peculiar rash on the back of his thighs, a mottling of red and white spots. “See? We never would’ve seen that otherwise.”

*Updated* Fact #15: Flash Sentry Body Condition: “The body was found in the ice skating rink, behind one of the bleachers. His entire body was ghostly pale. His throat is spotted with white, and lymph nodes in his neck were swollen. His stomach was also swollen, and there was a peculiar mottled rash on the back of his thighs.”

“Yes, well, at least give the man some dignity in his death, if you’re finished.”

“I think we are now,” I said, taking his pants and the arctic coat and throwing them over him. Sorry, Flash. I wouldn’t have done that if I hadn’t had to, I promise.

Since Applejack and Scootaloo had left for more coffee, I decided Diamond Tiara would be the next best person to talk to, so I told her I had some questions and took her aside. “Tiara, you were here when Flash died, right?”

Tiara waggled her eyebrows once and then nodded, crossing her arms. “Yeah, I was poking around the equipment rental shop. I had just pulled up the receipts when I heard Flash shout something all weird, like he was gargling mouthwash or something. Then I heard him fall, and Applejack shout his name. I turned around, but that’s when I saw something… weird.”

“Weird? What do you mean?” I pressed.

Tiara frowned, and shifted her weight to her other leg before moving in closer, whispering, “I saw Applejack deliberately wait to throw something in the trash bin before she went over to him.”

Okay, that’s pretty weird for AJ. Usually she’s quick to help. “What was it? Did you see?”

“Nuh-uh. I didn’t have time. I ran over to try and help him, but Applejack was already doing CPR, so I sat back and watched. Then she… gave up. Scootaloo came out to us from the door to the access corridor, and then the body alarm went off.” Tiara’s frown deepened. “I’d check that trash bin if I were you.”

“I will,” I said, nodding. “One more question: what were you doing between the hockey game and Rainbow’s death?”

She shrugged and stepped back. “I was in the library, reading. I had to go to the bathroom once.” She looked up at the ceiling and scratched her chin. “Now that I think about it, I saw Applejack then too, on my way out of the bathroom. She was leaving the convenience store.”

“Okay,” I said, before stopping and blinking in confusion. “Wait, Applejack? Not Scootaloo?”

Tiara shook her head. “No, I didn’t see Scootaloo at all. But I did see Applejack go into the game corner on my way back to the library.”

Fact #16: Diamond Tiara’s Account: “Prior to the murder, Tiara spent her time after the hockey game in the library, leaving only briefly to use the promenade bathroom, spotting Applejack leaving the convenience store on her way out. Later, during the investigation, she saw Applejack put something in the trash bin right after Flash Sentry passed out before going to help him.”

“That’s odd, but alright, thanks,” I said. “Do you have that receipt printout on you?”

“Yeah, right here,” she said, handing it over. “You might want to check the go-kart track’s register too, just in case.”

Fact #17: Shop Receipts: “The following purchases were recorded:
RB@IR Fri1922: Ice skates, knee pads, helmet, arctic coat, arctic pants.
FS@IR Fri2342: Arctic coat.
AJ@IR Sat1641: Ice skates, helmet, knee pads.
FS@IR Sat1643: Ice skates.
RD@IR Sat1644: Ice skates, arctic coat, hockey stick x 6, puck, hockey mask x 6.
SS@IR Sat1647: Ice skates.
AD@IR Sat1648: Ice skates.
SL@IR Sat 1651: Ice skates
DT@IR Sat1654: Ice skates, helmet, knee pads, shoulder pads.”

“I will,” I said, nodding to her. I took a brief look at the list she’d given me, but nothing stuck out as too odd, other than Rarity buying skates and safety equipment last night, and Flash grabbing his coat at almost midnight, of all times. Weird, but it’s not like I can ask him about it now. But I can ask her. After I check the bin.

Adagio and I walked over to the bin in question. It was a large standing type, reaching up to my chest. “Want me to dump it?” she asked, grimacing at the bin.

“No, we might lose something that way,” I said. “Just watch while I go in.” I leaned over it, and using the penlight Rarity gave me, began poking through. Fortunately the bin had a plastic bag in it, making it easier to spot contents inside. Unfortunately that same bag made it more difficult to poke around past a few things, and the light didn’t always reach properly. There were a few wrappers, which I ignored, and a couple of cups, which I also ignored. Then my hand touched something soft and wet, and I pulled said something out. “Bingo.”

Fact #18: Bloodied Cloth: “A cloth discovered in the trash bin next to the ice rink equipment rental shop. The cloth was half soaked in the blood, the rest damp with water.”

“I’ll bet you ten bucks this is what the culprit used to clean Rainbow’s Monopad,” I whispered.

“Probably,” Adagio agreed, taking the cloth from me and wrapping it in a plastic bag. “So you’re done with the bin, right?”

“No, I feel like there’s more in there,” I muttered. “Dunno why. Just a hunch.” I stuck my arm back inside and looked around some more till I spotted a flash of orange. I had to dig deep to find it, but when I pulled it out, I felt my heart sink. “This is a…”

“A pill bottle,” Adagio finished for me, just as morosely. “And it’s empty, too.”

Fact #19: Empty Pill Bottle: “An empty bottle found in the ice skating rink, in the trash bin next to the equipment rental shop. There was no label on the bottle, and the cap was missing.”

“This might be the murder weapon for Flash,” I muttered. I carefully placed that into my backpack. “Okay. The cap wasn’t on the bottle, so maybe it’s still in the bin.”

“Do we need it for anything?” Adagio asked as I dove back in.

“It might have the label on it, or I might find the label in here,” I said. It took me several minutes longer to poke around, but I didn’t find the label or the cap. But just as I was about to give up, my hands closed around something small and oblong, like a stretched out oval. “What the… a lighter?”

Fact #20: Used Lighter: “A cigarette lighter discovered in the trash bin next to the ice rink equipment rental shop, spattered with blood. It was drained of fuel. Scribbled on the bottom of the lighter, in sharpie, were the letters ‘RD.’”

“This must’ve been Rainbow’s,” I said as I pointed out the letters to Adagio. “I didn’t think she smoked, though.”

“Rainbow Dash used to smoke weed with Fluttershy when Shy was alive,” Scootaloo said, startling us. She cringed sympathetically. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Guess you found something, huh?”

“Just a lighter,” I said, deciding not to elaborate for now. “But she and Fluttershy smoked weed? Really?”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo answered, one side of her mouth turning up. “Apparently Fluttershy has some friend named Tree Hugger that turned her onto it, so Rainbow did it with her to help Fluttershy relax. I’m surprised you found her lighter here though.”

“It’s probably nothing,” I said, jamming the lighter in my pocket. I spotted the coffees in the drink carrier in her hand and grabbed for one. “Thanks for the coffee. Say, Scootaloo, since you’re here, mind if I ask you a question or two?”

“If you’re gonna ask if I found anything in the access corridor,” Scootaloo said with a frustrated grimace as she handed Adagio the other coffee, “I didn’t. There was nothing there. I searched the whole place, from the go-kart track to the stairwell and back to the ice rink.”

“Good to know, but I actually wanted to ask what you were up to between the game and the murder,” I said, taking a good long sip of my coffee.

Scootaloo glanced over at Applejack, who was handing out coffee to Tiara. “After I helped Applejack clean up, I took her to the game corner to help her calm down with some games. She left for snacks at some point. Then she came back, and we played games till Flash came looking for us. That’s it.”

Fact #21: Scootaloo’s Account: “According to Scootaloo, she and Applejack left the ice rink after the hockey game, and spent some time in the game corner. She claims that Applejack left to get them some snacks, while she stayed in the game corner, then both played games until Flash came for help with Rainbow Dash.”

I frowned at her. “You sure you didn’t leave at any point?”

“No, I didn’t,” Scootaloo insisted, her frown deepening. “Ask Applejack. She’ll tell you.” With that, Scootaloo walked off towards the other side of the rink, presumably looking for clues.

“She’s lying,” Adagio said the instant she was gone. “I know I saw her.”

“I believe you,” I replied, watching Scootaloo’s departing back. I pressed my knuckles to my chin in confusion. “But why would she lie?”

“I said, back off, Applejack!” Rarity shouted, catching our attention.

I turned to see Applejack, still holding her own coffee, backing away from Rarity while holding up her empty hand in surrender. “Ah just wanted to apologize, that’s all!”

“And I don’t want to hear it!” Rarity said, gripping her coffee hard enough to pop the lid off. She thankfully stopped before she spilled coffee all over herself. “I appreciate the coffee, but I already told you several times: we are through. Leave me alone!”

“Applejack!” I said, deciding to intervene. I strode over and wrapped one arm firmly around hers. “Good timing, I just wanted to ask you a few questions, if you don’t mind.” I tugged her away from Rarity, hard enough to get her moving.

“Sunset?” Applejack muttered as she let me lead her away for a good couple of minutes till we were at the other side of the rink. “Ah don’t know if Ah should thank you for savin’ me from that or smack you for gettin’ in my way.”

“You should thank me,” I replied, scowling at her. “Rarity doesn’t want to speak to you anymore, so leave her alone, okay?”

The farmer wiggled her way out of my grip and glared right back at me. “Or else what?”

Adagio took a single step towards her, causing Applejack to swallow nervously. “Or else we’ll have unfinished business,” Adagio said, flashing her a toothy grin.

“R-r-right, don’t want that!” Applejack replied with a nervous laugh.

“Anyway, while we’re here,” I said, “I’ve got a couple of questions. First, I wanted to know what you were doing between the hockey game and the first murder.”

“Uh, well, Scootaloo and Ah decided to go to the game corner, so Ah could cool off a bit.” Applejack scratched her head under her hat. “Scootaloo left to get us somethin’ to munch on, but Ah stayed in the game corner. We kept at it till Flash showed up.”

“So Scootaloo left, but not you?” Adagio pressed firmly.

Applejack pursed her lips into a pout and shook her head. “No, Ah’m sure it was Scootaloo. Why?”

“No reason,” I said before Adagio could answer. “Next question: Diamond Tiara said you tried to give Flash CPR?”

Applejack’s face fell in shame. “Ah tried. Soon as he fell over, Ah was on him. Ah did my best, giving him so many chest compressions Ah think Ah might’ve broken his breastbone. But he weren’t breathin’ at all, no matter what Ah did. He was already gone.”

Fact #22: Applejack’s Account: “According to Applejack, she and Scootaloo spent the evening in the game corner. She claims Scootaloo left at one point to get them some snacks from the convenience store, while she stayed. Later, she attempted to resuscitate Flash the instant he fell, but failed, despite giving him so many chest compressions his sternum broke.”

*Updated* Fact #15: Flash Sentry Body Condition: “The body was found in the ice skating rink, behind one of the bleachers. His entire body was ghostly pale. His throat is spotted with white, and lymph nodes in his neck were swollen. His stomach was also swollen, and there was a peculiar mottled rash on the back of his thighs. His sternum was broken by Applejack during an attempt at resuscitation.”

“I’m sure you did your best,” I said, smiling sympathetically. “And I’m sure Flash would’ve appreciated it.”

“Ah just don’t understand how he died,” Applejack said, bowing her head. One hand shot up to rub at her chin. “Like, he weren’t doin’ nothin’, and it weren’t like I saw someone shoot him or somethin’. He just turned up his toes and started pushin' up daisies.”

I patted her on the arm. “We’ll figure it out in the trial. If you’ll excuse us.” I nudged my head towards the rest of the group, and left with Adagio in tow.

“Why didn’t you ask her about the trash?” Adagio whispered in my ear.

I arched an eyebrow at her, surprised she’d even ask. “If I ask her now, I’ll put her on guard. Better leave that sort of thing for the trial. Besides, her story contradicts Tiara’s in two ways, not just one.”

“I noticed,” Adagio said, frowning. “Which one’s lying, do you think?”

“Dunno. Like I said, we’ll find out at the trial.”

I walked over to where Rarity and Trixie were keeping watch. Trixie had taken a seat on the bench, setting aside her crutches and stretching out her one leg along it, while Rarity kept standing, the two occasionally exchanging a few amiable words. “Hey, Rarity, you okay?”

Smiling, Rarity reached out for my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “Oh, yes Sunset, I’m fine. I appreciate your assistance.” Her smile fell as she dropped my hand. “That woman, honestly. Never listens.”

“Well, I think I’ve managed to get her to back off, at least for now. Anyway, I’ve got a quick question for you,” I said, holding up the receipt I’d obtained from Tiara. “It looks like you bought some ice skates last night. Why was that?”

Rarity frowned at me. “I hope you’re not suspecting me of doing anything, darling. But I suppose I’d better clear the air. I decided I wanted to get in some light exercise, so I thought I’d practice my skating, in the hopes of sharing a romantic moment with Applejack.” The name came out with such a sour taste soaking it even I could taste how foul it was. “That never happened, of course.”

“Okay, just thought I’d ask.” I consulted my Monopad, then turned to Trixie. “Trixie, I know you were in your room with Rarity and me, but I wanted to ask if you saw or heard anything before we arrived, or after the first murder, that might be important.”

Trixie’s lips puffed up into a sorrowful frown. “No, Sunset, Trixie never saw or heard anything that you didn’t. Trixie apologizes.”

I smiled at her. “Don’t worry about it, Trixie. Okay, Adagio, we’d better go hit the library again. I’ve got a few things I want to look up.” I started to walk away, then stopped, and hummed to myself, rubbing at my cheek. “Actually, we should go check the go-kart register first.”

Adagio shrugged. “Whichever you’d prefer,” she said as we walked away.

As soon as we’d left the ice rink behind, I said, “We’re also going to check the pharmacy register and the convenience store one too. I want to figure out what kind of pills those might’ve been. The Monoponi file mentioned both amphetamines and opioids, which could mean Flash was poisoned.”

“You think that’s likely?”

“We’ll find out.”

We stopped by the go-kart register, but all it listed was safety equipment purchases, so I nixed it. What a waste of time. Why’d Tiara tell me to go here? I wondered as we headed for the other two shops. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten it was past 10:00 PM, so the convenience store was closed, preventing us from checking it. The pharmacy was still open however, so we at least got to add some info to our list.

*Updated* Fact #17: Shop Receipts: “The following purchases were recorded:
RB@IR Fri1922: Ice skates, knee pads, helmet, arctic coat, arctic pants.
FS@IR Fri2342: Arctic coat.
AJ@IR Sat1641: Ice skates, helmet, knee pads.
FS@IR Sat1643: Ice skates.
RD@IR Sat1644: Ice skates, arctic coat, hockey stick x 6, puck, hockey mask x 6.
SS@IR Sat1647: Ice skates.
AD@IR Sat1648: Ice skates.
SL@IR Sat 1651: Ice skates.
DT@IR Sat1654: Ice skates, helmet, knee pads, shoulder pads.
FS@RX Fri0821: Cough syrup, ibuprofen , antibiotics.
RD@RX Fri1935: Tramadol, pads, methylphenidate.
AJ@RX Sat1405: Methylphenidate, tramadol, dental dams, medical tape rolls x 4.”

A lot of information, but I’m not sure how much of it is useful. Better keep it anyway, just in case. I’m not sure I recognize what those medicines Rainbow and AJ bought are. I pointed them out to Adagio. “That’s what we’ll want to look up, along with diseases and injuries.”

“I think tramadol is a pain reliever,” Adagio said as we walked back towards the library. Her face flushed with pink as she looked away from me, running a hand through her hair. “One of my sisters sold drugs on the street a few times. This was one of the ones she sold. As soon as I found out I told her to stop.” She faced me again, her whole face beet red. “I didn’t want to be a common criminal.”

“Sounds like the potential for good in you was present even then,” I said with a giggle, laughing harder when she glared at me. “Oh come on, you know it’s true.”

“Maybe,” she sniffed, fluffing at her hair with one hand.

As soon as we reached the library, I went straight for the same section we found the anatomy textbook in. “I’m going to check diseases first,” I said as I selected an appropriate textbook. I took it over to a table and sat down with it, running through quickly for any disease with white spots on the throat, making sure to collate their whole list of symptoms, and dismissing any that seemed too unlikely.

Fact #23: Disease Handbook 2020 Edition: “A nursing textbook from the library, containing information on all sorts of diseases. It states, amongst other things, symptoms for the following diseases:
Strep Throat: Fever, headache, sore throat with white spots, swollen lymph nodes in neck, swollen and inflamed tonsils, red spots on the roof of the mouth, and scarlet fever rash.
Mononucleosis: Fatigue, headache, sore throat with white spots, fever, swollen lymph nodes in neck and armpits, swollen tonsils, skin rash, soft swollen spleen.
Tonsillitis: Red tonsils, sore throat with white spots, sore lymph nodes in neck, vocal change, fever, trouble swallowing, halitosis, stiff neck
Oral Thrush: Sore throat with white spots, burning or aching tongue, bleeding in the throat, cotton mouth.”

“Looks like these four are the most likely,” I said once my list was done. “What’ve you got?”

Adagio showed me the book she’d found. “I looked up the drugs.”

Fact #24: Drug Handbook 2020 Edition: “A nursing textbook from the library, containing information on all sorts of drugs. It states, amongst other things, that methylphenidate is used to treat conditions such as ADD, ADHD, and cases of fatigue such as narcolepsy, and that tramadol is usually prescribed for severe pain. When combined, the two can cause severe seizures and even death.”

“Seizures and death, huh? Looks like we might be onto something, then,” I said. Looking back at my Monopad, I checked the list of purchases from the pharmacy. “I’m not sure why both Rainbow Dash and Applejack bought these though.”

“Don’t waste time speculating,” Adagio said with a knowing grin.

“Haha,” I said dryly, giving her a flat look. “There’s one more book I want to check. I want to see if there’s any other potential causes for Flash’s condition we’re overlooking.”

It didn’t take long for me to find a relevant book and put together the following information.

Fact #25: Injuries and Maladies 2020 Edition: “A nursing textbook from the library, containing a large repository of information regarding various bodily conditions. Amongst other things it lists the following causes for pale skin: fainting, frostbite, certain medications, vitamin deficiencies, exsanguination, and internal bleeding.”

“Hmmm.” I considered what that told me, and tried to put it together with some of the other information we’d found. Maybe if I could figure out what actually killed him before we got to the trial, I’d save us some--


Too late.

Monoponi’s irritating face appeared on the screens, an empty cup of coffee floating in his magic. As he spoke, he set it down on his desk. “Ah, another day, another pair of murders. So many murders take place on this ship, you’d think none of you want to be here! Upupupu! But whether you want it or not, your Captain doesn’t care. It’s that time, my lovely passengers. Get your rumps movin’ down to the food court, pronto!”

“Well, here we go,” Adagio said grimly, standing up to join me in leaving the library. “Another frustrating trial.”

“It’s late, too,” I murmured. “Everyone’s going to be cranky. Tired. We’ll make mistakes. Stupid ones. Even with the coffee.” I should’ve gotten something to eat too. Too late now.

“Coffee’ll probably make it worse for some of us,” Adagio replied with a heavy sigh. “I don’t know if you noticed, but Applejack was twitching a lot after she drank hers.”

“No, I didn’t notice,” I replied.

We’d reached the food court first, due to being closer, but the others were swift behind. Rarity was once again carrying Trixie, an act that warmed my heart. I heard Trixie murmur a brief thank you to Rarity when she was set down.

“We’re all here, Monoponi,” Diamond Tiara called out after a minute or two passed. “Show yourself already. We’re sick of waiting.”

“Oooh, sick already?” Monoponi said, flashing into existence. “Upupu, too bad for you!” He stretched out his limbs and his mouth spread in a massive yawn, showing off every last jagged tooth in his jaws. “Your Captain took a lovely nap while you were all running around like headless chickens. Rest is very important, you know! You really should get more sleep. All that caffeine isn’t good for you! Stunts your growth, don’t you know.”

“That’s a myth,” I groaned, slapping a hand to my face. “And we’re adults. We’re as tall as we’re going to get.”

“Oh Sunset, don’t try to correct your Captain,” Monoponi chided, waving one forehoof dismissively. “Your Captain is always right, he is. He knew that no matter what you people think, no matter what you say or try to pretend, you will always, always give in to my motives. And look at what happened. Yet again, one or two of you decided your lives mattered more than others.”

“And we’ll find out who it is and stop them, just like we always have,” Tiara declared, setting a foot forward. She gestured towards me. “Sunset’s never let us down.”

Aaand now she’s being completely friendly again. What the heck is up with you lately, Tiara? You’re all over the place. Then again, if I’m right about you being the traitor, that’d make sense.

I wonder if I should bring that up during the trial. I thought about it for a moment, then shook my head. No. Unless I absolutely have to, I won’t. I might be wrong, and the last thing we need is more baseless accusations pulling us apart.

“Sunset’s never let you down, you say?” Monoponi replied mockingly, holding a hoof to his lips. “I wonder if Twilight Sparkle would agree with that. Ahahahaha!”

“That’s hardly fair,” Rarity objected, throwing out an arm protectively in my general direction. “We had no way of knowing you’d manipulate us into executing her!”

“And yet here you are, carrying around the one who actually killed someone with their hands like she was your blushing bride.” Monoponi tittered, jumping up and down on his hooves. “Oh, is she? As your Captain, I would be more than happy to perform a marriage ceremony! Of course, you’d have to annul your previous marriage first…”

Rarity’s lips curled up like she’d bit into an especially sour lemon, and her eyes twitched as she glared at the alicorn with as much hatred as she could muster. Then she relaxed, letting out the breath she was holding, and the tension faded from her face. “Monoponi, I do not care for you.”

“Eh, who does?” Monoponi shrugged. “Nopony ever said I had to be liked to be Captain! And speaking of being your Captain, it’s time we ventured forth onto the stormy seas of the trial once again. Will you once again succeed in tracking down the scallywags who’d dare sabotage our ocean voyage? Or will you fail, and force your Captain to execute you all? Personally, I’m really hoping for the latter! Upupupu!” He held a hoof to his throat and cleared. “Ahem. Va-va-valuse!”

With a flourish of his horn and a shower of red sparks, the oversized lock on the courtroom elevator disintegrated, allowing the gates to screech open, assaulting us with the rusty screech of old metal. Monoponi took a quick bow and vanished in a flash of light, leaving the elevator for us to enter.

“Hang on a minute guys,” Scootaloo said before anyone could board. All eyes turned to her. “Listen up. Rainbow Dash was my friend, okay? She mattered to me. She was important to me.” She bowed her head for a moment before raising it again, eyes full of confidence. “I know I haven’t been the most useful in these trials, but I’m going to do whatever I can to find her killer and bring her to justice. Both for her and for Flash Sentry.” She held up a finger. “I don’t know which one of you killed them, or why, and honestly? I don’t care. I won’t let you get away with it. I won’t!” A few tears came to her eyes as she dropped her arms to her sides, balling up her fists. “They were important, okay? They mattered. We all matter. Every single one of us matters. I don’t want any of you to die, anymore than I wanted them to. But if we have to choose between you, and all of us? I’m picking us.”

“Here here,” I said, nodding and applauding the younger woman. “Scootaloo’s right, everybody. I’m behind her all the way.”

“As am I, darling,” Rarity said, smiling at Scootaloo. “You’ve been nothing but kind to all of us, Scootaloo, no matter the circumstances. It’s good to hear you speak this way.”

“Thanks, you guys,” Scootaloo said, smiling past her tears. She sniffled, wiping away at one eye with her fist. “Come on, let’s get moving.”

As I followed her into the elevator, I considered the case once more.

Rainbow Dash and Flash Sentry. Two souls who, prior to their untimely deaths, had found an unusual bond in each other. Both had lost someone unfairly to Monoponi’s machinations. Both had a reason to hate the other, due to their lost loved ones involvement in their respective deaths, but they saw past all that. They got along. And someone killed them. Or someones.

Perhaps these crimes were unconnected, but somehow, I doubted it. I knew there was a connection, an important one, but what?

What compelled the culprit or culprits to target these two in particular? Was Flash killed because his illness left him vulnerable? Was Rainbow killed because her secret was never revealed and someone thought she was the traitor?

Whatever the reason, neither of these two deserved to die. No one should have killed them. Perhaps there’d been the occasional crack in our group, but we’d been getting along better than ever.

But there was no point in looking back, at what should have been or might have been. The only thing I could do is look forward. Look forward to solving this case, to figuring out the culprit, and saving our lives once again.

I will save our lives in this trial of life and death!

Author's Note:

You should now, between the two parts of the investigation and prior narration, have all the clues you need.

Oh, and if you're wondering why I killed two people, again? Because no one expects the double double murder! :pinkiehappy: Okay, there's actually many other reasons. But that'll have to wait.

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