• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤


When the sun is treated as the center of everything, she is bound to burn out the fastest.

Recommended by PresentPerfect in this spoiler-filled review! Edited and pre-read by Gay for Gadot. The edit of the cover art was made by me. Set shortly after season four. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 79 )

Such a cute, sweet DisLestia. Loved your characters in this, as well as Discord's antics and the imagery therein. This site needs more like this. :twilightsmile: Thanks for having me look it over as well!

it’s absolute balderdash!”

“Ahem,” Discord said, tapping a single claw to his throat, “are you aiming to make sailors blush?” It was better than asking what was up with her and Luna (again) right off the bat.

In a rare moment of fluidity, Celestia gave a long, tired exhale. “I… I know you’re teasing, but I really am so peeved.”

Highlight of the fic for me right now. Uphooof. Good work, captain.

Thank you for being down to edit on such short notice, famalady. It was most poggers of you.

She feels strongly enough about adventure that she willingly sacrificed six mares and a baby dragon too it.

Oh no, you're showing the uncensored swear words D:

Well, when you say it like that it sounds bad. :trixieshiftleft:

That was indeed my intent.

Now you've gonna make the sun horse mad.

Given my criticisms of her in many a fic I’m reasonably certain I’m off her hearths warming card list at a minimum. If not outright tried in absentia for lese majeste.

She literally won’t be sending you any gift cards now.

Instead of joining in, Celestia only sighed. “No… she’s been… Luna’s been saying she’s too cooped up in the castle. When she’s not off on her own, she’s always chasing dragons and trying to make her royal duties into some adventure.” Frowning, Celestia’s gaze fell. “She knows how I feel about adventures . This is just…”

you're not caught up on the show, are you

Are you really making a big deal over a normal paragraph?

You big dork, writing good shit and stuff and things. I'm gonna upvote your story just to prove a point.


you'll never loathe me more than me.

It really brightens my day to know that someone hates you as much as I do!

How dare you upvote my story without its consent.
Roasting the children before I can eat them? How considerate!

it was supposed to be a joke, calm down

Considering your history of posting mean comments on users' stories when they don't cater exactly to you and block evasion to harass authors, my doubt of this is reasonable.

that's ok
stay irrationally angry and keep assuming that nobody changes ever, that's ok
forgive me for attempting to be positive for once

I'm not the one who is remotely close to anger here.

i'd say my anger here is rational, as i attempted to be nice and you still attacked me
and even with this anger, i'm still trying to be nice

I didn't attack you. You have a history of being awful to creators who don't cater to your every wish or permit your abuse. When you're called out on this, you double down in accusations and self-pity or insist that things were a joke. You phrased something ambiguously and have a history of doing nothing but insulting others over nothing that has ever made sense, as well as just refusing to ever attempt any rational or well-thought-out critique when you don't like something inoffensive. There is absolutely nothing unreasonable about seeing someone with your reputation phrase something vaguely and come to the conclusion that it is another temper tantrum waiting to happen, especially when it occurred around the time this story got its first downvote.

You are incapable of being rational, no matter how much you label yourself as such.

It's delightful paragraph, moar of those plz

hey buddy, you just blow in from stupid town?

I have many more stories with many more paragraphs.
Why do the tones of your comments always fit your avatar so well?

because my avatar and me IRL are one in the same

Ima read those when I get a chance

if this is the response i get for attempting to be nicer, i don't know why i bother
cuz apparently to y'all shitweasels, one slip-up means whoever did it is burned for all eternity
have a good fuckin day i guess

nice ableism, bro
didn't i tell you to have a good day

Truly, the body of Our Lord Weesus Christ is a transcendent one.

one slip-up means whoever did it is burned for all eternity

Yeah, clearly this has only happened once.

ok i'll grant ya that much
but if you'll notice, there's a theme to those
you'll also notice that this fic falls so far outside said theme that your initial outburst was well beyond unwarranted
now, have a good day

Last time I checked, this was my comment section and you were a guest here, not the other way around. If you really see your comments where you throw a hissy fit about innocent pairings and ideas as not parallel to this, well, here's another instance where you not only show that you like to fling around "retard" yourself, but that any idea that can take up even a few lines (whereas you highlighted a paragraph of my story) is worthy of your prolonged, irrational contempt and utter meltdowns.

Don't be such a hypocrite, especially when you can't even describe your past behavior accurately.


Last time I checked, this was my comment section and you were a guest here, not the other way around.

doesn't matter, we could be in the comments of a different fic entirely and it wouldn't matter to my point
said point is thus: i was attempting to be nice, you dickblister
at this point though, let me be evil, since being nice means nothing to you fucking asswarts

If you really see your comments where you throw a hissy fit about innocent pairings and ideas as not parallel to this

the point i was attempting to make in my last reply is that i like this pairing you fucking doucheballoon

Yessir, thats what i get for having 7 past lives, im like the Captain Planet of life experience


the point i was attempting to make in my last reply is that i like this pairing you fucking doucheballoon

So... it's okay to go from harassing authors who write things merely because you don't like their non-problematic content and think that I won't remember that you're a very nasty person to myself and my friends from previous encounters?

Yeah, I don't think that's how it works. 10546683 said it best.

so burying the hatchet is an unknown concept to you, is it?
any attempts to fix a mistake are just ignored, huh?
once a villain, always a villain i guess

Dude, burying the hatchet would have been personally and sincerely apologizing to people when you did this, and then never doing it again. Or, at the very least, aiming to communicate better with people and owning up to your faults. It's something you would have done the first time you saw fit to belittle me in a comment section for absolutely no reason.

Once again, this ain't it chief.

Thank you, O Lord Weesus Most High.


Dude, burying the hatchet would have been personally and sincerely apologizing to people when you did this

i would apologize if half of them hadn't blocked me for dissenting

and then never doing it again.

that's a very unrealistic standard

Or, at the very least, aiming to communicate better with people and owning up to your faults.

what the fresh fuck was i trying to do here then? can't fucking win with you people

It's something you would have done the first time you saw fit to belittle me in a comment section for absolutely no reason.

again, very unrealistic standards


i would apologize if half of them hadn't blocked me for dissenting

You could always make a blog.

that's a very unrealistic standard

Tell me this: is someone holding a gun to your head and demanding you have a screech fest every time you don't get your way? Are you possessed by some whiny ghost that demands you boo-hoo out your ill-conceived woes in dozens of comments for hours? If the answer to any of these is yes, then the standard is unrealistic. If these comments are all the product of you plopping your ass on your computer and dragging it across the keyboard in an uncannily precise fashion to get these somewhat legible exchanges, then you have an excuse. Otherwise, you're entirely in control of your own actions and have absolutely no excuse except what you can pull out of your ass.

what the fresh fuck was i trying to do here then? can't fucking win with you people

Making an easily misinterpreted comment on the story of someone who knows you have a history of petty bullying. Dude, this is like throwing oil into a fire and expecting it will go out. You keep have this mentality that you can 'win' because you never want to admit that you lost, and you did so because you bully other people and break site rules. You're the one at fault here.

again, very unrealistic standards

Yeah man, nothing quite like the aftermath of the first time you screw up to find the relevant people and message them your apologies, knowing that you did wrong. That's totally unrealistic, man. Nothing quite like acting when the situation is fresh. Do you eat your fold after it grows as moldy as your internet relationships too?

“B-but that’s unfair! I don’t need to be worried about! That’s pish-posh, I say! Absolute pish-posh! Hogwash, pish-posh, and utter gosh-darned stale biscuits , I tell you!”

Dang, never thought I'd see this much vulgarity in a story before.

Really like the cute shippingness of this Ice, it's adorable.


Dang, never thought I'd see this much vulgarity in a story before.

I know, right? Maybe I should have added a profanity tag.

Really like the cute shippingness of this Ice, it's adorable.

Thank you, friendo! I try to write some cute from time to time.


You could always make a blog.

and what would the point be
if this snafu has proven anything to me, it's that you fuckers will take any reason to dogpile me without question
so i reiterate, what would the fucking point be? you've all marked me as an acceptable target in y'all's minds, so anything i say or do is pointless

Tell me this: is someone holding a gun to your head and demanding you have a screech fest every time you don't get your way? Are you possessed by some whiny ghost that demands you boo-hoo out your ill-conceived woes in dozens of comments for hours? If the answer to any of these is yes, then the standard is unrealistic. If these comments are all the product of you plopping your ass on your computer and dragging it across the keyboard in an uncannily precise fashion to get these somewhat legible exchanges, then you have an excuse. Otherwise, you're entirely in control of your own actions and have absolutely no excuse except what you can pull out of your ass.

i have a really short fuse, and i tend to have little to no self control when i get angry
i don't know how to unfuck this, so if you've any pointers, i'm all ears

Making an easily misinterpreted comment on the story of someone who knows you have a history of petty bullying

proof of my earlier statement. you've already decided i'm a worthy target, so nothing i say or do will appease you or anyone else

Yeah man, nothing quite like the aftermath of the first time you screw up to find the relevant people and message them your apologies, knowing that you did wrong. That's totally unrealistic, man.

i reiterate, hard to do when you get blocked for dissent


and what would the point be
if this snafu has proven anything to me, it's that you fuckers will take any reason to dogpile me without question
so i reiterate, what would the fucking point be? you've all marked me as an acceptable target in y'all's minds, so anything i say or do is pointless

Putting up a blog is something that shows you put effort into making amends. People who have blocked you would still be able to read it. Also, deleting comments that call you out on your behavior is totally your call, but it will make you look hostile. I've seen you remove them from your page before because people have shown me. If you want people to regard you better when you venture into shared spaces, you have to put effort into acting better.

i have a really short fuse, and i tend to have little to no self control when i get angry

This is an excuse. Also, I know you've pulled the autism card, so allow me to address this before you do: I'm also an autistic person. It's never an excuse to be mean to people.

i don't know how to unfuck this, so if you've any pointers, i'm all ears

I just gave you some.

proof of my earlier statement. you've already decided i'm a worthy target, so nothing i say or do will appease you or anyone else

It's actually just proof that you have a history of bad behavior.

i reiterate, hard to do when you get blocked for dissent

Listening when other people give you feedback on your behavior the first few times can prevent this in the future.

It's always a great day when Ice has a new story out. You're a lovely person with great talent.


This is an excuse

no it fucking isn't
anything that you don't like to hear isn't a fucking excuse god damn it

I just gave you some.

i was asking for help with the short fuse and self-control problems for fuck's sake

It's actually just proof that you have a history of bad behavior.

further proof i'm just a fucking target to you and your ilk

lemme guess, you're here to attack me too, huh

It is not my job to coach you on your behavior problems. I gave you suggestions, I'm not here to write you detailed therapeutic essays, dude. If you have a short fuse, you need to learn how to be better at handling it. Random strangers that you feel entitled to both bully and demand help from are not your life advisors.

You have a personal problem, my dude. And yes, it is an excuse because it does act as a solution.
Thank you, pogchamp.

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