• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen Wednesday


For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!


All her life, Octavia has felt like she’s been dancing to another’s tune. She’s grown used to the feelings of deja vu and being strung along, and has found success in spite of her strange feelings -- friends, a good job, a wife. Her latest gig, however, threatens to throw open her past and set her future on a wildly different trajectory. Powerful forces are warring for control of Octavia’s fate, and time is running out. Take a seat -- the concert is about to begin.

Part of the Wibblyverse Continuity.
Part one of Doctor Whooves: Friendship is Wibbly Series 2
Previous Story:Mind and Matter
Next Story: The Secret Garden

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 14 )

De ja vu indeed A Puppet To Her Fame in more ways than one.

An old Hosstrian...

No, The Seventh Seal was in Swedish. I don't think anypony will be playing chess with Death. Though I may be thinking on the right track. In any case, looking forward to seeing where you go with this. I do love seeing Octavia's bandmates get some love, though I doubt they'll appreciate the narrative spotlight when all's said and done.

Also, brilliant work with the cover on this one. Exquisite attention to detail.

Fun story so far, for the set up, I can't wait to see when the actual dram will actually start.


No, The Seventh Seal was in Swedish.

I'll admit, this one is a little hard to guess because I did change a fair bit about him, so I'll give you a couple clues. The character Minor Keys is based on was originally German, but I couldn't think up a good pun for that. (Though as I write this out now, Germane flashes immediately to mind :facehoof:)
Also, the fact that he plays the violin is highly relevant both to this story and the one he's borrowed from. There's a third clue, but I'll leave that to come up next chapter.

And if that's not puzzle enough, see if you can crack the cipher I hid on the cover!

Oh yeah, the Wibblyverse is back!

“Rita, lovely Rita,” he intoned. “Rita, lovely Rita. Rita, lovely Rita.”

Meter maid?
... ah. More Repulsa, if she made regular use of cough drops.

Wonderful air of menace thus far. And thank goodness for Baton's sense of thrift; the Time Lord and assistant (no, not those) might never know where to look otherwise. Still, plenty of time for things to go wrong... for all parties. The thing about Ponyvillians is that you can never tell what effects prolonged exposure to them will have.

Interesting, I like the build up. I wonder how is that ponies that is stealing the Doctor's Tartus, the name doesn't ring a bell.

Interesting build up, I can't wait to see the actual horror part actually starts

Still interesting so far, keep it up

Sorry, been busy lately. But hey, caught up now.

Well, fuck, what was she supposed to be looking for? Some big golden magic lute?

I mean, we can't really rule out that Rita is a necrodancer, but that seems fairly unlikely.

No. Not a god. Such things would have appealed to him once, but those encounters were practically common in this world. This presence was something… deeper. Bigger, as the Krikkits were.

Careful. Last time one of them said they were bigger than Celestia, it didn't go over well. :raritywink:

Huh. Seems Rita really is a fan of bands named after insects. This raises some fascinating questions. And I do have to appreciate Vinyl playing patron and agent against one another. Hopefully that discordant remix plays out well enough to disrupt at least one of their plans. We'll see how this develops.

Well, my timing is either horrendous or impeccable. Not sure which. :derpytongue2:

In any case, this just got a lot more complicated. Especially since I just remembered where I've heard "Entropy" in the context of your work before. Definitely looking forward to seeing how this redraws the battle lines.

I don't think I've ever see a Doctor Whooves fic to employ this particular faction.

A good choice.

Personally with Gallifrey seemingly destroyed again, I think it would be a great time to explore different factions of Time Lords. I don't want to see them repeat Last of the Timelords. So I'd like to see Gallifey Civil War. Rassilon Loyalities. Omega Fanatics. The House of Paradox. Time Lords willing to recruit from lesser races. Purists who seem to restore Gallifrey to the Centre of th e Web of Time. Realists who want to take Gallifrey into a Post War reconstruction.

Now, seems like a great time to explore what it means to be a Timelord. Who gets to call themselves one and owner that means for them and for the universe.

Having a war between loyalists and r heels with Blood Magic using anarchists would be awesome. But I suspec t unlikely so I shall comfort myself in seeing The Faction here.

Romana, with her butchered timeline, would doubtlessly be of interest to them.

Huh. Reviving musicians from memories of their music in another universe. But why? I suppose we'll find out soon enough. Thank goodness Rita's the kind of sinister entity who's happy to monologue about her plans.

Also, looks like the Krikkits need to get the band back together. This could be awkward... or not being able to perform may actually be one of the best things that could happen to them right now. It's not clear how this all works.

Tapper's got one heck of a sense of timing.

Objects sat before them like offerings -- drumsticks, guitar picks, LPs, strange silvery discs that Vinyl had never seen before, and more.

Oh, that's what happened to my missing flash drive.

Perhaps we can find a McCarthy to install in the government to really push against their ‘anti-Equestrian values’.

I feel like it would take much more work to get the culture to a point where it would even entertain that idea than to just find a different route. But then, I'm not a rogue Gallifreyan social engineer.

There is another me, girl,
Hiding in my skin.

Well, that's a warning sign. And possibly a cry for help.

“The final piece,” one of the attendants agreed.
“A real rarity,” the other noted. “Not a lot of Lovecraft cosplayers around, especially not as anything but Cthulhu.”

Oh. A bit of Displaced logic in the mix? Most intriguing.

TIme appears to be running out for everyone involved here. We'll see what happens as the crescendo builds.

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