• Published 11th Nov 2020
  • 319 Views, 11 Comments

Tales from the Rift - Fonzie

A group of stranded tourists listen to a strange Pony's tales of how they'll die, or do they?

  • ...

Political Pull

Author's Note:

since yesterday was election day, I thought this story would be kind of fitting, and also provide an example of how the stories should go.


taken from


Story by: me

It all began in ponyville, just days before the day of the mayoral election, and there were two candidates, the popular, mayor mare, and his rival, Cyrus mangate.

The mayor was taking a stroll through town, waving hello to every pony that she saw, when she was relaxing at home, there was a knock at the door, opened it and saw it was... "mr. Mangate, what brings you here?"

"I just thought I'd come over for lunch." he said, with a devious plan in mind. The mayor agreed and the two candidates chatted, while they were chatting, Cyrus secretly poured something into the mayor's drink.

"You know mare, I think you might be able to beat me in the election for the fourth time in a row."

"I wouldn't be to sure about that, I think things will be a little different." She was unaware how different they would be.

"Well, I bet if you died you'll get a huge funeral from everypony in town." The mayor took a sip of his drink, "unless they think you're nothing but a crooked politician, then they'll just dump your body in the ocean."

"I don't feel so good." Mayor mare said.

"Well, I may have put arsenic in your cider."

The mayor's eyes widened in shock, then collapsed to the floor.

"And I hope you don't you don't mind, but I did you a favor and write your suicide note.

When cyrus finished setting up the scene, he removed any possible pieces of evidence of his presence, and left.

The following week everyone found out about the death of their beloved mayor, they gave him a lavish funeral, and wondered who killed him, Cyrus was the prime suspect because what he didn't know what was that a gentle breeze blew the note off the table and under a shelf, so he was placed in a holding cell until further notice.

But one day, "sir, you won't believe what we found!" a guard told shining armor. He showed him the note, which detailed her 'crimes', which involved money laundering, voter fraud, and worst of all, stealing the last pack of pop tarts at Wal-Mart. (yes they exist here)

So Cyrus was let go, while everypony was shocked by mayor's 'confession note', they were so shocked, that Cyrus led a mob in removing the mayor's coffin and dumping it in the ocean.

Then the day of the election came by, and since no one else ran, Cyrus became the new mayor.

"I did it, I got what i wanted, and smeared the mayor's reputation for good."

One day, Cyrus went to the local docks where a certain pony worked, "good morning mayor mangate."

"Good morning vlad"

"I got your boat ready, I'd join you, but they're having a 24 hour "Rocky horror picture show" marathon tonight."

So, the mayor went fishing on his own, unaware that it was at the same spot where the former mayor was dumped.

An hour passed, and he didn't catch a single fish, and a storm was coming, so Cyrus started to raise the anchor... But it was stuck.

He struggled to pull the rope, but he accidentally knocked the boat's motor into the water, and the storm arrived, unleashing it's fury on the small boat.

Cyrus peered over the side of the boat and prayed that whatever the anchor was caught on held on as long as it could, but then he saw something that made his blood run cold, there was a pony-like figure, climbing up the rope, Cyrus froze in place, he couldn't stop staring at the figure.

Suddenly, a rotted hoof grabbed into the side of the boat, making Cyrus fall on his back and shout, "WHO ARE YOU!!!"

He got his answer, when he saw the face of the pony, "n-no. no, it can't be!"

But it was, it was mayor mare, or what was left of her, waterlogged, bits of flesh gone, seaweed stuck in its hair.

Without warning, it shot another hoof out, grabbing Cyrus by one of his back hooves, he struggled, screamed for help, and begged for it to let him go, but to no avail, he was eventually dragged off the boat, into the raging waters, where he still struggled to free himself, but he was eventually dragged underwater, and the storm had ended.

well, I hope this story gave you an insight on how the stories should go, but the stories don't have to be from tales from the crypt, or anything related to the series, they can be from other horror anthologies, or completely original. Now, let's get back to our group, and see how the next one will die.