• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 2,922 Views, 72 Comments

In the Twilight Hour - Autum Breeze

Twilight Sparkle finds herself facing on odd task. She is now caring for her Princess Pony counterpart... who is a baby pony?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2


Twilight yawned as she sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes, blinding reaching out for her glasses.

What a bizarre dream. A baby pony version of me arrives on my doorstep and Spike starts talking?

Her glasses in place, she glanced around her room for said dog, only for her eyes to fall on him snuggled up next to a purple ball of fur.

Twilight blinked. It wasn’t a dream? That really happened?

Whelp, there went any funny stories she planned to tell her family later. This was really happening.

Twilight’s attention was drawn from her thoughts but a sound and she looked back to the pair as her pony counterpart gave a cute yawn, snuggling closer to Spike.

Twilight stared for a moment, before a cheeky smile came to her face.

Grabbing her phone, she started filming and taking pictures, managing to catch several more yawns from the baby pony.

So adorable, she thought once she’d gotten at least two minutes of videos and several photos. If nothing else, these would be nice keepsakes for such a cute accident.

Getting her giggles out of her system, Twilight shook her head and got out of bed, heading over to the computer.

“Right. Time to find this Sunset.”

It would only after starting that she realized how difficult this would be. True, the internet was a vast source of information, where all knowledge can be found on any topic… but that was just the problem.

If the person Princess Twilight knew from Canterlot was called Sunset, doing general searches wasn’t going to yield anything, a fact she learned all too quickly.

Sunset was such a simple term. Everyone knew what a sunset was, so of course, without specifications, the internet searches just gave her information about sunsets.

Need to be a bit more specific, she thought, rubbing her chin, before snapping her fingers and typing away. “Sunset Canterlot.”

As expected, it didn’t yield all the results she wanted, most being articles about certain places sunset was best viewable in Canterlot and schools that looked good silhouetted by sunsets.

However, two results popped up that caught her eye. She’d almost overlooked them, skimming through all the silhouetted school sunset results and likely would’ve missed them entirely, if not for one symbol catching her eye; Everton.

Canterlot Elementary Star Student Achieves Everton Award at Young Age.

Why would this grab her attention? Because, underneath the title was a picture of a young girl with yellow skin and yellow and red hair, wearing a smirk. Underneath the image was a name: Sunset Shimmer.

Perhaps it had appeared because she’d been recently looking into Everton before Princess Twilight arrived last night and the searched had mistaken it to be included.

Either way, it was the luckiest thing Twilight could’ve hoped for. She didn’t even bother reading the others, something about a girl being sentenced to a number of hours of community service at Canterlot High or something, it didn’t matter. She already had the biggest lead she’d need.

“Spike! Princess Twilight, wake up!” the glasses wearing girl cheered excitedly, shaking the two.

Both reacted the same way, shuffling, before rolling onto their stomachs, yawning.

“It’s Saturday, Twilight,” Spike said groggily, stretching. “Can’t I get just a few more hours sleep?”

“Later, Spike,” Twilight said, picking up her pony princess counterpart. “Princess, I found her. I found Sunset Shimmer!”

That seemed to wake up the Princess, who’s eyed widened, as if recognizing the name and babbled something.

Spike yawned, starching behind an ear and shaking his head. “She says she now remembers the name. Sunset Shimmer.”

Twilight brought the baby pony over to the computer, Spike hopping up onto the desk so he could look too.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, noticing a confused frown on the pony’s face upon seeing the image.

Princess Twilight shook her head, babbling something.

“She… doesn’t know,” Spike said, cocking an eyebrow. “She says, this Sunset Shimmer looks like the Sunset she knows, but… something’s off.” The baby shrugged. “She can’t quite put her hoof on it.”

“Her hoof…?” Twilight blinked, before chuckling. “Right. Pony. Got it. Still,” she moved one hand, holding the smaller Twilight with her other arm and moved the mouse key, clicking on a link expansion, “even if something seems off, if she recognizes the name and face, this Sunset Shimmer is our best lead to figuring this all out.”

“Huh. She doesn’t live in Canterlot anymore?” Spike raised an eyebrow, reading the information.

Twilight nodded.

It seemed this Sunset Shimmer had moved out of Canterlot about five years ago after getting into Everton. She was now studying abroad in Manehatten.

“Manehatten’s pretty far away,” Spike looked to the two Twilights. “This might take a while.”

“Maybe,” Twilight looked down at the uncertain expression on the baby pony. “But it’s our best lead. If this Sunset Shimmer can help Princess Twilight, then that’s all we need to know.”

“Can we afford it, though?” Spike looked to his owner. “Manehatten’s at least a several days trip from here by boat, Twilight. Plus, we’ll need somewhere to stay while looking for this Sunset, since this article doesn’t give her actual address. We’d need to ask around and there’s no telling how long that would take.”

Princess Twilight babbled something nervously.

“Plus, Princess Twilight isn’t exactly going to blend in. She stands out too easily. I mean, magical baby pony princesses aren’t exactly something one normally sees wandering around town.”

Twilight frowned, rubbing her chin with her free hand, anxiety starting to creep in.

Spike and the princess were right. They couldn’t just wander around Manehatten with a pony princess without garnering unwanted attention.

Plus, it was Manehatten. It was a lot more risky for a teenager to be wandering around the streets all on her own there than they could here in Canterlot.

Plus, there was the whole getting there part. Travel by boat would take too long and, even if she could afford it, Twilight couldn’t take a flight. She’d need to put the princess and Spike in baggage, like all pet owners and that wouldn’t go over well, simply because it would be showing Princess Twilight to people and then leaving her on her own.

After a few moments, Twilight sighed. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, Spike. For now, we’ll have some breakfast. We can figure out what we’re going to do after that.”


“Breakfast is kind of a bust, huh?” Spike asked, sitting with his bowl in front of him.

Twilight had tried to prepare a simple, but healthy breakfast, some salad and eggs… but none of them felt all that hungry right now.

Twilight had barely eaten more than a mouthful or two, the princes had just been sitting staring down at her plate and even Spike wasn’t touching his dog food.

“The more and more I think about it, the more and more impossible it seems,” Twilight slumped forward, head in her arms. “Manehatten, Spike. How in the world can we do this? It could take days of searching to find this Sunset Shimmer.”

“And I doubt it would go unnoticed by that principal lady that her top student is missing from school,” Spike said grumply.

His words seemed to catch the princess’s attention and she looked between the two of them.

There was silence for several moments, before a sudden knocking came from the front door, scaring the living daylights out of the three.

“Twilight?” a familiar voice called out.

At once, the princess’s eyes widened, as if recognizing the voice.

However, neither Spike nor Twilight noticed as the two were panicking.

“Oh no, it’s Cadance!” Twilight cried, not noticing the squeak from the princess.

“We can’t let her see Princess Twilight,” Spike said quickly, glancing to the door, before wilting. “Or hear me talking!”

“J-just a minute!” Twilight called, grabbing the princess and rushing up the stairs, Spike on her heels.

She put the princess down on her bed, not seeming to notice the annoyed and anxious frown said foal was wearing.

“Just wait here, okay?” Twilight, said, moving to close the door. “Don’t make a sound. I dunno how Cadance would react to a baby pony version of me.”

Whatever the princess babbled angrily at them was lost as Twilight looked the door and hurried back downstairs.

“Have a come at a bad time?” Cadance’s voice called from the door as the two got to the bottom of the stairs.

“No-no, everything’s fine!” Twilight called anxiously, stumbling as she barrelled to the door. “I was just… giving Spike a bath! Don’t say anything!” she whispered in a hiss to the dog as she took hold of the doorknob.

“You think I don’t know that?” he replied, before deadpanning. “And I’m not wet.”

The implications of just what that last bit meant didn’t click in Twilight’s mind until right after the door was already open and she was staring at the pink skinned woman that was her sister-in-law/dean.

“Hi!” Twilight said loudly, trying her hardest to hide her worries and make it seem like everything was normal.

Of course, Twilight was Twilight and Cadance had been her babysitter since she was little.

Then again, you didn’t need to know Twilight well to know when something was bothering her. She did not have the best poker face.

Cadance looked from the too wide smile of Twilight to the clearly not the least bit wet dog. “Giving Spike a bath, huh?”

“I… was just about to,” Twilight said hurriedly, trying to think of a quick way to end the conversation and get Cadance to leave.

Cadance gave her a worried, yet firm look, folding her arms and shaking her head. “I guess I was right to come check in on you with your parents out. What happened, Twilight?”

“Happened? Nothing happened! Everything’s totally normal,” Twilight grinned, waving a hand. “Nothing strange or weird going on here. Just me and my totally non-talking dog, just hanging around the house.”

Spike gave an anxious bark.

Cadance let one eyebrow fall. “Twilight. What. Happened?”

“Wh-what do you mean?” Twilight’s grin became more anxious. “Everything’s perfectly fine, Cadance. We’re all doing okay here.”

Cadance’s raised eyebrow rose a little more. “We’re all doing okay? That’s an odd choice of words, Twilight. When it’s just the two of you, isn’t both easier to say?”

Twilight just stared, her right eyebrow twitching.

Before anyone could say anything else, there was a loud popping sound, following by a face of purple light and the baby pony was hovering in front of the two, looking right at Cadance and babbling excitedly about something, before going quiet, as if only just now seeing Cadance.

“Whelp, that backfired fast,” Spike sighed. “In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say.” He waved to the pink woman. “Hey, Cadance. I can talk now.”


“That… is a conundrum,” Cadance said after hearing the two out.

Cadance had taken the sudden appearance of a baby purple pony princess and the talking dog pretty well, the former of whom was resting in the pink woman’s arms.

The Alicorn had seemed to calm considerably once held by Cadance, as if her very presence was soothing to the pony.

Twilight chalked it up to the fact Cadance would soon be a mother herself and so her Mama instincts had kicked in, making her want to protect the infant.

“So, this little one’s friend lives in Manehatten?” the woman asked, glancing between the dog and girl.

Twilight nodded, turning her laptop around and showing the article to her.

Cadance frowned in confusion. “Strange. I think I remember my aunts mentioning something about a girl named Sunset Shimmer a few times. She went to their school, but,… huh. My memory must be a bit off. I could’ve sworn they talked like she was still going there.”

“Wait, you know about this Sunset Shimmer person?” Spike looked up at her in shock.

Cadance frowned, scanning the article. “From the way this article describes her she… sounds similar to what I remember my aunties talking about. Have you called her yet?”

There was a pause as both Twilight and Spike stared at her. “Huh?”

Cadance indicated to a small section. “It says here, if one wants to call her, they can call this number for Everton and someone there can leave her a message so she can get back to them.”

“What?” Twilight whirled the laptop back around, scanning the article again, before her face blanked. “How in the world did I miss that?”

“It was right after you woke up,” Spike pointed out, scratching behind an ear. “Our brains don’t always pickup everything right away when we wake.”

Twilight sighed, pulling out her phone and dialling the number. “Well, hopefully, she’ll get back to us as soon as possible. We need to figure out what happened to Princess Twilight to send her here like she is and Sunset is the only one who seems likely to know anything.”

“Still,” Cadance frowned, rubbing her chin, “I could’ve sworn auntie mentioned something about her recently, as if she were still at auntie’s school.”

Author's Note:

Things have been... things, this week.

Turned out i realized yesterday i'd forgotten to download several videos on Thursday, despite giving myself constant reminders since Saturday last week when they popped up on youtube, so i had to download them yesterday, along with moving more videos from some usbs to others because, thursday, i'd grabbed the wrong one, only to realize yesterday, the one i'd grabbed thurdays had been the one i'd have put the videos i forgot to download onto.

and if you couldn't follow what i just typed, join the club. i wrote it and even i don't understand it.

So, with all that in mind, i didn't get to do as much writing of the orignal story of mine i'm writing as much as i'd wanted, so i ended up not doing much writing at all due to emergy drive being too low.

not that yesterday being over 38 degrees helped. Plus, other plans fell through a bit in ways i hadn't expected.

So, though it took me most of the morning, i finally got around to doing this chapter.

In all honesty, i quickly realized the brick wall i was heading towards regarding how i want the story to conitue without going into "that's so convenient it's bullshit storytelling" territory.

I had always planned on the other Sunset being mistaken for the Sunset Princess Twilight actually knows, but she couldn't be currently living in Canterlot, because how in the world would she never have had to deal with any of the backlash from her Pony Counterpart's actions?

Answer, she moved away years ago.

how best to make sure she's not super easy to reach right away?

She lives in manehatten.

How to get Sci-Twi, Spike and Princess Twilight to Manehatten for the hilarious mixup to be realized?




Well, crap. there's another wall.

So, instead, i decided to bring Cadance into the mixed. After all, as a mother to be herself, she would understand the plight of an infant needing to get home and want to protect her. plus, having an adult knowing means i don't have to make things too rediculous with Sci-Twi and Spike having to figure out how a single teenager and her talking dog can pull off soemthing crazy on their own.

and for those who question why i wrote Cadance as being preggers when she isn't in Friendship Games, have you ever noticed how ROUND her hips seem to be?

Granted, there's no major signs of a baby bump on her, but Dean Cadance is the only one of the three human adult Princess Counterparts that has rounded hips and, even the few times you see her from the side, her stomach isn't as flat as Celestia and Luna's.

Anyway, this was the best way for the story to continue on the path i had planned for it, since it needs some time before the connection to Canterlot High can be made between the baby princess and Sunset Shimmer.

So, what's going to happen when they get in contact with Sunset Shimmer? Will Sunset help them or just tell them she doesn't know anything to bug off? How long until they learn there's more than 1 Sunset?

And will Cadance use this as a chance for better things?

Find out next time (possibly tomorrow, hopefully).

til then, stay safe, stay clean and see ya later, everybody