• Member Since 24th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago





Rainbow Dash was flying one day, when she decided to rest on a small cloud. Her nap is interrupted when a new friend of hers calls out to her. Neocros and Rainbow have known each other for a few months now, and though he is a bit strange, he's rather nice once she got to know him.

The beginning of their relationship begins.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 38 )

its was good just a bit short though and i dont like the ending it feels like it was just cut off never mind sorry i didnt read author note

the writing is flawless but pls dont feel constrained by a deadline i dont want you becoming like ea games or blizard activision i much radder wait and have the full story done then read something that is unfinished

i think i know why i like neo so much because i see myself in him im super shy around people i can barly speak the first time i meet someone i also hate crowds i have had some ear pluggs first but they ware more annoying and itchy so i have what do you call them like construction ear muffs or mayby like ear protection headset that i use when im at a theme park or a resturant or some place with a lot of people im also really worried what people think of me and i dont want to disappoint them

the best way i can explain it is that i dont have a filter like if you ware to talk to me in a crowed place i will hear you but i will also hear every thing around me like there is a child crying over there there a bike over there there a loud fan over us that group of people is speaking way to high and some times it gets to much like you cant concentrate and get really anxious i might even have a panic attack this is just me autism is diffrent for everyone

and also alot of them are not like me i have excepted that i have autism this is me but there is also a lot that want to keep it secret and is kinda i denail about it so dont ring it up to them me thoug a 100% accepted

Respect to a fellow Water/Sea Dragon Sona haver.

I'm happy you found it good. With Neocros, I wanted to show a more deeper side of myself.

Thank you. Respect to yours too

That seems fair… wait a minute theirs going to be a next episode of this woohoo

reading your comment made me realize that I set the story as complete when it's suppose to be incomplete. whoops.

I'm happy you're looking forward for the next one :yay:

Oh well glad I could be of assistance somewhat

this one kinda feels like a filler chapter for some thing bigger i didnt really learn something new about neo but i can relate if i was ever going home to my waifu i dont think i wouldnt be able to speeck or know what to say because i would
be so nervus and look every ware exsept her face i dont know why but i find it super hard to look people in the face exspaicaly when im nervus and stressed

speaking of next episode. I plan for this one to introduce the villain

Ohh so who the villain hmm and is it an oc or someone who know *cough* blueballs*cough* *cough*

You'll have to see when the episode releases. However, I'll give a small hint, it's not any of the known villains.

thank you. it's not mine of course, and sadly it seems the source is dead :fluttercry: but it's still one of my personal favorite Rainbow Dash art.

Same I like the style and design of it

So I'm drawing a manga based around this story, but I only made one page back in January

Oooo interesting, seems interesting and happy to read it

So… when is the next chapter?

"N-n... no." Neocros replied, nervously. It was terrifying to think that he was at the same event as a recent missing case occurring. He feared that it could've been Dashie missing, but thankfully it wasn't. He asked who went missing, and Spike replied that it was a janitor who's job was to clean the bathrooms. When he entered one, that was the last time he was seen alive. With a sigh of relief that it wasn't Rainbow, he walked back to his bedroom, leaving Spike confused as to why Neo asked who it was.

Oh no he jinxed didn’t he :facehoof:

next episode will reveal the villain, since I plan for it to be action packed

uhm... what do you mean jinxed?

Sometime bad is going to happen to her isn’t it

this one actually made me feel kinda tense so good job it was really good writen it didnt feel rushed to me persoanlly i really dont want to see her get kidnaped or something like that because shes the closet to neo god i cant imagen the anxiety he most feel then

i dont understand,how is the sequel longer than the original? this one IS the original story, right?

also, I see you use the same oc with every fic, are the fics connected somehow?


i dont understand,how is the sequel longer than the original? this one IS the original story, right?

I don't know what you mean. Longer as in length or longer as in age? If it's by age, it's complicated. This story is actually a semi-remake of an older story I made called Samneo 2: The Water Dragon, which came before Neocros 2. After I unsubmitted it, I moved on with Earth Pony before releasing Neocros Adventures(which is what Neocros 2 was before this year) and intended it to be the first. Now I made this story and released it now, sadly after it's sequel which I still feel bad about. It was a mess made by my past self that current me has to clean up. (looking back, I honestly should've mentioned Samneo 2 from the start to avoid confusion)

also, I see you use the same oc with every fic, are the fics connected somehow?

Not really. Only Rainbow's Embrace, Neocros 2, The Earth Pony, and this story are connected. A Week in the winter storm is not exactly canon, although I have thought of remixing it to be canon. Dash of Love is completely in it's own continuity. The Earth Pony sort of acts as an extended prologue to The Water Dragon, though I have thought of making them separate, just wasn't sure how. For now, they're both connected.

the start is good but im starting to get bored of it it feels like i have read it lots of times like its the same from the last chapter

how i view the best now is really dark blue allmost black lion with void eyes and i dont know why but i imagin smoke coming off it and paws with a spike in it with i assume to be venimus i guess i see it as a manticore

i dont like how neo can senes that dashie is in danger it feels a bit to much that neo is a super hero then if you ask me

i really like the escape tought i haft to go to work like right now so i dont have time to say anything more ill be back if i could think of something more to say

i cant really think of anything more to say the esxcape is so good its expertly done

the reason why I had Neocros sense Rainbow Dash was because I was too afraid to have Neocros discover that Dash's in trouble, even if I know the villain wants Neo instead of her.

Wait is that a new cover art?

It was supposed to be the cover for the manga version, but decided to use it for the Fimfic one

Wait there’s a manga version?!

Yeah, but it's only 2 pages long right now. Page 3 should be done this month or the next. I hate that there's a huge gap between pages, and want to change that soon.
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Page 2
I haven't had the time or motivation to make a proper cover, since this story is using what was supposed to be the manga's.

So you doing it in your spare time writing the manga or once you finish the story first then finish the manga

Yeah, but I want to be more frequent with updates. Sounds about right.

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