• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
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So, ever been told you were living the wrong life? No? Well...let me tell you a thing! More like a story than a thing but regardless! It started when I died, then I got into a political debacle, prevented an assassination, then things just got crazy and really interesting.

Now I'm stuck as some weird Symbiote thing that needs ponies to host it or something. I dunno, I'm learning this stuff with you guys. What do you say? Care to join me on this weird roller-coaster with no brakes and missing tracks that is now my life?

So, this was a story that was originally made by ColumbiaGuy. However, he slapped it with the "Cancelled" tag some time ago. Now, however, it looks like he's deleted the story, and the account with it. This was a story I felt shouldn't fall to the land of the dead, and so now, I'd like to take up the gauntlet and try my hand at it. There will be a few changes though. So even if you've read the original, there may yet be something new for you here.

I plan on releasing chapters daily after this week until I've gone through the pre-existing chapters. During this week, I might not be able to do it every day, but I'll try to push through finals. ^^

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 275 )

Gotta say man this was really f****** enjoyable keep up the great work.

A fairly generic, and almost routine beginning to a story, but one that shows promise, and has a fun premise. I will be watching your career with great interest.

I, too, will be watching with great interest.

I wanted to see it continued for a long time.
Also I see some formatting edit in the beginning which is actually better nice.

Are you referring to the "Dead in the wrong body," Or the "I'm a symbiote?"

I've never seen the latter, aside from the original.

No the cocky/funny MC that happens to know about my little pony, the sudden death, the lanugage usage and overall beggining. I'm not saying thats bad though mind you. It is what it is.

Oh, I figured you weren't saying it was bad. ^^

I was just trying to figure out if there were other stories with the "I've turned into a symbiote" That didn't involve Venom/similar, or weren't pure porn. xD 'Cause I was sitting here like: "Wait, What!? Where!? Want!"

wonder what happened to this fic. but kinda wished you changed how Dante died for the moeter is just so outlandish

Yeah. Format editing is going to be a big thing here. ^^ However, there are going to be a few changes in Dante's attitude towards his death compared to the original. Those should become visible in the next chapter. ^^

I actually started one ages ago but never ended up getting anywhere with it XD

That was actually kind of the point. The meteor, something so close to "divine intervention," was intended by the "higher powers" when the realization of Dante living the wrong life was realized. A kind of "nature finds a way" thing.

Now now, let's be honest, Porn would have been involved. xD

but sounds like they didn't know till grim reaper looked. it's a minor thing but still.

Ha, no. It was actually a story about a hitman type who got pushed through dimensions and is used as a weapon. Didnt get past the first chapter though as it felt too samey.


Man, so much nostalgia hit me the moment I saw this in the feature box... I miss all the old stories that got cancelled man :(

Oh my god thank you! I have been looking for this story for over a year! I looked in my 3.8k fav file looking for it. Thank you. This was one of my favorite stories on this site. Are you going to upload the original chapters with a new spin or are you doing a complete rewrite of the whole thing? Ether way you have my fav!

A few writing mistakes here and there but none to impactful to the reading experience. Love it! Can't wait to see more.

"Now I'm stuck as some weird Symbiote thing that needs ponies to host it or something."

"it looks like he's deleted the story, and the account with it. This was a story I felt shouldn't fall to the land of the dead, and so now, I'd like to take up the gauntlet and try my hand at it."

hah, metahumor

SymbioPony... Now that's a name I haven't seen in a long time...

Thank you for reviving this story, I hadn't even known that the original was gone.
What you have looks great and gets my Fav.

Oh yeah... Fuck it.

Ah yes the four words that indicate that man does not care for the current situation, or the potential consequences of future actions.

Original chapters with a spin and some corrections. ^^

Please point them out to me! I try to catch and fix everything I can, but if anyone catches anything, please show me!

It wasn't intentional, But I'll absolutely take all the credit for it. xD

What are the odds that I'd be watching the guy who just happened to pick up the story I was also sad to see go? (More changeling in Mincraftia shenanigans when?)

The latter is nothing new. Everyone looks at porn...seriously everyone.

Seriously. I'm asexual and aromantic, but I read porn specifically because it would be stranger if I didn't. (And I make dirty jokes because there's an entire genre of comedy built on pointing out the things the comedian doesn't understand about modern society.)

Well then, I thought hell would freeze over before I saw that image pop up in the feed. Damn near had a heart attack. I look forward to see where this story goes. :pinkiehappy:

... When I feel like playing Minecraft again? :twilightblush:

Ah, I see these hints of things that the original didn't put in until later.

I remember enjoying this so good luck! Imma wait till more chapters out before I begin though.

I'm SO happy someone decided to continue this! This was one of my most favorite stories on here back in the day, I was very sad and devastated when it was canceled. :fluttercry:
Thank you so much!!! :pinkiehappy:

I plan on releasing chapters daily after this week until I've gone through the pre-existing chapters. During this week, I might not be able to do it every day, but I'll try to push through finals. ^^

Okaaayy... Why wait, when we can read the original here? Actually... If I read it all in one sitting I'll have to wait even longer for the story here to catch up, meaning I'll be left on a cliff hanger for even longer.

I saw the cover pic for the story and I was like “wait a minute”.

I didn’t realise the original had been deleted! How disappointing. I don’t like it when authors do that. While I can respect the decision to remove works due to personal feelings, especially If they’re embarrassing or something (like I did with my embarrassing early works, still need to finish the big one I’m working on before posting it, posting it unfinished will lead to it not being finished >.>) it’s no less disappointing for those of us who like to reread even cancelled stories.

We’ll see how this new one stacks up against the old one! Got some big shoes to fill.

Celestia giggled at that one. {Achievement unlocked: Got Princess to giggle at a stupid joke} Ooh, look at that, Whoo!

Still haven't gotten that one:raritydespair:

I realise the cover art isn’t the same as the original. His leg isn’t the black miasma/claw. Perhaps this is the change you’re talking about?

Jest. Please. You a good author. I’d love to see something symbiote-y from you!

What is this, you ask?

Magic. *snort snort*

There will be a few changes to the story from the original that may change a few things from the original. ^^ So I'd recommend you look through what will be released here as well.

That was actually art that came after the original cover art, which is what is being used now. As the story progresses, I might go for the other one though.

We've already seen one of the changes the new author has made: unlocking the "boost mode" much earlier.

Uhmm, that was already in the original...

I'm so glad someone is continuing this

Ah, it's been a while since I actually read it. False alarm, 10571995.

Thankfully it was luna, idk what happened when dante suggesting twilight instead

Yeah, figured there would be some deviations:rainbowlaugh:

Eh, not like I've got anything else better to do so reading this as it comes out would give me something to do... Though I usually wait for a while before I read any new stories, so I can read through a good chunk in one sitting. But considering this is a rewrite, really I won't even have to wait long.


Nine Weeks and Six days, later and I take back my statement oh it not taking so long for the rewritten chapters.

I can finally re-add this story to my favorite list again. Looking forward to reading the continue.

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