• Published 26th Mar 2022
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Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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The Final Battle Begins

All over the country, people watched as the giant ball of energy amazed in Canterlot.

This included the people in Cloudsdale, where Flash's parents were watching in absolute horror as their son was nowhere in sight. "Flash," Misty whispered, "what happened to you?" Trail stepped up to her and placed an arm around her, looking just as worried.

I don't know if you can see this," The reporter stated as the orb of energy began to unleash a strange mist, "but something is coming out of that strange mass of power. I'm not sure what it is, but based on everything else that has happened I'm guessing it can't be good."

She was right. For the mist slowly started to form a massive shape, larger than any Bakugan that had appeared so far. And when that shape was complete, the mist faded to reveal something that was truly unexpected and absolutely terrifying.

"It's a dragon!" The reporter announced as the multi-elemental dragon appeared from out of the mist. "I can't believe my eyes. That demon creature has somehow transformed into a massive dragon. I don't know how that's possible, but honestly I've been lost about this whole situation since it started."

Those watching could only stare in horror, as the giant orb carrying dragon flew higher and higher into the air.

"What is happening now?" Shining Armor asked, completely lost about what the heck was even happening.

"I don't know," Trail frowned. "I just hope Flash and the others are okay." The camera switched to the ground, where multiple Bakugan were picking themselves up after being blasted backwards by the wind produced just from that creature beating its wings.

Twilight continued to ride Spike as they looked up at the giant dragon, though Twilight's true focus was on Flash and Leonidas.

"Come on guys!" Soarin yelled as Garuda leapt into the air, "we've gotta take this thing down before it does any more damage!" Garuda shot up, Terraspin, Ingram, Wukong, Ragnaroid and several more flying Bakugan more up with him. They all stared the giant dragon down, a little intimidated by the massive size of it. "Let's do this!"

"Sky Spark Surge!" Garuda squawked as he summoned a lightning blade and swung it at Lucifer, the lightning exploding off of it and flying towards it.

"Ruyi Bang!" Wukong threw his staff like a javelin, which exploded into fire and shot towards Lucifer.

"Apocalyptic Fire!" Ragnaroid launches the black flames from his claws.

"Shell Tornado!" Terraspin fired the wind vortex, whilst multiple other Bakugan began firing their own attacks. One by one, they slammed into the dragon as it didn't even bother to try and protect itself. This amazed everyone, who had expected some form of defense from him.

But then the smoke cleared and they saw the beast's disfigured form. Its head had been completely blown off and several parts of his body and wings were missing. "Is that it?" Heath asked from Wukong's shoulder, "that seemed way too easy." But then, the damaged parts of Lucifer's body began to be shrouded in a dark mist.

"You had to ask," Soarin groaned. To everyone's shock, the mist began to merge with Lucifer's body and started repairing it. The mist began growing out of his neck and reformed his head, everyone being shocked by this.

Meanwhile, Sombra just laughed. "Now do you see? Lucifer has become the Ultimate Bakugan. Now nothing can harm him." The others all wondered in her was right.

Down on the ground, Flash was watching from his hiding spot.

When Lucifer had beaten Leonidas and taken his Attribute Energy, Flash had grabbed him and run for it in case Lucifer tried to finish the job. And when the Bakugan had exploded, Flash barely managed to outrun the light wave and saved them by running into an alleyway and jumping behind a dumpster.

Now that he had come out of hiding, he stared up at the giant dragon that had appeared from the black sphere. "This isn't good," he sighed. "Lucifer's power's gotta be off the charts now."

"Ah," Leonidas moaned and Flash looked down at him.

"Leo, you're okay!"

"I wouldn't go that far," Leonidas groaned. "My whole body hurts. What happened?" He popped open and looked around, then up to see the dragon floating above them. "And what the heck is that?" Flash gulped, knowing he had a lot of explaining to do.

"That's Lucifer."

The giant dragon continued to simply float there, as the Bakugan continued to surround it.

"Fire Burst!" Spike cried as he launched a blast of fire from the ground. At the same time, the rest of the grounded Rainbooms and BakuFighters launched their long range attacks towards Lucifer. But like what happened with the others, the attacked impacted and exploded enough to damage the dragon. But every time they did the mist reappeared and simply healed any injury that occurred. "What does it take the hurt this thing?"

"Can it even be hurt?" Nimue asked, looking worried that Lucifer might have just become unstoppable.

In that moment, the dragon finally began to move. It opened its mouth and roared, a blast of fire shooting out towards the Bakugan on the ground. "Nimue!" Lyra screamed as Nimue and all the other Aquos Bakugan launched their water attacks towards the flames, managing to match its power and extinguish it. But Lucifer wasn't down.

It raised its tail and unleashed a blast of water towards the Bakugan on the ground, whilst lightning exploded from out of its white wings towards those in the sky. They all cried out as they were forced to avoid the lightning, whilst the water hit the ground and turned into a massive tidalwave.

The Subterra Bakugan quickly acted and merged their powers, allowing them to create a huge rock wall that filled the gaps between the buildings and blocked the wave. But before they could think to respond to the attack, Lucifer unleashed a powerful wing from his green wings as began to fall towards the ground.

The wind struck the flying Bakugan and knocked them all back, whilst Lucifer slammed his rock feet into the ground. This caused an earthquake that create a fissure, which shot through the rock wall and reached the ground Bakugan before exploding.

They all cried out as they were knocked flying by this explosion, the lot barely managing to protect their partners from being hurt. The same was true for those in the air, many of which had been thrown into the sides of buildings.

Up on the building, Sombra continued to laugh. "Get it through your thick skulls. Nothing you do will be able to defeat Lucifer. He's the most perfect Bakugan now. And as his partner, you must all kneel before me." He looked up at Lucifer, "bring me up my friend. Let us rule this world from the highest spires of existence." The dragon seemed to hear this and turned towards him.

Sombra smiled as the dragon acknowledged him. But then, it raised it water tail before moving it over to him.

Sombra smiled, expecting him to solidify the tail or something so he could walk on it. But instead, the tail floated over him. "Wait," he stepped backwards, "what are you doing?" He gasped as the tail came flying down towards him, the man screaming as the water smashed into the roof and caused the whole thing to break apart.

Everyone gasped at this, as the tail was raised off the building. Doing so revealed a barely conscious Sombra floating inside it, the man looking terrified as the tail suddenly flicked up and he was thrown out of it.

"What are you doing!?" He screamed as he flew up a good several meters above the dragon, then began to fall when he was right above its head. "No." He dragon looked up at him and opened his mouth, Sombra gasping. "NOOOOO!" That was the last thing Sombra ever said, as he fell into the dragon's mouth and vanished forever.

Everyone watched in horror, unable to believe that even Lucifer would do that to his partner.

"He's a monster," Leonidas growled. "I...I have to get up there." He tried to jump out of Flash's hand, but his body suddenly felt too weak and he wasn't able to beat his wings fast enough. "No!" Flash caught him and held him tight.

"Don't push yourself," his partner frowned. "You've been through a lot. You need to rest and regain your strength." Leonidas hated this, as he watched the other Bakugan charge in once again.

"Try this!" Garuda squawked as his beak sparked, "Blitz Bolt!" He launched the lightning bolt and it shot towards Lucifer, slamming into him and exploding as the electricity flowed through the dragon. But Lucifer didn't even seem to notice the attack, still able to move despite it supposed to be paralysed. "What?"

"Doom Vision!" Ragnaroid cried as he opened up his chest and unleashed the light, hitting Lucifer's face but doing nothing against him. "Are you serious." He closed his chest and shot down, his tail drill spinning as he did. "Fine, then have a go with this. Death Spiral!" He swung the drill around and thrust it forward, the attack digging a trench into the beast's back. He went all the way from the back of his neck to just before his tail before flying back into the air.

"That had to have done something!" Derpy cried, only for the trench to slowly stitch itself back together using the black mist. "No way."

"Spiking Strike!" Spikenoid roared as he launched a bunch of energy spikes flying into the air, whilst Gaia launched her shoulder cannons, Nimue used Overflow and Wukong his Wildfire Burst. The attacks all shot forward and the spikes stabbed into the dragon's fiery hands, but were simply absorbed by them whilst the rest of the attacks did what all the others attacks had done.

"Ahhhh!" Bonnie was starting to look frustrated and everyone else was thinking the same thing. They had tried everything they could think of to hurt him and all that happened was their Bakugan grew tired. "Isn't there anything that'll hurt this guy!?"

In that moment, something happened with Lucifer. Instead of another attack from him, his body started unleashing a strange black light. This light put everyone on guard, fearing he was gonna end up doing something that might destroy them all.

"Everybody take cover!" Garuda cried, flying away from Lucifer and hiding behind a building. "This is probably gonna be big!" The other Bakugan all did the same, some even activating shield abilities to be extra sure they didn't end up getting blasted as Lucifer began to suck the energy into his giant mouth.

They braced themselves, but Lucifer didn't fire it at any of them. Instead, he pointed his head skywards and fired the light towards the heavens. This surprised and shocked those beneath him, as the light flew higher and higher. Eventually, it appeared to hit something and a shattering sound filled the air.

The thing that shattered was the sky itself, as a massive swirling crack blew open in the sky.

"What is that?" Lyra asked, nobody having an answer as something suddenly appeared out of the crack. A black breeze that seemed to darkened the sky itself, as the air slowly turned stale.

"What's happening?" Garuda asked, only to then feel very weak. "Hard...to breath." He fell to his knees as he clutched his throat, Soarin looking worried.

"Garuda." In that moment, Garuda's body glowed and he had just enough time to put Soarin on the ground before he reverted back to ball form. "What's happening?" He barely caught Garuda and as he looked around, he saw more and more Bakugan beginning to revert back to ball form as well.

"Spike!" Twilight cried, as she and her team all held their partners. "What's going on?"

"I don't know," Spike sighed. "Suddenly I feel...really weak. Like all my strength has been sapped away."

"I know what this is," Ragnaroid moaned. "I've sensed this power before, but not at this level. It's the Doom Dimension." Derpy gasped as she looked around and sure enough, the air didn't feel just like the last time she had been in the Doom Dimension.

"He's right." Derpy looked up at the crack in the sky. "Whatever that crack is, it must lead to the Doom Dimension."

"But this is way stronger then when we went there," Ragnaroid coughed. "Whatever Lucifer's doing, it amplifying the negative effects of the Doom Dimension." More and more Bakugan were succumbing to the force of the air, making them feel weaker and weaker by the moment.

"This is bad," Heath gulped as he looked down at his partner. "Wukong, can't you guys do anything?"

"It's...it's no good," Wukong told him. "Too weak."

Nimue moaned. "The Doom Dimension is a world of finality for us Bakugan. My energy is diminishing. I...I can't access my power."

"This is awful," Bonnie cried. "What'll happen if this keeps up?"

"I don't know," Gaia grunted. "I...I don't think we'll last too long though." Everyone else began to worry for their partner, many thinking they needed to run and get out of the area infected by the Doom Dimension energy. But they quickly realised that would only be a temporary solution. By the looks of things, the energy was spreading and would likely cover the whole world eventually.

From where they were hiding, Flash and Leonidas saw this and Leonidas could feel the energy. But unlike the others, he wasn't feeling weakened by it. In fact, he felt the exact opposite.

"My power," he stated. "I can feel my strength returning to me."

"What?" Flash looked at him, "how?"

"The Doom Dimension," he stated before nodding. "That has to be it." He turned to Flash, "we have to fight. We can't let Lucifer get away with this." Flash looked worried, "you don't have to come with me."

"Are you kidding?" Flash asked, "we're partners. Partners stick together, no matter what happens." As he said that, Lucifer let out a mighty roar and began charging up power again. And this time, he appeared to be aiming towards their friends. The friends who were now completely defenceless. "GUYS!"

The BakuFighters, Rainbooms and all their friends began to run for it and screaming as they did. All the while, Lucifer's power grew more and more. Then, he fired the multi-coloured blast towards them.

Twilight ended up tripping and falling to the ground, Spike falling from her grasp and rolling away. "Twilight!" Spike cried, as Twilight picked herself up. She spun around and gasped when she saw the beam flying towards her, to fast for her to get up and out run. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" Twilight could only flinch and close her eyes, Spike's scream the last thing she was gonna hear. But it wasn't.

A grunt filled the air, as the light from the blast was blocked out by something. She opened her eyes and looked up, gasping when she saw what was in front of her. "Leonidas!"

The Haos Dragon floated in front of her and had his claws out, blocking the beam with all his strength. He flinched from the pain, but refused to give in. And luckily, the laser stopped firing and he was able to regain his composure. Lucifer was glaring at him, as he flew straight up until he was eye-level with it.

"The forces of the Doom Dimension have no effect on me, Lucifer. You forget, I was born there." The dragon said nothing and simply opened its mouth. Fire filled it and launched a blast of flame towards him.

"Ability, Activate!" Flash's voice called out as the teen appeared on the street, "Spectral Barricade!" Leonidas was surrounded by light as the fire struck it, knocking him backwards but allowing him to overcome the flames. "Twilight," Flash rushed to her side and helped her up, "are you okay?"

"Yeah?" Twilight nodded, "but Leonidas can't beat that thing on his own." As she said that, the fire attack stopped and Leo's shield vanished.

"I can still try," Flash told her before holding up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Leonidas' mouth opened, "Ultra Destroyer, plus Supreme Cannon!" The light and energy formed a large sphere, Leonidas letting out a roar as he launched it towards Lucifer.

The dragon did nothing as the combined attacks slammed into his head and caused a large explosion. And just like before, when the smoke cleared, his damaged head became covered in the dark mist and repaired itself.

"I don't get it," Flash growled. "How is he able to keep healing himself like that?"

"Maybe he can't be beaten?" Twilight whispered. "Maybe he really is an unstoppable Ultimate Bakugan." Flash and Leonidas heard this and knew their friends were all thinking the same thing. But Leonidas refused to let that be true.

"I don't care how powerful he is!" He charged forward, claws at the ready. "No Bakugan is unbeatable. I'll find a way to stop him, even if it kills me!"

"I'm with you, bud!" Flash turned to Twilight, "you gotta get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving you!" Twilight yelled, looking ready to start crying.

"Think about Spike!" Flash told her. "He won't last in this Doom Dimension field. You've gotta get away from it." Twilight looked down at her partner and saw he was getting weaker, the bespectacled brawler knowing Flash was right.

"Okay," she whispered, "but please be careful." Flash nodded as Twilight began to run, the teen turning back towards the battle as Leonidas slashed at the dragon's neck and slit its throat. But the injury healed almost instantly, as the water tail pointed itself at Leo.

It suddenly exploded and sent out a blast of water, which struck Leonidas and made him cry out as he was slammed into the ground.

"LEO!" Flash cried, running forward as his partner let out a moan. Lucifer then fell towards the ground and slammed its rocky feet into it, causing a crack to appear and move towards them.

"Flash!" Leonidas cried as he turned to grab the teen and leap into the air, seconds before the crack reached them and exploded. The force unleashed form this almost knocked Leonidas out of control, but he managed to stabilize himself as he flew up higher. They managed to get up above Lucifer, only for the green wings to unleash a powerful burst of wind.

"Wow!" Flash cried as they were buffed by the wind, which threw them around. One hit was so strong, it knocked Flash out of Leo's grasp.

"FLASH!" Leonidas roared as he tried to fly down and save his partner, but another blast of wind knocked him back. Flash screamed as he fell towards the dragon and as it shifted in the air, Flash found himself falling towards the sphere it was holding.

He braced himself as he covered his face, expecting to be crushed, burned or disintegrated when he fell into it. But as he fell, he didn't feel anything. Everything around him was dark and he could feel resistance, almost like he was swimming through murky water, but he was absolutely fine.

"Wow," he looked around, "what is this place?" As he floated there, he suddenly realised he had no idea why Lucifer was even carrying this thing. But he got an answer when he heard a void call out.

"Furious Thunder." He looked around when he heard that and moments later, the white wings of the dragon unleashed a blast of lightning towards Leonidas. "Raging Fire!" The voice hissed again, as the dragon launched the flamethrower that Leo barely blocked with his Ultra Destroyer. "Drowning Abyss, plus Dark Fissure!" The water blast exploded out of the tail and Leonidas flew down to avoid it, only for Lucifer to slam his feet into the ground and cause the crack.

"AUGH!" Leonidas roared as the crack exploded and blasted him into the air.

"Hurricane Dance!" The wind exploded out of its wings again and struck Leonidas, throwing him backwards through three buildings.

Flash wanted to scream for his partner, but then noticed movement below him. He looked down and glared through the darkness, allowing him to see something within the orb with him. He carefully swam down into it and as he did, he saw that there was a creature in there with him. It was a white caterpillar-like creature with a white stomach and yellow wings.

"What is that thing?" Flash asked, as Lucifer moved over to Leo. When he did, the voice spoke up again. A voice that was coming from the larva.

"Shroud of Despair!" The dragon opened its mouth and unleashed a black smoke, which flew down towards Leonidas and began to overtake him.

"AUGH!" Leonidas cried, trying to fight against it but feeling his power dropping. He attempted to activate his Spectral Barricade, but it didn't work. None of his abilities were working.

"Now die," the worm cried. "Be consumed by your own insecurities and vanish into nothingness."

Sure enough, that's exactly what was happening. Leonidas closed his eyes and as he did, he heard voice. The voices of his friends. "We trusted you!" Garuda's voice cried.

"We thought you were gonna save us!" Nimue stated.

"So much for being a hero!" Wukong cried.

"I guess he really is nothing more then the Doom Dimension's spawn!" Gaia quipped.

"No!" Leonidas cried, "it's...not true!" More voices called out to him. Spike, Cleopal, Ragnaroid and so many more. And it wasn't just Bakugan. Humans were also speaking, telling him that he was a failure and how they couldn't believe the Guardians had given him the task of saving them. "STOP IT!"

Flash had had enough and swam down to the worm creature, which was only a little bit bigger than him. "HEY!" He cried, catching its attention as he tackled it. "Stop hurting my friend!"

"Get off me. How dare you touch me, you worm!"

"Have you looked in a mirror!?" Flash cried. "I don't know what you are, but you're gonna stop whatever you're making Lucifer do!" The creature hissed and flapped its wings, spinning around and pulling Flash along with him. Flash tried to hold on, but it was no use. Eventually, he was thrown off the worm. "WOW!" He cried as he flew through the sphere and out the bottom of it.

"AHHHHHH!" Flash cried, falling faster and faster towards the ground. No doubt, when he hit it he would die.

But he didn't hit the ground. Instead, something else happened. A flash of light that shot down from the sky, which came from six differently coloured sparks of light.

Those sparks shot towards Flash and started spinning around him, as Flash felt his descent begin to slow. "What?" He asked, as he stopped only a foot or so off the ground. Then, the lights pulled him back into the air and sent him flying over to his partner. "Leo!"

The lights dropped him right next to him and as soon as it did, they started swirling around him.

Leonidas was still trapped in his own mind, unable to block out the voices that were telling him everything he had ever feared. "I'm sorry."

"Leonidas." A voice spoke over the others, "Leonidas!" Leo's eyes shot open at this, looking over towards the voice and seeing the light. He then saw the other lights, which continued to glow around him. "Don't give up yet."

"That voice," Leonidas whispered. "Dragonia?" He looked around and realised the other lights must be the rest of the Guardians.

"Those words you're hearing aren't real," the light told him. "Lucifer's just playing on your fears and making you hear something that's meant to break your spirit. You can't listen to them. Everyone's counting on you."

"But how can I know that? Everyone's so scared, they're starting to give up."

"No, they're not. Because they all believe in you. Let us show you." The lights then exploded before completely surrounding him, blocking out the fake voices entirely. Images then started appearing in the light. Images of his friends.

"Go Leonidas!" Spikenoid cried from where he and the rest of the Rainbooms were standing.

"I know you can do it!" Garuda squawked.

"Don't stop fighting!" Nimue screamed.

"Do it!" Gaia and Wukong yelled.

"You're the Bakugan that beat me!" Ragnaroid hissed, "don't go making me look bad by losing here." The humans were also calling out to him.

"We believe in you!" Twilight cried.

"Come on!" Soarin yelled, "don't let it end here!"

"Keep going, darling!" Rarity begged.

"Do it!" Heath cried.

"Please don't give up!" Fluttershy and Derpy prayed

"You got this!" Pinkie jumped up.

"FIGHT!" Applejack and Rainbow yelled.

It wasn't just his friends, either. Humans and their Bakugan all over the city were calling out to him. Trixie and Trickstar. Thunderlane, Rumble, Pipsqueak and their Bakugan. Many more as well. The vision then spread to show the Brawlers and their Bakugan all over the country. The ones who had fought when Lucifer's invasion had first begun and now, were watching and hoping they could finish it.


"Flash," Leonidas' eyes went wide as he turned to see Flash in the light.

"Please, we can't lose yet. Not when we've been through so much. Lucifer wants to destroy our world, but we both know we can't let that happen. So please...GET UP!" That was it.

"I'm...not giving up!" Leonidas roared as the Shroud of Despair was pushed away by his determination. "I'm not gonna let Lucifer have his way. If he wants our world, he'll have to get through me to do it. Who cares if he has all the Attribute Energies!?" As he roared that, he remembered something Dragonia had told him. "That's it. Dragonia, I need your help."

Flash gasped as the dark mist around Leonidas exploded off of him, the dragon standing tall and roaring as he did so whilst the light around him shot upwards. "LEO!"

"Bakugan of Vestroia, hear me!" Every Bakugan eye went wide at this, the lot of them wondering how Leonidas' voice was reaching them. And it wasn't just the Bakugan in Canterlot, but all of them. "I can still fight, but I can't defeat Lucifer without your help. Please, lend me your power. Just a small spark from each of you. Help me save this world from suffering the same fate as Vestroia."

The other Bakugan all heard this and knew he was right. Only he stood a chance of defeating this evil. Only he could possible save the world.

"Very well," Ragnaroid stated as he started glowing. The others did the same, each glowing their respective Attribute colours. "Take our power Leonidas."

"Use it to defeat Lucifer!" Nimue called out.

"Beat that freak!" Wukong yelled.

"We're counting on you," Garuda told him.

"Save our world," Gaia begged. With that, they each unleashed a small part of their power. And they weren't the only ones.

"Let's do this," Spikenoid yelled as he and the other Rainboom Bakugan unleashed their power. The same was done by Scootaloo, Sweetie and Applebloom's. Trixie, Pipsqueak, Thunderlane and Rumble. Every Bakugan Brawler watched as their Bakugan glowed their attribute colours. All over the country, Bakugan were doing the same thing. And all at once, they launched the power into the air.

The energy shot through the sky, beams of red, blue, green, yellow orange and purple all filled the air. It was a sight many had not seen since the event that first brought the Bakugan to earth. And they all shot in the same direction, towards Canterlot.

Above the city, the energy began to pool and swirl around to form a rainbow cloud. Those who saw it couldn't help but marvel at its beauty, but Leonidas only had one thought when he saw it. "Now Flash!" He quickly reverted back to ball form and shot towards his partner, Flash being pulled away from the sight and understanding perfectly.

"Alright," he grabbed the Bakugan. "Let's do this, Leonidas!" He then drew his arm back, "Bakugan...BRAWL!" And threw the orb upwards towards the sky. Leonidas flew into the cloud and as he did, the energy began to pour into him. He had never felt so much power and it almost felt overwhelming, but he knew he could handle it. He had to. And soon enough, the energy was fully absorbed and Leonidas' body exploded with rainbow light.

Everyone was amazed at what they saw, as Leonidas began to take his true appearance. The energy that pulsed out of him, even caught Lucifer's attention. And as the light faded, his new form was revealed.

His body-style was pretty much the same, only now he was a lot more colourful. His white armour now had red, blue, orange, green and purple trim alongside the yellow ones, whilst his wings were larger and each had three Attribute Symbols within. His right wing had the Pyrus, Haos and Aquos Symbols whilst his left wing had the Ventus, Subterra and Darkus Symbols. Leonidas' horns had also changed, the one on the middle of his head having grown longer and straightened out. Meanwhile, a doubled horn could be seen running along the edge of his head, with the joining tip being on the end of his snout and running up his head before sticking out the backs of it (Like Fusion Dragonoid). Meanwhile, the tip of his tail was a yellow circle with a star inside of it that had a red, blue, green, orange and purple spike sticking out of it. Finally, on the front of his chest armour, were six gems of the six Attribute colours that were all positioned in the Attribute Circle.

Leonidas opened his eyes and felt the might now flowing through him, the Bakugan spreading his wings as the last of the light faded. "With everyone's power, Lucifer, I will stop your evil plan now and forever!"

Everyone on the ground watched in amazement, as Leonidas let the energy he now wielded flow. Doing so seemed to negate the effects of the Doom Dimension energy, allowing the bakugan to relax a bit after giving their power to Leonidas.

"Look at him," Lyra stated in amazement. "All that power as helped Leonidas evolve."

"Yes," Rarity nodded, "he looks simply Divine."

"Divine," Flash whispered after hearing Rarity's words over the BakuColar. "Divine Leonidas. Awesome." Leonidas stared at Lucifer as the two glared each other down.

Lucifer roared as he unleashed a burst of energy, which flew up before splitting off in every direction and curving down towards the ground. Soon, an energy dome trapped them inside and dug into the ground. Said ground was then lifted into the air, an entire section of the ground beginning to hover.

"FLASH!" Twilight screamed, realising he was still inside that dome. All they could do was watch, as the city section flew up higher and higher until it was right underneath the crack to the Doom Dimension. "Oh no."

In Cloudsdale, everyone was shocked by what they had seen.

First Leonidas' suddenly transformation, followed by the doom appearing and lifting the earth into the sky. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish I could tell you what the heck is going on but I'm still completely at a loss. The two fighting dragons have somehow taken their battlefield into the sky. One of our drones is now attempting to get a better look."

The camera moved closer, but suddenly found itself going haywire. The footage changed to that of another drone, watching the one that had just touched the dome exploding.

"Well, we probably should have expected that." Instead, the camera zoomed in on the battlefield through the white energy and there it saw the two dragons as well as someone else.

"FLASH!" Misty screamed, seeing her son pick himself up.

Leonidas moaned as he picked himself up, having been slammed by the ground when it started flying upwards. "Leo!" He looked around and saw Flash running towards him, "you okay?"

"Stay back!" Leonidas told him, as Lucifer let out a roar and they both realised the battle was about to begin. Sure enough, Flash looked down at his BakuColar and saw words appear.

New battle, recognised.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 1000Gs

Seconds later, Lucifer opened his mouth and launched his Raging Fire attack.

Lucifer: 1500Gs
Leonidas: 1000Gs

The fire shot towards Leonidas, but the dragon managed to avoid the attack as his wings turned green. "Impaling Winds!" He beat his wings and the light flew off with the wind, turning into multiple boomerangs that flew towards Lucifer and impaled themselves into him.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 1000Gs

Down on the ground, everyone was shocked by what they just saw. "Was it just me, or did Leonidas use a Ventus Ability?" Rainbow asked, the others nodding.

"He did," Soarin told her. "But how is that possible?" The others wondered the same thing, only for Nimue to gasp.

"Of course! Leonidas was given power from every Ventus Bakugan that's alive. Even if it was only a spark from each of them, that energy must have added up to be equal to the Ventus Energy. Which means he can now use it to wield Ventus Abilities just like how Lucifer did." This shocked them all, as they realised the same must be true for all the other Attributes that granted him power.

"But wait," Pinkie looked confused. "I thought Bakugan were only capable of using one type because having too many could overload them."

"True," Garuda nodded, "but there is one type of Bakugan that can do it. The type that has evolved to the point their bodies are capable of handling all that power."

"An Ultimate Bakugan," Wukong cried.

"An Ultimate Bakugan?" Flash asked, as Leonidas chuckled.

"That's right," he nodded. "When I first met you, I was just a simple Bakugan. Born of the Doom Dimension and filled with anger, but still just your run of the mill Bakugan. But now, thanks to my friends, I've grown and evolved into a Bakugan that can handle anything Lucifer throws at me!" He shot forward and as he did, his entire body burst into flames. "Pyro Berserker!"

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 1500Gs

"Aw yeah!" Heath cheered, "now he's using a Pyrus Ability."

"You can do it!" Fluttershy cheered with applause, as they watched the flames rocket him forward to smash into Lucifer. The dragon roared as Leonidas flew passed him and his wing sliced through his body like a hot knife through butter, then quickly flew back and slashed at him again.

But with every slash, Lucifer simply repaired the damage as lightning began to spark between his white wings.

"Look out!" Twilight cried, as the lightning flew toward Leonidas. But he didn't look worried.

"Terra Guardian!" He roared as his body glowed, the light flying off of him and forming multiple shapes before fading to reveal a bunch of rocks. Two rings of them were circling around him in an X formation, the lightning slamming into them and bouncing off without even leaving a scratch on him.

"Wow!" Bonnie smirked at this, "now it was a Subterra Ability."

"Yeehaw!" Applejack tipped her hat, "keep it up, partner!" In that moment, Lucifer opened his mouth and unleashed the black mist. Everyone feared Leonidas would fall into despair again, but Flash was ready to get into the game.

"Gate Card!" He threw it towards them and it hit the ground, "OPEN!" The card expanded and instantly activated, creating a barrier that shielded Leonidas. "Haos Saver!" The mist struck the barrier and instantly disappeared, leaving Leonidas completely unharmed.

"Thanks partner!" Leo smirked before flying up and above Lucifer, as giant water bubble appeared on the tips of his claws. "Hydro Bomber!" The water exploded out of the bubbles and down towards Lucifer in a flurry of high impact rain,

They slammed into Lucifer and exploded with tremendous force, doing serious damage to all of its body.

Lucifer: 500Gs
Leonidas: 1500Gs

"Hahaaa!" Lyra cheered, "and Aquos Ability. This is...like totally awesome!" Pinkie could agree more and had taken out some pompoms to dance around.

But Lucifer once again repaired his body and as he did, he raised his tail before launching the water blast in Leo's direction. Leonidas tried to avoid it, but the water slammed into him and knocked him towards the ground. "Augh!" He cried, as his power began to drop.

Lucifer: 500Gs
Leonidas: 1000Gs

And before Leo could recover, Lucifer started beating his green wings and unleashed a powerful blast of wind towards him and Flash.

Lucifer: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 1000Gs

"Flash!" Leonidas leapt over and grabbed Flash, then shot into the air to avoid the powerful wind. "You okay?"

"I'm fine!" Flash assured him, only for Lucifer the launch the wind towards them again. "WOW!" Leonidas managed to hold onto him this time and as he did, his body was surrounded by dark energy.

"Shadow Burst!" He beat his wings and the energy exploded off of him into a wave, which struck Lucifer and knocked him backwards as both their powers changed.

Lucifer: 750Gs
Leonidas: 1250Gs

"Now he used a Darkus Ability," Derpy smirked.

"Marvelous!" Rarity cheered as Twilight watched whilst biting her lips.

"Flash," she whispered, "please end this quickly." As she said that, Leonidas flew in and slashed his tail into Lucifer's shoulder. But the attack did nothing and Lucifer whipped his tail around. It slammed into Leonidas and knocked him backwards.

"Hold on!" He told Flash as they got close to the ground. And as they did, Lucifer stopped flying and began to fall. He hit the ground and created the crack, which went flying towards Leonidas and exploded beneath him. "AUGH!"

Lucifer: 750Gs
Leonidas: 750Gs

Flash flinched as he held onto Leo's claws, then looked over at Lucifer as he watched his shoulder begin to heal. It was then that he glanced at the orb and remembered the strange creature he saw inside it, which caused something to click in his brain. "That's it!" Flash cried, looking up at Leonidas. "Don't aim for his body!"

"Huh?" He looked down at him.

"It's not his real body!" Flash told him. "I can't believe I didn't see it before." He looked back at the orb, "his real body's in there. He just created a fake body to make himself look more terrifying and to draw the fire away from him." Leonidas realised what he was saying.

"So that's it. Alright, then I'll shatter that orb and blast him to pieces. Cleansing Light!" His mouth filled with light as his power increased.

Lucifer: 750Gs
Leonidas: 1250Gs

He then fired it towards the orb and when it struck, the dragon roared as it seemed actually terrified of this event. This caught everyone else's attention, as Leonidas fired another laser towards the orb. But this time, Lucifer used his body to protect it. That confirmed what Flash had suggested.

"He really is in there," Leonidas smirked as he prepared to attack again. However, before he could something happened.

"You dare attack me," Lucifer's worm form growled. "You will suffer for this. Come to me, my Royal Knights."

The orb began to glow a multitude of colours, catching his opponent's attention. Then, from out of each colour, a light shot out and morphed into a bunch of Bakugan Balls. Each ball was of a different colour and fell towards the ground, rolling together in a line before stopping in place and popping open.

In a burst of water, fire, wind and light of orange, yellow and purple, six figures appeared between Leonidas and Lucifer. "What's this?" Leo asked, starting at a group of armoured individuals. They were knights, whose armor were either red, blue, green, orange, white and purple, with a yellow shield on their right arms and a bunch of yellow metal ribbons flowing from the armor.

Flash looked down at his BakuColar and his eyes went wide.

Lucifer: 750Gs
Leonidas: 1250Gs
Royal Knights X6: 1800Gs

"Not good!" Flash cried as the knight suddenly shot forward. The ribbons on their backs spread out and acted like wings, allowing them to take flight and charge towards Leonidas.

The dragon started blasting at them, but they all raised their shields and the laser simply bounced off the metal. One of the knights then shot passed Leonidas has it used one of its ribbons like a sword, slashing at him and making him cry out in pain

Lucifer: 750Gs
Leonidas: 1150Gs
Royal Knights X6: 1800Gs

This allowed the other five to do the same, each one flying passed him before he could react and slashing at him. And with every hit, his power went down.

Lucifer: 750Gs
Leonidas: 650Gs
Royal Knights X6: 1800Gs

"LEO!" Flash cried, as Leonidas flinched in pain. As as he did, Lucifer's puppet form opened its mouth and blasted out a stream of dark fire. "LOOK OUT!" Leonidas was barely able to spin around in time, the flames slamming into his back as he protected Flash.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared as he went limp, falling towards the ground. Flash cried as they fell and hit the ground, the teen being thrown from Leo's hand and hitting the ground hard. As he rolled along the ground, his friends all gasped at the sudden turn of events.

"FLASH!" Twilight, Scootaloo, his parents and all his friends screamed in horror, all terrified as Flash simply laid there.

After a few moment, the teen slowly began to pick himself up. He looked over at his friend and looked scared, seeing Leonidas was down for the count whilst Lucifer continued to float there with the six knights standing guard over him.

"Leo," Flash staggered over to him, "you've gotta get up." But Leonidas wouldn't respond. "Leo...Leo!" He looked terrified, "LEONIDAS!" It appeared that this was it. Even after Leonidas managed to overcome everything and evolve into the Ultimate Bakugan, he wasn't able to defeat Lucifer. If something didn't change soon, the world as they knew it would end.

The final battle had begun and everything rested on the hero's victory. But could they win?

Author's Note:

YEAH! The final battle has arrived. Tell me what you think of Leonidas' ultimate form and how he achieved it. Hope you liked it. Next time, this story comes to a close.

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