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Know Your Team

Turquoise and her team walked through the hall on the fourth floor which was reserved for the girls since the teams are no longer co-ed meaning teams are either all boys or all girls. Turquoise found the door with their team’s name on it and opened it leading into a room with bunk beds and standard furniture.

“ Not bad,” Rainbow said.

“ Definitely an improvement from my place,” Sylvia said.

“ Since classes don’t start till tomorrow what do you girls say we get to know each other more?,” Turquoise asked while unpacking.

“ Sounds good Team Leader,” Rainbow said.

“ You know you can just call me Turquoise right,” Turquoise said.

“ I know that just playing with you,” Rainbow said.

“ Anyway, first question. Where do each of you come from?” Turquoise asked.

“ I’m from right here in Vale my big sis owns a clothing store right here in town,” Sapphire said.

“ I’m from a small town in Eques called Ponyville. It might not be as big or as fancy as the other kingdoms but it does have people I care about,” Rainbow said.

“ I traveled to many places always on the run but I originally came from Mistral,” Sylvia said.

“ Now it's your turn to tell us where you come from,” Rainbow said.

“ As you can probably tell by my last name, I'm from Atlas and the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company,” Turquoise said.

“ Don’t the Schnees usually have white hair and are all human?” Sylvia asked.

“ They do but my mom married a Faunus from Menagerie so the next generation of the Schnees is different,” Turquoise explained. “ Next question. What kind of semblance do you all have?

“ Mine is speed but I am required to be very careful with it,” Rainbow said.

“ Why is that?” Turquoise asked.

“ My speed is so powerful that I accidentally caused a sonic boom that not only leveled Ponyville but everything else in a ten-mile radius,” Rainbow said.

“ Yikes it's no wonder it felt like you were holding back,” Sylvia said.

“ Moving on, My semblance is called Aphrodite's Gift which allows me to make whoever I use it on fall in love with me,” Sapphire said.

“ How exactly would that be useful in combat?” Rainbow asked.

“ I will admit getting it to land is a challenge but when it does land the enemy drops their guard without realizing it,” Sapphire said.

“ Mine is called Scorching Caress which not only allows me to superheat objects I can also change their shape and density,” Sylvia explained.

“ Wait, wasn’t that the semblance that belonged to the former Fall Maiden?” Turquoise asked.

“ I never knew who my parents were since they died when I was a year old. So I can’t say if Cinder Fall was my mom or not,” Sylvia said.

“ If both your parents died that early in your life who took care of you?” Rainbow asked.

“ I lived in an Orphanage til I was nine and the family that adopted me abused me worse than the owner of that orphanage did. So I ran away and have been on the run from the authorities ever since,” Sylvia said.

“ How were you able to evade arrest for eight whole years?” Sapphire asked.

“ I would rather not talk about it. Let’s get back to the question. Turquoise I believe it is now your turn to tell us about your Semblance,” Sylvia said.

“ Like the rest of my family mine is Glyphs. So far I mastered Time Dilation and Elemental attacks to a decent degree but Summoning still eludes me,” Turquoise said.

“ You will get it down eventually,” Sylvia said.

“ I know I will. Now then let’s move on to the next question. What kind of weapons do each of you have?” Turquoise asked.

“ Like I told you before my weapons are my fans which create tornadoes made of dust. But they also turn into pistols that convert whatever Dust I use into bullets,” Sapphire said.

“ I have my gauntlets which have retractable claws and can create compressed blades of air that can also take on the properties of the kind of dust I use,” Rainbow said.

“ Here is my weapon Azure Flame,” Sylvia said while pulling out what looked like an ordinary long blade.

“ That just looks like an ordinary long blade,” Rainbow said before Sylvia pulled the bottom of the hilt which caused the sword to split into segments connected by a cable.

“ It is also a whip sword good for attacking from long range and can do a lot of things when combined with dust,” Sylvia explained while retracting the segments back to long sword mode.

“ Your turn to tell us more about your Bloody Fang,” Sapphire said.

“ My Bloody Fang is a pair of twin blades I designed based on the specks of Cinder Falls primary weapon which means they also turn into a bow but the difference is it uses Magnetism to fire the arrows I load faster than normal,” Turquoise explained.

“ Does it also use dust?” Rainbow asked.

“ Of course it does, that is how the arrows have different elements to them,” Turquoise said. The girls kept talking until it was bedtime. As soon as they decided who would be sleeping where they called it a night.

The next day the girls woke up and changed into their school uniforms. After grabbing their stuff they left for their first classes of the day. Turquoise and Rainbow had Combat practice while Sapphire and Sylvia had Grimm Studies. Professor Valkyrie took note of everyone's abilities as she observed them in action. When Turquoise took her turn she was faced with a Beowulf.

“ Ok Schnee time to see who the stronger wolf is, you or him,” Professor Valkyrie said jokingly. Turquoise drew her swords and took the stance her mom taught her to take in battle. As soon as the Beo Wolf charged at her she dodged it and sliced through it causing it to vanish. “ Excellent form you really do take after your mom. Professor Valkyrie brought in another Beowulf as if they were a dime a dozen since they are pretty much around every corner. As the day went on The girls learned about Grimm, Faunus, Combat, and Aura. As soon as lunch rolled around Turquoise and her teammates sat together. Before they could start eating Team SNST decided to join them.

“ Hi, girls how is your first day at Beacon going?” Sunset asked.

“ Pretty good so far,” Rainbow said.

“ Lucky for you four,” Nori said before Turquoise and the others saw her with a black eye.

“ Oh my what happened?” Turquoise asked.

“ It’s Raven Winchester she did this to me and her semblance Deadly Flock made it hurt even more. I swear it’s like I’m the only one she picks on,” Nori said.

“ I’m sure that is not true,” Rainbow said.

“ Ow that hurts,” A voice Turquoise recognized said. The voice belonged to a girl with long blue hair with a matching fox tail and blue eyes. “ Please stop,”

“ I told you she was a pain in the butt,” A girl Turquoise remembered said mockingly.

“ That girl again,” Turquoise said in an annoyed tone.

“ That is Raven Winchester. She is known for hating Faunus and people who hang with Faunus,” Nori said.

“ Well one thing is for sure she just crossed the line,” Turquoise said before using one of her glyphs to trap Raven in ice and then mull her like an angry Beowulf. Rainbow and Sylvia tried to stop her but Turquosie’s rage overpowered them. The administrators led by Glenda Goodwitch managed to apprehend Turquoise and bring her to Professor Oscar. Oscar noticed Turquoise was still blinded by her fury and placed a bone in front of her to sniff. After sniffing it Turquoise calmed down.

“ How did you know that would work?” Glenda asked.

“ Ruby and Yang’s dog was the same way when they introduced him to me,” Oscar said. “ But anyway now that I have your attention Ms. Schnee tell me why you would mull another student like an evil Beowulf?

“ Because Raven not only beat up my friend Nori she also bullied my friend Krystal,” Turquoise said.

“ Why didn't you just tell someone about it?” Oscar asked.

“ Because I don’t trust adults especially after that treasonist scumbag Ironwood left the people of Mantle to die during Salem’s attack on Atlas,” Turquoise said.

“ Why you little,” Glenda said before Oscar stopped her from saying something she would regret later.

“ Listen Turquoise, You don’t have to be afraid of us adults, we are nothing like Ironwood. There was something your aunt didn't tell you about him. When the old Kingdom of Atlas fell he and many of Salem's forces died in the explosion and even if he survived he would have been dishonorably discharged and executed for all the lives he took in a game he lost from the start,” Oscar said. Turquoise was beginning to trust him until Oscar switched to being serious again. “ However we can’t just let what you did go unpunished so here is what is going to happen. Normally fighting without permission would result in being suspended for a week but since this is both your first day and first offense I’m going to be merciful and let you off with an hour of detention.

“ I suppose that's fair,” Turquoise said.

“ And as for you Ms. Winchester you will be spending the next three months in Menagerie until your racist attitude towards the Faunus is gone for good,” Oscar continued as soon as Raven was brought in looking all covered in bite and scratch marks.

“ No fair this wolf freak was the one who attacked me and did this to me. How come she gets off with a slap on the wrist while I get the worst punishment?” Raven shouted.

“ Because she brought up what you did to Ms.Pearl and Ms. Kurama plus Racism is no longer tolerated here at Beacon or any of the academies,” Oscar said. Before Raven could object to this arrangement she was escorted out the door and off of Beacon Property by security. Glenda showed Turquoise to the Detention Room which was a room full of desks with white crystals in the corners of the room. These crystals were designed to create a barrier where those who are inside it cannot use their Semblance or their Aura.

An hour later Turquoise returned to her team to be met with worry.

“ What happened to you?” Rainbow asked.

“ Professor Oscar let me off with an hour of Detention while Raven is serving a three-month suspension in Menagerie,” Turquoise said.

“ I thought the rules said those who fight without permission are suspended for a week?” Rainbow said.

“ Normally they are but since this was both my first day and my first offense he was feeling merciful,” Turquoise said. As they were talking Sapphire heard a knock and answered the door. Outside was a girl with blonde hair and yellow eyes wearing a yellow bow in her hair.

“ Hello, Nari what can we do for you?” Sapphire asked.

“ Is Turquoise there?” Nari asked.

“ She is,” Sapphire said while inviting her in. After entering and closing the door Nari breathed lightly before undoing her bow revealing a pair of blonde cat ears.

“ Ty for standing up for me and all Faunus,” Nari said.

“ You were a Faunus the whole time?” Rainbow said in shock.

“ I wasn't trying to hide it at first but then I had the misfortune of being placed on a team lead by a girl who hates Faunus so I remained quiet about it in fear Raven would harm me,” Nari said.

“ How are your teammates taking the news of Raven’s Suspension?” Sylvia asked.

“ They seemed to be ok with it. Aria didn't seem to care about it and Violet was thrilled just as much as me,” Nari said.

“ Well let's just hope she learns something from being in Menagerie for three months,” Turquoise said.

Meanwhile, at the docks, Raven was being hauled off to a boat heading for Menagerie. Raven tried to escape but failed. The guards that were responsible for transporting her shoved her into a prison cell in the brig since she forced them to do things the hard way. As soon as the guards went back above deck, Raven began formulating her escape plan. After thinking for twenty minutes Raven used her semblance to create a clone of herself outside her cell to grab the keys and unlock the door. Next, she created more clones to distract the guards while she took back her weapon and scroll. During the confusion, Raven took the Life Boat and undid her clones. As soon as the guards saw her escape they tried to go after her only to find out she destroyed the ship’s engine along with any chance they had to contact help.

The next day a passing ship rescued the crew and brought them back to Vale safely. As soon as they returned the guards rushed to Beacon to tell Oscar the bad news.

“ Sorry to barge in like this but we have some bad news,” One of the guards said.

“ What is it?” Oscar asked.

“ Raven Winchester escaped our custody while on route to Menagerie and left us stranded in the middle of the ocean,” The other guard said.

“ Oh dear that is not good,” Oscar said.

“ What shall we do?” The guards asked.

“ I hate to have to do this but as of right now Raven Winchester is a wanted fugitive. You have my permission to do whatever you must do. just bring her back alive,” Oscar said.

Meanwhile on the shores of Anima Raven managed to make it out of Vale Territory. Before Raven could rejoice she received a notification on her scroll. She checked it and saw that the Vale Police Force has placed a bounty on her head and branded her a fugitive.

“ Well looks like it’s time for me to go into hiding,” Raven said. Raven attacked a random woman wearing a fancy outfit with a hood. After stripping the woman and killing her Raven ran off before the Atlesian Military could show up. “ Turquoise Schnee you haven't seen the last of me.

Author's Note:

Hope all of you enjoyed this brief introduction of the members of Team TRQS. I will elaborate on Sylvia's past at some point in a future chapter.