• Published 18th Feb 2022
  • 3,619 Views, 62 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers - Rio - AmethystMajesty25

The Ninjas and Allies team up with the Toretto Crew once again to rescue their friend and stop a new villain in Brazil.

  • ...

Escaping from L.A.

In the early morning, Gabby’s phone rang in her bedroom. Gabby woke up and yawned. She picked it up and called, “Hello?”

“Morning, Gabby.”

“Nowhere? What do you want?”

Ms. Nowhere answered, “Come over to LA. We need your help. I'll explain the details when you get there.”

Gabby yawned, “Fine. You're lucky that I'm off from work.”

“Excellent. And bring your friends too.”

“Okay then. See ya.” Gabby hung up her phone and went to get change.

Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Echo stood in a room alone till a man walked in.

Echo said, “You made it.”

“Of course. I said I'd be here, didn't I? Who's the muscle?”

“What can I say, I don't trust you.” Echo stated, raising her suspicion.

Gabby and Cisco emerged from the shadows and stood ready for a fight with Frostee playing a game. Cisco nudged Frostee in the shoulder and let him know that their guest is in the room. Frostee put down the game and crossed his arms, looking fiercely at the man.

“So, did you bring the hard drive?” Echo interrogated the dealer.

“Did you bring the cash?”

Echo demanded, “First the hard drive.”

“You thought I was going to bring that here?” The dealer chuckled, “You were right not to trust me.”

As expected, five henchmen working with the dealer appeared and surrounded the teens. The dealer smiled, “You should've brought more muscle.”

Echo smirked, “No. You should have.”

Cisco opened his pocket and a lot of small, glowing drones appeared, intimidating the thugs. Frostee put on his visiors and the drones flashed a bright light, stunning the thugs.

Echo screamed as she, Cisco, and Gabby took them down, leaving the dealer to escape.

“I'm going after him!” Echo said and chased after him across an alleyway till they entered a train yard. From there, the dealer successfully escaped as a passing train blocked her path.

“He took the bait,” Echo smirked.

Meanwhile, Tony was in the Hauler with Ms. Nowhere and Gary, observing their target’s whereabouts.

“Tech guy, I want to hear that conversation!” Ms. Nowhere instructed.

“I have a name...”

Gary told him, “Just... Don't.”

While the tech guy was patching through the dealer’s communications, Tony asked Ms. Nowhere, “So Ms. Nowhere, you going to tell us about our surprise?”

“Not yet.” Ms. Nowhere answered until they listened to the suspicious man communicating with someone.

“It's me. I couldn't stop the, We're compromised. Get the hard drive out of the city immediately!”

Tony informed Ms. Nowhere, “We've flushed them out of hiding.”

“Looks like the old SH1FT3R crew has a new gig.” Ms. Nowhere observed.

Tony informed his team, “Guys, let's get that hard drive.”

Ms. Nowhere told him, “You better hurry if you want to meet up with your surprise.”

Echo and Cisco soon followed and drove their vehicles to the streets as Frostee worked on tracking down the SH1FT3R inside Cisco’s truck.

“You gonna join us or what? We're about to do some spy racing!” Cisco told Tony.

“Yeah, I'm on my way.” In reality, Tony was on a plane and jumped out of it, gliding to his self-driving car. He got into his car and drove it manually to catch up with his fellow teammates.

Echo scoffed, “Show-off.”

“Hey! Ms. Nowhere and I have been practicing that move for two months. There's no way I'm doing it now.” Tony explained.

Echo replied, “I think she likes shoving you out of planes.”

Tony answered, “Yeah, probably.”

Tony and his crew accelerated towards SH1FT3R until they spotted something up ahead.

Cisco squinted his eyes, “What's that?”

Ms. Nowhere answered over the com-link, “Your surprise.”

Scadan and his crew widened their eyes and stopped their cars. The Turtles (in their cloaked disguises), the Allies along with some new faces, the Rainbooms, and Vinyl Scratch were blocking their path.

PizzaRave shouted, “It's those New Yorkers again!”

“Plus those Canterlot brats!” Touge-Dori added.

Raph smiled, “That's right! And we got a surprise for you punks!”

“Like what?” Woofer asked.

“This.” Leo answered as the Turtles turned shut off their cloaking devices.

Donnie smirked, “Surprise.”

“Huh?!” Scadan became surprised as the rest of his SH1FT3R crew gasped.

Santiago stuttered, “What-what are they?”

Mikey popped up behind him. “We're aliens, brah! Spooky aliens! Boo!”

Santiago screamed and exited his car.

Scadan ordered, “Get 'em!”

The rest of the gang got out of their cars and attacked the Ninjas.

Donnie blocked an attack from Santiago with his staff. “We're not aliens, we’re turtles.”

“Not the time, Donnie!” Leo said, spin-kicking Santiago, knocking him out.

Muscles exited his car to attack the Turtles.

Raph stepped in and dodged his punches before knocking him back with two kicks. Muscles cracked his neck before getting ready to attack again.

“Alright.” Raph smirked. Then he rushed forward, dodging another punch and kneed Muscles in the face, sending him down to the ground.

One of the Allies, Carter knocked two thugs away with a split kick, before he called, “Hey, Raph, check this out!” When Bonegrinder threw a punch, he grabbed his first, hit him in the chest with a chop, and threw him over his shoulder before side-kicking him down.

Rainbow speed-rammed Woofer away before she said, “Awesome, Carter!”

“Yeah,” Raph agreed, “We give yah a ten.” Both he and Rainbow held out all of their fingers.

“Hey, Raph, only a six?” Carter asked in faux disappointment, before he flipped a sneak-attacking Touge-Dori.

“It's all I got,” Raph replied.

Muscles got up and was about to pound him, when Applejack suddenly lifted him up with her super strength and threw him. “Mommy!” He cried.

“That's AJ,” Raph said.

“You're welcome,” Applejack replied.

Scadan was throwing punches at Leo, who blocked and dodged each hit, before kicking him into his car. Scadan growled until he looked and noticed the Spy Racers following them. “Janey Mack! Everyone, forget these mugs and split up!”

Woofer and Muscles got up as the rest of SH1FT3R split up, got in their cars, and drove away from their enemies except Santiago. After that, the Ninjas helped the Spy Racers track down each individual SH1FT3R member.

Leo asked Tony over the com-link, “What's the matter Tony? Not happy to see us?”

Tony smiled, “No, no, not at all. I'm very happy to see you guys, but we got a hard drive to snag.”

At the waterway underneath, Tony in his car, Leo, Raph, and Blade Swipe in the Shellraiser, chased after Bonegrinder and Scadan.

Bonegrinder turned around and fired paintballs at them.

Leo informed Tony over the com-link, “Tony, we'll handle Bonegrinder. You go after Scadan.”

Raph told his brother, “I'm going out there.”

“I'm coming with you.” Blade Swipe got onto the Shellraiser roof and used his hockey stick to pull Raph up.

“First I blind ‘em,” Bonegrinder then pulled a wheelie on his monster truck. “Then I grind ‘em.”

Raph asked Blade Swipe, “Ready?”

Blade Swipe nodded, “I’m ready when you are.”

Blade Swipe and Raph jumped onto Tony’s car as he pulled a wheelie on his car and activated the turbo boosters while the two ninjas held on the car tight.

“Whoa!” Tony screamed as his car jumped over Bonegrinder’s monster truck.

The two ninjas got off of Tony’s car and Blade Swipe stabbed the roof of the monster truck.

Bonegrinder yelled, “Hey, I just painted this!”

Blade Swipe sliced the roof open and threw him out as Raph jumped into the driver's seat.

“Let's catch up with the others.” Raph told Blade Swipe. "Finally I get to drive this bad boy!"

Scadan watched the whole thing until he yelled as Tony pulled the brakes, crashing right into Scadan’s car. Scadan got his head rung until he heard some calling out to him.

“Hey!” Keno shouted, driving up on his scooter, getting their attention. “You guys are under arrest!”

Scadan questioned him in front of Keno, “What are you? Security?”

Keno jokingly answered while holding a pizza box, “Well, no. Actually, I'm pizza delivery.”

Scadan ordered Muscles and Bonegrinder, “Take him out!”

The two came to Scadan’s aid and approached him, cracking their knuckles.

Keno threw the pizza box in the air and nailed each of them with a kick. Then he swept Bonegrinder's legs. “Down we go!” And kicked Muscles in the face. “Whoa-hah!” Scadan rushed at him and threw a punch but Keno ducked and kicked him in the face and gut before knocking him down. As Scadan got back up, Keno kicked him in the face before he caught the pizza box. “Stay down!”

Tony was amazed. “Whoa...”

Keno said, “Did I mention I study martial arts?”

Muscles got back up and charged right at Keno until he got kicked in the gut by Angel, appearing out of nowhere.

“Not this time, big guy!” Angel retorted.

Muscles grabbed Angel. “You shouldn't be in this fight, little girl!”

“What you call me? You did not just call me little girl?!” Angel said.

“Yeah I did! Whatcha gonna do about it?” Muscles replied back.

Angel answered, “You mess with the Angel, you get the sticks!”

Muscles wondered, “Huh?” Before he knew it, Angel whipped out her sparing sticks and whacked him left, right, and nailed him in the face before kicking him in the jaw, making him drop her.

Angel then back-flipped onto his shoulders, using her body weight to topple him over before nailing him with a Canadian Destroyer, knocking him out as well. “I warned yah.”

Meanwhile, Echo, Aria, and Adagio were chasing after Touge-Dori through the traffic.

"Oh no!" Touge-Dori groaned, when she saw them behind her.

Adagio greeted her, “Great to see ya, Echo!”

Echo happily replied, “I'm happy to see you too, Adagio and Aria.”

“Thanks. We got your back, Echo.” Aria vowed.

The three girls dodged the incoming cars with their vehicles until Touge-Dori slammed Echo’s car against the rail. Echo held on and called Aria, “Yo, Aria, remember that move we practiced for emergencies like this?”

Aria grinned, “Oh, yeah!” Then she drove up beside Touge-Dori and rammed into her car. The both she and Echo hit the boosters in their cars, pressed down on the gas, and took Touge-Dori for a spin.

Touge-Dori screamed as crashed into a street light and fell unconscious.

Adagio noticed them, “Wow. Talk about taking a car for a spin.”

Meanwhile, Cisco, Sonata, and Vinyl Donnie and Applejack were also riding in the back of Cisco’s truck were chasing the Woofer down an alleyway and were slowly gaining.

“We almost got her.” Frostee said.

“She's not getting away from us!” Sonata grinned.

The Woofer looked back with a frown, before she pressed a button. Then a hose popped out from under the car and sprayed grease all over the ground. Before the two could hit the brakes, Cisco’s truck and Sonata’s key car drove through the grease and went spinning around out of control, the five screaming.

As they spun around, Cisco said to Frostee, “I can't believe your moms let you be a spy!”

Sonata shakily said, “Gonna have to agree with my boyfriend on that, little buddy.”

“Wait?! Your mothers found out?!” Applejack asked the tech wiz. “And they're cool with that?!”

“I know, right?!” Frostee shakily replied, “And it was easier than you would think!”

“It's true!” Donnie confirmed, while hanging on. “Leo was there!”

Sometime after the Las Vegas incident, Ms. Nowhere and Leo were having a private conversation with Frostee’s moms as Frostee watched.

“It’s time we leveled with you. I'm a government agent and your son has been working as a spy.”

Frostee glanced nervously at his moms before...

“Ha!” Wanda laughed in triumph. “I knew it!” She turned to Tiffany. “Pay up!” Tiffany groaned and handed her a dollar. “When I saw that footage of Vegas blowing up, I knew that was Frostee.”

Ms. Nowhere turned to Leo, who sighed and deactivated his disguise, revealing himself as a turtle. “Furthermore, my brothers and friends are trained Ninjas and Kunoichi.”

“I knew it!” Tiffany exclaimed before snatching the dollar back from her wife's hand. “I told you all those crazy reports in New York were real.”

With the two vehicles preoccupied, the Woofer began to pull away, when Vinyl Scratch drove out from another alley and pulled up alongside. The Woofer rammed into her, but Vinyl held well and pushed her back.

“Hang on!” Cisco called to his passers as he and Sonata regained control and made it past the grease. Then they continued to chase the Woofer. While she was dealing with Vinyl, Woofer saw the two cars approaching. Woofer activated her speakers and blasted her enemies (except Vinyl) with her deafening bass.

“Is that all you got, Woofer?” Applejack called, then the Woofer blasted them with her music, making them yell and cover their ears.

“You just had to ask!” Donnie yelled.

“Reckon she's still mad that I scratched her ride!” Applejack guessed.

Vinyl got that determined look on her face, stepped on the gas, and drove past Cisco and Sonata to move up to the front. From there, she fired the Woofer back with her own subwoofer from her car. Woofer rammed her car into Vinyl's, but the DJ held it pretty well.

Cisco called, “Ahh, she's too... much... bass!”

Sonata cried, “Again, I like music, but I like my hearing more!”

“Time to adjust the EQ!” Frostee sent out a drone. “Vinyl, pull back and help me out with this!” The girl nodded and pulled back next to the truck.”Woofer, meet, subwoofer!” He turned up the volume and the drone sent a sound wave right back at Woofer's car. Vinyl activated her bass canon and blasted her music at Woofer.

The soundwaves shorted out the Woofer’s speakers and even cracked her windows. The two shut them off as all the wheels on Woofer’s car fell off. Seizing her chance, Vinyl Scratch floored the gas and rammed into the Woofer, sending her crashing into a wall. Then she stopped and got out, just as an angry Woofer kicked open her passager door.

“Look what you and that punk did to my ride!” She growled, raising her fists. “You're gonna pay!”

Vinyl just smirked and got into a stance, giving a 'your move' gesture. Then the Woofer charged at her and the two DJs duked it out.

After that, Vinyl tossed Woofer into some garbage cans, defeating her.

Back at the waterway, Tony and his allies tied up Scadan and Bonegrinder as everyone checked in.

“Did anyone find the hard drive?” Tony asked everyone.

Echo answered over the com-link, “Touge-Dori didn't have it.”

“It's not The Woofer.” Cisco replied over the com-link.

Tony wondered, “We're missing someone…”

Ms. Nowhere yelled, “It's PizzaRave!”

As PizzaRave continued driving, Ms. Nowhere watched from surveillance. “She snuck away. Looks like a helicopter heading to her direction. We need to get to PizzaRave before that helicopter.”

“We're working on it.” Gabby answered as she continued driving the Turtle Racer alongside Casey and April.

Tony, the Rainbooms, and the Turtles noticed the helicopter and followed the direction of the helicopter with their vehicles.

As the helicopter took off, Tony jumped his car off the building and grappled on to the helicopter.

“TONY!” Gabby yelled. “Casey, take the wheel!” Casey took over driving as Gabby used one of the Turtles’ grappling hooks and grappled on to Tony’s car.

From there, Tony saw Gabby latched on and helped her in.

Tony asked, “Gabby?! What are you doing here?”

Gabby replied, “Did you really think you're going to handle this alone, primo?”

Tony reeled in the chain, allowing them to climb aboard as PizzaRave took down the first rope until Gabby kicked her.

“Give it up, PizzaRave.” Tony stated.

Gabby added, “It's over now.”

“Not gonna happen, Freak Lovers.”

“You're going to regret saying that, la chica.” Gabby retorted.

PizzaRave noticed the other rope and used her laser device from her wrist and cut the rope, sending Tony’s car falling all the way to the ground.

“No!” Tony shouted.

Tony's car was destroyed on impact, but the dropped weight caused the helicopter to quickly go left and caused the Toretto Twins to knock PizzaRave off the helicopter.

Tony gasped, “Oh no!”

Gabby told him, “Go! I got the pilot.”

Tony dived out of the helicopter and caught PizzaRave. “I got you!” He said as he glided towards the party on the rooftop and landed on the pool.

“Ha! Got it!” Tony cheered, rising up from the pool as well as PizzaRave, whose makeup was ruined. He noticed the people at the pool party and asked, “Did somebody order a PizzaRave?”

“You said that? What did she say?” Frostee questioned.

Tony explained, “Eh, nothing really. She didn't know who PizzaRave is. Anyway, nice job team! Thanks to the GPS coordinates on that hard drive, we located the stolen goods and broke up one of the biggest smuggling rings in the world!”

Everyone whooped and cheered for their victory against SH1FT3R.

Leo smiled, “Yeah, everyone did great.”

“Yo Leo, I hate to be rude... But who's the scar face in the leather jacket? And your other friends?” Echo noticed their new friends.

“Oh, these three are our friends from New York. Meet Carter, Angel, and Keno. And this is Blade Swipe, he's a friends of ours from Equestria.” Leo answered.

Cisco gave Blade Swipe a bear hug, causing Blade Swipe to drop his weapons. “Always happy to make new friends.”

Blade Swipe smiled, “Thank you. It's nice to meet friends of Leonardo and the others.”

Frostee noticed something from his laptop. “That's odd. I'm detecting high energy readings coming from Blade Swipe.”

Tony, Cisco, and Echo were confused.

“Explain.” Echo insisted.

Frostee explained, “He's generating some kind of energy straight from his body.”

Blade Swipe suggested, “Must be the Equestria Magic.”

Cisco excitingly gasped, “Are you a sorcerer?”

Mikey smiled, “Our boy knows some spells.”

Raph added, “But he's a fighter like us.”

“You don't get to be a Royal Guard for nothing.” Blade mentioned.

Tony noticed Vinyl Scratch and asked, “And who's she?”

Rainbow answered, “Meet Vinyl Scratch. Also known as DJ Pon-3!”

“She's the DJ at our school and she often jams with our band,” Sunset explained.

“Whoa, that's awesome!” Tony grinned, and Vinyl shrugged humbly.

Echo noticed that Vinyl hadn't spoken even once and asked, “Does she ever talk?”

“Nope,” Pinkie answered. “She let the music do the talking for her.” And Vinyl nodded.

“You get used to it,” Angel said. “Echo, right?”

“Yeah, and your Angel,” Echo replied. “Heard you took down Muscles. That's impressive.”

“I did,” Angel confirmed. “Raph, Applejack, and Keno also took him down.”

“Taken down four times in one day,” Echo chuckled. “That's embarrassing.”

“Yeah it is!” And the two girls shared a laugh.

Then all of a sudden, everyone heard some heavy knocking coming from a distance.

“Uh, did y'all hear that?” Applejack asked.

Everyone got their weapons ready as they opened a container and a man jumped out. The man ran only to be knocked out by Gary.

Casey called him, “Gary!”

Gary saw the Ninjas and greeted them, “Hey everyone, long time no see.”

Keno asked, “Is he a friend of yours?”

Tony answered, “Yep.”

Gabby stated, “Don't worry, he's friendlier than he looks.”

Gary nodded, “It's true. Everyone okay?”

“Yeah, but what the heck was that? I thought there was just contraband in these containers.” Tony answered.

Frostee questioned, “And what's with that tattoo?”

Gary explained, “Well, some tattoos reveal gang affiliation... Which Leo's group knows well.”

Everyone in Leo's party admitted that Gary was right while Frostee scanned the guy’s tattoo.

“And sometimes they're just cool,” Gary added.

Ms. Nowhere showed up on the scene and yelled, “Zip it, Gary! Get him in the car!”

Raph and Aria glared at Ms. Nowhere as Tony asked her, “Hey, what's going on.”

Ms. Nowhere answered, "Nothing that concerns any of you. Forget about it.”

Raph reached for his sais, but Sunset stopped him. She said, “She's not worth it.”

“Oh, so you're Ms. Nowhere, huh?” Angel inquired. “The Turtles and Rainbooms told me a lot about you.”

"You don't say,” Ms. Nowhere turned her attention to Angel as she was intrigued. She replied, “And what did they say about me? That I'm heroic? Determined? Good looking? Awesome?!”

“None of the above,” Angel replied, and began listing off. “They said you were... Mean. Crude. Mean. Arrogant. Mean. Bossy. Mean. Conceited. Mean. Condescending. Mean. Nasty. Mean. Disrespectful. Mean. Selfish. Mean. Unfriendly. Mean. Insulting. Mean. Rude. Mean. Yells a lot. Mean. Tells bad jokes. Mean. Loves to put others down. Mean. The worst. Mean. A thief. Did I mention they said you were mean?”

Everyone laughed as Ms Nowhere scowled. Even Gary couldn't help but chuckle.

“Although, Fluttershy said that beneath all that mean word, you have a heart.” Angel noted as Ms. Nowhere grinned after hearing Angel’s explanation.

Frostee chimed in, “Okay, just some advice,” He took off his visors, “If you want someone to forget about something, don’t tell them to forget about it.”

Back at the hideout, everyone was relaxing. Echo was trying to do a trick on her skateboard. However, she failed and crashed onto the floor.

Mikey winced, “Ooh, that's gonna hurt.”

Echo growled, “Dang, so close.”

“Don't give up, Echo. Just keep on trying. Like me for example. Watch.”

Mikey skated on the skate ramp with his skateboard and performed a trick. He landed perfectly and Echo was amazed.

“Whoa,” Echo said.

While Mikey helped Echo back up, Tony noticed, “Looking good, you two.”

Ms. Nowhere ordered everyone, “Gather around, everyone. I have something to tell you all.”

Everyone gathered around for a meeting and Sunset asked, “Are you here to tell us about that tattooed man that we found in the container?”

Ms. Nowhere answered, “No, I'm not.”

“Well what did you find about him? Who is he?” Leo questioned her.

Tony chimed in, “What's his link to the smugglers?”

“And why was he in a container?” Frostee asked.

Cisco suggested, “Maybe cheap travel. Those airlines take advantage of you every chance they get. Paying for a bag… Who travels without a bag?”

“No one, that's who.” Blade Swipe answered, sharpening his Kyoketsu-Shoge.

Ms. Nowhere ordered the teens, “Would everyone please stop talking! This guy might be linked to international criminals trying to set up shop in Brazil, so...”

Gabby interrupted her, “So we're going to Brazil for an international investigation?!”

Everyone cheered in excitement.

“No! I was going to say, Interpol has it from here.” Ms. Nowhere answered, shutting their celebration down.

“Say what?!” Raph complained.

The teens booed and groaned after hearing Ms. Nowhere’s statement.

Gabby complained to her, “Why is it everytime an investigation leads out of LA, we lose the assignment?! Combined with Leo and everyone here, we have plenty of muscle, brainpower, and skills.”

Ms. Nowhere shouted, “Because none of you know anything about international investigation!”

Angel insisted her, “Then let us go to Brazil and learn about them! Which by the way, it's for my school project.”

Ms. Nowhere denied their request. “No. I'm not going to lose another agent down there.”

Frostee reacted, “Wait, what? You lost an agent?”

Pinkie asked, “Who was it?”

Ms. Nowhere answered, “Never mind! Look, I'm not here to talk about the tattooed man or investigations, I came here to tell you that I'll be on assignment for a while.”

“So what do we do when you're gone?” Tony asked.

Ms. Nowhere explained, “I don't know, take a break. Do some things you used to do in the city before you were a spy. Why did you think I called your friends from New York and Canterlot to come.”

“You mean you called us over for some glorified playdate, not because you needed our help?!” Raph questioned her, as Spike growled.

Twilight assured him, “Not worth it, Spike. Sit.” Spike huffed and sat down on the floor.

"Not cool, Nowhere!" Mikey frowned.

Aria grimaced, “Can we hurt her now, Adagio?”

Adagio answered, “Not. Yet.”

“You are a mean lady,” Carter commented.

Tony said, “Well I can't do what I used to do. Okay? My car's getting repaired.”

Ms. Nowhere started thinking about Tony’s car until she got an idea on her mind. She gasped, “You know what? I might be able to pull some strings and get a vehicle for you.”

Outside the hideout, Tony was unimpressed as he stared and frowned, looking at an old white van.

Ms. Nowhere smiled proudly, “Huh?! What do you think? It's the spy van! Don't say I never did anything for you.”

Echo stated, “That's the saddest spy van I've ever seen.”

“The motorcycles we got were cooler than that.” Rainbow mentioned.

Ms. Nowhere told Echo, “That’s just because you’ve never spent a month in the back eating barbecue sunflower seeds, waiting for a dead drop that never happens.”

Cisco wiped off some dust from the van, “Man, it's sadder than we thought.”

“I think I'll stick with my scooter than this thing.” Keno stated.

“Welcome to van life, Tony. Embrace it.” Ms. Nowhere told him, giving Tony the keys to the van.

Tony was sad as he drove his van later in the afternoon with Gabby sitting right next to him. Casey, Carter, and Angel sat in the middle seats.

“Yo primo, can I tell you something?” Gabby asked.

Tony frowned, “What?”

Gabby said, “I just want to say that I'm sorry about your car. I know how much it meant to you.”

“Yeah, me and Donnie would be crushed if the Turtle Racer ever got totaled,” Casey sympathized.

“Same with me and my bike,” Carter added.

“It's alright, guys. I understand.” Tony assured them and looked at Blade Swipe, meditating in the back. “So, what's his story?”

Gabby explained, “Life has been cruel to him."

“It totally was,” Casey said, “He was tortured, used like a puppet, and lost his parents.”

Tony wondered, “Is that why you guys brought him here?”

“Yeah, but the guys told us that they managed to reunite him with his sister and friends,” Angel noted.

“I convinced Leo to bring him. I thought you guys might be some good friends to him.”

“We will. If Leo trusts him, that's enough for us.” Tony said as a driver in his vehicle drove past the van.

“Move your van, moron!”

Gabby patted Blade’s shoulder. “Blade Swipe, wake up. Let's go grab something to eat.”

Blade Swipe woke up and grabbed his gear. While Blade, Gabby, and the others exited the van, some dude walked up to Tony, “Tony! Whattup, dawg? You making a delivery, or is that your new ride?”

Tony answered, “It's, uh... It's my new ride.”

“Sweet, I have the same van.” The van dude pointed to his van that looked like Tony’s, but much cleaner.

Then, some random neighbor who knew Tony shouted, “Toretto! It's been too long. Whatcha been up to, man?”

Tony answered, “Well… Nothing, I guess.”

“Nothing except driving the same sweet van as me! We should totally get a van selfie!” The van dude cheered, holding his phone up to get a selfie with Tony, who was not pleased.

The five waited as Tony walked up to the food truck.

The neighbor told Tony, “You should've been here yesterday! There was this crazy chase through the city and some dude jumped out of a helicopter! It was amazing!”

Tony sheepishly said, “Yeah, sounds amazing.”

“Guys?” Came a voice. Gabby, Casey, Carter, Angel, and Blade turned and saw three familiar faces approach them.

“Zach? Caitlyn?” Casey asked.

“Hey, Buffy!” Carter smiled when he saw her, while Angel rolled her eyes at her brother.

“Hey, guys,” Buffy waved.

Zach hugged Angel, “Ah man, it's good to see you!”

Angel returned the hug, “Same. But what are guys doing here?”

“We could ask you guys the same,” Caitlyn stated.

“You know these guys?” Tony asked.

“Yeah, Tony, Meet our other friends from New York, Zach and Caitlyn Roberts and Buffy Shellhammer,” Gabby introduced. “Guys, this is my other cousin, Tony Torreto.”

“So he's the street racing cousin you told us about?” Caitlyn asked.

“Got that part right,” Tony bragged. “Anyway, welcome to LA.”

“So why are you three here?” Angel asked.

“Caitlyn and I are here on a girl's trip,” Buffy explained.

“But mom and dad said I had to bring Zach with,” Caitlyn added in annoyance.

“And I'm glad they did, I've always wanted to visit LA!” Zach said. “So why are you guys here?”

“Uh, we can't really explain right here,” Gabby whispered.

Then, everyone heard a car engine roaring through the streets and the white key car arrived by the food truck. The person driving the red key car was none other than Mitch.

“'Sup, losers. The Mitch is back!”

“Oh, no,” Gabby grumbled.

Blade Swipe asked, “Who's he?”

Gabby answered, “That's Mitch, he's a headache.”

“His car looks like one of the Dazzlings?” Buffy said.

“Long story, amiga.” Gabby noted.

The neighborhood dude told them, “Well, I'll let you guys talk about vans. I'm gonna go check out Mitch's sweet ride. Talk about a winner!”

The locals started taking pictures of Mitch's key car, much to his annoyance.

“Hey, it's five bucks apiece for those pics, and no touching my car!” Mitch stated, then he saw Tony. "Hey, Torreto, where's that slomo soapboxer of yours? Bet it can't beat my awesome new ride!"

Tony groaned as Caitlyn said, "What a jerk!"

"Yes he is," Gabby noted.

Then Mitch noticed her and Buffy, "Hey there, Gabby. You know, you and your hot friend over there can take pics and touch my car for free."

Gabby and Buffy looked annoyed and disgusted while Casey and Carter looked angry.

Blade Swipe meanwhile had an idea to mess with Mitch. He whispered something to Casey, who smirked, pulling out a hockey puck and his hockey stick. Then he nailed Mitch's key car square on the grill.

Mitch screamed and shouted, "My car!"

Casey smugly whispered, “Whoops.”

Tony and the others burst out laughing.

Gabby whispered while giggling, “Good one, Casey.”

“It was Blade's idea,” Casey motioned to Blade and they both gave each other high five.

After that as the van dude asked Tony, “Hey, are you going to the van rally next week? All the vans are going to be out in the desert: Little Granny Vanny, the Van Trap Family, Van Go, Tall Dark and Vansome, Van Halen, The Vanhatten Project, The Vanatee, The Last Van Standing, The Vancurists…”

"Yeah, yeah, we get the picture already," Angel interrupted, dryly.

Later during the evening, Frostee’s house, Frostee was working on a project with Mikey and Sonata acting as his assistants till Sissy came in.

“This came for you,” Sissy informed her brother, delivering his package. “Hey Sonata! Hey Mikey!”

The two ninjas waved at Sissy. Sonata greeted her, “Hi Sissy!”

“What's up?” Mikey cheered.

“All right, finally!” Frostee opened the box and brought out a rare flower.

Sonata ogled, “Pretty flower.”

“A flower? Are you going to prom or something?” Sissy questioned her brother.

Frostee answered, “I'm figuring out a formula I saw a tattoo on some guy's arm, if you must know.”

Sissy walked out and replied, “Nah, I don't care.” She then started messing with Frostee’s toy.

“I discovered that the formula creates a synthetic version of a compound found in the Pimenta do Diabo flower like this one! They're super rare!” Frostee explained as Sissy repaired it and put the toy back on the shelf.

“Not interested.” Sissy replied.

Frostee mentioned, “Mikey suggested having the flower might help me understand the synthetic formula.”

“I can't believe I thought you were going to prom. So, why do you have these two and not Donnie and Twilight?” Sissy asked.

Mikey answered, “Donnie wanted to work on our rides a bit.”

Sonata replied, “And Twilight's doing the same with the key cars.”

“Time to get to work.” Frostee took a sample from it and began mixing it, but nothing happened.

Mikey groaned, “Nothing.”

Frostee suggested, “Guess you can't trust strangers' tattoos.”

The trio took a nap to wait for something to happen in the flask. One hour later, the chemical liquid in the flask started fizzling. The trio woke up and saw the fizzling liquid.

“That's not a good sign.” Sonata said as Frostee gasped.

The liquid exploded and the trio screamed. After that, the rest of Frostee’s family entered his room and it was a mess.

Tiffany was worried and asked them, “Frostee, Mikey, Sonata! You kids okay?”

“We're fine.” Frostee answered as Mikey and Sonata were okay as well.

Sissy noticed her brother’s hair and told him, “Your hair is smoking.”

Sonata saw it and patted her little buddy's head to put out the smoke.

Wanda told them, “Don't you three have a government lab to blow up?! You three are going to clean up this mess, and no whining about it. And remember, Leo and Adagio told you that you'll listen to us while you're staying in our house.”

Frostee nodded, “Clean up the mess. Okay, we'll do that.”

“Because I say s--,” Wanda ordered until she paused for a moment. “Wait. Did you just say you’ll do that?”

Frostee acknowledged, “Yeah, we'll clean up the mess.”

“He's not lying, Mrs. Benson.” Sonata added

“Mmhmm.” Mikey nodded.

Tiffany was surprised by her son obeying her wife’s request. “Well that's a first. That boy has never willingly agreed to clean up anything. And according to Leo and Adagio, they have to force Mikey and Sonata to clean.”

Wanda added, “And you know what, why don't you three clean up the restaurant when you're done in here?”

Frostee smiled, “Clean the restaurant. We will do that.”

Mikey cheered, “You can count on us, Mrs. Benson!”

Tiffany squealed, celebrating with Wanda. “We're finally getting some respect around here.”

Sissy grew into suspicion after hearing Frostee and his friends agreeing to her mom’s demands, raising an eyebrow on them.

The three teens started cleaning up Frostee’s bedroom and after that, they cleaned up the restaurant while singing in unison.

“Sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep…”

The next day, the trio rushed into the hideout, dirty and exhausted from last night.

Frostee alerted everyone, “Guys, remember that weird tattoo we saw on that man's arm yesterday?”

Cisco remembered, “Yeah! The one that's a heart with a skull and dagger and birds and says "mom"?”

“That was so metal.” Casey commented.

“If you think that's cool, you should see my Cutie Mark in Equestria.” Blade Swipe suggested.

“No, Cisco, the tattoo on the tattooed guy from our bust.” Frostee reminded Cisco.

“Oh, right…” Cisco remembered.

“But that skull ink was pretty dope.” Echo complimented, skated right by her friends.

Gabby asked him, “Well what's going on Frostee? Did you find something out?”

“Well, I did a little research, and I think one of his tattoos is actually a formula.”

Leo wondered, “A formula? For what?”

Frostee explained, “We're not sure. The three of us mixed it together and an hour later it blew up and rattled our brains. We don't remember much, but when we came to, we'd cleaned my room...

Mikey continued, “And the restaurant...”

Sonata finished Frostee’s explanation, “And combed the hair of all 52 of Sissy's mermaid-pony doll thingies!”

The trio said in unison, “It was weird.”

Sunset asked, “Could this formula be for a weapon, or some rocket fuel for something?”

Frostee answered, “Maybe.”

Tony figured that the formula was dangerous. He told everyone, “We gotta tell Ms. Nowhere.”

Raph and Aria growled in frustration after hearing her name.

Meanwhile, Ms. Nowhere threw knives at Julius's picture as target practice.

Julius was confused, but complimented her, “Nice shot, Ms. Nowhere, but I'm not sure why you gotta have my face is on it.”

“And I'm not sure why you thought you could eat the last donut!” Ms. Nowhere shouted until she groaned.

Julius replied, “Those were mine…”

Just then, Tony and his friends appeared on the computer screen. He reached out to Ms. Nowhere, “Good, you're still here. We think we may have found something from the guy in the container.”

Ms. Nowhere shouted, “I thought I told you all to relax!” She then threw Julius aside, “It's like everything I tell you to do, you do the opposite!”

Julius groaned, “I'm okay.”

“You need to listen, Ms. Nowhere. We think that guy is important.” Gabby chimed in.

Ms. Nowhere fired back, “Of course he's important! The entire reason for the smuggling was to get him!”

“WHAT?! YOU KNEW ABOUT HIM?!” Raph snapped.


Blade Swipe and a few others grabbed the raging duo to contain them.

“That's because That's what I wanted you to think. Plus, you did stop a smuggling ring, so That's a good thing.” Ms. Nowhere explained, crossing her arms.

“You left us in the dark? Not cool.” Tony said.

Ms. Nowhere replied to them, “You know what else isn't cool? Having my orders disobeyed all the time! Now if you don't mind, I have a mission to get to.”

Frostee chimed in, “Wait! At least tell us what the formula is for. We tried to mix it, it almost blew me and my assistants out of my house.”

“What formula?” Ms. Nowhere asked.

Sunset explained, “Frostee recognized the tattoo on the guy’s arm. Did you know it was a formula?”

Ms. Nowhere turned her away from the screen. “Of course I knew! Bye!” She turned off the video chat and as she was ready to call from her phone, Pinkie abruptly asked, “Well, what is it for?”

“Bye!” Ms. Nowhere turned off the video chat in annoyance. Then she called Gary from her phone. “Gary, check his tattoos.”

“What am I looking for?” Gary asked while reading a book.

Ms. Nowhere answered, “I discussed them intel that one of them may be some kind of formula.”

Gary closed his book. “Okay, I'll call you back.”

In the safe house, Gary entered the interrogation room and the tattooed man was gone except for the handcuffs.

“Uh-oh.” Gary noticed as the tattooed man perched onto the ceiling until Gary turned around and the tattooed man knocked him out before he locked the door, leaving Gary inside the room.

The tattooed man escaped and headed towards the street where Mitch was chatting with the food truck vendor.

“…And then he just threw it away! I was like, "Hey, that's the bottom nub, it's full of all the best stuff!" So I pulled it out of the trash and ate it.”

While Mitch was taking a bite out of his tacos, the tattooed man hopped on to Mitch’s key car and started its engines.

Mitch heard his car and was shocked that the man carjacked his ride. “What?! No!” The tattoo dude drove off with his key car and Mitch was too late to catch him, leaving him high and dry. “Not my car!”

Meanwhile, at a table close by, Angel, Zach, Caitlyn, and Buffy had seen everything.

“Hey, that was the tatto guy the others busted!” Angel said.

“How'd he get away?” Caitlyn asked.

“We gotta stop him!” Zach stated.

“What?!” Buffy exclaimed. “Are you crazy?!”

“Plus, he just drove off,” Caitlyn noted. “We should tell the Turtles and Rainbooms.”

“There's no time, he'll get away!” Zach retorted.

“Zach's right,” Angel said. “We gotta catch him and we gotta do it now!”

“And how are we going to that?” Buffy inquired. “I don't think my car's fast enough to catch up with him.”

Angel noticed something and smirked, “We're not gonna catch him in your car.” She pointed over to where Mitch's old car was parked. “All you gotta do is get the keys from 'Tall, Dumb, and Obnoxious' over there.”

“Excuse me?” Buffy asked, then Angel whispered something to her and her eyes widened in shock and disgust. “No! No no no, absolutely not! I'm not doing it!”

“Okay, when we tell the others, I'll let Ms. Nowhere know that you let the guy get away...” Angel smirked.

Buffy groaned in defeat, “You owe me for this!” And she walked up to Mitch. “Hey, there,” she gagged a bit. “Handsome. Sorry about your car. But if it'll make you feel better, I've got a surprise for you...” She batted her eyes.

Mitch took the bait. “Really?”

“Yeah, but first, give me your other car keys,” Buffy held out her hand.


“Give me your car keys, please,” Buffy repeated. “And then you'll get your surprise.”

“Alright,” Mitch handed her his keys. “So, where's my surprise?”

“Right... here...” Buffy socked Mitch right in the face. Then Mitch fell to the ground unconscious.

Zach laughed and Caitlyn said, “Oooooh, good punch!”

“Serves the big goon right for hitting on me!” Buffy glared down at Mitch. “Let's get out of here before he wakes up.”

As they hurried over to the car, Zach stopped and took Mitch’s hat and put it on. As they all piled inside, he noticed that his sister was behind the wheel while Buffy sat with him in the back.

“Wait, why aren't you driving, Buffy?” Zach asked.

“Because, I've been giving Caitlyn driving lessons and she needs the practice,” Buffy explained, tossing the keys to Caitlyn.

Caitlyn started the car and went through a routine, “Okay, save driver check list. Step one: seatbelts. Step two: hands at ten and two. Step three: mirrors. Step four: breathe," she took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm good.”

“Hey!” They looked and saw Mitch had woken up and was running toward them.

“Step six: FLOOR IT!” Angel shouted, and Caitlyn stomped on the gas. The car sped away leaving Mitch in the dust.

“Wonder if he's stubborn enough to keep chasing us?” Zach said.

Gary heard his phone ringing and started waking up, coming to his senses after he was ambushed.

“Hello?” Gary groaned, video chatting Ms. Nowhere.

“Why haven't you been answering?! Did you find anything?” Ms. Nowhere questioned.

Gary sheepishly answered as he picked up his sunglasses, “Umm… About that…”

Ms. Nowhere facepalmed while groaning, “Gary!”

“He's stronger than he looks!”

“You're a giant man!” Ms. Nowhere reminded him.

“I know, but it's not the dog in the fight, it's the fight in the dog.”

Ms. Nowhere was disappointed with him. She scowled, “Don't! I don't want to hear you speak right now.”

“Maybe Tony, Leo, and the others can help.” Gary suggested.

Ms. Nowhere shouted, “I said, don't speak!”

Gary tried to leave the room, but the door was locked.

Back in the Crew’s hideout, Tony and his friends were video chatting with Ms. Nowhere on screen to make a deal.

“Fine, but if we find him for you, you have to fill us in on what's going on. We want to know everything.” Tony said.

Ms. Nowhere agreed to his terms, “Fine, it's a deal.”

“Now tell us the truth, Ms. Nobody, you didn't know about the formula, did you?” Gabby insisted as her friends giggled.

“Would you just get going?!” Ms. Nowhere yelled.

After their conversation with Ms. Nowhere, the tech support started tracking their target from the Yoka head computer room.

Frostee showed them the first footage, “Okay, there he is, leaving the safe house.”

Donnie cut to the second footage, “And here he is twenty minutes later.”

“No way! He took Mitch's key car!” Cisco laughed at the third footage.

“Hahahaha! That’s hilarious!” Spike cackled on the floor. “Oh look at Mitch throwing a fit right there!”

Everyone laughed as they continued watching Mitch having bad luck again on footage.

Echo laughed, “Frostee, you got to play that again.”

“Yeah, do it! I want to see that show again.” Rainbow chimed in.

“No, we don't have much time…” Tony reminded everyone.

“He’s right, y'all.” Applejack stated as Leo and Sunset nodded.

Tony then quickly changed his mind. “Okay, maybe just one more, real quick.”

“Oh, apple sauce.” Applejack facepalmed.

Frostee played the rest of the footage and some laughed again till they got an alert.

Twilight informed everyone, “One of the interstate cameras just picked up the car close to Mexico.”

Sonata asked, “How can we get to him? He has a huge lead on us.”

Leo then got a text from Buffy and also noticed something else on the traffic cams. “Don't worry, because we've got some friends already on it.” He pointed to the footage showing Angel and the others steal Mitch’s other car.

Tony and the others laughed harder when they saw Buffy punch Mitch.

“Oooooh, right in the kisser!” Raph chuckled.

“Who knew Buffy had a strong left hook?” Adagio said.

“Or that Mitch had a glass jaw?” Echo added.

After they saw the others drive off with Mitch chasing them on foot, Mikey said, “Wonder if Mitch is stubborn enough to keep chasing them?”

“Either way, they could use some help,” Leo stated.

Minutes later, the Ninjas and Crew were in their vehicles inside the spy plane. With April and Pinkie in the Party Wagon. Applejack with her truck. Vinyl with her car. Fluttershy, Twilight, and Casey in the Turtle Racer. Rarity, Keno, and Blade Swipe in the Patrol Buggies. The Dazzlings in their key cars. Rainbow and Sunset in their motorcycles. And the Turtles in the Shellraiser with Carter sitting on top of the said vehicle.

“You sure you don't need a parachute, Carter?” April asked.

“Nah, April, I'm good,” Carter assured. “Raph and Aria got me this awesome flight suit!” He showed that he was wearing a familiar winged pack.

Leo questioned, “Is that Ms Nowhere's flight suit?”

“We borrowed it,” Raph said, casually.

“By borrowed, he means they stole it!” Nowhere shouted over the com.

“Well, you tricked us and left Gary locked in that container,” Aria noted. “So we're even.”

Sonata was playing a game on her phone. Cisco breathed heavily, “You said Dom has done this before?! And lived?!”

Keno stated, “It does sound a little farfetched.”

“Are you sure this is safe, Tony?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hey, at least you’re all driving your own cars and not some stupid van.” Tony said, sitting alongside Gabby.

Echo gasped, “Stupid? We worked really hard on that new paint job.”

“You should be thankful that Echo, Sunset, and I are giving your van a tune-up.” Gabby reminded him, feeling a bit upset.

Tony sighed, “You’re right. I'm sorry. And thank you, prima.”

“Hey Rarity, are you freaking out right now?” Mikey asked her.

“Umm… no. That's preposterous, darling.” Rarity nervously chuckled. She thought to herself, ‘This is SO going to ruin my hair now.’

Echo chimed in, “Listen Rarity, it takes a grown woman to embrace her feelings. If you need to cry, just go ahead and cry,” While her friends giggled, Echo trolled Rarity as she continued, “As your friend, you know I'm concerned of your well-being. Which is why my friends and I took the precaution to put some extra cushions in your heart department.”

Much to her annoyance, Rarity insisted as Echo laughed, “Hey! Will you just chill out, darling?”

Donnie informed everyone, “Guys, we're almost to the key car. Opening door now.”

Leo alerted everyone, “Alright passengers, hold on tight!”

Blade Swipe and a few others held on Carter got ready as the ramp door opened.

“Hey Rarity, you need some fresh air? Because you’re about to get a whole lot of it.” Rainbow informed her scaredy friend.

“Here we go!” Frostee signaled.

One by one, the Ninjas’ and Crew’s vehicles exited out of the plane and fell into the skies… except Rarity.

“Oh yeah! Whoo!” Echo cheered. “Woo!”

Some of the Crew and Allies screamed for dear life as Cisco yelped, “I don’t like this! I don’t like this!”

Carter jumped out and flew around, shouting in wonder, “Woo hoo hoo, this is awesome!”

Tony asked over the com-link, “Yo, did everyone make it out?”

“Um, I think we're missing one,” Pinkie answered. “Let me cheer Rarity up.”

Back on the plane, Rarity was feeling nervous as the angel and devil of her consciousness appeared on each shoulder.

“Your friends need your help. You can't abandon them.” Angel Rarity advised her.

However, Devil Rarity told her, “ARE YOU INSANE?! That drop could mess up your hair and kill you.”

Then, Pinkie greeted Rarity over her walkie-talkie, “Hey Rarity! Talk to me. What's the problem?”

“I can't do it.” Rarity answered, feeling that she let her friends down.

“Of course you can, silly!” Pinkie cheered. “Don't let your fears get in your way.”

“But my hair…”

Echo interrupted her over the com-link, “Forget your hair, Rarity! Just get your dune buggy over here and help us!”

“I’m sorry, but I can't. Just listen to me.”

“Now is not the time, chica.” Gabby said.

“I'll stay here until this plane lands. After that, we’ll circle around the tattooed man and corner him.”

Echo informed her over the com-link, “We're running out of time! The chute is guided by GPS! You don't have to do anything!”

“Mikey!” Leo called.

“I'm on it!” Mikey replied.

As the cars were reaching towards the desert, Rarity apologized to everyone, “Look darlings, listen, I'm sorry to let you all down. Okay? Imma go ahead and stay up here.”

Pinkie apologized, “We know, Rarity. And I'm sorry that we let you down.”


After the conversation, Sonata, Mikey, Pinkie, and Casey smiled and pressed a button from their walkie-talkies and two parachutes with Mikey and Pinkie’s face on it was activated behind Rarity’s Patrol Buggy.

“What do you mean by--” Rarity was abruptly getting pulled by the wind from the parachute.

Rarity screamed as her Patrol Buggy fell down from the plane. As for everyone else, they all activated their parachutes as they reached below one thousand feet and landed safely on the ground.

Echo cheered, “Aww yeah! Whoo!” She then looked at the design of Tony’s van on her left. “Van life, dawg.”

Still chasing the key car, Angel saw the other land and turned on the com, “What took you guys so long?”

Tony smiled until he informed everyone, “We've only got 10 miles to get to the border.”

The tattooed man noticed them and accelerated his car to lose them.

“That car's too fast.” Echo stated.

“Adagio, you and your sisters are with me. Blade and Raph, I need you in here.” Tony informed his comrades.

Raph and Blade Swipe managed to get into Tony’s van. Tony shouted, “Hang on!”

Frostee informed Carter, “Carter, you're our eyes in the sky. Where is the tattoo man heading right now?”

Carter observed with some spy goggles from the sky and saw a rally filled with people and vans. He answered over the com-link. “He's heading for a large gathering up ahead.”

Spike suggested over the com-link, “That must be the van rally.”

Tony activated the boosters from the back of the van. “Here comes the sun.”

Wanting to help, Angel looked around before she spotted the button for the rockets.

Caitlyn saw her reach for it and said, “Angel...” Angel hit the button and the car shot forward at super speed, as Caitlyn screamed, “Wooooooooo!!!”

Meanwhile, Rarity was still floating around the sky with her Patrol Buggy with the parachute on.

“Hello? Is anyone going to help me?!” Rarity asked.

Echo vowed, “Don’t worry, Rarity. We'll turn around and come back for you once we're done with the mission.”

Rarity growled, “You jokesters are going to pay for this! I swear!” Then, she thought of something and had an idea. She said, “You know what, screw this!” Rarity dropped out of the Patrol Buggy and transformed into her Crystal Guardian form. She summoned a diamond and flew off to catch up with her friends.

The Dazzlings pulled up on all sides of the red key car. The tattoo guy rammed into Aria only for Adagio bump him off, then he rammed her and Sonata rammed him next.

While the Dazzlings and the tattoo man were ramming each other, Tony and Caitlyn drove towards the key car and the Torreto fired a bolo at his tire. Then, while Caitlyn and Buffy were still screaming at the speed they were going, Angel grabbed the wheel and steered Mitch’s ride into the key car, making it crash. Still screaming, Caitlyn shut off the rockets and slammed on the brakes, stopping Mitch's car.

After a moment, Zach said, “Let's do that again!”

“NO!” Caitlyn and Buffy cried.

The tattoo dude tried to escape on foot, until he tackled from above by Carter.

“Get off of me,” he yelled, as they wrestled.

“Not a chance, dude!” Carter angrily replied, continuing to distract the tattoo guy. Angel left Mitch’s car and helped her brother subdue the tattoo man.

Tony drove up to him, opened the side door, and the Bridge siblings spin-kicked the tattoo guy in.

“Don't even think about escaping.” Raph said, arming himself with his sais while Blade Swipe drew his sword.

Tony stopped the van and smiled until he noticed the crowd in the van rally. They were all silent at the moment until they began cheering.

The van dude went up to Tony and congratulated him. “Way to go Tony! Yeah! Van life, bro! You’re livin' it! Van life!”

The rest of the Ninjas and Crew pulled up to the van rally, the Turtles in their cloaked human disguises, and saw everyone chanting “Van Life”, including Tony.

“Yo! This is so cool!” Casey complimented.

While they watched, Rarity arrived at the rally and she was fuming with anger, staring daggers at the pranksters.

Keno informed his friends, “Uh-oh, Rarity's here. Run!”

The pranksters ran away as Rarity started chasing after them. Mikey pleaded, “Leo, help!”

Later at sunset, the Ninjas, Crew, and Allies were back at the Crew’s Hideout and they were having a meeting with Ms. Nowhere to hold her end of the deal.

Tony told her, “We got your guy, now tell us everything about this investigation.”

Ms. Nowhere explained, “Fine. A new weapon recently got smuggled into Rio. We're still trying to figure out what it is, but rumor has it, it's so powerful it could throw the entire world into chaos.”

Echo commented, “Okay, vague but frightening...”

Ms. Nowhere continued, “We've been working with Interpol for months gathering intel. We were hoping this guy would shed some light on the situation.”

Aria asked while eating her nachos, “And the formula?”

Ms. Nowhere admitted, “We didn’t know about it until you told us.”

“Haha! I knew it!” Tony said, pointing his finger at her.

We knew it, primo.” Gabby corrected him, lowering his arm down before sitting back on the couch.

“Sorry, but we knew it.” Tony apologized. “Ms. Nowhere, we figured out the tattoo was a formula and we caught this guy. Twice.”

Sunset suggested, “I say that we should be the ones to go to Rio and do this investigation. We're ready.”

Leo added, “And as Gabby mentioned before we have plenty of muscle, brainpower, and skills.”

Ms. Nowhere sighed, “The reason I didn't want any of you to go was because the undercover agent I previously embedded in Rio... was Layla Gray.”

Everyone gasped, shocking the Crew and Ninjas while Cisco and Aria resumed eating nachos.

Gabby and Tony were the most shocked. “Me amiga?” Gabby said.

Sometime ago in Rio…

Ms. Nowhere narrated, “I tracked her down and recruited her myself. Her criminal past was the perfect cover. But now, she's gone dark.”

Layla carjacked an armored truck and stole a briefcase before heading back to her car. After that, she blew up the back of the truck to cover her tracks and leave the crime scene.

“I don't know if she's blown her cover, turned bad, or worse.”

The next thing anybody knew, Gabby angrily grabbed Ms Nowhere and held a sword at her neck.

“Whoa!” Keno said.

April commented, “Well that was fast.”

Casey asked, “Where'd she get that sword?”

Blade Swipe checked his sheath and discovered it was his sword. “I believe that's mine.”

Gabby angrily questioned her, “La bruja! How could you leave her behind in Rio?!”

“Hold on, Gabby,” Tony put his hand on her shoulder. “Layla is family. If she got into trouble down there, then we're gonna find her and get her out.”

Ms. Nowhere calmly moved the sword away from her neck and pried Gabby's hand off her. “This is why I didn't want to tell you. I knew nothing would stop you guys from trying to get her back.” After telling them the truth, Ms. Nowhere realized something from the teens. “But maybe that's just what we need… Pack your bags and slap on the bug repellent, you're going to Brazil.”

“What?” Caitlyn asked in disbelief.

Zach on the other hand was excited, “Awesome!”

The teens celebrated until Buffy entered the hideout.

“Well, I'm totally ready for Rio!” Came Buffy’s voice. The Ninjas, Crew, and Allies turned to see Buffy walk in dressed as if she were going on vacation. She wore a raspberry sun dress decorated in pink flowers, light grey shorts, and sandals. She also had on sunglasses and sun hat.

Everyone stared at her, some giving her flat looks, as Tony asked, “Uh, Buffy, why are you dressed like that?”

“Well, if we're going to Rio, I might as well dress for the occasion,” Buffy explained.

“Seriously?” Raph grumbled.

“She does know this is a serious mission, right?” Echo muttered to Angel.

“Not sure.” Angel replied.

“Well I whole heartedly agree,” Rarity walked in, dressed in her cruise outfit.

“Really, Rarity?” Applejack questioned. “You too?”

“I will not be shamed for wanting to look the part!” Rarity huffed.

"Plus, this way, no one will know we're undercover," Buffy winked.

“She's got a point there,” Frostee admitted.

Tony cheered, “But still, we're going to Brazil!”

Everyone resumed celebrating and they’re all set for their next big adventure. Travel to Brazil and find Layla Gray.

Author's Note:
  • The grapple between Vinyl and Woofer in the middle is based off Superman vs Shazam. And their fight on the left is based off Suki vs Ty Lee.
  • Frostee, Mikey, and Sonata were singing the Sweep song from the MLP episode, The Saddle Row Review.
  • Buffy used the same strategy from Echo to steal Mitch’s old car from the previous season, except she threw a punch right at Mitch.
  • The Ninjas, Crew, and Allies landing on the highway with their cars dropping from a jet was based off from Fast and Furious 7.
  • Echo and her friends trolling Rarity before getting her Patrol Buggy pulled by parachutes was also based off from Roman Pearce getting his car pulled by parachutes from Fast and Furious 7, thanks to Tej and his crew mates.

Artwork provided by Jebens1