• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen June 2nd

Punished Bean

Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in.


This story is a sequel to RSL-047

Sidequel to RSL-047. Describes roughly the same timeline from a very different point of view - that of a humble vending machine.

Result of Bean's Writing Group's PoV-centric prompt.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

To think the vending machine sequel to Gay Lighthouse Horses could hit just as hard would've been nonsense to me, but you've done this justice. Wonderful work, Bean.


Agreed. Fantastic work, Bean! :ajsmug:

Okay wow, not only did this return to the intensity of the prequel, but you managed to make such a treat of your first-person ficlets. I normally am hesitant to pick up anything that uses the conflicting tag combos (slice of life/adventure and comedy/sad being the biggest) but I'm glad I checked out this one.

Good shite.

Something about this story gets to me (dunno if its in a good way or not but at the very least it was a helluva story) but im not quite sure why yet. If i was forced to give an answer as to what about it gets to me i'd say: A bunch of randoms bonding/working together/vibing despite the odd to outright bad predicament, and when shit hits the fan they try so hard to prevent it, the best way i can describe this feeling is watching a bunch of people who have no idea how to do anything regarding surgery or medical practices desperately try to save a persons life, they're giving it their all, the best they got, and theyre seemingly doing well enough that you think they might just do it "That man ain't dying today even if i have to die in the bloody process!" and yet... it just wasnt enough...

Your stories are mysterious, funny, dramatic (and one of them was humbling) i have enjoyed your stories and if you should so choose to make more, i will gladly enjoy them too

Thank you Punished Bean, Gud Shite m8

Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed my work so far. I try to write more, but it's definitely not easy for me.
There is definitely that aspect to to the story. I think it's important to remind ourselves that we struggle against impossible odds not out of self-delusion that we'll overcome. We do it out of principle. Seeing the people struggle and fail and knowing they would do it again because you would do the same show that these things matter.
Likewise, I know life is filled with struggles of the mind, which are hidden from the rest of the world. Some of them we must learn to share with others. Some we must simply not give up trying to overcome. Some don't have a clear answer. Some are an illusion in the first place. But whatever the internal struggle is, knowing that others fight their own can be a great comfort, and a bridge to others as individuals.
I also like to make things fun a bit even if they're very serious. Because life is like that a lot.

No bloody wonder your stories hit different, you keep it real despite the insanity.

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