• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen February 2nd

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)


"So, it's been a few months. I haven't heard back from anyone. I need to find some other way to call for help..."

Stranded on the moon thanks to her own recklessness, Della Duck is nearly at the end of her rope. But no matter, she will find a way back home to her boys! Oh, and her brother as well! ...wait, who's that mysterious figure watching her?

Is it madness setting in, or is she not as alone as she thought she was...?

Or where instead of a civilization, Della finds herself alone together with a fallen Princess...

(Ducktales crossover, not making any money off it Disney! Proofread by TheRedParade)

(Featured on 1/19/21 in normal and mature boxes, same on 1/20/21 and same on 1/21/21 and on 1/22/21)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

*Insert Moon Theme Here*

For those playing at home, this is a reference to the NES game. I think it got remade for something newer at some point?

It did yeah, completely remastered.

Loved this little snapshot! Too bad we don't get to see what happens afterwards, but this was nice nonetheless.

...catchy, but irritating.

...okay, it was very catchy.

Gaaaaah! It would never leave her head now, wouldn’t it, this song?

God, if that ain't a mood tho'

“Bah, maybe Magica will be more interesting to talk to, eh? At least she’ll be better company on the evil genius front! From one sorceress of the shadows to another! We can compare notes! Goodbye for now, Princess.”

And now I want a sequel with Magica and NMM talking shop.

I absolutely love this. The comedy, the way the two interact, and pretty much everything about this is like the episode and it is very awesome. Keep the great work pal:twilightsmile:

Really Della and Donald both have that same flaw but I think the Navy did it’s best to get Donald to control it while Della never really took those lessons to heart until she missed the important stuff.

Wanderer D

Yes! We need more Pony/Duck crossovers!

I LOVED everything about this!:pinkiehappy::heart: Any chance of sequel?

Della paused. Wait a moment, Scrooge wasn’t here. Only her. And there was the adventure of a lifetime right outside her doorstep! ...well, it wasn’t like her rocket was going anywhere was it? “All Junior Woodchucks must be open to the unknown in their quest for the truth. Rule #2! ...and the truth is, I’m not alone up here…”

“I’m not a kelpie,” Luna answered curtly.

I mean do I sound like Fluttershy's VA?

Finally, after several minutes Della managed to regain her composure. “Those are really stupid names!”

Honestly they wouldn't be that unusual... in Equestria.

Anyway, great story, nice work Brick.

...I favorite stories in groups of about ten, and this is absolutely going into the latest batch. Della/Luna friendship forever! :twilightsmile:

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

I never knew I needed this. This was really well-written and captures both perspectives/universes to a tee.

So Stand Out! Above the crowd!

I've only watched a few episodes of Ducktales (Mainly the Della ones she's super adorable) But I did grow up watching A Goofy Movie almost every single day! (Probably every day from 1995-1997)

Uh, yes! Della is adorbs to the max, like she's definitely Donald's sister!

You think so? I was worried the Duck universe overshadowed Luna just a bit.


Honestly they wouldn't be that unusual... in Equestria.

Damned by faint praise if I ever heard it...

This was adorable and wholesome. I also never knew I needed this, so this is great.
Keep up the great work, bro. <3

Congrats on getting top spot in the feature box!

Beautiful. I'm surprised a crossover like this wasn't made sooner. :pinkiehappy:

so to clarify, is Della on Equestrian Moon or is Luna on Disney's moon?


Well there was this bit a while back, not quite in the same theme but...

ECaptains Crash
There are no species restrictions for Wonderbolts tryouts, which means they occasionally see some non-pegasus candidates. Griffons and self-levitating unicorns are typical. But today, they're getting an anthropomorphic duck.
Estee · 5.3k words  ·  453  8 · 5.4k views

Edit: Multiple times throughout the story, the ship is referred to as just "the Selene", but its proper name, the Spear of Selene, was only used once.

Oh good, I'm not the only one that instantly thought of this upon seeing

*Insert Moon Theme Here*

Never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I received it.


For the record, they did get off the next week by doing the whole dollar sign with metal thing. And without the Moon Mite menacing them, it was picked up by a passing shuttle leading to some very tearful reunions.

But then how did Luna get home?

Luna is on Disney's moon.

Gyro Gearloose, of course!

Well, glad to give it to you then!

Oh, I read that. I haven't laughed that hard in weeks! That is pure biting wit and some of the best Spitfire I've seen in ages.

Glad to give, love you sis.

This is a definite favorite, oh yes! Definite favorite.

I feel there should be another Ducktales/MLP crossover; one with Nightmare Moon enlisting Lunaris as an officer in her lunar army.


Damn Disney for no season 4.

Damn Disney for a thousand things.

I’ve haven’t watched the new Duck Tales show aside from a few clips so... it’s my fault for being confused.

I wish there was more of this

Like others have already said this story NEEDS to be continued!

“Bah, maybe Magica will be more interesting to talk to, eh? At least she’ll be better company on the evil genius front! From one sorceress of the shadows to another! We can compare notes! Goodbye for now, Princess.”

Nightmare Moon and Magica De Spell? Now there’s a match made in Hell.

Here is old classic one which many People looking when they hear it in Meme videos.
Duck tales Music (NES) - The Moon Theme

Forget that version, take this version. It may help you on your quest.

Most excellent.

Okay this needs a sequel. Like maybe one that’s set a year after the final season of Ducktales where Luna shows up and invites the whole family to Equestria. Now that would be a good one.

Oh my god, this was fun to read. Plz make a sequel where Della sees Luna again and introduces her to the McDuck family

This was a lot of fun to read, for sure. :pinkiehappy:

A few minor typos here and there (i.e. little things like "it's" / "its," that sort of thing) but all the same, this was a real delight to see Della and Luna play off of each other the way that they did. I also like how open-ended this story's conclusion is, really kind of gives me a "the adventure continues" sort of feeling. (Little thing, but I got a chuckle out of the Nightmare deciding to fly away and try to chat with Magica DeSpell. Good one!)

Congrats on the big 'ol 200! :pinkiehappy:


This was a lot of fun to read, for sure. :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I'd hoped you would enjoy this. This was meant to be a labor of love, not even done for hitting the box. I mean, I'm happy it did for 4 days straight but this was born out of that picture that Nailah I think I was showed me over Discord. It took me all of about five minutes to decide it had to be a story.

A few minor typos here and there (i.e. little things like "it's" / "its," that sort of thing) but all the same, this was a real delight to see Della and Luna play off of each other the way that they did. I also like how open-ended this story's conclusion is, really kind of gives me a "the adventure continues" sort of feeling.

Yeah, at first Luna and Della's dialogue was a bit awkward, which reflected their status and me still working out how to play them off each other but as soon as I realized how equally lonely both must have been, reflecting on their mistakes it started to feel 'just right'. I utterly enjoyed writing Luna basically becoming a Junior Woodchuck.

And honestly, yeah, can you imagine Scrooge fawning over Luna? First magical creature he's met who hasn't tried to kill him.

(Little thing, but I got a chuckle out of the Nightmare deciding to fly away and try to chat with Magica DeSpell. Good one!)

This just in, Local Nightmare Horse rage quits! But yeah, honestly you can see them working together really well. They'd probably do a good team together, maybe a reworking of that episode of classic Ducktales with Magica bringing to life everyone's worse fears?


Yeah, I'd hoped you would enjoy this. This was meant to be a labor of love, not even done for hitting the box.

You hoped correctly, I'd say. :raritywink: And yes, I can definitely tell, there's a special something about this story for sure. I knew, pretty early into reading this, that I was in for something good. :yay:

I utterly enjoyed writing Luna basically becoming a Junior Woodchuck.

And honestly, yeah, can you imagine Scrooge fawning over Luna? First magical creature he's met who hasn't tried to kill him.

Luna's discovery of the Woodchuck guide was a real joy for sure. I was grinning through a lot of that. :pinkiehappy: And also, good Lord I love the thought of just all the ways that those characters could play off of each other. XD

This just in, Local Nightmare Horse rage quits! But yeah, honestly you can see them working together really well. They'd probably do a good team together, maybe a reworking of that episode of classic Ducktales with Magica bringing to life everyone's worse fears?

Ohhh, most definitely. *nodding* I can picture it so well it's almost not even funny.

Awwwww this story is soo awesome and adorable.

I wish there could be a Sequel for this. ;w;

Della and Luna are adorable together. 🦆🌙


You hoped correctly, I'd say. :raritywink: And yes, I can definitely tell, there's a special something about this story for sure. I knew, pretty early into reading this, that I was in for something good. :yay:

You really think so? At times it really didn't change much from the original episode, and just had Luna instead of the Planet Moon inhabitants.

Luna's discovery of the Woodchuck guide was a real joy for sure. I was grinning through a lot of that.

You're now imagining Huey and Launchpad out in the woods with Luna and their fellow 'Chucks aren't you?


You really think so? At times it really didn't change much from the original episode, and just had Luna instead of the Planet Moon inhabitants.

Yes, I do. And that's just fine with me. The point of the story was about Della and Luna, and the way that they interact and become friends. To my point of view, it didn't have to shake things up with respect to the original episode.

You're now imagining Huey and Launchpad out in the woods with Luna and their fellow 'Chucks aren't you?

I am now, for sure. :raritywink:

I am ashamed of myself for taking so long to sit down and read this story. Oh, how I would love for this to be explored in a follow-up.

Howdy hi!

A review from the mansion to you.

A teardrop twinkled in my eye while reading this. :twilightsmile:

If anyone has it cue the moon lullaby

That was...
A really nice story ~:fluttercry:

I can’t believe after 3 years, this never got a sequel.

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