• Published 14th Jan 2021
  • 1,458 Views, 36 Comments

Harry Potter and the Six Odd Witches - Rainbow Sparkle

The mane six wind up at Hogwarts near the end of Harry Potter's first year.

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Chapter 3

Author's Note:

It took longer than I'd originally intended, but here we are! Chapter 3 is up! It has made me revise some things, and sort of ditched my outline I had (which is good because my outline was suffering from a problem I sometimes have of dragging things out) so there's a certain amount of winging of things from here on out. I do plan to do a bit of revising for said outline so I retain a general idea of my plans, but I think doing it by chapters as I was doing shall be put on hold.

At any rate, hope folks enjoy it! As always if you enjoyed it, thumb it up and comment!

When the Fat Lady’s portrait swung out and let Ron into the Gryffindor Common Room, Harry and Hermione were distracting themselves rather poorly with a game of wizard’s chess. Both of them brightened considerably as soon as they saw him, and they rushed over to give him a hug.

“‘Ey now, gently. Just cause I’m outta the infirmary doesn’t mean I’m not supposed to take it easy.”

“We know.” Harry said with a smile, giving Ron’s hand a soft squeeze as he led him over to where they’d been sitting. Ron let out a contented sigh as he sank into the couch, smiling as he said,

“Much better. So, you two heard anything else from the Headmaster?”

Hermione shook her head. “The Headmaster did say he would like to talk with us later, but well….” She paused and glanced around. There were a few other students, though none of them seemed to be paying them any mind.

Nevertheless, she leaned in, her voice lowered as she said, “Well, considering he’s also got to figure out how those six girls and dragon showed up as they did, and deal with Quirrell…”

Ron perked up at the mention of the strange girls, grinning a bit as he said, “That reminds me, I got to see something even stranger about those girls before I left. Wanna hear?”

“Stranger than popping out of nowhere inside a chamber Dumbledore himself set up as a trap?” Hermione asked, while Harry ruffled his head and remarked,

“Or stranger than that song language of theirs? Or those pictures, the ones the girl with the purple hair conjured?”

Ron smirked and gave a firm nod to both of them. “Stranger than all of that.” Now it was Ron’s turn to lean in all conspiratorial as he whispered to them what he had seen.

Harry and Hermione both let out exclamations of, “Really?” with Harry’s being somewhat envious, while Hermione sounded incredulous. Ron frowned at them both as he made shushing motions, the pair flushing just a bit when they saw a few of the other students that were present glancing their way now.

“Sorry.” Harry muttered. Hermione nodded and Ron just let out a sigh.

“It’s okay. Knowing how things are with this school, it won’t take long for most to hear something about them anyways.” Ron smirked a bit as he added, “Still though, it was bloody amazing seeing it. If Madame Pomfrey had let ya stay a bit longer you would have gotten to see them with your own eyes.”

“Personally, hearing that just makes me wonder even more about what they are.” Hermione said, sighing a bit as she said, “I know you two overheard the Headmaster and Madame Pomfrey just as I did.”

“You’d think they’d remember they weren’t alone.” Ron muttered at that, while Harry shrugged.

“What’s the big deal about what they are? They may have just saved my life.”

Both Ron and Hermione gave him a surprised look, but then Ron rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as it dawned on him. “Oh, right, you wouldn’t know about that kind of thing.”

“I wouldn’t either if I hadn’t read through a few wizarding history books already.” Hermione remarked, before looking to Harry and explaining.

“Non-humans don’t have as many rights amongst the Wizarding community. They might get classified as ‘beings’ like wizards and muggles are, but that doesn’t mean they’re treated like wizards, or humans.”

Harry didn’t like the sound of that, but that didn’t clear much up for him. Ron stepped in as he said, “Some of the folks in the school, or their git parents, might not be too happy if those girls stick around in the school for long. Might cause some trouble for the Headmaster.”

“Sounds like those sorts would get along with the Dursleys.” Harry commented rather dryly, earning sympathetic looks from his friends.

Hermione sighed and said, “Hopefully word doesn’t spread too quickly. Dumbledore doesn’t come across as the sort who’d let such bother him, but still.”

“Might not matter if they don’t stick around.” Ron commented idly. Harry however had a strange feeling that wasn’t going to be the case. He wasn’t sure what it was that was giving him the impression. Was it instinct? Magic? A bit of both perhaps? Whichever it was, he was about to voice the thought all the same to his friends, only to stop as he heard someone call out his name. Turning, he saw Oliver Wood hurrying over to him, a grin on his face.

“There you are, I was wanting to let ya know. We’re going to be doing some practice in an hour. The match with Ravenclaw is tomorrow, and we’ve got some time to burn, so let’s hurry and get over to the field.”

“Alright, I’ll be down shortly.” Harry said, Oliver patting him on the shoulder before heading over to grab the other members of the team. He looked to Ron and Hermione, who smiled and shrugged respectively.

“Try not to get hurt out there. I don’t think it’d be all that fun to spend the last days of your first year in the infirmary.” Hermione said, giving a small smile. “We’ll be rooting for ya tomorrow.”

“Especially since if ya win it, we might be able to win the House Cup! Would make a great comeback after those points we lost for helping Hagrid.”

Harry winced, recalling how much of the rest of the House had reacted to them afterwards. Still, he nodded as he got up and made for the boys dormitory. Better to get changed into his Quidditch uniform sooner rather than later…

And well, some flying would be nice after the harrowing events they’d all gone through. It’d be a good way to unwind, and not think about how close he may have come to death at the hands of the Dark Lord.


As the clock struck midnight, a long, drawn-out sigh left the lips of Albus Dumbledore as he dropped into a recliner and slowly rubbed his head, the book he had brought with him resting rather heavily in his lap. More so than it ever had before.

The last few hours had been draining, to say the least.

After using the charm that ensured that he could communicate with at least one of their strange guests, he had been able to get some answers from the one called Twilight Sparkle. Answers she herself provided to him, and answers that he was able to achieve peering into her mind. He had enjoyed the former a great deal, given that it wasn’t hard to see that she had quite the keen and intelligent mind.

The latter… Well, it was not something he enjoyed doing at times, but sometimes it was still necessary. And it had proved exceptionally useful in this instance.

His first attempt, when he had tried communicating with them via images, had of course failed. Even accounting for possible differences between the mind of a new non-human person and a human, with no understanding of their language, it was difficult if not impossible to piece images together into one coherent picture. It was akin to trying to use a kaleidoscope to see something far away.

After the charm though, it was much easier to peer into her mind, see her thoughts and peruse some of her memories.

It had allowed him to confirm what she had told him- of how they had been ponies before they woke up here, and that they were from a place called Equestria. That none of them had heard of humans, Britain, or Earth. And that they, or at least she, had no idea how they had arrived here at Hogwarts.

It also allowed him to more fully confirm that some kind of memory magic had been used on her. Something much more advanced than the kinds of charms the Ministry used in some of its work. General, basic knowledge it seemed was for the most part, accessible. But many specifics and even details that would possibly be trivial were blocked or seemed to be missing.

What he was able to piece together suggested that, at minimum, the six girls and their dragon were not native to Earth, and were exceptionally lost and possessing no means of returning home. Which left the question of how, precisely, they had wound up here.

As she had told him, and the impression he got from her memories gave him no reason not to believe her, “Only something or somepony with a great deal of magical power could have done this.” And she didn’t think it was something the six of them had sought to do purposely.

Which meant that either it had been an accident, or that someone had purposely sent them.

That, all on its own, might have been troubling, but not immediately so. A mystery still all the same, but one he could take his time considering and working at. The possibility, after all, of making contact with another world, and one of so much magic as some of Twilight's memories seemed to imply, was the kind of once in a lifetime opportunity that one simply couldn’t ignore.

That he was also now trying to deal with how to prepare the Ministry for the continued existence of Lord Voldemort, and the visit he received from Professor Trelawney just moments after Madame Bones left, meant that he had a great deal more on his plate than he might have preferred.

It had taken some time for Amelia to calm down from seeing Quirrell’s death and the escape of Voldemort’s spirit. Once she had though, she’d asked dozens of questions, only some of which Dumbledore could easily answer. The chief two of course being, “What to tell the public/Minister” and, “How to deal with someone who cheated death”.

As much as a part of him did wish for the public to know, he knew it would create panic. However, like Amelia, he was not sure how well Cornelius Fudge would take being told that the Dark Lord still lived. Though now that a high ranking member of the Ministry knew the truth, it would be foolish not to share such so that the Ministry could start to prepare.

As for the latter… well, that Dumbledore needed to do additional research for. He had an idea of how Voldemort may have sought to avoid his end, but he needed more proof before he could fully create a countermeasure.

He had told Amelia to go ahead and head back to the Ministry, and that they’d work out a time to speak with the Minister and to brainstorm their next move. Dumbledore had been working on some contingencies, but they had been built around relying purely on a network of friends, confidants, and old allies from the days of the Order to deal with Voldemort’s return. He had considered the likelihood of the Ministry to accept Voldemort still living to be… well, low enough that including them in any plans at the time seemed to be a waste of time.

Just seconds after Amelia had left, there had been a knock at the door. He had suspected it might be Minerva or Severus, but instead, Professor Trelawney had been the one to step in. A visit from the reclusive Divinations teacher was in itself a surprise, but something about the way she had carried herself gave Dumbledore further pause.

And he knew why as soon as she had spoken.

“And so as the first steps for the return of the Dark Lord are taken, a new player joins the game. He who Masters Chaos and Lords over Madness takes hold of two boards and gives them a spin. Pieces are changed, rules remade. The way to victory shrouded in fog and mist. Undone shall be the plans of many, the fated tapestries unraveled at the seams as a new course is made. Six shall be the key, Six in one but not in the other, how now shall the games be played? Is all lost, or saved? Only time will tell.”

It had been in the same tone as her first prophecy. The same one that had foretold the defeat of the Dark Lord.

Once she had finished, she had collapsed, spurring Dumbledore to rush over to her side to make sure she was fine. It had taken a moment to rouse her, and when she came to she was initially confused why she was in his office.

Then she smiled at him and got back up, telling him she had had a vision of something most extraordinary. She babbled a bit about how she had been trying, once again, to foresee which student was set to meet a terrible fate in the new school year, only to be surprised when her crystal ball showed her six strange, unusual new students.

Dumbledore might have been inclined to ignore her rambling, but the inclusion of the number six gave him pause. An inquiry into the description of each of the students only served to make his unease grow.

Shaking his head, he looked down to the Book of Admissions currently sitting in his lap. He opened it up again, going to the last page. There, just as it had been after Trelawney had left, were six names glowing in golden ink, something that to his knowledge had never occurred in the entirety of Hogwarts history.

He read the names aloud to himself once more, almost as if he expected doing so might change them, or cause them to vanish from the page.

“Twilight Sparkle, Applejack of the Apple Clan, Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Rarity Belle, Rainbow Dash.”

The names remained where they were. And just as when he had first read them, he could almost swear that he heard some ominous cackling echo about the room. He still couldn’t pick up anyone or anything intruding in his quarters or office though, so he simply sighed and shook his head.

The meeting with Minister Fudge is going to be… problematic to say the least. He thought to himself, even as the ghost of a small smile slowly formed on his face.

“I suppose I only have myself to blame,” he remarked as he closed the book and set it on the table next to him. “I did, after all, tell the staff that Harry’s arrival would make things much more interesting around here.”

“I only wish I’d known just how interesting it was going to become.”


Rainbow Dash was bored.

It was the fourth day of them being in this strange castle, in a world not their own. They’d spent the first and a fair bit of the second asleep, unconscious after they’d landed atop some bad guy, so she hadn’t had to worry about the fact they were stuck in a medical wing with little to do.

Now however, they were all awake. And thanks to whatever magic that old man with the big beard had used on Twilight made it so she could talk with the people here. Which ensured she was quite busy playing both translator and chatterbox as she asked all kinds of questions for the healer, Pomfrey if she’d heard Twilight say it right.

The others had also been a bit bored, leading Twilight to ask if there was anything they could do to help. The healer lady hadn’t been up for it at first, but when it was pointed out they had nothing to do (except for Twilight to bombard her with questions) she relented.

Course, there was a problem. Namely that she didn’t really need help from all seven of them at once.

As it had been for the last few hours, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were the ones helping her, with Twilight reading from a list and checking the names of things as they sorted out medical supplies. Rarity was occupying herself practicing levitating a pillow, a cup, and a napping Spike, while Applejack was helping make the beds.

Herself? Rainbow Dash was busy hovering near the top of one of the windows and looking out at the grounds.

“Guhhhh, do we really have to be stuck here? Can’t we like, go explore the rest of this castle? Or at least just go outside?” Rainbow grumbled aloud, her arcane wings twitching a bit as they gently swayed, keeping her aloft.

“I’m sure we’ll get a chance to do both of those things soon Rainbow Dash.” Rarity remarked as she let the objects drift down, settling on the sheets. “And a little boredom never hurt anyone.”

Rainbow crossed her arms, pouting as she turned to face Rarity. “Soon could be the next five minutes, or it could be next week. And I don’t think an opportunity is going to just pop out of nowhere in the next few minutes.”

“You could go watch the Quidditch match thing Madame Pomfrey went to!” Pinkie Pie declared as she bounced up to where Rainbow Dash was hovering, her arm pointing out the window and towards some wooden towers in the distance.

For a brief moment, Rainbow thought it was because Pinkie was bouncing on one of the beds again, but no, it was because she was using a trampoline she’d gotten from… somewhere.

Shaking her head at her friend’s antics, Rainbow asked, “Uh, Quid Ditch? What the heck is Quid Ditch? And we can’t leave, remember?”

Pinkie giggled, poking Rainbow’s chest as she said, “It’s a sport silly, one where the people here fly on magical broomsticks and try to score points! Madame Pomefrey left to go assist with any injuries, weren’t ya paying attention?”

“She probably wasn’t, seeing as she’s been staring out the window for half an hour.” Applejack called out as she finished with the last infirmary bed. “Still doesn’t fix the other problem though Pinkie. We can’t leave.”

“Applejack’s right.” Twilight said, sticking her head out from a supply closet nearby. “Dumbledore asked us to stay here til he could arrange some rooms for us.”

“Acccttuuuuuaaaaallllllyyyy~” Pinkie Pie said as she faced the others. “You told us he asked us, ‘to stay here in the infirmary for as long as we are able, while he works on arranging accommodations for however long we might be here.” She poked Rainbow Dash’s chest again, earning a slight blush from the Pegasus as she concluded,

“And seeing as Rainbow Dash here is going to go stir crazy if she has nothing to dooo…”

“Pinkie Pie, darling, that wouldn’t really be following the spirit of the Headmaster’s request, would it?” Rarity inquired, while Twilight nodded.

“That’d be breaking the spirit of our own answer. That we said-”

“That we’d do our best!” Pinkie Pie retorted, smiling as she said, “And Rainbow Dash hasn’t been able to properly fly since we woke up. She’s not hurt, her wings clearly work, and she’s a Pegasus! Being able to stretch her wings and get out there will do her much more good than being cooped up in here.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes went wide at that, and then she grinned. “Hehe, heck yeah, that’s my kind of thinking Pinkie Pie!” She gave her friend a high five as she bounced back up, smirking a bit as she said, “A game where ya fly on brooms huh. Sounds like something worth seeing. Well then Pinkie, think ya can help me open the windows?”

Twilight let out a groan, smacking her head as she said, “C’mon Rainbow Dash, if you really want something to do, you can always tag out with one of us!”

“Nah. I like Pinkie’s idea a lot more! And besides, it’s not like I’m gonna get caught,” she said, pushing the window open with some help from Pinkie. She let out a sigh as she felt the cool summer breeze washing over her. She turned just enough and gave a salute to the others, who were now all staring wide mouthed at her and Pinkie as she said,

“See ya in a bit~!”

Before anyone could think of stopping her, Rainbow Dash leapt out the window, letting out a joyous shout as she spread her wings and within a moment was soaring through the air. Exhilaration filled her entire being as she stretched out her arms and legs and let out a delight-filled cry as she spun in mid air and dipped, swerved, rose and dived.

Rainbow Dash wasn’t going to lie to herself… there’d been a part of her worried, for a fraction of a second, that she’d have trouble the instant she took flight. This wasn’t the form she was used to flying in after all.

But, while it certainly did feel different, she still remembered all the things she’d learned when it came to flying. And her wings, magical, glowy, and semi-see though they were now, still worked just as her old wings did.

“Gonna have to spend some time adjusting some moves… probably weigh differently, winds gonna move around me and mess some moves up…” she muttered aloud as she sprialled up into the air, just for the moment rushing by, around, and through the many towers of Hogwarts.

After a few minutes of getting reacquainted with flying, she circled back around. She made for the highest tower, and then cast her gaze off in the direction of those wooden towers. It didn’t take long to find them, and with a wide grin on her face, she shot off like a rocket.

She’d gotten to fly around a bit. Stretched her wings, got some fresh air…

“Never knew of anyone without wings flying… and on broomsticks of all things,” Rainbow murmured as she drew ever closer. “So this is going to be so awesome!!”

The only trick was going to be keeping from being seen, since it wasn’t like she wanted to get herself or her friends in trouble….

As she got within a couple hundred yards of the stadium, she arced up into the sky, whipping around a bit as she focused on the wind blowing around her. The best place to watch would be from a cloud, but today most of the clouds were a bit too far up. As keen as her eyes were, she wanted a good spot to watch from. And while she could probably just grab a bit of cloud from up high… right now she’d prefer not testing just how far she could take these wings of hers.

Just because they were magical, didn’t mean they didn’t have limits. So, she’d make do with her own cloud.

The process took… a bit longer than she could remember it taking. Or at least she thought it did. The sound of the people down below cheering or crying out as the game played out was certainly a bit distracting, so that might have played a part. But soon enough, she had a nice, comfy cozy cloud for one to sit upon.

Laying down upon it and peering over the edge, she rested her head atop her hands and smiled. Time to enjoy the game~!


For the last game of the school year, so far, things hadn’t been too exciting or interesting. At least, not from Harry’s perspective.

Before the match, Oliver had pulled him aside and told him that a friend of his had overheard the Ravenclaws discussing their strategy for the match at dinner the previous evening. It seemed that in an effort to try and catch up or even surpass the other houses, they were going to try and drag out the match. So odds were good they weren’t going to be trying to go after the snitch too hard.

Any other time, Oliver might have desired to use this as an opportunity to try and end the match quickly. But with Gryffindor still hurting from the loss of points they took helping Hagrid with Norbert, there was a desire to try and ratchet up the score as high as they could as well. Make sure they got ahead of Slytherin so they could finally win the house cup.

So, at least til they got to around a hundred to a hundred and fifty points, Harry’s only real goal was to keep in the air and keep the Ravenclaws from grabbing the snitch if they changed their mind.

So far, about fifteen minutes into the match, he’d been doing just that. Circling the field, ducking some bludgers and occasionally the other players. All the while keeping an eye both on the score, and for the snitch.

He’d already caught sight of it three times now, and briefly gone after it to distract the Ravenclaws a bit, but otherwise he’d been playing more of an observing role in the match.

So far, his own presence didn’t seem to be doing much. The Gryffindor’s were making goals, but it was more like for every one goal they got, Ravenclaw was getting two, three, or even four.

It seemed the Ravenclaw team had spent quite a bit of time getting ready for this last match. He wondered, idly, if he should try to hunt for the snitch soon. If they didn’t end this soon, this could become a rather lopsided defeat even if he did catch the snitch.

But Oliver hadn’t given him the signal yet so… wait it was.

As he circled around the stadium again, he cast his gaze about… and then did a double take. Was... was that a cloud, just parked about a hundred yards above the stadium? And…

No, he wasn’t seeing things, there was a rainbow draping over it. Wait, no, that was hair. Rainbow colored hair.

He’d seen that hair before. Was that one of those strange girls that saved him from Quirrell? What was she doing out here? And… was she on a cloud?

The rainbow haired girl blinked, then smiled and waved at him, before making a shush motion and giving him a thumbs up.

Harry wasn’t sure what to make of that, so simply opted for a soft wave back. Only to blink as her eyes suddenly went wide and she clung to the edge of her cloud.

What could that possibly… Harry began to think, only for his broom to swerve to the side as a glint of gold and the Ravenclaw seeker went rushing by him.

In an instant, Harry was gripping his broom and launching after the opposing seeker. Thanks to his Nimbus 2000, it didn’t take long for him to catch up, but then the Snitch started to duck, weave, and dance this way and that as it went ever higher.

Harry’s broom had speed and maneuverability, but his opponent had more experience. Each time the Snitch changed direction, he overshot a bit and had to slow down to compensate as he changed direction, catching back up or passing by a bit the Ravenclaw seeker.

However, that advantage in skill began to fade as they kept rising higher. Bit by bit, Harry noticed how the Ravenclaw’s seeker had to struggle more and more to push their broom higher. Harry was feeling some struggle from his own broom as well, but the Ravenclaw’s broom was practically quaking.

Another minute of the two dancing and weaving around each other as they ascended ever higher, Harry’s opponent had to call it quits as a section of their broom splintered. With a curse, they turned and banked, heading downwards and back towards the stadium.

That left the question of what Harry should do. The snitch wasn’t making any effort to swing on back down. In fact, at the moment, it seemed to be taunting Harry as it flitted further above him.

The game wouldn’t end til the snitch was caught. But who knew if it would come back down anytime soon. Or that, even if it did, if it wouldn’t just drift back up this high.

I’ve got a feeling I might regret this… Harry thought to himself as he pressed himself tighter to his broom. “You’ve got this Harry… it's not the craziest thing you’ve done this year.” Leaning forward, he urged the broom upwards, giving chase as the sounds of the crowd faded away and he just heard the rush of wind flying by him, and the soft buzzing of the Snitch as he drew ever closer.

The Nimbus 2000 was a magnificent broom. Faster than any other out there, for the moment at least, and able to go higher than all but a few specialty brooms.

But even it had its limits. And Harry’s chase was pushing it ever closer to them.


For much of the game, Rainbow Dash had lain upon her cloud and watched it unfold. She’d bit by bit managed to pick up the basic idea of the game. All she’d really been left to ponder had been the strange winged, tiny, golden ball flitting here and there. And how two of the players, one of whom she recognized, seemed to just be circling the field and doing nothing else.

She had gotten her answer just a few minutes ago, and joined the crowd in watching the seekers for a moment as they raced against each other, trying to get that strange little gold ball with wings. However, as they’d kept climbing, most returned their focus to the rest of the game as the team in red and gold tried to rally and break the growing stack of goals the blue and silver team were notching up.

Rainbow Dash, however, had kept watching the pair. And had seen the blue team one pull away even as the red team one kept going. She’d noticed the way their broom had started to quake, a few of the bristles even coming loose and being picked up gently by the breeze.

“I don’t know much about flying brooms… or uh, humans or wizards and all that. But I know a lot about flying.” Rainbow Dash muttered to herself. “And uh, kids got guts to still be going up after that little thing, but uh… that seems pretty risky.”

As she watched the kid rise, she winced when her eyes caught sight of his broom starting to quake. She sat up, her wings reappearing as they unfolded. She positioned herself as she watched the kid’s hand reaching out, nearly flailing about for that little orb.

“C’mon kid, grab it and turn around… or just turn around...”

The kid was within arms reach, and the strange gold ball seemed to be growing tired of the chase. It was slowing down with each attempt to grab it that the kid made and-

He got it! Rainbow Dash pumped a fist in the air and cheered as she saw his fingers close around the troublesome orb and…

She froze. She didn’t hear the broom snap, but she saw the moment it stopped quaking. And she watched, almost as if time was slowing down, the front half of it slipping out from beneath him, racing towards the ground far below.

And then, so was the boy.

Her wings flared and she kicked off, just as someone in the stadium below cried out. Someone else must have been watching the kid as well, or maybe someone just spotted her. She didn’t know, and she didn’t particularly care.

The wind rushed by her as she raced towards the kid, who was flailing about as the rest of his broom went flying off. His eyes widened as he saw her, but she just smirked as he drew closer, spreading her arms out to catch him.

It was only seconds before he landed in her arms that she had no real clue how much the kid weighed. Or if he was falling fast enough that she couldn’t catch him.

Thankfully, she didn’t have to worry or think about that. While he did knock some of the wind from her and pulled her down a bit, she was able to catch him without trouble.

“Hehe, you should be more careful in the future, kid. There’s not always going to be a friendly neighborhood Rainbow Dash to catch ya.”

The kid just stared at her in surprise for a moment, before nodding. She was pretty sure he hadn’t understood her… but it probably wasn’t too hard to make a guess for what she’d meant.

They both turned when they heard a shout from below, and they saw that the other players had all landed and that some of the teachers were coming out onto the field, their heads tilted up to see them. Among them was the long bearded guy, Dumbledore, whose expression she couldn’t really read.

Rainbow Dash winced, recalling what she’d told her friends before she left. Something told her they weren’t going to let her live that down for a while. Shaking her head, she could only shrug and grip the kid tighter as she angled down and started making for Dumbledore and the small crowd of humans now filling the field.

“Hang on kid, let’s get ya back to where ya belong, on solid ground.”