• Published 31st Mar 2023
  • 1,204 Views, 7 Comments

Fun Time Pranks - AmethystMajesty25

FTR’s annual prank-day contest becomes a battle between boys and girls.

  • ...

Chapter 2

FTR were surrounded by a squad of girls led by Virtue at the park.

Shining Star commented, “They look so cute when all hope is lost.”

“Ready, aim…” Virtue and her team were ready to fire until Golden Rock arrived.

“Dogs! I am Shelly today. Long story. So uh… studio, now.”

“Fire!” Virtue signaled.

FTR shouted, “Human shield!”

“What?” Golden wondered until Virtue threw a pie at him on the face.

From left to right, Golden kept getting hit by a bunch of pies thanks to the girl team while Donnie’s Spy-Roach watched the action unfold.

Back at the Turtle Lair, the Ninjas continued watching the prank war.

Mikey commented, “Very clever, yo.”

April smacked Mikey upside the head, “No, that was harsh. I kinda feel bad for Golden though.

“Plus, I'm confused. Why is he "Shelly" for some reason?” Raph asked.

Donnie answered, “Maybe Shelly's taking a day off. I guess.”

The rest of the Ninjas nodded and understood him. Then, Angel, Carter, Buffy, Keno, Caitlyn and Zack entered the Turtle Lair.

“Hi guys. Whatcha doing?” Zack asked.

Mikey answered, “Watching a prank battle.”

“A prank battle? Really?” Caitlyn said.

Leo nonchalantly replied, “Yep.”

After it was over, Golden Rock was a mess and the boy band were clean as a whistle.

Diamond thanked Golden, “Hey, thanks again for the day off for pranking, Golden.”

“I'm Shelly,” Golden reminded them until he fainted.

The FTR boys nervously waved at the girls and retreated from the park immediately.

Watermelody, Sunset, Virtue, and Shining Star said in unison, “So close.”

While the girls were upset that FTR got away, Snips and Snails were carrying a small box labeled, "[Warning] Skunk."

“Are you sure this is a good idea to prank the girls with this skunk, Snails?” Snips asked.

Snails answered, “Don't worry, buddy. They won't expect it before they know it. Besides, what's the worst that can happen.”

Snips stepped on a twig, triggering a sound, and the girls turned around to see Snips and Snails carrying a box with a skunk inside.

Virtue commented, “Well, maybe it's not a total loss.”

Fluttershy gasped, “They're planning to use a skunk on us. That is so low coming from you two.”

Snails sheepishly greeted them, “Uhhhh, hi girls.”

“H-how are you all doing today?” Snips asked as he and Snips nervously smiled, sweating.

All the girls except Pinkie threw pies at the two boys and paid for it, falling down on the ground.

“Bug out!” Virtue shouted and the rest of the girls spread out, leaving the park.

While the Rainbooms were ready to leave, Sunset couldn't help but notice that Pinkie was feeling a bit sad.

“What's wrong, Pinkie?” Sunset asked.

Pinkie sadly explained, “Well… I appreciate that we're working together as a team, but… I can't do this anymore.”

“WHAT?!” The Rainbooms said in unison, feeling surprised.

“But why?” Sunset questioned her motive.

“Well, it's just that I love to pull pranks for fun, not to prove who's superior.”

Twilight replied, “Oh c'mon, Pinkie. FTR insulted us that we're not tough enough to beat them in their own game. Plus, they defeated Rarity earlier.”

Rainbow agreed, “I agree, which is why we are going to beat the boys together and rub it in their faces. Then later on, it's every girl for themselves.”

“Oh ho ho, those boys are SO going down!” Sunset added.

“Let's do this!” Rainbow shouted as the rest of her friends nodded except Pinkie.

“Yay!” Fluttershy softly cheered while the rest of the Rainbooms were leaving and Fluttershy picked up a box with a skunk inside and informed them, “I'm going to return this as well.”

Pinkie announced, “Um, you girls go on ahead without me. I'm going to get some ice cream and need some to think.”

“Okay, be careful,” Sunset reminded her before she and the rest of the Rainbooms exited the park.

Pinkie sat down on the bench and felt upset about the prank war while eating a cupcake from her back pocket. Then, Cheese Sandwich arrived at the park and saw Pinkie feeling sad.

“Looks like you're not a happy mood today. Your name's Pinkie Pie, right? We go to CHS together.”

Pinkie looked up to see Cheese Sandwich with a smile on his face. She replied, “Yeah. I guess you can say I'm feeling under the weather today.”

“Talk to me. What's the matter?” Cheese asked her.

“I started to like the idea of the prank contest that Fun Time Rush started and I thought it was fun. But, it turned into an all-out war between boys and girls. I just don't like doing things that are about who is superior than the rest. I just want the contest to be fun and show them how to prank for fun.”

Cheese understood her situation and decided, “I see. In that case, how about we team up and show them the true meaning of pranking.”

“Yeah, I like the sound of that. Let's shake on it. Pinkie promise?” Pinkie offered him.

“Pinkie promise,” Cheese replied and the two shook hands.

The two party goers vowed in unison, “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Minutes later, Snips and Snails were in the patient room at the hospital, covered in creamy pie.

“Everything sounds like pie!” Snips and Snails hollered.

The doctor understood them and replied, “I can fix this, but you may feel a small pinch.” He grabbed the surgical saw again and turned it on, making Snips and Snails scared.

“No surgical saw, doc. Okay?” Tempo hollered, stopping the doctor.

“Tempo, I got that thing two days ago, and I'd like to use it.” The doctor complained.

Tempo grabbed a cotton swab and informed the two boys, “Just clean your ear with moist cotton swabs, and sleep on your right side tonight to drain any excess fluid, okay?”

Snips responded, “Thank you, Tempo.”

Snails added, “You're the best doc, Tempo.”

While Tempo smiled, the doctor informed him, “Tempo, I'm writing you a prescription for 100 cc's of you need to focus on becoming a doctor. Now.”

After the doctor gave him the prescription, Tempo replied, “But I'm in a kind of band now.”

“Being a doctor is just like being in a band. There's cool cars, hot chicks, but instead of a microphone, you're holding life and death in your hands. Think about it.” Tempo gave some time to think about the doctor’s statement, but the doctor said, “Okay. That's enough thinking. Bring me the next patient.”

Tempo exited the room to call in the next patient.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy went to the Everfree Forest at Everfree Camp. She set the box down and as she opened it, confetti was splattered onto her. Fluttershy then heard Pinkie giggling behind her. “Well played, Pinkie.”

Pinkie replied, “Thanks, Fluttershy.”

“So, where's the skunk?” Fluttershy asked.

“I got it right here,” Cheese Sandwich answered with his gas mask on, bringing the actual box with the skunk inside. “Here you go.”

Fluttershy received the box and thanked him, “Thank you, Cheese. I wish you two luck.”

“Thanks!” Pinkie cheered.

“And you're welcome, Fluttershy,” Cheese added.

The two pranksters exited Everfree Camp and Cheese asked, “So, who's next on our list?”

Pinkie smirked, thinking of who will be next on their list. One by one, some of the participants fell into their traps in a fun way.

Meanwhile at the community center, FTR were hiding behind the reception desk as Lyra, Bon Bon, and Trixie were searching for them and the other boys with fishnets and pies on their hands.

After the girls left, FTR peered out and Beryl informed them, “Okay, according to my calculations, there are eight girls left and ten guys left. Us, Feather, Flash, and Spike.”

Suddenly, they heard Spike screaming and saw him flying straight to the pool.

“Okay, now it's just us, Feather, and Flash.” Diamond said and the boy band hid behind the desk again.

“I'm freaking out. These girls are way too powerful!” Cloudburst panicked.

“Look, we've got to split up. We are too big of a target together. After we take out the girls, I look forward to our manly battle together. Good luck,” Beryl and his buds put their fingers on their noses. “Knights of Prankdom.”

They saluted and Cloudburst signaled, “Move out.”

FTR split up as Beryl went outside while Diamond and Cloudburst ran to the door to the janitor’s room.

Diamond suggested, “Or, we let Beryl prank all the girls himself while we lay low and stay unpranked.”

“That's just what I was thinking,” Cloudburst agreed.

They both went inside the janitor’s room, but it was dark. Cloudburst turned on the lights until he and Diamond screamed, “Ahhh!”

They were cornered by Applejack and Rainbow with their seltzer canisters.

Applejack told them, “Well, well, well, looks like you boys fell into our trap.”

Rainbow continued, “We take you out now and battle Beryl for the crown later, 'cause you fell into our seltzer trap.”

The girls laughed until Cloudburst told them, “You mean, you just fell right into the… rope snare.” Cloudburst and Diamond grabbed the ropes and the girls noticed that their feet were inside the rope.

“Touché, boys,” Rainbow commented.

Diamond replied, “Right back at ya, girls. And maybe after this, you girls wanna hang out at the mall?”

The cowgirl answered, “In your dreams, lover boy.”

The four teens stood still, preparing to find out who will activate the trap first.

In the pool area, Feather Bangs remained vigilant and looked around with a whoopee cushion on each hand until he was pulled inside a tent by Mr. Cranky.

“What's going on here? I want answers now.” Mr. Cranky interrogated him.

“I'm not telling you anything. I'm bound by Lord Prankerton's code of silence,” Feather answered.

Mr. Cranky sighed, “I'll give you no homework in my class for the rest of the school year.”

Feather confessed, “It was all Beryl's fault! He's the Lord High King, and he forced us all into a prank war, and they'll keep pranking until one of us is left.”

Mr. Cranky pushed Feather to a chair and fell into his trap by a whoopee cushion of his own. He smirked as Feather realized he was out, “You pranked me. I'm out.”

“Nobody messes with me when I'm around in this city,” Mr. Cranky put on his shades, gloves, and bandana until he exited the pool area.

Back at the studio, Shelly was playing the piano to practice her song and she sang horribly. Golden entered with the remains of the pie residue on him and brought a cup of coffee.

She noticed Golden and he told her, “Yeah, so the dogs aren't available today.”

Shelly angrily told him, “See how hard my job is, unlike yours…” She mocked him while playing the piano, “Which is so easy.” Golden scoffed as Shelly continued, “Where's my coffee?”

Golden handed the cup of coffee to Shelly and looked at it. She replied, “This is the worst coffee ever.” She dropped it on purpose as Filthy Rich and Big T entered the room.

Filthy Rich agreed, “Yes, it is, but now it's song time.”

While Shelly looked nervous as Golden continued, “Yeah, let's hear your rockin' song, which is so easy to do.”

Shelly stretched her fingers and played the piano and sang her song horribly.

[Shelly Shores]

Girl, if I had you girl

Then we would be my girl

Golden, Filthy, and Big T cringed and they were not comfortable hearing Shelly sing as she continued.

And we'd go on a date

Ooh-ohh-ooh girl!

Golden hysterically laughed at her while Filthy and Big T shook it off from Shelly’s horrible song. He said, “That is the worst song I have ever heard in my life!”

Shelly stood up with rage in her eyes and punched Golden in the gut. She stated, “And you can't punch back because I'm a girl.”

“No, you're not,” Golden stood up. “You're Golden.”

Shelly realized her mistake, “Right.” Then, she had an idea. Shelly pretended to see Countess Coloratura and geeked out, “AHH! IT'S RARA!”

The men turned around, but Coloratura wasn't there while Shelly ran away immediately. The men looked back and Shelly was gone.

Meanwhile, Donnie’s Spy-Roach continued watching the action as the CMC were searching for FTR and Flash Sentry at the community center with their slingshots until they were caught in saran wrap.

Flash appeared alongside Beryl with his saran wrap. “Ha!”

“Nice one, dude!” Flash commented and high-fived Beryl.

After that, Lyra and Bon Bon each carried a box full of marbles at the mall on the second floor and went to the elevator. As the elevator door closed, a loud explosion boomed. Flash and Beryl waited on the first floor until the elevator opened and the two girls were covered in chicken feathers, leaving the boys smirking as Donnie’s Spy-Roach watched.

Donnie counted, “Well, that's four girls down and four to go.”

Back at the mall, Sunset called, “Looking for us?”

The two boys turned around to see Sunset and Shining Star with water guns in their hands.

“If the prank battle lasts beyond 2:00 p.m…” Flash said.

Star continued with the rulebook on her hand, “Any device capable of directly applying mess, slop, or pain counts as a prank.”

The girls armed themselves with water guns and Beryl remembered, “The Cloudburst Clause. He refused to skip lunch to play.”

Sunset continued, “And you two are caught empty-handed.”

Flash replied, “What can we say?”

The two boys held their hands up until they grabbed their own water guns from their backs and aimed them at the girls.

“It's rotten milk,” Flash said.

“Us too,” Sunset admitted.

Star commented, “It's kind of grossing me out.”

“I told you this battle would get nasty,” Beryl warned the girls.

While the two sides were ready to pull the trigger, Sunset and Flash were hit by the piece of jam and they’re out of the competition.

“Okay, who did that?” Raph wondered, watching the footage.

Mr. Cranky appeared behind the teens with a jar of jam and a spoon. Flash and Sunset finally realized that Mr. Cranky was the one who got them eliminated from the prank war.

“Wow. Didn't see that coming,” Mikey commented, watching the footage.

“Agreed,” Carter nodded.

“NOOOO!” Beryl shouted as Mr. Cranky threw a piece of jam at him, but Beryl ducked and the piece of jam hit Shining Star instead before she fell down.

Mr. Cranky vowed, “If the only way of ending this prank war is by pranking all of you out, then so be it.” Beryl rosed back up as Mr. Cranky continued, “What's the matter, Beryl? Looks like you're in… a jam.” He threw three more pieces of jam at Beryl and Beryl managed to dodge all three of them with his ninja reflexes. Mr. Cranky was out of jam ammo and panicked, “Darn it!”

As the teacher ran away, Beryl looked on to see Star on the ground. “Star,” He helped her get up.

“Is it… bad?” Star asked.

Beryl answered, “It's gonna leave a nasty stain on your shirt.”

“Ugh,” Star groaned as Beryl helped her get up. “If I don't pretreat this, I'll never get it out.”

“Same goes for us,” Sunset and Flash chimed in.

Beryl understood them and Star gave him a kiss on the cheek before. She said, “Good luck.”

Flash told Beryl, “I wish you luck, bro.”

“You're gonna need it,” Sunset added as she exited the mall with Flash and Shining Star.

Beryl smiled and grabbed the two water guns and cackled before exiting the mall.

Back at the hospital, Lyra and Bon Bon sneezed from the feathers until the doctor appeared with his surgical saw turned on. The girls look scared and Tempo stopped him. He said, “Okay! Enough with the saw!”

“Tempo, I paid good money for that and I lost the receipt, so I can't return it.” The doctor told him as he put the saw away.

“Well, I mean. They're having a reaction to the feathers,” Tempo told the doctor. He then informed the girls, “A shower with antibacterial soap and any antihistamine should do the trick.”

Lyra and Bon Bon thanked him together, “Thanks, Tempo.”

“Of course,” Tempo smiled as the two girls exited the room. He told the doctor, “This was, like, the best day of my life. I helped people fell better.”

The doctor was impressed and told him, “Tempo, I'm calling up my alma mater, the Canterlot Junior Medical Program,and I'm recommending you for immediate admission.”

“But um… what about the band?”

“You'll have to quit the band,” The doctor told him. “But what's more important to you, toe-tapping pop music or saving lives?”

Tempo took a deep breath and thought about the doctor’s question.

Back in the janitor’s room, Cloudburst, Diamond Glow, Applejack, and Rainbow yawned, feeling tired from standing around and waiting for someone to pull the trigger. Cloudburst’s nose was feeling itchy and he was fingertips away from the tissue box, but the girls immediately noticed him.

“Whoa, not so fast!” Rainbow told him.

Cloudburst explained, “I'm just gonna reach for a tissue, so I can blow my nose.”

Applejack nodded, “Yeah, I guess that's understandable.”

Diamond sighed in relief until Cloudburst immediately turned off the lights and the scuffle ensued in the dark. Half a minute later, the lights were back on and the teens switched traps. Cloudburst and Diamond had the seltzer trap while Rainbow and Applejack had the rope snare trap.

They all shouted, “The crown will be mine!”

Virtue opened the air vent above them and sprayed them with silly string. She told them, “Sorry fellas, but that crown will be mine. Hey, can I borrow that seltzer?”

“Take it,” Cloudburst passed the seltzer to Virtue and she caught it.

“Good luck,” Rainbow told her.

“Thanks,” Virtue said before going back.

After she left, the teens got rid of the silly string attached to them and exited the room. Virtue continued crawling in the air vents and planned out her next move. “All I have to do now is eliminate Beryl and I will become Queen of the Pranks!” However, she immediately got splattered by confetti and Virtue looked to her right to see Pinkie Pie with her confetti cannon. “Of course, I totally forgot about you.”

Pinkie apologized, “Sorry, Virtue. Just want to show you the fun way of pranking.” Virtue understood her and Pinkie continued, “Now let me help you find your way out of here.”

“Oh, thank you Pinkie,” Virtue said and followed Pinkie to the exit.

Back at the studio, Golden and Shelly resumed arguing, yelling, and fighting each other as Shelly held onto Golden like a leech while Filthy Rich laughed and Big T looked on from the amusement.

“Why are you laughing?” The two asked.

Filthy Rich answered while getting his coffee, “Oh, because there's no such thing as the role reversal method. I made it up.” The two were stunned that they were pranked by their own boss. Filthy Rich continued, “You got pranked. Ha!”

Shelly got off from Golden as he said, “You mean, none of this was real the whole time?”

Filthy Rich explained, “Oh, it was real… real funny. But I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere. Now, on to important matters. Where do you keep the sugar?”

Golden snapped his fingers and pointed his finger to Shelly. She answered, “In the cabinet.”

“Ah,” Filthy Rich understood as he put down his cup of coffee and opened the cabinet door only to have lots of sugar packets falling on him. Golden and Shelly smirked and fist bumped to each other, satisfied of how they paid their boss back. However, it did not last long and Shelly punched Golden in the face before leaving the studio.

Big T stood back and told them, “Don't prank me. I was just doing my job.”

Back at the hospital, Tempo and the doctor exited the patient room and all of the patients left.

The doctor told Tempo, “Well, it looks like all of our patients have been treated.”

Gloria came back and told them, “And I made homemade ice pops. I got the money-saving recipe from a magazine.”

She handed them ice pops, one for each, and the doctor told Tempo, “Remember what I said, Tempo, when you join our side.” The doctor took off the packaging of his ice pop and started eating it before leaving.

Tempo felt unease after going through a day of being a deputy doctor.

“What's that face for?” His mother asked.

“I have a great time today helping people, but I also have a great time singing, so what do I have to do? Do I stay in the band or do I become a doctor?”

“You know what, son? That's what's great about being a teenager. You don't have to decide right now.”

“Thanks, mom.” Tempo smiled and hugged his mother after that.

Back at the community center, Beryl arrived at the main hall and the rest of his friends were eliminated as Donnie’s Spy-Roach watched.

Beryl asked his pals, “Who got you?”

“Virtue did,” Diamond answered and Virtue arrived, covered in confetti, sat alongside with the girls.

Virtue answered, “Yeah, but it's Pinkie that you should be worry about.”

“Yoohoo!” Pinkie called with her confetti cannon and Beryl turned around to see her.

Beryl approached Pinkie near the desk, “So, looks like it's just you and me. Any last words before I retain my title?”

Pinkie smirked, “Yeah. You just fell into our trap.”

“Our?” Beryl wondered as his right foot was stuck by the sticky tape that looked like an "X" on the floor. He turned around and Cheese Sandwich used his paintball gun and shot pink paint on Beryl’s shirt.

Beryl was impressed and said, “Well done, you two. Lord Prankerton would be very proud of you, but the battle is not over.”

Mr. Cranky appeared from the desk and said, “Yes, it is! Because if either of you make another mess, I will pull off the ultimate prank. I will give you all Sunday detention.” The teens rolled their eyes as Mr. Cranky continued, “The war is over. Put down your weapons and once again, I win, and you are all losers.” Mr. Cranky laughed sinisterly as the teens looked disappointed.

Back at the Turtle Lair, the teens groaned in disappointment.

“Aww man. Is this how the prank war's gonna end?” Angel asked.

Leo replied, “Don't be so sure, Angel.”

However, Pinkie and Cheese had an idea with smirks on their faces and turned to their friends. Everyone nodded and the two pranksters fired their weapons at Mr. Cranky with confetti and paintball. Everyone laughed and cheered for Pinkie and Cheese.

Back at the Turtle Lair, the Ninjas laughed and watched Mr. Cranky ran away from embarrassment.

After that, Cloudburst stopped, “Wait, wait, wait, wait, who wins?”

Minutes later, the teens and Donnie’s Spy-Roach watched as Beryl and Shining Star put the crowns onto the winners of the annual prank war: Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie.

Watermelody smiled, “A tie. Nice.”

Mikey commented while watching the footage, “Pinkie and Cheese tied? Well that's a twist.”

Zack said, “So that means boys and girls tie as well.”

Caitlin replied, “The girls definitely would’ve won.”

“No way!” Zach fired back.

Leo stopped them, “Alright, that’s enough you two. We are not going into that direction.”

Keno admitted, “You know what, that was pretty fun to watch.”

Carter asked, “You think we could participate the prank contest next year?”

“Nope. Not a chance,” Buffy answered.

“I'll get them next year,” Mikey whispered. “Just you wait.”

Pinkie and Cheese saluted and everyone cheered. While the two walked off, FTR vowed in unison, “We'll get him next year.”

Then, their celebration was cut short as Mr. Cranky arrived with Principal Celestia.

Mr. Cranky told her, “There they are, Principal Celestia.”

All the boys and girls sheepishly smiled and chuckled, waving at the principal.

Later on, all the boys and girls were later sitting in detention thanks to Mr. Cranky reporting them to Principal Celestia like he said he would do. The angry teacher himself was watching them all, while still covered in the remains of Pinkie and Cheese’s prank.

After a moment, Virtue spoke up, “Well, it was worth it.”


Step it up

Get in gear

Go for broke

Make it clear

Kendall Schmidt as Cloudburst

James Maslow as Diamond Glow

Carlos Penavega as Beryl Fury

Logan Henderson as Mind Tempo

Stephen Kramer Glickman as Golden Rock

Tanya Chisholm as Shelly Shores

[Mind Tempo]

Gotta go Fun Time

[Diamond Glow]

Make it work

Get it right

Change your world

[Beryl Fury]


Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle

Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer

Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Lyra Heartstrings

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sweetie Drops

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


Gotta dream Fun Time

[Mind Tempo]

Oh woah!

Seth Green as Leonardo

Sean Astin as Raphael

Greg Cipes as Michelangelo

Rob Paulsen as Donatello

Mae Whitman as April O'Neil

Josh Peck as Casey Jones

Kelly Hu as Karai

Gwendoline Yeo as Shinigami


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!


Give it all you got now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

Alexa Penavega as Shining Star

Kelly Sheridan as Watermelody

Challen Cates as Gloria

Ciara Bravo as Virtue

Vincent Tong as Flash Sentry and The Doctor

"Weird Al" Yankovic as Cheese Sandwich

[Diamond Glow]

Isn’t it a rush?


Oh-oh, oh-oh.

Oh-oh, oh!

Cathy Weseluck as Spike

Lee Tockar as Snips

Richard Ian Cox as Snails

Brian Drummond as Filthy Rich

Tyrese Gibson as Big T

Jason Marsden as Keno

Max Charles as Zach

Bailey Gambertoglio as Caitlyn

Riele Downs as Angel

Leon Thomas III as Carter

Miranda Cosgrove as Buffy

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!

Author's Note:

Happy April Fool's Day everybody!

Comments ( 3 )

Well, all’s well that ends well.

Why did you block Lawton? Please unblock him and trust him

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