• Published 4th Feb 2021
  • 12,676 Views, 1,084 Comments

Choice - zelkova48

When the time came, choices needed to be made. Consequences be damned. A series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Pony

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Damnation, Part 1

With the Crystal Cannon sabotaged by Discord, Princess Luna and Twilight bring it upon themselves to destroy the last of three religious cities: Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was eerily silent as night descended upon the ancient and revered city.

The cacophonous uproar of desperate battle raging on all sides had long since faded away, yet palpable tension could still be felt lingering in the cold night air.

As the waning crescent moon hangs high overhead, illuminating the darkness of the ruined city, hundreds upon thousands of ruined buildings could be seen alight underneath it's pale white glow. Humble structures and holy monuments raised during man's earliest days laid strewn across the sandy terrain in so much terrible rubble, fractured by days of intense fighting.

Princess Luna and what remained of the 182nd Silver Crescent regiment, her personal detachment of the Royal Guard chosen for their valor and bravery, hurriedly clambered across the ruined streets of Bab A-Zahara as fast as their legs could carry them. Desperation rung out with each and every step of their hooves as they dragged their bleeding, beaten bodies across miles of enemy territory, their eyes constantly flickering to and fro the shadows encompassing them in a spastic fit of paranoia induced panic.

They were not safe.

None of them were so long as they remain in this cursed city surrounded by humans who were Hellbent on eradicating them. And yet, they could not leave. Not until they found Twilight and her unit. But like rabbits trapped in a den of wolves they were being hunted down by what was arguably the largest most organized force of human solders they'd ever encounter throughout their five years of war.

There was no time to dwell on what was happening, however, let alone what went wrong. What mattered most was to find a place to rest.

After what felt like an eternity in the darken streets, the Equestrians found shelter: a bombed out bazaar that was as dead and empty as the rest of the district. Without so much as a moment of hesitation, Luna began herding her soldiers in, nervously peering over her shoulders for signs of enemy scouts. When she was certain they were alone she retreated inside as well, hoping to find a moment's reprieve to still her rattled nerves...

The Equestrian war council were gathered around a magical hololith by the center of the war room. A glowing three dimensional map of Israel flickered on the display, zooming into the city of Jerusalem and providing real time topographical information on a per minute basis. They all watched the map with steely eyed concentration as they conversed with one another, planning out the most efficient way to raze the so called holy lands.

Discord, that treacherous trickster, had slinked his way into the Crystal Empire days prior and sabotaged the Crystal Cannon, their ultimate weapon of war next to the barrier, before they could destroy that last of humanity's holy cities.

Twilight and Cadence had done all they could to capture the draconequus before he could escape, but failed just as he was finishing up tagging the infernal thing. With a wink and a wry smile, he snapped of his fingers and blinked himself back to the safety of human lands, leaving behind two aggravated alicorns and a neutered arcane weapon of mass destruction that was stuffed to the brim with smelly (but delicious) durian fruit.

Currently, the cannon was out of commission and needed to undergo around the clock maintenance before it can be fired again. The arcane engineers had estimated it would take upwards to a month, perhaps longer, before it would be fully operational again.

However, the plan will not be altered.

Jerusalem will fall, with or without the cannon's use.

There was no argument against that fact, no compromises to be made.

Their shock tactic hinged on its timely destruction in order to achieve the full effect of wearing down the last of humanity's foolish resistance. If they needed to go there and raze it themselves then that was exactly what they were going to do.

"Tsk, how very bothersome," Celestia murmured, overlooking the map. "Look at this. Rough uneven terrain, tight urban corridors and only two kinds of weather: sweltering hot days and bitingly cold nights. Jerusalem will not fall easily, not if the humans hold it in such high regards. They will fight tooth and nail to defend every inch of it, even if it means needlessly casting their lives into the furnace of war over a worthless plot of desert. We must be strategic about this."

"Bah! What do the humans see in this place?" Luna rudely interjected, narrowing her eyes. "It is naught but a parched sun-baked wasteland in the middle of nowhere, devoid of anything that could even remotely be considered venerable. Unless one counts copious amounts of sand and rock worthy of veneration."

"According to my research," Twilight began, flipping through her phone book sized sheaf of paper. "Lots of things, really."

Luna sighed and rolled her eyes. "Please elaborate, Twilight."

"Oh! Yes, of course," Twilight replied as she suppressed the urge to blush. "Hmm, the most important bit is that Jerusalem is considered to be, and I quote, 'the most holiest place on all of planet Earth,' end quote. More so than Rome and Mecca. Supposedly, because it's where you can commune with God, if you actually believe that malarkey... Ahem. It is the birthplace of the Jewish faith. There's something about a man named Moses who encountered God in the form of a burning bush who told him to free the Hebrew people from the yoke of the pharaohs. Then ten plagues fell upon Egypt, Moses parted the Red Seas and reached the promised lands, er..."

"Today, Twilight. Today!" Luna chided. "Skip all the unnecessary trite and focus on the important parts!"

"Right! Right, ahem," Twilight sputtered, flipping through some more pages. "Pardon me, there is a lot of information to sift through, with an aggravating amount of conflicting overlap between what is purportedly biblical versus the historical."

"A very typical commonality amongst the multitude of human religion," Celestia scoffed.

"Anyway," Twilight continued. "Moses and his exodus as it was called is at the core of Judaism, and Jerusalem became the home of the faith. For Christianity, it was where the son of God, Jesus Christ, preached, died and was resurrected. For Islam, Jerusalem was host to a whole cavalcade of notable figures, but perhaps most important of all, it is where the prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven. And, well, that's Jerusalem in a nutshell... I realize just how ludicrous it all sounds now that I have said it aloud. Especially when you've considered how often humans and fought and killed each other over it."

"Ha!" Luna raucously laughed, throwing her head back. "Resurrections? Ascension? Communion with the divine? Madness more than anything. I'm looking forward to freeing those shackled by the lies of superstitious prophets. We will launch a full scale attack as soon as possible and burn this testament to ignorance to the ground! We will arrive as warriors and leave as liberators! Heroes of the new era!"

"Your enthusiasm is noted, Princess Luna. But it would be imprudent of us to fight a full on land battle there," said Twilight, studiously examining her notes. "As Celestia previously stated, the local geography of the land will be our biggest issue, and the Israelites there are no doubt used to fighting in such difficult terrain under equally harsh conditions. I propose we deploy with a mixed regiment of pegasus sky warriors and unicorn mages in equal measures to support our ground troops. The pegasi's air superiority will render the issue of terrain moot while the unicorns will be able to provide rear support by scrying, shielding and arcane bombardments, all the while our main force will focus on razing the city."

"I second that proposal," said Cadence, her eyes unblinkingly focused upon the hololith before her. This was it, she thought to herself. Their final battle. Once Jerusalem is destroyed, humanity's will to resist will follow. They will give themselves over to conversion and the war will finally be over. Shining Armor will at long last be avenged. "Twelve regiments should be more than enough to see our work be carried out. An attack of this significance and magnitude requires no less than sixty thousand of Equestria's finest."

"And Luna and I have already decided to be the ones that will lead the charge," replied Twilight, altering the display on the map. A pair of cutie marks appeared on the hololith, Twilight and Luna's, along with icons denoting the different regiments under their command. They were positioned on different areas just outside of the old city; Luna's was hovering over Bab A-Zahara while Twilight's was hovering over Mount Zion. The others were position further outwards, surrounding the city like a steel jaw trap.

"Luna and I will be teleported here and here with our respective regiments. We will take advantage of the ensuing panic to lead a pincer attack, closing in from both the north and the south until everything in our paths have been reduced to rubble. We've estimated that there will be strong resistance, but it's likely nothing we cannot outmatch with our combined regimental makeup."

"And what exactly should I be on the lookout for?" Luna asked, raising a brow. "There's not exactly much beyond sandy bazaars and kebab stands that scream of religious importance."

"There are many things, in fact," said Twilight. "I'll chart up a comprehensive list afterwards, but you should know that the entire city is littered with all manner of historical landmarks and architecture deemed sacred, most of which are the surviving remnants of Jerusalem's original infrastructure from when they were first erected thousands of years ago. Normally I'd be appalled at the thought of destroying ancient ruins, but these are built upon a foundation of blood, intolerance and superstition. We cannot allow them to remain.

There's also something called the Garden Tomb. Supposedly, it was the site of Jesus Christ's resurrection. If I researched this correctly, after being crucified by the Romans, Jesus was sealed away in this tomb where he rose from the dead three days later."

Cadence looked flabbergasted. "You can't be serious."

"I wish I were, Cadence," Twilight frowned. "Regardless of that fact, it is another target we must destroy," she paused, and manipulated the hololith to display a large building with a extravagant domed roof. "Now, there are plenty other that need to be demolished along the way, but this building in particular will ultimately prove to be the final nail in the coffin for Jerusalem, and by extension, humanity as a whole. Behold, the Temple Mount, the one spot on all of Earth that, allegedly, is where God's divine presence manifests more than any other place. The unhealthy connection humans have to it will leave them utterly demoralized once we sever it."

"Such a garish building," Luna harrumphed. "I will take pride in being the architect of its destruction. All of humanity will know that their imaginary gods are powerless before the light of Equestria's harmony!"

Twilight nodded along and continued. "Once we've met up near the center of the city we will begin seek and destroy operations, decimating their most revered monuments and landmarks in rapid succession before teleporting back to Equestria. With Jerusalem left in smoldering ruins, then, and only then, will our victory be complete."

"And with the fall of Jerusalem, the ceremonious surrender of humanity and an end to five bitter years of war," Cadence stated, letting out a heavy sigh. It would be over soon. Soon. "Everypony, I want you all to know that it has been an honor fighting alongside you. This is the moment we've all been waiting for, the final climatic battle between good and evil. What all our sacrifice and selflessness has lead to, what Shining Armor had fought for with every ounce of his resolve; peace. Peace for humanity, peace for Earth, and peace of Equestrian's everywhere.”

There was a wave of murmurs and quiet agreement among the war council, with nodding heads and preemptive congratulatory hoofshakes between them aplenty.

"To peace," Celestia proclaimed, resting her hoof over the hololith.

"To peace!" The other princesses, generals and colonels all cheered together, placing each other's hoof atop one another in a show of solidarity.

"Then the plan is set," said Twilight, handing over her notes to General Phalanx. "We will begin the final operation in a weeks time. Until then, I expect you to gather our forces, General Phalanx. Twelve regiments total, equal parts earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns. Have them learn of the plan and understand their goals. Included in this document is a detailed list of all the supplies and provisions we'll need in order to carry out the attack. I fully expect this to be followed to the letter. Don't be afraid to get the ESS involved if certain vendors won't cooperate. There's been an noticeable uptick in businesses undercutting our tithes, we can't have a bit of selfishness get in the way of our last battle."

"I will see to it that everything is done according to your exact specifications, princess," General Phalanx replied with a practiced salute. "We're all looking forward to your finest hour."

"Indeed we are," said Celestia. "But until then, we must prepare. We can't afford to trip up at the finish line now."

"Oh, you worry too much, sister," Luna scoffed. "Our eve of triumph nears. We must face it stoically, with heads held high and spirits even higher! Rejoice, everypony! For sweet melodious songs of phenomenal grandeur will be sung of our great success for generations to come!"

The 182nd Silver Crescent regiment had just finished piling the last of their wounded into a butcher shop within the bazaar's food court. The rest, Princess Luna included, took refuge in whatever free space they could find scattered throughout the marketplace. Whether it was by squeezing into cramped textile shops, nestling among the pots and pans of the nearby cookware vendor, or simply propping themselves up against the walls of the buildings, they had to make do with their miserable situation however they could.

For the time being, this wrecked and ruined hovel was their haven.

After enjoying a brief moment of respite, they immediately went about securing their position.

Despite eluding human forces their safety was far from guaranteed. Jerusalem was not that big of a city, and their enemies had proven to be aggressively persistent in their pursuit of them. The cover of night was all but impotent against thermal vision and tremor sensors. They could not afford to be lax even when every muscle in their body was screaming at them to stop and lay down. They needed to be absolutely sure they could rest their weary heads without being rudely awaken in the middle of the night to the clamor of shrill screams and crackling gunfire.

"Colonel!" Luna bellowed raspily, her mane unkempt and fur matted with flecks of dried blood. "Colonel Air lift! Gather your pegasi, I want this perimeter secured! We cannot allow our position to be compromised, not when we're at our most vulnerable!"

"I already have my boys sweeping the streets as we speak, your highness," Air lift replied stoically, though there was an edge of fatigue to his voice. "If there's any pesky human scouts mucking about in the vicinity they'll make short work of them before they can relay any information about our whereabouts to their friends."

"G-good," Luna swallowed thickly, doing her best to hide the trepidation in her voice. "Good. I knew I could count on you, Air Lift. Once we end this war I'll personally see to it that you're put in for the Equestrian Medal of Wartime Excellence, the highest honor a pony could be awarded during their time in service to the Royal Guard."

"A-a most esteemed of accolades, princess!" Air Lift bowed swiftly but clumsily. "But we can discuss military honors another time, there are far more pressing matters to attend about."

"I'm fully aware of that fact. I was..." Luna paused to catch her breath, "I was just about to get to that." She turned her gaze over to a nearby earth pony mare, another one of her senior officers. The pony in question was currently tasked with keeping the rank and file in order, yet it was abundantly clear by the rabble of scared, befuddled and angry guardspony overwhelming her that she was out of her depths in containing them.

"S-stand down! Stand down!" She shouted over the raucous herd, subconsciously taking a backward steps as her hoof hovered anxiously over her sword. "I said stand down, damn it! That's an order! I am your commanding officer! You will do as I say!" Try as she might however, her commands fell on stone ears. The overall morale of the unit was low and was cratering with every second that they continued to quarrel amongst themselves.

"How can you expect us to work under these conditions!?" one of the guardspony shouted, stamping a hoof in frustration. "Half our equipment is gone! Blown up along with the rest!"

"We need a break! We haven't eaten since we began the retre- tactical withdrawal!" Another bellowed angrily, his armor covered in dents and holes. "Where are our rations! Where's our damn food!"

"Lieutenant, Autumn Falls!" Luna addressed. "Get your ponies in line!"

"I'm trying, princess! B-but they're not having any of it!" Autumn Falls responded meekly before turning to face the mob, her hoof now gripped firmly around her sword. "I already told you, you can have your break after we've secured the camp! This is not up for debate, it's a matter of duty!"

"Bah! We're never going to get anything done at this rate," Luna narrowed her eyes and stomped on over to the rabble, who quickly simmered down as the irate alicorn approached them.

"Attention, brave mares and stallions of the Royal Guard!" she boomed, causing the rabble to immediately stand at attention. Though, judging by their mixed expression it would appear they had done so mostly out or reflex rather than respect for authority. It was quite telling of how dire their current circumstances were that even Princess Luna, their living deity of venerable worship, had difficulties stabilizing morale. Regardless, Luna's authority, unlike her patience, was unlimited, and she will have none of their bullshit. Not tonight. "What is the meaning of this fracas? Your commanding officer gave you an order, follow it!"

"Your majesty, we're ill equipped to deal with these outlandish orders!" One of them shouted back.

"She expects us clear these rubble without tools!" Another joined in, equally as vehement in their tone.

"And that is exactly what you will do!" Luna snapped as she towered over the rabble, her eyes aglow with swirling magical fury. "You're warriors of the Royal Guard, act like it! Scrounge around this squalid marketplace for whatever junk you can find to aid you in fulfilling your orders! Cooperate with one another, work together with the unicorns! I don't care if you need to grind your hooves into a bloody stump down at the elbow to accomplish this task, it will be done! Our success hinges on our strength of will as much as it does our strength of body, do I make myself clear!" she concluded, her nostrils flaring.

There was a brief bout of silence. Luna found herself in a staring contest as she trained an authoritative gaze upon the rabble, who all glared back with equal parts fear and disrespect in their eyes. Then, without so much as another word, the group dispersed and did as they were told, albeit begrudgingly so.

Luna's eye twitched irritably at the continued display of insolence, but refrained herself from lashing out at them. Their situation was rapidly deteriorating. Her own men were beginning to lose faith in their battle, in her. She needed to got a handle on things before it was too late.

She needed to find Twilight.

Autumn Falls let out a heavy sigh and released the grip on her sword. She bowed graciously to Luna, her head hung low in both admiration and dishonor. "Many apologies, your highness. They sensed my weakness and took advantage of that fact. They just wouldn't take no for an answer."

"You're forgiven for your inability to whip a bunch of uncouth meatheads into doing their job," replied Luna, sounding harsher than she had intended to. "But what's done is done. Work will continue, and if they know what's good for them they'll do so with the utmost diligence and refrain from mouthing off at their superiors."

"I didn't recognize most of those guardspony," Air Lift said as he joined in the conversation. "Are they from another regiments?"

Autumn Falls nodded. "Yes. They're from the 205th Black Powder Regiment, the demolitionist division. Well, what's left of them, at least. They got hit pretty hard during the human's counterattack at the Dome of Rock. Their dynamite cache was struck by a wayward shell that somehow got through the magical barrier protecting it. It lit up like a candle and took out part of the regiment with it. We were forced to integrate them into our ranks to pad out our numbers when the withdrawal was sounded."

"205th?" Air Lift raised his brow, "That would explain their attitude towards the princess. They've always had a reputation for being a rowdy bunch. Hard to believe even with their regiment in shambles they're still a bunch of insensitive flankholes."

"Attitude aside," Luna spoke up, straightening her silver armor, "Lieutenant Autumn Falls, I require your attention as well as a full report on our current situation. Spare none of the details, I must know everything about our current operational status."

Autumn Falls expression turned downcast at the mention. "...Do you desire the whole truth, your highness?"

"Did I stutter?" Luna shot her a irritated look.

Autumn Falls sighed and her shoulders slacked. There was much to talk about, and almost none of it was good...

The day had finally arrived.

It was the beginning of the end.

All the preparations had been made. Twelve regiments of the Royal Guard, sixty thousand ponies strong, were gathered in the training fields just outside of Fort Solus, Canterlot's largest military garrison, and the third largest in all of Equestria.

They all stood proudly at attention in perfect rows and columns underneath the flowing banner of Equestria, their heads held high and eyes steely with resolve. Nearby were several carts and wagons that were stuffed to the brim with important military equipment and supplies that will aid them in the coming battle.

Opposite of them was a large stage with numerous bleachers that had been set up to accommodate speakers and an audience. The seats were absolutely packed with ponies all fidgeting in anticipation.

Among the gamut of ponies present there were; Princess Celestia and Cadance, members of the war council, heads of the great noble houses, assorted ponies of the press, and common civilians; local canterlites, relatives of the soldiers, and young students from the school of magic. The air was rife with palpable excitement.

Celestia had taken center stage and stood behind the podium, calling to order the rally to motivate and embolden the troops before they join the final battle. She stepped forward, tapped at her microphone and cleared her throat, silencing the clamor around her.

"My little ponies," Celestia began, sweeping a prideful gaze across the loyal stallions and mares serving under her. "Be proud of your service. Be proud of what you've achieved. Be proud that all your hard work and sacrifice has led up to this most historic of moments. Despite a few setbacks, all is as it should be, and you are to thank for that. We have fought and bled in this war for five long and terrible years, but here we stand now, on the precipice of absolute victory as the hour of our triumph draws near." The crowds applauded her opening statement. When they settled down, she continued speaking.

"The city of Jerusalem, or the 'Holy Lands' as the humans seem to unironically refer to it as," she paused momentarily, waiting for the sudden bout of condescending laughter of the audience to subside, "is the last obstacle that stands in our way to total victory. You, my loyal sons and daughter of Equestria, have been most fortunate to be blessed with the sacred honor of participating in what will arguably be the greatest most significant battle in all of Equestrian history.

Greater than the battle of Dragon's Pass where General Bulwark Bronze and the 108th Shields of Canterlot fought and repelled the foul fire breathing menace of the eastern clans. Greater than the defense of Seashell Shores, where the hero Glimmerwoods held her ground against a minotaurs ambush with only forty troops and a broken leg. Greater even still than the reclaiming of Horseshoe Flats, where the venerable Captain Sparky Flint clashed with the dread griffon marauder Razorbeak and returned Equestria's rightful territory to its people.

Rejoice, my little ponies. Rejoice, for soon the war will be over. Rejoice, in knowing you will be heralded as they who freed humanity from its shackles of ignorance and ushered them towards the golden future alongside us in the new era. Let it be known far and wide, from the dusty deserts of Appleloosa, to the snowy tundra of the Crystal Empire, that this is the beginning of the end." She concluded and allowed the applause that followed wash over the fields with thunderous stamps and vigorous hollering. She then stepped away from the podium to make room for Cadence.

"Thank you, Princess Celestia. Twas a beautiful speech," Cadence began. "Before I begin I would like to preface this speech by apologizing if my composure becomes compromised at any point during. As you all know, Commander-General Shining Armor, my dear Shiny, was..." her voice hitched in her throat, tears welled at the corner of her eyes, but she remained stalwart and pressed forth, "...He was killed in action at the battle of New York. Cruelly murdered by dishonorable invention..." She paused to catch her breathe, before speaking in a more confident manner.

"I look at you and I see more than just soldiers. I see sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. I see a family fighting for family. It brings me overwhelming joy to know that the ponies Shining Armor trained exemplify the very values he and Equestria stood for. This battle will be more than just an end to war. You honor those who came before us and those who will come after with your continued perseverance in the face of such horrible conflict." She then placed her hoof over her hand and began to weep openly.

"I know deep down in the very depths of my soul that Shining Armor is smiling down upon us all with love in his heart and pride in his eyes from the fields of Elysium. It is that knowledge that has helped me to steadily overcome the tragedy of his untimely loss, the knowledge that even now his enduring love for his fellow ponies transcend death and continues to embolden us all. Let us carry that love with us as our hope. A shining hope that will lead us to our bright new future." Cadence wiped away her tears and wore an expression of resolution.

"For friendship! For harmony! For Equestria!" She concluded with a raise of her hoof and the crowds erupted into applause again.

The rumbling went on for nearly a minute of uninterrupted cheering. There was much rejoicing to be had. The news team hurriedly wrote down every word spoken right down to the most minute detail all the while their camera crews snapped photographs or captured recordings of the rally for posterity. Nobles and military commanders exchanged hoofshakes among themselves and the canterlites embraced one another in tearful hugs in knowing that the war was about to come to its climatic end.

"Tis imprudent to be celebrating so prematurely, is it not?" A powerful voice cut through the rumbling, causing silence to befall the stage.

Princess Luna and Princess Twilight had just arrived onto the scene in full battle dress, armored from head to tail in elaborate bejeweled plate mail that had been empowered with several potent enchantments. Together they strode onto the stage with long purposeful steps, one after the other in near perfect cadence with one another. In Luna's telekinetic hold was a comically large bottle of wine, old and artisanally crafted from brew to bottle, its ostentatious silver ornamentation glistened in the light as the dark liquid sloshed around from within.

"Let us save the festivities until after Twilight and I reduce Jerusalem to rubble!" Luna proclaimed.

"Ah, how nice of our commanders to finally show up," Celestia quipped. "You're both setting quite the example to your troop by arriving late."

"We were well on our way to the rally, but Princess Luna had insisted that we make a detour through the castle's wine cellar," replied Twilight, looking rather sheepish. "Although, I believe I'm speaking within the boundaries of my royal status when I say our tardiness can be forgiven seeing how adamant she can be about her... frivolities."

"I see," Celestia chuckled and turned an eye over to the large wine bottle in Luna's hold. "Sister, is that what I think it is?"

"If you're thinking it's a bottle of Black Swan No. 45, then yes, you would be correct," Luna replied smugly. "Tis tradition to toast victory with only the best of wines, and I can think of none better than this. Brewed only in limited quantities, distilled from the rare blootfruit with a careful blend of herbs and spices and left to ferment for upwards to half a century, this exquisite wine was the famous Don Sommelier's magnum opus before he passed away. Few have been privileged enough to taste it, and even fewer are talented enough to recreate its bold flavor notes since. Not even magical replication can retain it's-"

"Yes, yes, Luna. We understand, it's a really good bottle of wine," Celestia interrupted, rolling her eyes.

"Bah! Calling it just 'a really good bottle of wine' would be doing Don Somelier and winemakers everywhere a cruel disservice, Celestia," Luna lightly chided. "It is the sweetest ambrosia in every sense of the word, and it will taste even sweeter with the flag of the defeated United Nations hanging over the mantelpiece of the castle's dining hall." She brought it over to Celestia. "Until then, keep it chilled for me, will you? I like my wine to warm up naturally when I imbibe, it brings out the aromatic complexity of its flavor in a slow and enjoyable draw."

Celestia sighed and took the bottle in her magical hold. It was all so very dramatic, but theatricality always was one of Luna's more endearing social quirks. "Very well, dear sister. You can expect it prepared upon your return."

"Excellent!" Luna exclaimed and bounced towards the podium. "Now, onto the moment we've all been eagerly waiting for. My little ponies!" she bellowed. "I've hoped you spent your time here well. Said all your goodbyes, hugged your loved ones, smooched your very special somepony and other what have you, for victory awaits us in the dusty dunes of Israel. Let I, your beloved princess of the night, and Twilight, the one and only princess of friendship, guide you all to a bold new future! A wondrous golden era for all!"

"For my brother, Shining Armor! For Equestria and the Earth! For friendship and harmony!" Twilight cheered on, bolstering the crowds.

The regiments all responded with heartful cheers and fervent battle cries, their voices echoing throughout the whole of Canterlot like passionate drums of war. They immediately got into formation and began preparing themselves to be teleported.

The unicorn mages all gathered around their respective regiments and began to focus their magic alongside the princesses, all the while the audience looked on with bated breath. Soon after, the regiments were bathed in a warm arcane glow of various hues and shades. Powerful magicks filled the air, tickling the furs of everypony around as a surge slowly began building up from within.

And yet, as the energy began to store and charge, part of it began to warp. Leak, almost. The concentration was there, but the flow of magic was erratic and messy. This did not go unnoticed by Twilight.

"Something isn't right," Twilight grumbled, furrowing her brow in bemusement. "I have a clear picture in my head but the spell is taking longer than it should."

"Tis merely nerves, Twilight." replied Luna. "Worry yourself not with such trivial thoughts, for our focus must be directed to the task at hoof. Think about Shining Armor."

The thought of her brother assuaged whatever niggling thoughts picking at her mind. Luna was right. It was the beginning of the end, and she couldn't let herself get distracted, not when everything hinged on this last battle. Stowing away her doubts she screwed her eyes shut and braced herself as the spell finally coalesced and took hold.

With a brilliant flash of technicolor light, the regiments vanished far to the middle east, where fate awaited them with open arms...