• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 2,723 Views, 156 Comments

Kitty's a Long Way from Home. - Ocelot the Devil

What was supposed to be a normal day at RTX turned into a nightmare and resulted in me being sent here... now I look like Blake, have her abilities and wield Gambol Shroud... what else can go wrong? Answer: EVERYTHING.

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Kitty finds her New Home...

It took everything in her entire being not to stop and curse at how much of a bitch fate was. The fact that she had turned into a complete copy of an anime-styled cat girl from a familiar TV series and dropped into a colorful wonderland filled with horses wasn’t exactly a common occurrence.

Now she was just jumping from branch to branch in search of a nice secluded area to stop and gather her thoughts. Eventually, after jumping for nearly a couple of minutes she found a nice area in this mysterious forest.

“That should be far enough for me to think on my next step… but first, where am I? Where’d that creepy Merchant go? And why am I dressed up as Blake Belladonna?” She asked all these questions at the same time but couldn’t receive any answer.

The girl who had become Blake sat down and tried to think. “Okay, let’s see… let’s see… my name… what was it again…”

She closed her eyes and concentrated. The first thing that came into her mind was her name: Kohaku Ume.

Blake opened her eyes and gasped. “Kohaku… now I remember… My name is Kohaku… Well, at least I’ve got my name… now what happened next…”

Blake or Kohaku closed her eyes and began to think once more. There was… there was… a convention with different people cosplaying as anime characters… herself going as Blake Belladonna from a tv series called RWBY… meeting a creepy merchant who sold Blake’s signature weapons Gambol Shroud… and then… then…

“Hmmm… can’t remember what happened next… Damn it. Well, at least I know some of the events that lead to me… finding myself in this… colorful wonderland. Now though, where do I go in order to find some answers as to how I can return back home and get rid of this form.” Blake sighed.

Blake sat up and stretched her arms. Where to go from here on in…? No way that she was heading back to that village. The last thing she wanted was to get bombarded by more questions from those… colorful horses.

Only thing to do was continue on her way and find a nice warm house to spend the night. The next morning she would determine her next course of action.

And with that cleared up, she moved onward using her abilities and jumped away to the nearest branch. Now… where would she go?


A long walk and jump from branch to branch led her to a nearby village that was currently under attack by something unknown. This wasn’t good… she wanted to find a place that wasn't going to arouse any sort of suspicion yet that wasn’t an option anymore.

Blake was about to continue for a new home yet she overheard screams coming from another set of equines. She sighed heavily and wondered what to do - go out and save the day along with getting exposed or leave them to their fate. But the latter would weigh on her conscience.

What to do, what to do… Run or help? It was making her moral compass conflicted… Ugh, this is seriously not her day!

“I should just go and move on but-” Blake was cut off by another scream - this time it was female. This made her sigh in frustration.

“Ugh, I’m going to regret this…” Blake told herself and prepared her weapon, the Gambol Shroud and headed for the village.

When she arrived, she was caught off guard by what she saw - little green-skinned creatures wearing armor and wielding sharp weapons were the ones responsible for attacking the village… hmm, from their shape and sizes, they looked like goblins. But how was this possible…?

From the books she read back on Earth, she knew that goblins were just fictional creatures. But this wasn’t fiction anymore - it was complete reality. Right now, it was her job to take care of this mess and look for survivors… if there were still some.

Concentrating, she used the ‘Shadow Clone’ ability that Blake possessed to create a couple of copies in order to handle the goblins more easily. Then the true fight had begun.

The goblins were easy to take care of since they had the weakest armor ever; the swords and axes weren’t that much of a challenge. However, the little monsters were crafty buggers and often used hiding spots to come out and attack unexpectedly.

Already three shadow clones were destroyed yet the real Blake wasn’t out for the count just yet. As the goblins were surrounding her, she quickly faded away using her Semblance much to their confusion.

“Where’d she go!?” One of the monsters asked before he got hit by a bullet and fell to the ground much to the shock of his brothers.

Another couple of bullets fired out and killed the rest of the goblins. Blake had reappeared on the ground and sighed in relief… unaware that a goblin had noticed her and jumped into the air to strike her down.

Unfortunately for him, Blake’s ultra-built Faunus sense picked up the battle roar before she turned and threw the sharp blade of Gambol Shroud. It struck the goblin in the heart and it fell to the ground. The battle had ended as the cat Faunus sighed in relief.

“Finally over… now let’s assess the damage.” The black-haired girl decided.

She looked to see that the fires had begun to die down yet smoke was still emitting. Looking around, she spotted some nearby buckets and a well which gave her an idea.

Picking up two buckets, she filled them with water and doused spots of where a small fire or smoke was seen. It took a little while until everything was normal and the village was no longer under any danger of being burned down.

Now though came the hard part - searching for any survivors. Blake was hoping that at least some had survived in order to explain why the village came under attack in the first place.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t anyone around - she checked everywhere even inside the houses yet nothing. Damn it… from her best guess, some of the villagers must have escaped while the rest weren’t so lucky. Ugh, damn it.

“No point in feeling like a hero if I didn’t save anyone… granted, I did protect a village but there’s no one around.” Blake admitted.

Now what? Continue on her way to find a safer location or remain here and get some sleep until tomorrow. Decisions, decisions…

“It kind of feels bad of me to stay in one of these houses… yet I feel hungry and tired. I’m sure that nobody would mind…” Blake told herself before deadpanning at how stupid she just sounded.

Dismissing what she just said, Blake walked inside in one and started raiding the fridge. Once again, the feeling of guilt entered her mind… she shouldn’t really be doing this.

And yet what choice did she have… she needed some food in her system along with sleep. It’s only for tonight - the next morning, she would pack up and be on her way.

“Let’s see here… bread, macaroni… pizza… hmmm… what to have for dinner?” Blake wondered as she continued searching. In the end, she settled for a slice of pizza and some orange juice. It wasn’t much but it did fill her belly a bit. Then she washed her hands, took off her clothes and headed straight for bed with only a top and shorts.

Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep and tried her damndest to forget about the events that occurred this earlier evening…

(The next day…)

Twilight didn’t know why but she wasn’t feeling like celebrating with the rest of her friends. She was feeling very… sad.

It didn’t make sense - she and her friends had traversed the Everfree Forest, stood side-by-side in different challenges, bested Nightmare Moon and restored the uncorrupted of her mentor’s younger sister Princess Luna before returning to Ponyville to celebrate. So, why… why was she feeling this way? She was glad that the crisis was averted and now she could return to Canterlot. But… why wasn’t she feeling happy? Was… was it because of leaving without her friends?

“Why so glum, my faithful student?” The motherly tone of Princess Celestia asked behind her.

She was a tall alicorn with a white coat and rainbow-styled hair while her eyes were grayish-magenta. The royal crown rested atop her hair while a golden necklace with a purple gem on it and golden hoof shoes served as her accessories. Lastly, her sun-based cutie mark was depicted on her flank.

Twilight just let out a soft sigh. “I… I should be happy that I’m returning to Canterlot… yet I don’t feel that way.” She admitted.

Despite her thousand year maturity and patience, Celestia flashed a hidden smile. “And why is that?” She asked, knowing full well why Twilight was feeling down.

Twilight turned around to see her new-formed friends that were laughing and having fun… somehow she imagined herself joining in that particular kind of thing. And yet… she was returning to Canterlot.

“Because… I’m just not happy with leaving them… my friends. I just established my first ever friendship… and now I have to leave.” Twilight admitted with a saddened sigh.

That was also Celestia needed to hear… she had made her decision.

Clearing her throat, she turned towards the small purplish dragon with green scales on his back and a round belly. “Spike, take a note please.” She declared.

Spike, who was eager to please the Princess, prepared a quill and paper. “I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that as of this very moment Twilight Sparkle shall remain in the town of Ponyville and accomplish her newest mission - learning about the Magic of Friendship.” Celestia declared.

Twilight couldn’t believe what she just heard. She could barely hold her excitement as she rushed over to hug her mentor. “Thank you, Princess! I promise to study hard and learn about the art of friendship! I won’t let you down!” She told her mentor.

Celestia giggled. “Think nothing of it, Twilight. I know you always make me proud.” She told her much to the purple unicorn’s embarrassment.

Soon, Twilight went to talk with her friends and tell them the good news as Celestia flashed a small smile at her student. “She has a lot to learn about the Magic of Friendship it would seem…”

“It would seem so, sister.” A familiar voice spoke behind Celestia.

A young alicorn with a very light azure mane and moderate cyan eyes had approached her. She had a grayish phthalo blue coat with the dark crown resting atop her hair and a dark necklace with dark hoof shoes. Like with Celestia, her crescent moon with a purple spot cutie mark was depicted on her flank.

Celestia nodded. “How are you feeling though, little sister?” She asked with a hint of concern due to knowing how many years of isolation Luna has gone through.

As expected, her little sister felt nervous. “It’s… taking some use in adapting to the modern Equestria… but I’ll survive.” She assured her sibling.

Celestia nodded before embracing Luna in a hug. “I’m just glad that you’re back safe and sound.” She admitted.

Luna hugged her back. “Same, Celly… I’m grateful to the Elements for purging me of my darkness. That backup though didn’t seem like a hero…” She admitted.

Celestia became confused. “Backup…?” She asked intrigued.

“Yes… right after my little appearance in Ponyville’s Town Hall and your student’s brave words… this mysterious being shows up out of nowhere and taunts me with her skills.” Luna explained.

Celestia raised a brow. “Mysterious being? Skills?”

Luna gave a nod in response. “Yes… a bipedal ape but without hair on her back. It was female, Celly… and you won’t believe this - after I thought I had ‘killed’ her, she teleports behind me and threatens me with a weapon that I’ve never seen before.” She explained.

All of this made Celestia very intrigued - a bipedal female ape appears on her world wielding a weapon of unknown origin and utilizing skills unlike any before seen? This wasn’t something that was seen everyday…

“Hmmm… do you have a clue as to where she had gone to, Luna?” Celestia asked but Luna shook her head.

“I had teleported myself away and didn’t think much about the ape… until now that is. Celly, who is she and what is her role in this?” Luna asked.

Celestia went silent to try and think of a plausible theory… but sadly, nothing was coming to her mind. This was troubling. If there was a way to track down this female ape and ask her a couple of questions, then some light might be shed. Unfortunately-

“Princess Celestia! Princess Celestia!” One of the princesses royal guards yelled while approaching her.

Celestia raised her hoof to calm him. “Calm yourself, Captain. Report.”

The captain who was out of breath managed to calm down before speaking. “Princess, we received a report that one of the villages nearby was caught in an attack by goblins!” He declared.

Celestia and Luna were horrified and speechless. An innocent village… attacked by goblins? But… they haven’t been seen for more than a thousand years…

Celestia and Luna closed their eyes for a moment before the Sun Princess spoke. “Are there any survivors, Captain?” She asked, hoping that there was still inhabitants living there.

Sadly, the Captain shook his head. “No, your highness. My scouts reported that the villages had been deserted. Those that remained were killed by the goblins.” He explained.

Celestia felt sadness at the loss of innocence and closed her eyes in respect to the fallen victims. How long had it been since she had experienced an event of death… a thousand years no doubt.

Luna was also showing a moment of silence for the fallen victims. She knew what it was like to stare death in the face… one moment you’re enjoying life to the fullest and then you lose everything.

After a minute, Celestia spoke. “I’ll see to it that some of the survivors are brought in for medical treatment and helping them to recover. It's a shame that we lost a village to those little pests.” She spoke with venom in her tone.

The captain nodded while sharing her concern. “I understand, your Majesty. Shall I take my leave now?” He asked.

Both of the princesses nodded as the captain was preparing to leave yet he looked away. An act that didn’t escape Celestia’s gaze.

“Captain, do you have more to report?” She asked gently.

Said captain gave a slow nod. “It’s… probably nothing but I lied about the village being deserted. I… I doubt you’ll believe me though.” He said.

“Possibly not but go ahead, Captain.” Celestia urged to continue.

The captain gave a small sigh before continuing. “My scouts have reported that some-sort of bipedal ape took care of the goblins and put out the fires… we’re not sure what their intention is though.”

Celestia and Luna froze - the bipedal ape had taken care of the goblins and saved the village from being burned down!? This was definitely worth a chance to investigate…

Another sigh from the Captain left his mouth. “I’m sorry if the story sounds ludicrous, Princess… I really didn’t want to bother you with my lying and-”

Celestia raised her hoof. “Fear not, Captain. What you revealed is nothing but good news for me and my sister. If it’s not worth too much trouble, shall you take us to the village? We would like to have a word with that mysterious ape that saved it.”

Said captain nodded with a bow. “Of course. I’ll take you whenever you are ready to depart.” He told them.

Celestia looked at her sister who nodded. Like her, she was also eager to solve the mystery of the ape that had been unintentionally summoned by accident.

The Sun Princess nodded back and then looked at her captain. “Very well, Captain. Let’s make our way towards the abandoned village.”

Author's Note:

So... I guess I should apologize to you all for not leaving you with an updated chapter. It's been crazy to be honest - writer's block and everything. Plus, my lack of interest... yet fear not, I have returned and soon I'll be updating the rest of my stuff!

Also, I just realized that I should have wrote the background story of how our Blake came to Equestria in the first place... yet I was too high to think on it. So, I'll handle that in the next chapter once she meets Celestia and Luna - Oops and daisy! Spoilers!

And thus I leave you all with the new chapter of Kitty's a Long Way from Home! As usual, I don't own anything - except for the story itself. RWBY and MLP belongs to their respective creators!