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Dewdrops on the Grass

A lady in her 30s who likes to write. Like my works? Feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account. :twilightsmile:


Trixie's had a bad string of luck with love lately. Starlight hopes this means she'll finally get a chance to be with her.

She's wrong. So, so wrong. Because the one Trixie becomes enamored with? It's herself.

Written to fulfill a challenge from Angel Midnight, who challenged people to write a story featuring a character from a list, as a present for her birthday. I chose Trixie. I hope you like the result!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

it wont last, there no one you hate like yourself

I have to remind myself that Trixie's my favorite character. Because it's stories like this that make me realize that she'd be a massive pain in the rump to live with.

I did like the resolution between Starlight and Trixie at the end. This also reminds me that both characters have grown quite a bit from their first appearances and can have a sweet, genuine moment.

Now all that Starlight has to do is get through the week. It's gonna be a loooooooooooooooooong week...

Cute story!

Hehe, thank you. I am sure it's an overused concept, and one that I didn't necessarily interpret in the most popularly funny manner. That is to say it's less shenanigans and more adults being somewhat reasonable, but then I've never been a big fan of the unrealistic "funny" stuff that tends to form a lot of the similar in concept comedy on this website. But I had fun writing it, so that's all that really matters in the end.:twilightsmile:

The random batch of cuteness I didn't know I needed. Thank you so much for writing this. :pinkiehappy: *big Pinkie Pie hug*

Hehehe, you're welcome. I will admit, I was half-way tempted to ship Trixie with Adagio, but then I came up with the title and was like "Oh I can't resist shipping Trixie with Trixie."

She turned back to the two Trixies, who now had both hands interlaced.

:pinkiegasp: Starlight! Don't you know it's rude to watch somepony touch themselves? :rainbowlaugh:

As a diehard Strixie shipper, all I can say is... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! :raritycry:

In all seriousnes, though, this was a fun read. Enjoyed it very much, especially since you write Trixie so well!

Hehehe, thank you. Alas, poor StarTrix. Oh, but if you liked how I wrote Trixie in this story, you might have a blast with how she's written in my just-finished long story, Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake. Though warning: it's... darker than this one. :twilightoops:

You almost lost me when you mentioned Sunset had a girlfriend. But this better than Sci Twi by a mile. Still don't ship Sunset with anyone but Princess Twilight. But still.

What I don't get is the extra baggage of magic apparently having become more known about in the Human World, if Twilight and Sunset are worried about the authorities coming in.

It wasn't a thing in Equestria Girls that's for sure. Minor nitpick though.

Comment posted by Dewdrops on the Grass deleted Mar 25th, 2021


You almost lost me when you mentioned Sunset had a girlfriend. But this better than Sci Twi by a mile. Still don't ship Sunset with anyone but Princess Twilight. But still.

Understandable. I've fallen in love with the Sunsagio ship thanks to my recent long story, so I've been throwing that ship into stories if it fit.

What I don't get is the extra baggage of magic apparently having become more known about in the Human World, if Twilight and Sunset are worried about the authorities coming in.

It wasn't a thing in Equestria Girls that's for sure. Minor nitpick though.

This is a combination of the aforementioned long-story's background influencing my thought processes and my general headcanon re the Equestria Girls world. It's me applying some reality ensues to a human world that seems otherwise identical to Earth, while trying to work with what we see in canon. Because EQG is hilariously inconsistent with magic--on the one hand talking about magic would've gotten Cinch fired in Friendship Games, but then Rollercoaster of Friendship features a literal Equestrialand. It's kind of hard to make sense of at times.

I have been thinking of a StarTrixSun group-up...

I have been pitying Sunburst getting in the middle with two very strong personalities on either side...

I think...I need to look closer at that...

That's... one possibility I suppose. Though I'm not so sure Sunburst and Trixie have any chemistry. Sunburst and Starlight, obviously, and Starlight and Trixie, yes, but Sunburst and Trixie, to my recollection, barely ever interacted.

Then again I could be mistaken. Regardless, have fun if you choose to pursue it!


What is a poor stallion to do?

That's where I think the hook of that story should go...

"What about Sunburst?"

“But, Starlight,” she whined, her voice so coated with self-pity it clogged Starlight’s ears like someone pouring molasses down a drain, “I’m sad.

i can hear the molasses in this voice!

Dipping it in the ink pot, she scribbled a few lines on a student’s essay. “I noticed.”

For once in her life, Trixie caught the subtle hint, and toned down the melodrama by a notch. “Starlight, I was dumped,” she said, this time without the whine. “Again.”

definitely feel this interaction between them, very true to both

“It was the third one that week!”

continuing the Starlight/Trixie role of metacommenting on canon tropes!

Oh dear. How has she not figured this out? Sighing, Starlight replied, “Well, in Ponyville, they use ‘best friend’ as… a euphemism. For lesbian lovers. Like Lyra and Bon Bon.”

haha, i absolutely love this worldbuilding! it aligns really well with the most cherished parts of my own. but i am extremely biased here

Starlight’s smile shriveled up like a dried prune. “Uncomfortable. Right. That’d sure make me uncomfortable. To be with you. Uh huh.”

oh noooooo

“How would you know--”

that is a very good question! Trixie channeling a bit of Pinkie Pie here?

Sighing once more, Starlight returned to grading her papers. “She’s going to be annoyed when she realizes I’m not going to be there for three hours,” she murmured to herself.

a very fun setup, self-consciously similar to Road to Friendship, except the destination's a lot more bipedal

Not for the first time Starlight found herself impressed with how tall Twilight had become.

it wouldn't be a story set in accession + X years without mentioning how much Twilight has grown! i do this too

“Well, yes, I do,” Twilight said, arching an eyebrow. “I already approved that. Why are you…” Then she frowned, glaring at Trixie. “Oh no. No, no, no. No way.”

she's the Sovereign but still has to deal with Trixie being Trixie! poor Twilight!

“Eeee!” Trixie squealed, hopping up at once and grinning like a loon. “Thank you thank you thank you! Come on, Starlight, let’s go!” She bounced out of the room in a passable imitation of Pinkie Pie’s particular prance.

she really is channeling Pinkie! even the cute little begging tantrum that is still very Trixie

“When did she become so perceptive?”

Twilight is wise!

“I thought you said you walked on two legs all the time,” Starlight quipped.

ha, Trixie has been bipedal for the purposes of showmareship more than most ponies, hasn't she?

As Sunset walked in the direction of her vehicle, Trixie sidled up to Starlight’s side and whispered in her ear, “You didn’t tell me she was hot.”

hahaha perfect!

“She’s also got a girlfriend she’s probably going to marry. It’s not happening.”

really like how you're keeping this ambiguous, thus compatible with all of the myriad canon Sunset ships

“Oh, I still do,” Sunset replied as she pulled out her keys.

as the years pass, the EqG girls grow up as well. also wow, this Sunset motorcycle thing really is a thing isn't it?

I don’t want to get pulled over by Shining Armor.

what is he, a cop?

“Adagio,” Sunset replied with a shaky smile.

oh, i guess you do specify after all! totally get it though, i love slipping in my favorite ships for secondary and background characters

“Trixie was never a villain,” Trixie snorted, thrusting her nose up and crossing her arms. “She was just misunderstood.”

that's right! Trixie Lulamoon Did Nothing Wrong

“I think I have a few ideas,” pony Trixie said, her smile stretching from ear to ear.

oh wow, i ship this so hard now. i mean there are plenty of "joke" fanarts with this premise but seeing it in prose really sells it!

So, do you like Qilinese?

nice, the 拼音 transliteration

“Number two, pony Trixie, you just got out of a bad relationship. I don’t think you’re thinking clearly. Number three, you are the same person.

i laughed irl at this, thank you for it! this is amazing!

Human Trixie’s face heated up, blooming with red. “Experience sounds good,” she murmured.

oof!! and i love that you bring up the age difference since it's definitely a part of my worldbuilding as well. which is why in my stories the EqG high schoolers are a few years past graduation before i start shipping them with any of their pony counterparts. really love that the Trixies overcame that potential speed bump so quickly, just completely and utterly owning Starlight, like wow

Trixie nodded and bit her lip. She turned away for a good minute or two before facing Starlight again. “Listen, Starlight, I… I like you, and you’re my best friend. You know that, right? But… I… I’m not interested in you like that. Never was. It just never seemed right to me.”

aww! been on both sides of this dynamic here, and neither is easy

“Yeah, yeah I can. It… it feels better, finally getting an answer. It’s not the answer I wanted, but I can live with it. I’m an adult.”

not only is this a story about introducing your unrequited crush to their next relationship, but also having that relationship be a another version of herself! like, wow! there are so many layers to this that Starlight will have to climb over to truly grow and move past this. especially understandable, seeing how fun this (and canon) Trixie is, i could very much see myself in Starlight's place.

Though she could’ve done without seeing the two Trixies kiss.

poor Starlight! oof!

i absolutely loved it, all the more for being so blindsided by the ship, then seeing in front of my eyes just how much sense it made. (somehow i never got around to actually reading the shortdesc before diving right in!) just a very fun story, with both Trixies being their utmost Trixie goodness, and all the characters around her having to deal with it, with poor Starlight getting the worst. i wish that this had somehow been an entry into the StarTrixMaud contest because it would easily already be one of my favorites, just really well done!

Nice fluff, good characterization. A fun read!

She's wrong. So, so wrong. Because the one Trixie becomes enamored with? It's herself.


uh oh.

“But, Starlight,” she whined, her voice so coated with self-pity it clogged Starlight’s ears like someone pouring molasses down a drain, “I’m sad.
The fifth quill that day snapped in Starlight’s magic grip.

We're only two paragraphs in and I'm laughing. You really nailed their characters well here.

Oh dear. How has she not figured this out? Sighing, Starlight replied, “Well, in Ponyville, they use ‘best friend’ as… a euphemism. For lesbian lovers. Like Lyra and Bon Bon.”

Ah, Sappho and her friends. Classic.

Trixie brushed off her clothes. Much like when Twilight crossed over, the portal gave her a different outfit than the local Trixie. Instead of a casual hoodie and skirt with tennis shoes, she wore a pair of royal blue slacks accompanied by a belt with her cutie mark emblazoned upon the clasp, an open double-breasted business jacket in a lighter shade of blue, and a white button shirt plus a bow tie, accompanied by a pair of comfortable, high end flats. It was a surprisingly professional look for the laid back mare, but it certainly befit her position as a guidance counselor at the School of Friendship. “Yes, well, it’s much easier when you have hooves. And a horn.”

Not at all how I expected her to look - I thought she'd look more like, you know, a magician! But this look still suits her. A pleasant surprise, heh, heh.

Starlight blinked, stared, then finally slapped a hand to her face. “It’s one of the sirens, isn’t it? Which is it? Sonata? Aria?”
“Adagio,” Sunset replied with a shaky smile. “Look, you won’t tell Princess Twilight, will you? I still haven’t figured out how to break the news to her without her thinking Adagio’s trying to turn me evil again or something.”

Ohoho, nice. They do complement one another well, aesthetic wise, and who doesn't like a duet of personalities like these two?

“Something I don’t have time to deal with right now,” Sunset replied. She rushed over to a set of suitcases sitting at the base of the stairs.

Sunset knows what's up, oof.

“Great. Just great,” she groaned, the fire of rage in her heart quelled by the cold water of sorrow

Hilarious turns of phrases here, nice.

I… I like you, and you’re my best friend. You know that, right? But… I… I’m not interested in you like that. Never was. It just never seemed right to me.”


And, wow. That was a very smooth ride, actually. I like how, well, light it felt, and how maturely everyone acted - especially how Trixie gently let Starlight down, and Starlight took it in stride. They really do come across as the best of friends, and that's great.

and then Trixie proceeds to make out with herself like the great and powerful narcissist that she is lmao :derpytongue2: Love it!


So thats's what people meant when the person you love the most is yourself. I really enjoyed the story, reading about the really complicated love/failed romance/whatever this is because it's just both so hilarious and endearing at the same time.

At the start,we get Starlight hinting to Trixie that she wants to date her, but Trixie just didn't get it lmao. I feel so sorry for Starlight. Twilight is always a win in my book.

Next then we have the inevitable of the two Trixies meeting in the human world. I really didn't expect the sudden ship of Sunset x Adagio lol, I expected SunFlower or SunTwi, this ship is still relatively unknown to me.

Really, from start to end this was a delightful story to read, full of ups and down. No wonder squares are so amazing.

Also Trixie please stop kissing yourself it would really look weird on camera

Oh, this was really fun. I'm glad that I skipped reading the description, since when they were traveling to Sunset's house I was crossing my fingers that she was dating human Trixie, but the two surprises of Adagio and HTrix being there regardless were great!

And that ending, really mature for Trixie and even more for Starlight, even if it wasn't what she wanted, she accepted it for her best friend's happiness, and who knows, maybe she can get Maud some day.

I also have to say, everyone, especially the Trixie's felt very in character with the show, and I can totally believe all of this happening in a more mature future setting of the canon show.

Loved it and good job!

Howdy, hi!

I really enjoyed this one. Starlight and Trixie both feel incredibly in character. I love Starlight's mannerisms that show her as a grounded character, but with those minor outbursts of emotion that shows her as a normal girl in love. Trixie is over the top, overdramatic and an absolute troublemaker, which means she's perfectly in character and absolutely wonderful.

The absolute off the wall humour with the two Trixies is great. I also really like the resolution, an uncommon in that where Starlight does not in fact "get the girl" and they stay friends. It's a very uncommon resolution and something I wish we saw more of.

Anyways, thank you for much for the read~!

This was a lot better than I expected. It was very in character for Starlight and Trixie. I can weirdly see Trixie falling for another version of herself. It makes perfect sense, somehow, and it's pretty dang funny.

I also loved the ending. I was relieved when Starlight didn't get the girl, which is usually a sign of an accidentally toxic relationship or bad chemistry, but in this case it was because that was a great way to end this story. It was very mature.

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