• Published 24th Apr 2021
  • 791 Views, 3 Comments

A Diamond in the Rough - Lil Sunny

Diamond Tiara still regrets who she was and what she once did, maybe a friend can help her reconcile with the filly she loves.

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A Rough Start

It was a day like any other at Miss Cheerilee’s school in ponyville. The young fillies and colts were having fun in the playground talking to each other, sliding and generally being silly. One little filly however was struggling with something. Diamond Tiara.

About a year ago she was the school’s biggest egotist and bully, using her skills of manipulation to force her way to the head of every discussion. It got to the point that her only real friend abandoned her when she refused to listen to any advice., When Silver Spoon left her she felt her heart break for the first time. She was alone, she had no friends, no power, she hadn’t lived up to the expectations placed on her. She had failed.

But then three fillies she had never considered could help her, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, were able to give her the greatest gift she could have ever received. Guidance and support in a positive direction. They helped her understand her talent for leadership and how she could use it in a positive way to lead by example and inspire others rather than bully and intimidate. With some guidance of her own, her family paid for a new playground and she reconciled with Silver Spoon, leading the Cutie Mark Crusaders to gain their own cutie marks showing they could help others find their talents regardless of whether they had a mark or not. But this wasn’t the end for Diamond Tiara.

She had a lot of apologising to do, and while most ponies took a long time to finally forgive her, Silver Spoon never did. She had betrayed Silver Spoon, her only friend. She refused to listen and told her to stand quietly while she did the work. Silver Spoon forgave her actions against the others, apologising plenty herself. But she never spoke to Diamond Tiara after that, and no matter how many times she wanted to try. Diamond Tiara just couldn’t bring herself to apologise. She truly believed Silver Spoon deserved better than her. Which was a real shame since Diamond Tiara felt something strange when she thought of Silver Spoon, a twinge in her heart and a warmth in her cheeks. Her faithful butler told her it sounded like she was in love, but he had no idea how to help her in this situation.

She sat alone and sad, just like every day. A small colt came over to talk to her.

“Ello Diamond, you alright? You look a bit down in the dumps.” Spoke Pipsqueak

“Hello Pip, I’m fine thank you for asking.”

“Would you like to play on the merry go round with us?”

“No thank you, I’m ok on my own.”

Pipsqueak trotted off back to his friends. This had happened almost every day for the past year. Someone would ask her if she was feeling ok, ask if she wanted to play with them, and she would respond that she was fine and didn’t want to. Even Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were turned away with an insistence that everything was fine. Apple Bloom didn’t buy it.

That evening after returning home Apple Bloom found her sister stacking hay bales in the barn.

“Hey, Applejack. Ah was wonderin’ if we could talk about somethin.”

“Well shoot sis, whatcha need?”

“It’s Diamond Tiara, every day she looks sad, and she tells every pony that she’s fine, but I don’t think she is. And she never plays with anypony now. Scoots and Sweetie already tried to talk to her but she wouldn’t listen. She just told them the same thing she tells everypony. She’s fine. I don’t know what to do, I know she’s not fine and I want to help, but I don’t know how.”

Applejack smiled and hugged her little sister.

“Listen sugarcube, It sounds to me like she needs a friend to lean on. From what you told me she apologised to the whole school, but I don’t think she sees any of them as friends.”

“But what about Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle? She’s gotta think of us as her friends.”

“As much as I like those little pals of yours, they give up a mite too easy sometimes. Something that Apples never do. Some folks call it stubborn, but I call it determined. Tomorrow why don’t you go talk to her? And don’t leave her side until you find out everything. Be honest, be truthful and don’t take no for an answer. I know you got it in ya Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “Thanks Applejack, you know just what to say to me when I need it most. I love ya sis.”

“That’s what big sisters are for sugarcube.” Applejack hugged her younger sister again and after a moment of tenderness the two ponies left the darkness of the barn for the warmth of their home, retreating to bed for the night.

The next morning Applebloom woke bright and early, enjoying breakfast with her family before she headed for school. The morning lesson was on business and finances, something she thought Diamond Tiara would know a bit about given her father’s successful bargain store chain. Hhowever, as usual, Diamond seemed like she was on another planet. At recess Diamond Tiara took her usual spot in the corner alone, and Apple Bloom took her chance.

“Howdy Diamond, you feelin’ alright? You’ve been lookin’ a bit out of it for a while now. If you’ve got any problems you know you can come to me right? We’re friends.”

“I know Apple Bloom, thank you. But I’m fine.” She said with a sigh and a forlorn look.

Apple Bloom scowled slightly. “Look Diamond, I know we’ve had our disagreements in the past, but even I can tell there’s somethin’ wrong and I ain’t leavin’ your side till you tell me what it is. You’ve been poutin’ here in the corner for months, near on a year now I’d say. That’s not fine. So tell me what’s up.”

Diamond Tiara’s face hardened a little. “I told you Apple Bloom. I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong.”

Apple Bloom glared at her. “And I told you I ain’t leavin’ till you tell me what’s wrong, cuz I know there is somethin’ wrong. I’m an Apple, I can do this all day, and all tomorrow, and the next day until you let me help you. So ya might as well just give up now.”

Diamond Tiara looked like she was ready to burst, her anger built up and was about to peak when suddenly, she broke down. She began to cry and hugged Apple Bloom.

“W-when I first started at school. I was afraid nopony would like me. I was the daughter of one of the most hated mares in town and a successful business pony. I was an outcast. I even had this stupid tiara to show how rich I was. And I was right, nopony wanted anything to do with me. The only pony who gave me a chance was Silver Spoon. She was my best friend and now she’s gone. She’s playing with everyone else but me, she hasn’t talked to me in months and I’m too afraid to apologise to her. I betrayed her in front of the whole school, humiliated the only pony who ever tried to be my friend before you and your friends came along. And even after we supposedly reconciled she hasn’t talked to me since then. And the worst part is. I think I like her.”

“Well, what’s the problem? You’ve made peace with her, talkin’ shouldn’t be a problem and what’s wrong with likin’ her? I like her, she’s a nice filly.”

“No you dolt. I like her.”

Applebloom’s eyes widened. “Ohhhhh, you like, like her. Well that’s even more of a reason for you to say somethin’! If she ain’t talkin’ to you, then you gotta talk to her. I’m sure if you’re honest with her then she’ll at least start hangin’ out with you again even if you don’t feel ready to tell her how you really feel. Trust me, I know ponies can take a while to admit their feelings for somepony else, Applejack still won’t tell Rarity how she feels, but she’s got no problem goin’ on and on to me and anyone else who’ll listen about how beautiful she is.”

Diamond Tiara sniffled and smiled. “Thank you, you’re a real friend. I need to find her, now.”

She didn’t have far to look, as in the corner alongside another pair of fillies was Silver Spoon. Diamond Tiara nervously walked over to them, a few tears still staining her coat.

“Umm, excuse me. Silver? I was wondering if I could talk to you, privately.”

Sunny Daze and Cotton Cloudy stood between the two.

“In case you didn’t get the hint by now, she’s done with you, jerkface. Take a hike!” Sunny Daze yelled at her.

Diamond Tiara recoiled in shock and fear before SIlver Spoon stepped out from behind them and offered her a hoof.

“You two, clear out. This is between me and her. I thought you knew better than to be rude to other ponies.” She scoffed.

The two fillies left as Diamond Tiara was helped to her hooves by Silver Spoon.
“Sorry about those two, they can be a little protective. Their favourite topic is slandering you, and personally I’m sick of it. You made some bad mistakes, but you tried your best to make up for them even if not every pony sees it.”

Diamond Tiara looked Silver Spoon in the eyes, tears forming.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You see, one of the biggest mistakes I ever made was betraying someone. Somepony who looked out for me, and was my only friend. Who had nothing but my best interests at heart and I betrayed her. And I wouldn’t be surprised if she really did want nothing to do with me ever again. But I have to at least try and make things right. Even if we can’t be friends again, can you at least forgive me?”

Silver Spoon hugged her.

“And who ever said we can’t be friends again. Remember our little thing we had together?”

Silver took a step back and held out her hooves. “Bump” she bumped Diamond Tiara’s forehooves. “Bump”, she did it a second time. “Sugar Lump.” She nudged her elbow into Diamond Tiara’s.

Diamond then smiled and turned around as they both bumped flanks together finishing their little rhyme with “Rump!”

She giggled and blushed at the close proximity of her crush. “Yeah, but that was always to make fun of blank flanks, and we’re not like that any more. I wouldn’t mind keeping it though, it’s nice.”

She still looked a little sad as she turned to walk away.

“Wait, Diamond.”

She turned back to Silver Spoon. “W-what is it?”

“Would you like to come over to my house this evening? We could have some tea and relax a while, it’s been months since we last talked to each other properly.”

Diamond Tiara looked away, fearing she wouldn’t be able to do it. When she spotted a Trio of ponies who were watching from a distance and each gave her a nod and a smile.

“I-I’d love to Spoony.”

“Spoony? I like it, alright then Diamond, we can walk to my place after school.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders walked over to Diamond Tiara with smiles on their faces.

“What’d I tell ya Diamond? I knew she’d forgive you, you just had to get up the guts to say something.” Apple Bloom stated.

Scootaloo glared at her slightly. “But next time there’s something wrong, tell us about it. We’re your friends and we’ll always be happy to help however we can.”

Sweetie Belle cocked her head slightly, looking into Diamond Tiara’s eyes and seeing tears well up slightly again.

“Is everything ok now Diamond? You still don’t look too happy. Remember, we’ll help however we can. As long as you tell us first.”

Diamond Tiara sat down and wiped her tears.

“S-spoony asked me to come over to her place after school, but she deserves better than me. I said yes because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings... But I don’t think I can be her friend anymore.”

“Why not? She forgave you didn’t she? And I saw her push those other 2 meanies away so she could talk to you filly to filly. Why can’t you be friends?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

Diamond Tiara blushed lightly and looked away. “B-because I want something more. But I don’t want to move too fast, we only just got back together as friends, and I’d feel horrible if I dropped this on her right away and got rejected. I just don’t know what to do anymore.”

Apple Bloom looked at her friends. “Crusaders, huddle!”

The three filly friends grouped together and lowered their voices, “We gotta help her, but what can we do?”, Applebloom asked.

Scootaloo thought for a minute. “Hmmm… What about if one of us asks Silver Spoon how she feels about Diamond Tiara?”

Applebloom smiled. “That’s a good idea Scoots, but there’s also the small matter of she’s gonna cry herself to denial in the bathroom unless somepony looks after her for the rest of the day.”

“I’ll go talk to Silver Spoon and you two can keep her happy. Silver and I are taking some private singing lessons together so I think she’d talk to me.” Sweetie Belle finished with a smile.

“Good thinkin’, Sweetie. Alright Crusaders, let’s get to work!” They broke the huddle with smiles of delight.

As Apple Bloom and Scootaloo took Diamond Tiara off to talk and play on the swing set, Sweetie Belle found Silver Spoon sitting on her own staring dreamily into the distance.

“Hi Silver, how are things with you?”

“Oh, hi Sweetie. Things are going just fine, Diamond Tiara apologised to me and she’s coming round to my house this afternoon. Things couldn’t be better for me.” She said with a false smile.

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. “And why would that be Silver?”

“Oh I mean, I’m just going to be stuck in my room for a few hours with my former best friend in the whole of equestria. Her perfect pink coat, her beautiful eyes, her perfect flank. Oh who am I kidding, this is a nightmare!” She slumped into the grass beneath her.

“Easy Silver, what’s so bad about spending time with a friend? Especially when it took so much for her to apologise in the first place. You hadn’t spoken to her in so long she thought you’d abandoned her.”

“What! No! I would never!” She sighed. “The truth is, I was embarrassed about how I felt. I was hurt when she betrayed me like that, and I won't deny I still am. An apology can’t change what she’s done. But seeing her determined to change, bringing in all the equipment, helping me to piece some of it together. I saw the real Diamond Tiara, not the prissy diva princess she was trying to be before. And my heart ached, seeing her all alone tore me apart. I just didn’t know what I could do to help her. In the end I thought I drove her away for good by not talking to her.”

“Sometimes, It doesn’t matter what you say, just being there as a friend is enough for somepony to feel much better.”

Sweetie Belle put a hoof on Silver Spoon’s shoulder and was in turn hugged tightly by the gray coated filly.

“Maybe you should tell her how you feel this afternoon. She might feel the same way. I for one think you two would be great together.”

Silver Spoon blushed. “Y-you think so?”

“Absolutely!”, Sweetie said with a smile. The bell suddenly rang signalling the end of recess. “But first, class.”

Both Diamond and Silver caught the other sneaking glances at each other and hiding behind their hooves embarrassed while Cheerilee continued her lecture on business. However she did walk over to Diamond Tiara and clear her throat when it was obvious Diamond was not paying attention.

“Perhaps, Diamond Tiara, you would like to explain to the class what a profit margin is?”

Diamond Tiara shook her head clear and was suddenly very thankful for her father’s money lectures.

“Essentially, it’s profit divided by revenue. It shows a company’s profitability and can help to determine if it’s performing well enough to continue operating as it is.”

Cheerilee gave a wry grin. “Very good, but don’t think you’ll be so lucky on every question like that. Try and pay attention to the board next time, and while we’re at it. Would you mind staying after class for a few minutes?”

After class ended the students got up to leave as Diamond Tiara stood at the front of the classroom beside Miss Cheerilee. Silver Spoon told her she would wait outside the building for her.

“So, Diamond Tiara. I understand you haven’t been talking to many of your classmates lately, or playing with them at recess. Pipsqueak told me he was worried that you were sad. Is something the matter?”

“It’s nothing you could help me with Miss. I wasn’t doing well but Applebloom wouldn’t leave me alone till I told her what was wrong and she and her friends helped me to reconcile with Silver Spoon. I thought Silver hated me, she hadn’t talked to me in a long time.”

“Funny, she said the same thing about you. She was worried you know, she never stopped thinking about you, but she didn’t think you wanted to be friends with her anymore since you were so insistent on being alone. But that doesn’t explain why you couldn’t keep your eyes off her during class. Are you interested in her?”

Diamond Tiara sobbed, “I-I guess I am. I was too embarrassed after everything that happened that day, I drove her away and I didn’t think she’d ever want to come back. I’m glad we’re at least friends again.”

“Diamond dear, sometimes fights happen, you know that. But no matter how badly things end up, if two friends can talk to each other again and forgive one another for what happened, there’s always a second chance.”

“Thanks Miss Cheerilee, can I go now please? Spoony’s waiting for me.” Diamond Tiara covered her mouth, shocked. “Did I just say that? Tell me, I didn’t just say that.”

Cheerilee smiled, “You did Diamond. I for one hope it works out for you. Go on and be with her, I’ll see you on monday!”

Diamond Tiara left the school building and met up with Silver Spoon outside.

“So what did Miss Cheerilee want?” Silver Spoon asked.

Diamond Tiara blushed slightly. “She just wanted to make sure I was ok, Pip told her I wasn’t doing so hot.”

“Ooh, Pip eh? Nice kid, funny accent. You interested?”

“Eww no. I mean, he’s nice but no. I’ve already got my eye on somepony else.”

Yes! Thought Silver Spoon. I’ve got a chance!

The two ponies made their way through the town towards Silver Spoon’s house, noticing various ponies together out on the streets.

“Isn’t that Snips and Twist?” Diamond Tiara pointed out.

“Yeah, and look over there. Snails and Cotton Cloudy.”

“And, Is that Scootaloo and Apple Bloom holding hooves? Wow, even those girls are finding love.” Diamond Tiara mused with a sigh.

“Oh come on Di, you told me you had your eye on somepony. I’m sure with your grace and beauty you could easily sweep them off their hooves.” Silver Spoon’s eyes widened as she realised what she had said.

Diamond Tiara was deep in thought as they continued through the town. Does she like me? She seemed happy when I said I wasn’t interested in Pip, and she just complimented me. No, don’t fool yourself Diamond Tiara, this is all a coincidence. You’ll tell her how you feel and she’ll reject you and you can move on as friends past the awkwardness.

“Maybe so Silver, but I just don’t think so somehow...”

As they entered Silver Spoon’s house, her mother was there to greet them.

“Diamond Tiara? I haven’t seen you in months, here I thought my little Spoony Woony had lost her best friend! I’m glad to see you’re well.”

“Mom!” Silver Spoon exclaimed, embarrassed and blushing.

Diamond Tiara for her part, could only giggle at Silver Spoon’s plight. “Come on Silver, let’s go up to your room before your mom embarrasses you anymore.”

As they lay on Silver Spoon’s bed reading the latest fashion magazine, Diamond Tiara couldn’t take her eyes away from the pony beside her.

Her coat is so silky, her mane is beautiful. Her eyes are the most beautiful purple. And those glasses are so adorkable. Why can’t I just tell her! Diamond’s mind was running away on her.

“Is something wrong Di? You’ve been staring at me for a while now.”

Diamond Tiara sighed and finally gave in. “There is something wrong. Silver Spoon. I realise now that when I betrayed your trust, the reason I couldn’t go back so quickly was because I felt something. A twinge in my heart, I didn’t know what it was but Randolph told me it sounded like, love. I thought things would be awkward, and you deserved better than me. You’re so perfect, you were only mean because you followed my example, an example I should have set better for those around me from the start. I can’t imagine not being by your side, but I’ve probably ruined everything now...I’ll just go.”

Diamond Tiara was about to step off the bed and leave when a hoof placed itself on her shoulder. The grey hoof turned her head around, and Silver Spoon stared into her tearful eyes. Slowly Silver moved forward and closed the distance between them, giving Diamond Tiara a gentle kiss on the muzzle. One which Diamond Tiara returned in kind. The two didn’t stay connected for very long, but the moment felt magical all the same.

“Di, I think you underestimate yourself. You’re gorgeous, rich, successful and you’ve managed to turn yourself from a bully into a truly great pony. I don’t deserve better than you, because you’re the only one for me.”

With tears in her eyes Diamond Tiara embraced her new fillyfriend, tears began to stain Silver Spoon’s gray coat as she held Diamond Tiara close.

“S-Spoony, would you like to, umm. Go out with me? Tonight?”

“Sure thing Di, how about Sugarcube Corner?”

“Sounds great, but uhh. Can I go home first? I’ll pick you up at 6. I just need to calm down a little.”

“No problem Di. Just never call me Spoony in front of the rest of our class, ok?”

Diamond Tiara smiled as she left the building, she headed straight home. Her mother was out and her father had yet to return home from work, leaving her butler Randolph to let her into the house.

“Good afternoon madam, can I get you anything? Juice perhaps? Or a snack?” Offered the kindly older pony.

“Actually Randolph, maybe you could give me some advice. What do you know about love?”

Randolph smiled. “Diamond my dear, when you’re as old as I am, you see and experience many things, I know a fair bit I’d say, why do you ask?”

“I’ve got a date tonight with Silver Spoon. We’re going to Sugarcube Corner. I’m just worried I won’t know what to say or do, I want this to work. I really do love her.”

“Dear, It’s not always about being perfect, surely you’ve learned that much by now? She wants to see the real Diamond Tiara, not some foal worried about saying the wrong thing. If you listen to your heart I’m sure everything will work out fine.”

Diamond Tiara hugged her butler, something she hadn’t done in years. The older pony smiled and gladly placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Thank you so much! Daddy definitely hired the right pony to look after me while he’s out. I’m so sorry for all the abuse I’ve given you over the years Randolph, any other pony would’ve quit by now.”

“Your father is a great pony, and I see a lot of him in you. You just needed to find the right path in life on your own. And I think you have.”

He gave her a juice box fresh out of the refrigerator to calm her nerves.

“Apple, your favourite dear.”

“You always know just what I need Randolph, thank you. Could you help me with a little make up for my date?”

“Certainly Diamond dear, once you finish your juice we can make you look as beautiful as your name would suggest.”

Diamond Tiara wasn’t the only pony having trouble preparing for the date.

“Come on Silver Spoon, you know you can do this, it’s just a date. So what if it’s your first date, and so what if it’s the most important date of your life because it’s with your best friend who you love and just kissed about half an hour ago. Keep it together girl!”

“Spoony, honey, it sounds to me like you’re worried.”

Her mom had appeared in the doorframe of her room and invited herself in to sit beside her daughter.

“I am worried mom. I’ve always admired Diamond, but now that I know she likes me too, I have to make sure this date goes perfectly. She deserves nothing less.”

“Honey, relationships are a two way street, she’ll be trying to impress you as much as you will her. She probably thinks the same thing about you, that you deserve nothing but perfection. But the truth is, if you listen to your heart and follow the passion of the night... You’ll know what needs to be done.”

“Thanks Mom, do you think you could help me look pretty for my date?”

“What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t fuss over my daughter?” She smirked.