• Published 6th Apr 2021
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Eric Sparkle and the Crystal Caverns - Skywalker215

Eric Sparkle and his friends must solve the mystery of Canterlot’s Crystal Caverns.

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Chapter 2: Eric meets Trixie/Jasper and Smokey's New Friend

Three days went by since Spike’s visit to the Dragon Lands. Twilight and Storm were giving their respective students; Starlight, Jasper, and Smokey, their first lesson for the day.

Twilight took a plate from the cart and placed it on the table and said, “First lesson of the day, we very carefully set the table without using magic, so that— Yikes!”

Twilight and Storm ducked down as plates and silverware were magically placed on the table. Starlight, Jasper, and Smokey each had a smile on their faces that said, ‘Ta-da!’

“Did you...?! How? When? What?!” Twilight asked frantically.

“What?” Starlight, Jasper, and Smokey asked in unison.

“We said no magic. You were supposed to do it by hoof so we could work in a friendship lesson,” Twilight said.

“I expected you to do the same, Smokey and Japser,” Storm added.

“Oh, we heard “set the table” and just kinda went for it,” Starlight replied as she gave Smokey and Jasper a hoofbump.

“Sorry about that. Honest mistake, professor,” Smokey and Jasper added.

“Well, if you three hadn’t used magic, you’d have heard us say, uh... this plate represents your head, this spoon is your heart, and the knives... are sharp! Always be careful with knives. The metaphors make more sense when you’re actually setting the table,” Twilight said and sighed.

“Is that the best you can come up with? Way to make up a metaphor, Twily,” Storm replied.

“Hey! I know what I’m saying...most of the time,” Twilight retorted.

“Should we... change it back?” Starlight asked.

“We just want to make sure you’re all ready for this dinner. Princess Celestia will be joining us tomorrow night to see how the friendship lessons are going!” Twilight replied.

“It’s fine, just please make sure to listen to us closely next time,” Storm added.

“If it’s just you, me, Eric, Storm, Jasper, Smokey, and Princess Celestia, why are there nine seats?” Starlight asked.

“Well, the whole point is for you three to bring a new friend. That way, the princess will see for herself just how far you’ve all come. And how good teachers you all have,” Twilight explained.

“Well, I can’t choose. I like all your friends,” Starlight said.

“Neither can we, and we happen to be dating two of them,” Jasper and Smokey added.

“That’s the best part! You three have to make a new friend!” Twilight pointed out.

“New friends? Hey, maybe I’ll just force friendships by magically enslaving the entire population of Ponyville!” Starlight jokingly said.

“Starlight!” Twilight shouted.

“Kidding!” Starlight laughed nervously.

“A better option would be to set up a friendship booth,” Jasper said.

“What do you think about that, Storm?” Smokey asked.

“Good thinking, Jasper and Smokey. You’ll want to take Eric with you,” Storm replied.

“Eric!” Twilight called out.

Eric came down as soon as he was called.

“What is it, mommy?” he asked.

“We have a task for you. We want you to help Smokey and Jasper with their friendship booth and help them make a new friend,” Twilight replied.

Soon enough, Eric, Starlight, Jasper, and Smokey were out in town.

“Now where would be a good place to set up a friendship booth?” Jasper wondered.

“How about near Sugarcube Corner?” Eric suggested.

“Great idea, Eric. I like your thinking,” Smokey replied.

“Let’s see. Make new friends in Ponyville, the friendliest place in Equestria. Shouldn’t be hard...” Starlight said before Pinkie popped up.

“Need to make a new friend, huh? I know just the pony for you!” Pinkie suggested as she took off with Starlight into Sugarcube Corner.

“Miss Starlight Glimmer, meet Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie said.

“How are you, dearie?” Mrs. Cake greeted.

“Are you baking? Can I help?” Starlight asked. She then used her magic to create a rather impressive three-layer cake.

“Wow, Mrs. Cake! Look what your new friend made you!” Pinkie said.

“New friend. I like the sound of– Howza-wowza! A-Are you trying to put me out of business with your fancy magical-thingy-whatsit cake?!” Mrs. Cake gasped in shock.

Starlight accidentally dropped the cake right onto Mrs. Cake’s mane, then apologized, “Sorry...”

“In her defense, it is delicious!” Pinkie pointed out as she licked the frosting and took a bite.

A short time later, Jasper and Smokey set up their friendship booth. Eric pointed his wand at himself, activated an Amplifying Charm and said, “Attention, everypony! Looking to make two new friends? Step right up and come on over to Jasper and Smokey’s Friendship Booth!”

Soon enough, a green-eyed, reddish brown griffon came to their booth and said, “I’m looking for a friend.”

“You’re in luck, because you’ve got two new friends right here,” Eric replied, “This is Jasper and Smokey.”

“Good to meet you, Jasper and Smokey. I’m Gale,” the griffon greeted.

“Good to meet you too, Gale,” Smokey and Jasper replied.

Eric, Jasper, Smokey, and Gale went back to the castle. En route, Jasper, Smokey, and Eric got to know Gale and told him about themselves.

Meanwhile, Starlight was having a tougher time finding a new friend.

“What is going on? This is Ponyville! If I can’t make a friend here, there’s gotta be something wrong with me! Okay, calm down. Nobody makes friends with a total stresscase,” Starlight said to herself, while standing near a fountain.

She looked around seeing many ponies with their friends, then she began to feel uneasy.

“Stop stressing... Stop stressing!” Starlight started shouting.

Starlight then dashed off realizing she drew too much attention to herself. Just then, she went to the spa. There, she got her hooves massaged.

“This is just what I needed,” she sighed in relaxation.

“Tell me about it,” a mare behind her replied.

“You ever have one of those days?” Starlight asked.

“For me, they’re all one of those days,” the other mare replied.

Starlight just giggled at this.

“I’m gonna start coming here every time I visit Ponyville,” the other mare said.

“I’m not from here either. I’ve been trying to make friends, but it’s not easy. They’re not saying it, but I think everypony knows about my past. I may have been a tiny bit... completely and utterly evil?” Starlight explained.

“Ponies judge me on my past too,” the other mare replied.

“Finally, a pony I can relate to,” Starlight said.

Back at the castle the next day, Twilight and Storm were resetting the table.

“Soup spoon, salad fork, pasta spoon, strawberry pick. I’m beginning to think that after friendship, the greatest magic of all is proper silverware placement!” Twilight said and giggled.

“Only you would ever think that way, Twily,” Storm replied.

“Twilight, guess what? I made a new friend!” Starlight said galloping into the dining room.

“So did we, Storm!” said Jasper and Smokey.

“That’s great!” Storm replied to his students.

“That’s fantastic news!” Twilight replied to Starlight.

“Our new friend is a griffon!” Jasper and Smokey said in unison.

“She’s great!” Starlight said.

“Great!” Twilight replied.

“She’s powerful!” Starlight said.

“Powerful?” Twilight asked.

“She’s—” Starlight tried to say as her new friend revealed herself.

“Hello... princess and sir knight!” the blue magician mare said.

“It’s been a while, Sir Storm,” Gale added.

“Trixie?! Gale?!” Twilight and Storm replied in unison.

“You know each other?” Starlight, Eric, Jasper, and Smokey asked in unison.

“You could say that,” Twilight replied somewhat bitterly.

“We’ve had our differences. What matters is Twilight and Storm gave me a second chance, and I appreciate it,” Trixie added.

“I’ve come to make amends with you, Storm. I was only a bully because my big sister, Gilda picked on me. Can you forgive me?” Gale explained.

“Very well. I forgive you, Gale,” Storm said.

“Thank you, Sir Storm,” Gale replied.

“Hi, Trixie. I’m Eric Sparkle,” Eric said.

“Let me guess, Princess Twilight is your mom?” Trixie asked.

“Yes, she adopted me nine months ago,” Eric replied.

“Pleasure to meet you, Eric,” said Trixie.

“So, um, what brings you to Ponyville?” Twilight asked.

“The Grrrreat and Powerful Trrrrixiehas come to perform a new stage show of grand illusion! I am calling it ‘The Humble and Penitent Trixie’s Equestrian Apology Tour’!” Trixie replied.

“That’s kind of a mouthful,” Starlight pointed out in a hushed tone.

“It’s a working title,” Trixie replied in a hushed tone.

While Twilight, Storm, and Starlight went to talk in private, Eric stayed behind so he could talk to Trixie. She told him about herself, then Eric explained his story about arriving in Equestria, his adoption, and his accomplishments. Jasper and Smokey also got to know Trixie, they told her about their experiences.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Prince Blueblood was accompanied by Hot Shot and his partners, along with the changeling spy, Spiracle. They were out near the entrance of the Crystal Caverns. Once inside the caverns, they followed the sound of sinister hissing.

Hydia was carrying a bag full of chickens, he soon fed them to Glacio’s pet. It was a snake-like creature with talons, leathery wings like a dragon, yellow eyes, and mouth full of sharp teeth capable of inflicting a venomous bite.

“The time has come to unleash you on Canterlot, Grimlock,” Hot Shot said to the creature as he, his partners, and Blueblood cackled.

Soon enough, the creature exited the caverns and snuck into the outskirts of Canterlot.

Back in Ponyville a few hours later, it was now nighttime and Trixie’s magic show was over.

“Storm, what was your problem with Gale?” Eric asked.

“Gale was my biggest bully, he picked on me since I was your age. He would pounce on me, divebomb me, pull pranks on me, such as the ‘there’s a spider on your rump’ trick, and whenever I ignored him, he would knock on my head with his claws saying ‘Hello! Hello! Anypony home?’ It got on my nerves. But I forgave him for all that, since he told my why he did what he did.” Storm explained.

Twilight and Storm suddenly realized that they still needed to get back to the castle and meet up with Princess Celestia. There, they went to resolve the little mishap with Cranky Doodle, Ditzy Doo, and DJ-Pon3.

“We’re sorry about this little mistake, Celestia. We should have had more faith in Starlight in finding a new friend on her own, but instead we nearly ended a friendship before it’s even begun,” Twilight explained.

“Yeah, Twilight and I are still new at being teachers,” Storm added.

“I understand, Twilight and Storm. What matters more is that your students were able to make new friends. You two have learned a big lesson in being in being teachers, and I can see that your students have made great progress,” Celestia replied pointing to Trixie and Gale.

After dinner was finished and Celestia left for Canterlot, Twilight, Storm, and Eric sat in the living room and did some nighttime reading before bed.

Author's Note:

This chapter is set during the 'No Second Prances' episode.