• Published 16th Jul 2021
  • 7,634 Views, 111 Comments

Midnight's Arrow - Hydreigon_Omega

I am stuck in equestria as a shiny rowlet. It’s not all that bad, at least I am Luna’s favorite pet now.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Arrow was startled awake from his nightmare, if he could have even called it that. It felt just so real, like it wasn’t just a dream. Could it have been a long lost memory? No, it couldn’t have, unless it was. Why do dreams have to be so confusing!

Right in the middle of his existential crisis, Luna was awoken by the mint colored owl’s distress. “Arrow, did you have a bad dream?”

“hoo.” (I guess so.) Arrow said, sounding defeated

“Aw,” Luna said, “I wish there was something I could do about it. Why don’t you come here?”

Luna wrapped one of her forelegs around Arrow, before she headed back to her bed. There was something just so relaxing about being in Luna’s presence, Arrow quickly found his eyelids growing heavy as he returned to the realm of the sleeping.

It was mid-day of the next morning before they awoke, Arrow felt something strange in the air. Something familiar, and not in a good way. He shrugged it off and hoped it was nothing as he flew over to Luna’s dresser and grabbed her hairbrush. When Luna had finally woken up, she also noticed the same thing that Arrow had, but her expression was far more cautious than his, maybe even worried.

“Arrow, do you feel that?” Luna asked

“whoo..?” (Yes..?) Arrow didn’t understand Luna’s concern, but he began getting scared because of Luna’s tone.

Luna grabbed her hairbrush and hastily prepared herself for the day, instead of meticulously spending a long time preparing. She grabbed Arrow and placed him on her back, wasting no time to leave her room in search of her sister. Luna knew that if this magic was in the air, it could only mean one thing. Her pace was fast, a lot faster than normal, not quite a full on gallop, but fast enough for the guards to know that something was wrong. When Luna made it to the throne room, Celestia was already there, pacing back and forth.

“So it is true.” Luna said in angry disbelief, “Discord has escaped.”

‘Discord? There was that name again, the same name in my dream.’ Arrow thought, ‘but where have I heard it before? I know it from somewhere, but where!?’

“Yes he has.” Celestia said

“Then what are we waiting for?” Luna said, “Let’s grab the elements and seal him back.”


“We can’t,” Celestia said, “Even if Discord didn’t hide the elements, I am no longer connected to the elements anymore, and I doubt you are either.”

“Then what are we going to do?” Luna asked

“Nothing, for now. The elements have already chosen their new hosts.” Celestia said, “I’ve already sent them to retrieve the elements, so all we can do is wait.”

“Who are they?” Luna inquired, hoping that Celestia didn’t do something stupid

“I believe you are already familiar with them.”

“You mean those six?” When Celestia nodded her head, Luna became furious, “YOU SENT CIVILIANS TO FIGHT DISCORD?”

“What else do you want me to do?” Celestia snapped back, “The elements have already chosen their new hosts, and pony magic won’t work on him.”

“You could have at least sent some guards with them!”

“What part of ‘pony magic doesn’t work on him’ do you not understand?” Celestia barked back, “That would just get more ponies hurt.”

Arrow hated to see Luna get so upset, but what could he do? He’s a human trapped inside the body of a rowlet, he has no experience with battling. Wait… Battling! Arrow had an idea that might just work, but he didn’t know how to use pokemon moves. Maybe if he just focused something would just feel natural, allowing him to use it. Arrow closed his eyes and focused on what to use, maybe then he could convince the two sisters that he could help.

A repulsive wind began blowing through the throne room, chilling the two sisters to their spines, cancelling their argument.

Ominous wind

“Luna, did you feel that just now?”

“Yes, I did.” Luna replied, “But I don’t know what it was.”

“Koo.” (It was me.) Rowlet said as he flew down between the two sisters

“Arrow?” Luna said, “What are you talking about?”

“Koo koo.” (Celestia said pony magic doesn’t work on him, and I am not a pony.) Rowlet explained,

“Luna, are you trying to drive me crazy or can you actually understand your owl.” Celestia said, eyeing the situation suspiciously

“I can. But I am not sure how, or even why.” Luna said,

“There have been only a few ponies who have been able to communicate with their pets,” Celestia said, “But most of them had special talents for talking with animals”

“Brr!” (Hey!) Arrow brought the attention back down to him, “Brrue.” (I can watch over them from a distance, but I will not fight unless I am spotted. And that would only be for me to make an escape.)

“Luna, can you tell me what he said?”

“He said he wants to volunteer to watch over them from the skies. But I don’t want to put him in danger.” Luna said, “Arrow, I don’t want to lose you, I can’t lose you.”

“Koo.” (I will be fine) Arrow replied, before he flew up to a window.

Arrow looked down at Luna, looking for any signs that he shouldn’t go. Luna gave a subtle nod of her head, letting Arrow fly out the window. As he flew through the sky, Arrow peered down at the ground, seeing chaos spread throughout the land. What once was green grass were replaced by many mismatching textiles that were stitched together making a huge rug. Discord has already begun his chaotic work across the land.

Arrow began relentlessly searching for Discord. As long as he maintained an aerial view of the sky, Arrow would have the best chance of running across him. Wherever Discord was, the bearers of harmony were probably close by, but Arrow had his own reasons why he began searching for the draconequus. Perhaps maybe the embodiment of chaos itself would be able to answer his questions he had.

Discord sat on top of his throne, looking through a magical sphere at the misery he had cast upon the bearers of harmony laughing all the while. As he used one of his hands to swipe from pony to pony, a new individual appeared on the sphere. A small mint colored owl was flying through the sky towards him.

“Well well well,” Discord said, “I’d never thought I’d see you again.”

With one final chuckle, he made the sphere disappear before he teleported himself to Arrow’s location.

As Arrow flew across the sky, Discord appeared in front of him, startling him out of a steady flight. When Arrow had recovered a stable flight, he attempted to stare down Discord.

“Come now,” Discord said, “Is that how you treat an old friend?”

Arrow could tell in his voice that he was mocking him, “I’m only here to get answers.”

“Then ask away,” Discord said, “Those pesky ponies will be busy for the next few hours.”

“Who am I? Why am I here? And what’s your involvement in this?”

“You are the reincarnation of the human known as...” Discord caught himself, “I almost said too much, but that is as much as I can tell you.”

“Why!?” Arrow demanded

“I can’t have you remembering anything, now can I?” Discord said, “That would put me at an unfair disadvantage.”

“Then I guess I will have to force it out of you.” Arrow said, launching a razor leaf attack at Discord.

Before the attack collided with the draconequus, he disappeared out of sight. “Maybe later, I have other things I need to deal with.”

With an angry screech, Arrow became doubly motivated to find Discord and give him a taste of his mind.