• Published 26th Mar 2021
  • 6,452 Views, 279 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart - Babroniedad

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

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55 - Beginning of the End - Faust


A white light surrounded her, lifting her gently from the world and carrying her through the cosmos. Cocooned in the beautiful light, she watched stars, nebulae, and galaxies float and drift past. She felt loved and accepted by the universe, completely wanted and cherished. A bright and colorful band of light grew before her, until she entered a vast field of grass and wheat, flowing and folding in the gentle breeze that gusted across it’s endless acres. It stretched beyond the horizons in every direction, the skies covered in gentle clouds, and bathed in the purest of golden sunlight.

In the distance, she could see a herd of horses approaching, running joyfully, calling out to one another happily. As they grew nearer, she realized they were not horses at all, but ponies; unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies, laughing and playing together as they ran towards her. At their head was an alicorn, reddish main and tail whipping in the wind as she danced and played with the others. As the alicorn drew closer, Sunset noticed the quill and inkwell cutie mark. Smiling, Sunset gasped. “Faust!” she called in joy. This was the beloved Faust, mother to Celestia and Luna, spiritual mother to all of ponydom.

Sunset fell to her knees in joy, reaching out to her.

“Greetings my little pony!” Faust called out.

Tears of joy fell from Sunset’s cheeks. The beloved Faust. She was being greeted by the beloved Faust! Blessed Harmony!

A small part of Sunset’s soul observed with snark, ‘So that’s where she gets that…’

Rising from her knees, Sunset walked over to Faust and the ponies. Then she noticed. She was still human. Looking down, she could see her feet, shod in golden slippers, laced with golden thongs up her caves. A white toga with gold trim was bound at her waist. On her arms were golden wristlets, and from her forehead extended a brilliant horn, bathed in warm teal light. Turning to look over her shoulder she saw two large wings of flame, extending out, light shimmering from them but not burning. Turning back to Faust, she ran to her, and bowed deeply on one knee.

She asked only one word. “How?

Touching her horn gently to Sunset’s, Faust smiled. “My dear little pony. You’ve come so far, and done so much. You’ve suffered greatly on your journey. But my dear, I am sorry to say, you do not belong here.”

Sunset looked up into Faust's large aqua eyes.

“I don’t belong here?” she asked, anguish clear in her voice.

Faust smiled gently.

“No my little pony. You don’t belong here. Not yet. Your journey is not complete. There is work still to be done. You have so much love left to give. So much care left to share. A heart as big as yours cannot be stilled so easily. You have Friends to make, Joys to share, and Love to spread. The magic of friendship is strong in you. Harmony flows through you like a river, watering a parched and dusty land. You have strength yet to share in your weakness, hope left to show in your hopelessness, and joy to shine brightly in your darkest hours.”

Tears of joy streamed down Sunset’s cheeks as she hugged Faust tightly.

“Thank you!” she breathed joyfully.

“Thank you my dear little pony! Know that you carry my heart wherever you go. And when your journey is complete, you will join me forever here, in your true form, to know peace and harmony with your loved ones forever. Go now, return to those who await you, and take up your mantle again until the day you are called to us once again for eternity.”

Faust stepped back, joyfully smiling, her wings out regally.

Crying tears of pure joy, Sunset faded in a bright white light.

Elysium faded from her view.

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