• Published 6th Apr 2021
  • 9,999 Views, 1,412 Comments

The Stereotypical Necromancer - JinxTJL

Ever since he was a foal, Light Flow had always known he was destined to be a villain.

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Chapter 11 - The Prodigy

Light Flow was, in a word, mystified.

He was standing in front of a tall colorful building near the center of Ponyville. He wore his special black saddlebags at his sides, with their cool angular patterns. He had packed everything he needed for the coming trials, and he felt the items inside weigh heavily on his body.

He stared up at the fancy patterns above the large windows, and the model ponnequins bordering the second floor. His eyes flicked down to the fancy lettering above the door.

Carousel Boutique

He had heard from everypony in town that this was the place to go for clothes. He had thought more about the idea of a cloak, and decided one was absolutely necessary. He knew it was going to be so cool, and he even had a bunch of specifications and details using big words he had looked up in the dictionary.

There was just one sticking point in his head...

This shop was apparently run by a foal.

He didn't really want a cloak made by a foal. But everypony he talked to had assured him that she was some sort of genius.

A seamstress prodigy, they said. He wondered if that was true. He wondered just how good she was.

That wondering had led him here, where he stood in front of a large purple door with two handles for some reason.

The sign in the window read 'open' in big fancy lettering, so he took the top handle in his red magical glow. To his surprise, the bottom handle swung open along with the top one. Though as he gave it more thought, he supposed it would be stupid to have a front door that required two tries to open.

He heard the soft tinkling of a bell, and a high-pitched voice called out from somewhere inside.

"I'm Coming!"

He stepped inside, looking around the dubious shop. It was far more official than he had guessed it to be. Though, he supposed his vision of a shop run by a foal was a little tainted by his general distaste for young ponies.

It didn't matter if he was young, he still didn't like them.

They're just so... messy.

He looked around at the ponnequins and the dresses they displayed. The colorful fabrics cascaded down around each other, and he could see gems sparkling out from multiple places.

They were... nice, he supposed.

He wasn't really into fashion, so he really couldn't say much about them. He turned his attention away from the frills and laces, and looked around at... the frills and laces. There were a lot of materials scattered around. On dressers and tables, and even some on the floor. He guessed the young owner didn't have a lot of time to clean.

Speaking of...

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique! How may I help you today sir...."

He heard the rather grating high-pitched voice trail off, and he turned to look at the speaker from where she had descended down a set of stairs he hadn't noticed.

If he had to describe the filly in front of him, in a word, it would be overdone.

Her white fur was immaculate, and he could only guess at the hours of brushing it must have taken. Her short purple mane was curled in a simple fashion, but her tail was wrapped in on itself in what looked to be a complicated styling. Her eyelashes were long and delicate, and her deep purple eyes stared forward at him.

He noticed a horn on her head, and figured that was how she managed to keep up with what he guessed was a maintained level of conventional beauty. Magic made stuff like that really easy.

Not that he would know. His mane steadfastly refused to grow, no matter how he wished it would. It seemed forever destined to swish about just above his line of sight.

Very quickly, his eyes flicked down to her flank, and he caught a glimpse of a triple-gem cutie mark. He quickly returned his eyes to her face. It was considered quite rude to look at a pony's cutie mark without asking, but strangely, it was also quite rude to ask.

He would never understand manners.

Finally, he took a moment to stare down at the orb in her chest.

It was a deep glowing purple, though he caught a glimpse at something deeper inside; just like what he had seen with Applejack. It was also circling around in place, as if trying to show off every bit of itself at once.

He frowned. This was the second time he had seen something like that in a pony's orb. Two completely unconnected ponies with the same strange quality in their soul(?). He could only wonder at what it could mean.

"Excuse me!"

He turned his eyes up to the filly's face, where it was slowly scrunching up in apparent anger.

"If you quite done with your little examination, I would ask that you leave at once! This is a place of business, and I don't have time for little colts trying to look for mischief!"

He waited until she had finished her little tirade, before opening one of his saddlebags to fish a bag of jangling bits out. He shook it in the air using his magic, listening until the subtle jingling stopped, before speaking out in the heavy silence.

"I'm a customer."

Those three little words worked like... well, magic. He watched, unimpressed, as the filly's face almost instantly changed from dark and stormy to bright and pleasant.

He scoffed inwardly. He couldn't believe the two-faced filly in front of him was the hailed sewing prodigy he had heard so much about.

He stood there with his floating bag of bits as the filly spoke up again in that high-pitched voice of hers.

"I'm so sorry sir! Please accept my apologies for my horrid behavior!" She approached him with a pleasant expression and a disarming smile as she spoke, before coming to a stop in front of him.

"My name is Rarity, darling. Would you be so kind as to grace me with your name, now that I have so graciously shared mine?

He internally sighed at the fake syrupy sweetness in that grating voice of hers.

"My name is Light Flow." He replied in his best fake-polite voice. Just in case this really was the fabled sewing prodigy, he wanted to stay on her good side. No use in upsetting a genius.

The filly whose name he hadn't really listened to smiled beautifully at his response.

"Well, Mr. Flow. What is it you need from my humble little shop today? Surely you haven't come for a dress?" She tittered softly at her own joke. It was a horrid sound, he thought. Like little crystals shattering on the floor.

"I've come to commission a cloak, miss. Do you think you can do that?"

The filly's expression seemed to dip at that, and she made a small sound of disbelief.

"A cloak? As if something so du- Uh, I mean simple! As if something so simple would be beyond one of my ability. Describe this cloak to me, I will make it happen!"

She seemed unconcerned by her slip-up, as she levitated a nearby pen and paper over to her with light blue magic. She seemed ready to take notes, as if he was just going to rattle off what he wanted at her. He stared at her determined face for a moment before shaking his head.

Some ponies...

He once more opened his saddlebag, and levitated a scroll out as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Actually miss, I've got the details here on this scroll so- ack!"

He let out a cry as the paper was wrested from his grip. He felt her magic brush against his for a moment, and he heard her give a near-inaudible gasp.

The paper flew over to the white filly where she was staring at him wide-eyed. She seemed shocked at something, though it looked as if she recovered quickly. She only stared at him a moment before focusing her attention on the scroll she had so rudely taken from him.

She muttered things under her breath while giving periodic glances back up at him, and he only caught snippets of big words he didn't understand. He hadn't made the instructions too confusing, had he? He had tried to make them as concise as possible, but she was taking far longer than should have been necessary.

He had also included all of his measurements. There was no way he was letting anypony near him with any sort of measuring device.

Finally, she seemed to finish. She turned her head up from the scroll and cleared her throat.

"Yes yes, this should be quite easy, if a bit unorthodox. I should have it finished in no time, though I will require payment up front."

He nodded. That seemed fair. After all, he wasn't exactly her normal clientele, and she had no way of knowing he wouldn't run off with the finished product without paying.

He levitated the bag of one hundred bits over to the filly, and she seemed to hesitate for a moment. She oddly took the bag in her teeth before then levitating it away, and she smiled somewhat... nervously?

"T-Thank you sir. I have a big order right now, so if you could return in about two weeks' time, that would be lovely."

He polite-smiled at her again, before turning and heading out through the door. He felt it shut rather abruptly behind him, and turned to look at the large object that had just barely missed his tail.


He turned his gaze back towards the town as he thought about the filly inside. It was likely that she had made those dresses he had seen, so there was little doubt that she could sew. But he still felt uneasy about his cloak. That filly had probably been the most unpleasant, fake, scheming little ball of sweetness he had ever met.

"I think I like her. I'm gonna have to ask somepony what her name is."

Author's Note:

Hey, do you remember when I said It was gonna be a while before the next chapter?

Yeah, that's right, in that chapter I put out like two hours ago.


Well anyway, this was far easier to write than expected. I think I'm also getting some writing mojo back. This chapter felt really good, and I think I actually like my writing for once!

I don't have anything else to say beside my hopes that you guys like it too. Sometimes it feels like I'm screaming into the void or something, so I wouldn't mind some feedback on how I'm doing.

Anything you think I could be doing better, please feel free to point it out. I love criticism.

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