• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
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Kirins have a reputation for starting fires in Equestria.

Sweet Inferno has a job putting out fires on Earth.

Inspired by Admiral Biscuit's writing challenge.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 76 )

Changeling plumbers and firefighting Kirins.

What’s next? Bat pony cops?

Dragon cleanup crew for nuclear reactors. They're immune to radiation and can eat nuclear waste!

this is a good read

Good story, shame it is just a one off

Does Batman ring a bell?

can i ship Ash and Fern :rainbowkiss:

As someone who has been casually demanding a kirin firefighter fic for ages, this has totally made my day. ^^ Loved it to bits!

Deeply disappointed that the fire station was not also on fire. Because it would be on Equestria :)
Love it, from ignition to the end.

Cute, funny, amusing, and very much a hero in the sense of it all.

Well done!

I haven’t even read this but I already wanna write a sequel about a Kirin who lives where I live in Southern California and uses their powers to start controlled burns in our local chaparral.


Batpony Cops

Nah us batpone ain’t narcs fuck that

Story and characters all receive stamp of approval

Battalion 5 Station 1 PVFD
Fire Chief
Rescue Sunstreak

The story's great.
I am quite hyped for this kind of Slice-of-Life, exploring the casual day-to-day usefulness of Equestrian kind of magic, and how it'd affect human society.

And floofy Kirins singing edgelord songs is just too awesome a mental image.
...Although, admittedly, floofy Kirins are awesome by default, but you get my meaning.


What’s next? Batpony cops?

That's how you get Night Lords.
And you don't ever go full retar Night Lord

Fantastic stuff, both the incidental world building and the tense climax. (Seriously, chewing glass is brilliant and I can't believe I've never seen it before.) Thank you for an outstanding read.

Nicely done. I bet Biscuit would be proud xD

Hmm. Sounds like somepony should start making a less overpowered (and therefore much easier to source materials for and create) version of the artifact that Twilight makes in https://www.fimfiction.net/story/190828/walking-through-fire, could be a useful thing for fire departments to have...

Also seems to have ended much better for everybody involved than https://www.fimfiction.net/story/321485/a-creature-of-black-and-yellow did, luckily for them. (Been a while since I last read that one...)

The man did his best impression of a foetus

This is the UK spelling.

Excellent work! I’ve long thought that certain types of Equestrian were well-suited to dangerous human jobs because of their unique skillset—pegasi search and rescue or weather patrol, seapony or hippogriff sea rescue, unicorns remote-manipulating things in hazardous environments, and I had considered the idea of kirin as firefighters reasoning at the least that they’re probably fireproof.

I hadn’t really thought it all the way through, not nearly as you did. Certainly pitfalls to having a firefighter who’s also on fire, at the very least they’d have to change their approach (depending on the situation, and your particular elemental headcanon [which is genius, by the way], scouting out fires that were too dangerous for humans to approach could be valuable, especially if there’s a question if somebody’s still in there needing rescue.

I’ll admit that I never even considered dragons as firefighters, and I have no idea why that never crossed my mind.

This is absolutely fantastic!


What’s next? Batpony cops?

Funny you should mention that.

I was gonna PM you if you hadn’t seen this one :heart: Figured it was right up your alley.


Nah us batpone ain’t narcs fuck that

Literally the only time they appeared in the show was as guardsponies. I know you hate cops to the point of being temp-banned for sheer vitriol, but come on.

really,? neat.

Lol bodyguards/chauffeur ain’t cops

Very good story! :) :heart:

Happy to be of service!


Deeply disappointed that the fire station was not also on fire.

Sounds very Estee-esque. I don't know if I'm quite able to pull off that level of shenanigans. :pinkiecrazy:


I haven’t even read this but I already wanna write a sequel about a Kirin who lives where I live in Southern California and uses their powers to start controlled burns in our local chaparral.

"So, what do you do for a living?"
"I get paid to lose my shit and run naked through the bushes!" :pinkiehappy:

Booyah! :rainbowdetermined2:


And floofy Kirins singing edgelord songs is just too awesome a mental image.

Lucky for us, someone's already brought that image to life!

But where do they poop?! :twilightoops:

Wait, you guys are getting paid?

TMongolian Horse Friction
You have two questions: what, exactly, is Tree Hugger on, and where do you get some?
Admiral Biscuit · 2.1k words  ·  293  4 · 3.5k views

Can't imagine cleaning staff being too happy if dragons start sticking chewed glass under seats everywhere. :pinkiegasp:


Certainly pitfalls to having a firefighter who’s also on fire, at the very least they’d have to change their approach

I'd definitely put fire-attuned members on the bench when investigating a suspected gas leak, or at least have them using their SCBA the whole time on site to avoid being an accidental source of ignition.

I've been binge-watching a lot of USCSB vids, and they really give you a sense of just how many ways things can go horribly wrong in an industrial facility.


But where do they poop?! :twilightoops:

In the swimming pool volcano. :derpytongue2:

I figured it will be a while before Earth has widespread access to heat-blocking/absorbing talismans and other magical gear. But they'll probably get there eventually.

Oh yeah, that was a good one. Thanks for bringing back memories. :twilightsheepish:

I almost confused it with another story where the human visits a pony spa to get 'perked up', and he gets a spicy carrot rammed up his butt (which apparently is a thing done for real life horses). :rainbowderp:

Oh lol that’s not a carrot it’s ginger and it’s called figging for some reason. Surprisingly I’ve never tried it.

They don't!

EPonies Are Tiny Nuclear Reactors
It turns out that ponies don't need to go to the bathroom because they run on cold fusion. Meanwhile, Maud Pie has found a bunch of glowing, green rocks. I wonder what they could be?
Cloud Hop · 1.9k words  ·  296  6 · 3.8k views

They just emit iron when breathing. I would hazard that this also applies to dergs :unsuresweetie::twistnerd:

No passion without discipline.

No strength without compassion.

No freedom without restraint.

No victory without sacrifice.

Nirik and Kirin, we are one.

I see what you did there.

That was fun. Needs to be longer, or have a sequel so we can spend more time with the team and their dynamics.


I need fanart of Ash and all the highschoolers lining up for hugs and selfies.

Sweet Inferno certainly put his everything into that. Nice story :)

The biggest problem with modern builds is being lightweight, and steel softens at a suprisingly low temperature, is that it doesnt take much of a fire to cause the structure to collapse, and it might be lightweight relative to size of building, but that still tons of dropping steel hitting and heating everything below.

Never mind all the alloys that can start burning, and the popularity of lithium batteries that cannot be put out except by flooding them in hydrocarbon?:twilightoops: And then you have clouds of superheated exploding hydrocarbon to deal with?:derpyderp1:

This was a great read! The draconic chewing glass (uranium flavored!) was a genius idea, Fern is overall a very fun character, and the action at the fire was really solidly done.

Ginger's just a spicy carrot anyways, right? Huh, so it is. :twilightsheepish:

*Waves hoof* "This isn't the Code you're looking for... :trollestia:

I was thinking more of elementary or middle school, but then again, I'd probably still do the same if a Kirin showed up while I was in high school. :derpytongue2:

Yeah, it is a bit of a gray area.

No passion without discipline.

No strength without compassion.

No freedom without restraint.

No victory without sacrifice.

Nirik and Kirin, we are one.

Did- did you just merge the Sith and Jedi codes? Because that is brilliant, and I am going to steal it.

Haha, really ?
I was just about to complement the author on the internal monologues.

Which I will still do.
Thankyou for adding to my Kirin headcanon.
Fire Elementals... Code of Balance... very nice :ajsmug:

It's a free country! And hey, if they do get intimate, it looks like they've got fire safety covered!

Yeah, it's mostly a modified Sith Code, with Jedi values to counterbalance its base elements.

“Chewing glass.” She waved the bar casually as she blew out a glowing, molten bubble. When it popped, she pulled the sagging remains back in with her tongue and said, “Uranium flavour.”

Uranium glass is awesome! It glows under a blacklight and is nowhere near as dangerous as people think it is. The radiation exposure is about the same as spending a few extra minutes in the sunlight. It's freaking expensive, though, and nobody makes it anymore.

We like to call that "healthy balance." :twilightsmile:

Great job, a very enjoyable read.

That sounds awesome! Hopefully a lot safer than those cesium watches!


Hard to act cool when the power of pony compels you

Oi, just wonder what kind of shenanigans there would be with ponies and Tiktok (or any other popular social media)?
Pretty sure changelings would try it until they figure out no matter how many likes and favs they get, nothing is coming through the little glass slab to feed them. Changed-lings would be the opposite I'd imagine and literally infest their corner of social media.


Pretty sure changelings would try it until they figure out no matter how many likes and favs they get, nothing is coming through the little glass slab to feed them.

They would absolutely dominate the live adult entertainment industry, though. Regular humans won't be able to compete with somebuggy who can accommodate almost any fantasy... :heart: :rainbowderp:


It's pretty safe. Just got a bad reputation after 1945. I really wish uranium glass would make a comeback. I would totally get a fancy Bohemian absinthe fountain.
Stillwater, MN about 20 minutes from here has some pretty famous antique malls. There's plenty of green glassware to be found. I'm not sure how much of it is the real thing, though. I understand that USB-connected phone geiger counters are a thing, though.

One thing that's often not considered. There's a safety manager in every plant, a company I used to work for had a really good one who had a direct line to the fire chief and would be contacted by him the moment any alarm goes off, even tests at 10pm. Any fire they had, the safety manager would inform what equipment, personal and chemicals were or would be involved.

Under ideal circumstances, yeah.

The circumstances leading to the fire are not the focus of this story, but the idea is that this plant has been cutting corners on maintenance and safety practices.

The USCSB has showcased disasters that were caused by criminally negligent management and sometimes almost cartoonishly unsafe practices.

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