• Published 7th Apr 2021
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness II - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - Season II

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Chapter 29 - A dragon and his family

A dragon and his family

"Hurry up! The girls must already be waiting for us.” Dusk Shine said as he walked at a fast pace through the streets of Ponyville. “I knew you would be late… You baked too many desserts!” Dusk added, looking back at his little brother, who was walking behind him.

“There aren't that many.” Spike said, also walking quickly while balancing a large tray full of desserts. “Pinkie Pie and Applejack always make us desserts. So, I thought it would be nice if I cooked something for them this time.”

“Hmm… Uh-huh… And it has nothing to do with the fact that yesterday at breakfast Rarity praised a strawberry dessert that you cooked just for her, right?” Dusk said, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

“O-Of course not!” Spike stammered, blushing, feigning indignation at such an accusation. Well, the truth was that that was precisely the reason why Spike spent the entire morning cooking desserts—all to surprise his beloved Rarity again.

Despite it being a beautiful, warm afternoon, the streets of Ponyville were completely empty, except for Dusk and Spike who were walking towards the outskirts of town. There were even boarded-up windows, turning the once bustling town into an almost ghost town.

Even though his beloved town had that drastic transformation, Dusk Shine didn't care at all. In fact, he understood it. It wasn't that there was no one in the town, what was happening was that all its inhabitants were locked in their houses, many trembling with fear, due to the great migration of dragons that would pass over their town that day, just before sunset.

The migration of dragons occurred every hundred years when dragons flew from the distant 'Dragon Lands' towards their ancient ancestral home. A pilgrimage that all dragons had to make at least once in their lives, and that every time it happened, this made the ponies very scared. An ancient fear that came from ancient stories which told how dragons hunted ponies in ancient times. A practice that dragons had not done for thousands of years, thanks to the power of ponies like Celestia, Luna, and their ancestors, who managed to change those barbaric customs. However, despite the fact that the dragons no longer hunted ponies for food, and that they swore to cross Equestria in peace on their migration, normal ponies couldn’t help but fear those enormous fire-breathing creatures with sharp teeth. So, generally speaking, the ponies always hid in their houses until the migration was over.

Hiding for that event was almost a tradition for the ponies. But there were always a few, like Dusk Shine, who were fascinated by having the opportunity to see such enormous beasts so close for the first time. And, of course, Dusk convinced his friends so that they could all together see that great show, a once-in-a-lifetime event.

After reaching the outskirts of the town, Dusk and Spike came to a small ditch covered with bushes. One that he himself had excavated with magic the day before, so that his friends would feel safer seeing the fearsome dragons from a less visible place. There, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were already there. All wearing camouflage clothes and hats, for greater safety. Although Rarity was a special case, since green and combat clothes were not her thing, she wore a beautiful purple dress with yellow and brown patterns. Which of course, took camouflage to a new level of fashion.

“What took you so long?” Pinkie Pie asked, looking at Dusk with binoculars, even though she was standing in front of him.

“Spike took a little while with the snacks.” Dusk responded with a small smile. Seeing that although Dusk told them that dragons were prohibited from attacking during migration, his friends had still felt unsafe, enough to wear camouflage clothing. “By the way, Fluttershy isn't here yet?” Dusk asked, noticing that one of his friends was missing.

“She won't come... I went to her house to convince her, but she says she's still terrified of dragons.” Rainbow Dash said annoyed. Remembering how Fluttershy had charged at her in her panic to flee, leaving her all dizzy. “Besides… I think she's still embarrassed to look into your eyes, after becoming the sexy kiss-stealing vampire.” The pegasus added, looking at Dusk and smiling at him with a mischievous smile. Which made the lavender stallion blush as he remembered the sassy side of his shy pegasus friend.

“It's time! They’re coming!” Applejack suddenly shouted. Who kept looking up at the sky with her binoculars.

At their friend's warning, everyone hid a little further behind the bushes, and put on their binoculars to look up at the sky. There, everyone could see how dozens and dozens of dragons began to fly towards Ponyville. Dragons of all colors, sizes and shapes. Some were more elongated, almost resembling snakes; others more robust with small wings; others with large pointed tails; reds, greens, whites; some the size of Celestia and others larger than a house. All very different from each other, but with something in common. Sharp and terrifying teeth, sharp and fierce gazes, and strong claws that could easily tear the skin of a soft pony.

Spike and the six ponies stared at the spectacle with their mouths open, almost seeing the sky darken due to the number of dragons there were. Watching in amazement those fierce beasts fly so close to them.

"I thought the dragon we saw on the mountain was terrifying... But now I see that they all are..." Pinkie Pie said with a nervous giggle, to try to calm her fear at seeing those superb, but fearsome creatures.

“Well, it was the first dragon we saw, so it left a big impression on everyone.” Applejack said. Looking with respect and fear at the dragons flying overhead.

"Hey!" Spike suddenly said. Offended with that comment. “That wasn't the first dragon they had seen. I have been with you all this time!”

“Uh, well, yeah. But I was referring to a… er… different dragon.” Applejack said nervously. Scratching her head. Since she almost said something that could have offended her little friend more.

“Different how?” Spike asked annoyed. Seeing that, from the way everyone was looking at him at that moment, everyone was looking down on him.

“Well, a real dragon. Obvious." Rainbow Dash said with a shrug. Saying what everyone thought, but none of them had dared to say, for fear of offending Spike.

“I am a real dragon!” Spike said annoyed.

“Pfft! Hahaha! No offense, Spike.” Rainbow Dash laughed. Taking one of the desserts prepared by Spike and eating it. “When you see one of those giant dragons cooking a dessert like these, then I’ll say that they’re the same, Hahaha!” Rainbow Dash continued to laugh while eating. Just having fun with her little friend. Not realizing that she was offending him by saying that he wasn't a real dragon.

“Don't pay attention to her, Spike. It's just that Rainbow Dash doesn't know how to express herself properly.” Rarity said, approaching Spike and stroking his chin. “Of course you are a real dragon! It's just that you're not like them, dear. You’re not fierce or barbaric, and that is a good thing.” Rarity added, pointing towards the sky. Just when two dragons seemed to have collided with each other and sent bites at each other as a warning.

“I… don't act like a dragon?” Spike asked, lowering his head thoughtfully. Even with an annoyed look.

"Of course not. You’re sweet, cuddly and gentle, my dear Spikey-Wikey.” Rarity added, playfully squeezing the little dragon's cheeks.

After that comment, Spike remained silent. At that moment, the roar of a huge dragon that passed very close distracted everyone, what made all the ponies took out their binoculars again and looked in amazement at that enormous dragon. Seeing that Spike had quieted down, everyone thought that the little dragon had calmed down, even more so with Rarity's explanation, because everyone thought it was true. Spike wasn't violent or savage, so it was a compliment to say that he didn't act like a dragon. But that only happened in the mind of a pony. Without them realizing it, they also offended Spike, saying that he didn’t act as his race should. Should all dragons be violent!? That was a prejudice!

While everyone looked at the sky in amazement, Spike began to look at the sky with a thoughtful look. Sadly realizing that not even he knew if all dragons were truly wild or not... How much could he not know about his own race when he was raised by ponies?

“Waah! I'm afraid! Hug me!" Pinkie Pie suddenly said, with a fake cry of fear. Looking at Dusk tenderly and taking the opportunity to snuggle between her coltfriend's hooves. “Hehe…” Pinkie laughed tenderly, looking at Dusk.

“Ugh… We get it… We'll give you two space…” Rainbow Dash said annoyed. Same look that Applejack and Rarity gave. All of them, along with Spike, moving towards the other end of the ditch, so that Pinkie Pie could take advantage of her right as Dusk's marefriend, to snuggle for a moment with her coltfriend while they watched that show.

“Tsk!” Applejack clicked her tongue. Not being able to help but think that perhaps she should have also been more affectionate with Dusk when she had the chance.

After separating, Applejack and Rainbow Dash returned to focusing on watching the dragons. While Rarity stayed for a moment looking towards Dusk and Pinkie. While the pink pony whispered things in his ear, and a blushing Dusk told her not to get so attached, even though he liked all that cuddling a little. And without Rarity realizing it, another one who stopped paying attention to the migration was Spike. Who was confused watching how his beloved Rarity stared at Dusk and Pinkie.

“Are you trying to read their lips?” Spike asked confused. Seeing that Rarity didn't take her eyes off them.

"What? Oh! No! Not at all." Rarity said surprised. Blushing and looking away when she saw that Spike had seen her looking at Dusk. Well, for a second, she imagined herself playing with Dusk, like Pinkie Pie did. “I, uh… Actually, I don't need to know how to read lips, hehe.” Rarity said quickly. Quickly thinking of something else to change the subject.

"What are you talking about?" Spike asked.

“Daisy and Lily recently begged me to learn a spell to eavesdrop from afar. You know how much those two like rumors.” Rarity said smiling. Glad Spike followed her change of subject. Remembering the spell she had learned to help the town's gossiping flower girls. "Hmm... Although on second thought..." Rarity added, looking back at Pinkie and Dusk. Thinking for a second that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to eavesdrop on them. "No! I could not! I must respect their privacy.” Rarity quickly added, looking away to avoid temptation.

Noticing from afar that Rarity was looking at her nervously, Pinkie Pie looked at her from afar, stuck her tongue out playfully at her, and finally separated from Dusk. Seeing that, Rarity sighed in relief, seeing as all that fooling around Pinkie had done, it had only been to have fun at her expense.

Seeing that Rarity looked at Dusk again and sighed, made Spike lower his gaze and remain very thoughtful. He remembered the time he thought Rarity wanted to be his marefriend, after she kissed him at the fashion show. That time, Rarity made it very clear that they were not dating, and he swore to himself that he would do everything possible to make Rarity one day think otherwise. After remembering that, Spike also remembered the time he found out that Rarity and Dusk kissed. That time, Spike got very angry with Dusk, but ended up forgiving him, telling himself that he couldn't force Rarity to love him, but rather he had to work hard to make Rarity look at him and fall in love with him. But... What had progressed since that time? Did Rarity still see him as just a baby? In fact… She didn't even see him as he really was, a dragon.

“Rarity?” Spike asked, his gaze downcast.

“Hm? Yes darling?" Rarity asked. Returning her focus to Spike when she realized that she had been staring at Dusk again, without realizing it.

“If you… If you had to choose between Dusk and me, who would you choose?” Spike asked, his head down.

"What? Why do you ask me that?" Rarity asked confused, surprised by that question. “I could never choose. Both of you are very important to me. I don't know what I would do if you or Dusk disappeared from my life." Rarity said worriedly. Approaching his beloved baby dragon to pet him.

“But if Dusk asked you to be his marefriend… Would you accept?” Spike asked, looking up to stare at Rarity.

That question paralyzed Rarity. This time she couldn't respond so quickly. She didn't want to lie to her beloved Spike, but telling the truth meant admitting that she did dream of being Dusk's marefriend one day. And that would obviously hurt the innocent and amorous baby dragon.

“I… I don't know, Spike.” Rarity said, crouching down, caressing Spike's face and looking at him tenderly with concern. “Like Applejack, Pinkie and the others, we're all trying to learn more about true love. I... I don't know what the future holds for us, but what I can promise you is that I’ll never stop loving you, because you’re unique and special to me, my dear Spikey-Wikey. My special sweet little dragon!” Rarity added, giving his beloved baby dragon a warm and strong hug full of love.

On any other occasion, Spike would have felt on cloud nine in the warm embrace of his beloved Rarity. However, this time, he simply looked away sadly. That hug proved it; for Rarity, he was still just a baby dragon who didn't know about true love.

Her ‘special little dragon'…” Spike thought with a bitter look as he was hugged. “To her, I'm not even a real dragon…

After Rarity's hug, Pinkie Pie called everyone to watch together the last dragons flying through the sky, just as the sun began to set. Everyone watched excitedly as the great migration of dragons finally moved away, except for Spike, who kept his eyes serious and thoughtful, and Rarity, who looked worriedly at Spike after he asked her such strange questions. Unfortunately, it didn't help that Rainbow Dash didn't pick up on Spike's bad mood and told him a few more jokes about how fierce the other dragons were compared to him.

Finally, as the sun set, everyone said goodbye and returned home. That's how Spike and Dusk finally returned to the library.

"What's wrong? You’ve been quiet since the migration ended.” Dusk said once they both entered his home. Finally noticing that his little brother was in a bad mood. Thinking that maybe Spike was uncomfortable seeing all those dragons flying, since he didn't have wings.

“I'm fine… Good night.” Spike responded grumpily, without even looking at Dusk. Walking up the stairs to climb into his bed and lie down. Remaining silent as a daring idea began to form in his mind.

The next morning, Dusk woke up like any other day, checking under the covers of his bed to see if his marefriend was there. Since Pinkie managed to sneak out in the mornings to wake up next to him every other day, that day was not one of those.

Upon getting up, Dusk was surprised to see that Spike was not in his bed. So he went downstairs to see if his little brother was in the kitchen, since it wasn't normal for Spike to wake up so early. When he went down, Dusk saw that the kitchen was empty, which worried him a little. Until he heard some noises coming from a closet at the other end of the room. There, Spike had opened a chest, where he kept his delicious emergency gems, and now, for some reason, he was selecting some and placing them on a small tablecloth.

“Are you going to eat all those gems so early?” Dusk asked, with a small chuckle. “If you were going to get up so early to eat, you would have at least made me breakfast too, hehe.”

“If you want to eat breakfast, make it yourself. I’m not your servant.” Spike said reluctantly, not meeting Dusk's eyes.

"What? What are you talking about? I’ve never said that you’re my servant.” Dusk said surprised, and somewhat annoyed by his brother's abrupt way of responding.

"Really? Then why do you always wait for me to make you breakfast.” Spike said. Beginning to throw the gems he took out of his chest more forcefully onto the tablecloth.

"You like to cook! I have never forced you!” Dusk responded annoyed.

At that moment Spike turned around and looked angrily at Dusk.

“Would you order breakfast from another dragon? Of the great dragons we saw yesterday, would any of them offer to serve you breakfast?” Spike said angrily.

At Spike's words, Dusk opened his eyes wide as he finally understood what all his little brother's tantrum was about.

“This is because of migration, right? Do you think you are not a real dragon?” Dusk asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Do you think I'm a real dragon?” Spike asked. Looking very seriously at Dusk.

“Of course you are a real dragon! Have you not seen yourself in the mirror?” Dusk responded with a small hysterical laugh, since he thought that question was absurd. “You’re a dragon, but you’re not like those terrible dragons of yesterday. You’re better!” Dusk added, affectionately touching the little dragon's shoulder.

“Stop saying I'm not like the other dragons!” Spike shouted, taking off Dusk's hoof. “What would you say if I told you that you weren't like the other ponies!? That all ponies are wild and violent, but you’re different. Do you think making me feel good by insulting my race is a compliment?”

Dusk was shocked by his brother's words. Spike was absolutely right. Dusk thought he was praising his little brother, but without realizing it, he continued to discriminate against him, thinking that all dragons were evil.

"I have decided. Everyone thinks dragons are wild. Everyone thinks I'm not a real dragon. Well, that's over!” Spike said very angry. Taking the blanket in which he had kept his precious gems, and wrapping it around the end of a stick. Ready to embark on your journey. “I'm going to go back to my origins and show everyone that I'm a real dragon!”

“Go back to your origins?” Dusk muttered confused, narrowing his eyes. Knowing what Spike meant by that, but thinking Spike was confusing things.

Just then, someone knocked on the library door. Dusk looked at the door, then looked at Spike, who simply looked away in annoyance. Knowing that this discussion was not over yet, Dusk hurriedly opened the door to see who was arriving at such an inopportune time. Opening it, Dusk saw that it was Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

“I'm sorry to come so early, darling. But I spent the whole night thinking that I should come and apologize.” Rarity said, entering the library. “Yesterday I noticed that Spike was feeling upset for some reason, and after thinking about it, I realized that we may have been very insensitive by saying that he wasn't acting like a real dragon.”

“Yeah… maybe I went a little overboard with the jokes.” Rainbow Dash said embarrassed. Scratching her head.

Before continuing speaking, both mares opened their eyes in surprise when they saw that a few steps behind Dusk, Spike was standing. Carrying an improvised hobo stick on his shoulder.

“Where is the little guy going?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking at Dusk.

“I go with my race, where I belong.” Spike said, looking annoyed at the ponies, approaching the door.

"Oh, come on! You belong here! With your family!" Dusk said, starting to get scared by his brother's stubbornness. Hugging Rainbow Dash and Rarity who were next to him. So he could see that they were his real family.

Unfortunately for Dusk, seeing him and Rarity hugging each other generated the completely opposite effect. Causing Spike to become even angrier.

"I’m leaving! Get away from the door.” Spike said furiously, looking at Dusk.

"I won't do it." Dusk said, with a worried and scared look. “You're my little brother, and I can't let you go-”

“I'm not your brother!” Spike shouted, squeezing his eyes shut.

That angry shout paralyzed Dusk. But what hurt him the most was hearing those words. Hearing that made Dusk literally feel his heart break.

“Y-You and I are not real brother.” Spike said looking away. Hesitating for a second when saying those words. But his dragon-like stubbornness was so great that his anger prevailed over his repentance. “You’re a pony and I’m a dragon. And I must return to my lands and discover who I really am.”

“Spikey…” Rarity said shocked. Covering her mouth in horror seeing how Spike's words hurt Dusk.

“Hey, Spike.” Rainbow Dash said annoyed, facing the little dragon. “I know I made bad jokes yesterday, but that's no reason for you to-”

“Let him go.” Dusk interrupted, with his head lowered. Moving to the side so Spike could walk out the door. Something that shocked Rainbow Dash.

Seeing that Dusk gave him free passage, Spike looked at him, and for a second his gaze softened. Feeling like he should immediately apologize to his brother for saying that they weren't really family. However, Spike knew that if he apologized right now, all his courage and determination would be gone. So Spike finally tightened his grip, and simply walked out of the library, without even saying goodbye or looking back.

"Seriously!? Are you going to let him go off alone to look for those scary dragons!?” Rainbow Dash shouted at Dusk, scared by little Spike, who was walking away through the streets of Ponyville.

“Dusk, darling. I know Spike’s words were harsh, but I know he didn’t mean them.” Rarity said, also scared. Approaching to touch Dusk, who still had his head down. “He knows you are both brothers.”

“Of course he knows.” Dusk finally said, raising his head. Showing to the surprise of the mares, that he wasn’t sad or shocked. He kept his gaze steady and determined, full of fire as he watched Spike walk away. “It doesn't matter what he, I, or anyone says. We’re both brothers and that will never change!”

“B-But then, why did you let him go?” Rarity asked confused.

“I know Spike is upset and acting impulsively,” Dusk responded, looking at his friends. "But it’s also true that we were prejudiced, and he has never had the opportunity to live with other dragons his age... I know it’s dangerous, but I cannot deny him what may be his only opportunity to be close to his race."

After Dusk's words, the three ponies watched from afar as Spike reached the edge of the town and little by little disappeared from sight.

“So… we’re following him?” Rainbow Dash asked.

"Of course." Dusk responded with a big smile. “He's my little brother.”

Thanks to Dusk spending a whole day reading books about dragon migration, Spike knew that the dragons must be resting in the mountains east of the Everfree forest. Recovering energy before continuing their last leg of flight and finishing their migration in the Dragon Lands.

That trip would take a full day, taking the shortest route, which was through the Everfree Forest. Spike knew it was a risky route, but he feared that if he took too long to reach the Eastern Mountains, the dragons would already be gone. His determination prevailed over his fear, and Spike finally chose that dangerous route.

That first day through the forest was like a walk in the countryside for Spike. Unlike other times, the forest looked less dark and scary that day. The same thing happened the night he camped; even the next day, he met a kind donkey who helped him cross the river. That was a great sign for Spike, to have even more confidence. Thinking that if he had managed to cross that dangerous forest without problems, meeting the dragons would be easier than he feared at first.

What Spike didn't know is that the entire peaceful journey was due to three ponies that followed him step by step without him knowing. From the moment Spike stepped foot into the dark forest, Rarity made sure to use her magic to subtly illuminate the right path for him. Rainbow Dash went ahead to clear the path of brush and leave gems along the way for the little dragon to eat, since Spike ate his entire supply of gems during the morning of the first day. And even more importantly, Dusk used his magic to ward off Spike of any dangerous creatures that dared to approach him, staying up all night to make sure nothing happened to his little brother. Everything to make Spike's adventure of self-discovery go smoothly.

Finally, Spike reached open ground, where there was a large hill. That was the entrance to the grand canyon and area of mountains, which were east of the Everfree forest.

“I guess it was good luck that Pinkie didn't come with us this time.” Rarity whispered. Speaking slowly so Spike wouldn't hear her. Since the baby dragon was walking a few steps in front of the ponies.

“Yeah, I don't think covert missions are her specialty.” Rainbow Dash responded, also speaking in a whisper.

In that last stretch, the only thing the ponies had to make sure of was not to make noise. Being an open terrain, they could no longer hide easily like they had done inside the forest. So Dusk used an invisibility spell so that Spike couldn't see them as they followed him.

“Dragons have good hearing, so don't whisper too loudly.” Dusk reminded his friends as they continued chasing Spike invisibly. “They also have a good sense of smell, but fortunately there is a headwind. So at this distance we should remain undetected.”

Upon reaching the top of the hill, Spike opened his eyes in amazement when he saw that he had achieved his goal. There, in a valley surrounded by high mountains, were dozens, perhaps hundreds, of dragons. Several sleeping, others launching flames of fire for pure pleasure. But what immediately caught the little dragon's attention was a small group of very young dragons, probably teenagers, who were apparently playing with each other.

“Teenage dragons like me!” Spike shouted very excitedly. Rushing down the hill.

“No, Spikey-Wikey! You’re just a baby dragon!” Rarity said, drowning her scream in a whisper. Covering her mouth in fear as she saw her beloved Spike running towards those fierce dragons.

“Those guys look pretty fierce to Spike.” Rainbow Dash said. Looking down from the top of the hill at the rest of the dragons. Grateful for Dusk's invisibility spell. “We must hurry up and continue after him.”

“It would be dangerous to go among the dragons alone with an invisibility spell…” Dusk said worriedly, knowing that the spell wouldn't cover their noises and would fade if someone touched them by accident.

“Don't worry, I have a plan. I won’t abandon my beloved Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity said. Backing away from the sight of the dragons. Causing the invisibility spell on her to disappear as she moved away from Dusk. “I knew my emergency sewing set would come in handy.” Rarity added, sitting up and pulling out a huge sewing bag she had brought with her. Glancing sideways at Rainbow Dash. Who had made fun of her for traveling there with that.

While Dusk and Rainbow Dash helped Rarity with her new creation, Spike finally reached the bottom of the valley. Where a group of seven dragons fought among themselves, apparently playing for who could reach the highest to a huge pile of jewels there. Those dragons were obviously young, being much smaller than the other huge dragons that slept on the mountain slopes. But still, they were three times taller than Spike, so the little baby dragon was still a little scared when he saw them face to face.

“No one beats the great Garble! The king on the hill!” A young red dragon shouted victoriously. That he had managed to knock off another dragon that had tried to climb from the top of jewels.

“Umm… Hi.” Spike said timidly. Causing all the young dragons to turn around to see who was speaking. Being surprised to see the little baby dragon there. “My name is Spike, and I was wondering if… Can I play with you?” Spike asked with a small nervous smile.

"Play?" The red dragon, named Garble, said. Climbing down from the pile of jewels and approaching Spike. Along with all the other teenage dragons. “We don't play, baby. We compete! We fight to see which of us is a real dragon!”

“Oh! W-Well, I'm a real dragon!” Spike said trying not to sound nervous. Puffing out his chest to, in vain, try to appear taller and stronger.

"You? Pfft! Don’t make me laugh. You haven’t even grown your wings.” Garble said. Grabbing Spike by the tail and lifting him up. So that everyone could see that that baby dragon had no wings. “Even my little sister is already shedding her wings at home. “How old are you, shorty?”

"Uh!? Am I going to grow wings when I grow up!?” Spike asked, genuinely very surprised.

Hearing that, Garble was surprised. Then he let go of Spike and burst into laughter, as did the other young dragons around him. As for Spike, he rubbed his nose as he fell face-first into the ground, and then hung his head in shame, watching as everyone laughed at him.

“Were you born yesterday? How come you don't know something so basic?” A purple dragon, whose blonde hair covered his eyes, asked mockingly.

"Yeah, and how did you get here without wings? Did your mom bring you on her back? Hahaha!" Another dragon mocked. One more obese, with brown skin.

“I… I didn't fly here. I came walking.” Spike said nervously. Starting to think that maybe being there wasn't a good idea, if he was going to be laughed at by everyone.

"Walking!? That's impossible!" Garble said surprised. Approaching Spike to see him face to face. “Hmm… Are you really a dragon? Maybe you're just a spy. A pony dressed as a dragon…” Garble added, looking suspiciously at the little newcomer.

While that group of teenage dragons began to look suspiciously at Spike, a strange dragon began to walk down the hill to approach them. That dragon had a long green body with several jewels embedded in it. It had two small light blue wings coming out of its back, which didn’t at all resemble the angular wings of the other dragons. Furthermore, it had a long neck, eight small legs, and its face had a very silly expression, with its mouth open and two large eyes looking in opposite directions. However, the strangest thing about that dragon was that if you looked closely, there were two small holes hidden in the middle of its chest, where you could see another pair of eyes.

"Hurry up! We must get closer to help Spike.” The stomach of that strange dragon said, with the voice of Dusk Shine, trying to hurry up his friends when he saw that in the distance, several dragons were looking threateningly at Spike. “It might be problematic if Spike says he was raised by ponies.”

“I would gladly go faster, but it's hard to move in this silly costume!” The dragon's tail said, in Rainbow Dash's voice.

“It's not silly, it's fabulous!” Rarity's voice said, from the dragon's head. With a voice full of pride. “Although I still think it would look better with a huge pink ribbon adorning her neck.” Rarity added, sighing in disappointment. Since she had failed to convince Dusk and Rainbow Dash to make her dragon costume look a little more stylish.

The three ponies hurried forward, risking their lives, hidden in that improvised dragon costume that Rarity had made. A costume that, in the opinion of the fashionista mare, had turned out splendid. Although perhaps she would have embedded more gems into the costume if she had more time.

“Yesterday I watched very attentively the migration of dragons that flew over Ponyville. And I'm sure I perfectly captured the essence of a dragon in my costume.” Rarity said scolding Rainbow Dash. Since she didn't like being judged as 'silly' something she had created.

"You are crazy? This dragon has the face of an idiot!” Rainbow Dash said annoyed. Hurrying to stay close to Dusk, who was walking in front of her in the costume. “Do you really think we'll fool anyone with this!?”

“What's up, Crackle!” A dragon suddenly said, walking next to the costumed ponies.

“It's about time you arrived, Crackle.” Another dragon said, who also passed by the ponies.

“You look good, Crackle. You've lost weight?" A third dragon said, flying close to where the ponies had stopped.

Dusk and Rainbow Dash stopped in their tracks when the dragons greeted them so casually. Amazed that the costume was so effective. While Rarity, who was at the head of the costume, standing over Dusk, gave a small triumphant giggle and looked towards Rainbow Dash.

“Fufufu… What were you saying about it not working, Rainbow Dash?” Rarity laughed mockingly. Proud of her impeccable costume. While Rainbow Dash was left with her mouth open, not believing that that silly dragon costume had actually managed to fool those dragons.

“Looks like we got lucky and they're confusing us with another dragon.” Dusk whispered, also amazed. “Who is this 'Crackle' dragon?”

While Dusk stood with a thoughtful look, several leagues away, a giddy dragon named Crackle, who curiously had a body as strange and a face as silly as Rarity's costume had, was flying happily with Derpy. Both lost in the sky, forgetting where they were flying, chasing some pretty butterflies...

Back in the dragons' resting valley, the three ponies in the 'Crackle' costume finally managed to get close to where Spike and the other dragons were. There, it seemed that the teenage dragons wanted to test Spike to see if he was a real dragon or just a cute pony in disguise. And to do this, they decided that the first thing Spike should do was compete in a burping contest.

Several dragons stood in a row and let out enormous belches. Generating enormous sounds that reverberated far away, but of course, what most characterized the dragons' belches was that accompanied by the enormous rumble, a huge flame of fire came out. And although all the belches were impressive, they all fell short compared to the belch released by the obese brown dragon, which made even Spike duck instinctively, thinking that he would be burned by such a tremendous flame.

“Very well, shorty. Your turn." Garble said, after congratulating his obese dragon friend with a smack. Looking at Spike with an expectant look of mockery. “Unless you're not a real dragon.”

“O-Of course I can!” Spike said nervously. Opening his mouth and trying to let out a big burp.

Spike had belched flames many other times. However, he knew they were nothing compared to the huge flaming belches of those other dragons. Furthermore, seeing that everyone was looking at him, it made Spike very nervous, and it made it impossible for him to belch at will.

As Spike was about to give up, he suddenly covered his mouth as he felt like he was going to regurgitate something. Then he couldn't contain it, and he let out an involuntary belch, from which came a green flame, and a scroll, which hit Garble squarely in the face.

"What is this?" Garble said, taking the scroll that had hit him. Then Spike rushed to take the scroll from him, tore it into several pieces, and ate the pieces of paper.

“I-It's nothing! I just spit something out from lunch! Hehe…” Spike laughed nervously. Rubbing his stomach so everyone would believe he had enjoyed eating that scroll.

Why did the princess send a letter just now!?” Spike thought very nervously. “ If the others find out that I use my fire to receive letters from the princess, they will make fun of me even more! They will say that I’m not a dragon, but a postpony!

“So… Do you eat paper?” Garble asked. Before covering his mouth and bursting into laughter. “Pfft! Hahaha! You're more pathetic than I thought, shorty! Hahaha!" Garble mocked, as the other dragons also burst into laughter.

“Don't make fun of my Spikey-Wikey.” Rarity muttered annoyed, seeing how embarrassed her beloved Spike was. She then tried to move forward, but Dusk stood still, making Rarity unable to move due to the costume.

“Rarity, you need to calm down.” Dusk said, frowning in annoyance, but cooling his head so as not to react recklessly. "I don't like those fools making fun of Spike either, but it would be dangerous if they discovered that we were ponies and sneaked up on them... We must find another way to help him."

“Well, dwarf, since you amuse me, I’ll give you another chance to prove that you’re a real dragon.” Garble said after he stopped laughing. Looking seriously at Spike. “You'll have to win a tail wrestling.”

“T-Tail wrestling?” Spike asked scared.

“Charcoal, Backdraft! Show this dwarf what a real dragon looks like.” Garble said, looking at two of his friends.

At Garble's command, two dragons approached. One was thin and tall with blackish skin and green hair, and another was more obese with purple skin. Then both dragons turned their backs against each other and hooked their tails to each other's. As soon as Garble gave the signal, both dragons began to pull to their respective sides, trying to pull the other to their side with only their tails. That lasted a few seconds, until the purple dragon's strength was greater, causing the thin dragon to fall from exhaustion. With the added bonus that the loser was left with his entire tail twisted after the effort made.

Seeing the state of the losing dragon's tail, Spike instinctively took his own tail in his claws and put on a fearful look.

"That is! This is our chance to help him!” Dusk whispered to his friends, moving awkwardly under the costume to get closer to Spike. Then Dusk spoke again, but this time, out loud. “I challenge Spike to a tail wrestling.”

“You are… Crackle?” Garble said with a suspicious look. “Is it me or did you speak from your stomach?” Garble added, scratching his head in confusion.

“Yeah… You look kind of strange.” The obese brown dragon, named Clump, added. Moving closer and squinting his eyes to get a closer look at the costume's face. Right in front of where Rarity was hiding.

Seeing that dragon so close, Rarity instinctively stepped back, causing her to slip from Dusk's shoulders. That made it seem from the outside as if that peculiar dragon called 'Crackle', was quickly and strangely turning its neck in three hundred and sixty degrees. Until it turned completely, and from the force of the turn, it slammed the false head against that of the obese dragon.

With the strong and surprising blow on its head, the brown dragon recoiled dizzily and fell unconscious.

"Hey! Easy! Calm down Crackle! We’ll let you compete, don’t be angry.” Garble said quickly, with a scared look. Approaching another of his friends. “That guy is a real dragon. Even he scares me.” Garble whispered to his friend. Without realizing that that headbutt was just luck, because Rarity slipped.

Finally, the dragons formed a circle to surround Spike and 'Crackle'. Then Spike hooked his tail with the false dragon's. Trembling with fear as he faced a savage dragon that knocked another dragon unconscious with a headbutt.

“Ready… Now!” Garble shouted, who served as referee.

At the red dragon's signal, Spike began to pull with all his might to try to throw his opponent off. However, the enormous 'Crackle' remained motionless.

“Well, on the count of three, we let ourselves fall to the ground.” Dusk whispered to his friends.

“Uh… How about we wait for Spike to fall too, and then we'll have a tie?” Rainbow Dash whispered. Who wanted to help Spike, but her competitive spirit was crying out for her not to let herself lose in a competition. Except seeing how easy it would be to beat little Spike, who had so little strength.

"Don’t be silly." Dusk said, scolding his friend with his eyes. "NOW!"

With Dusk's signal, the three ponies dropped down. That made Spike turn around and open his mouth in surprise, seeing that he had managed to beat that huge and strange dragon.

"Oh! The little guy managed to beat Crackle!” The thin purple dragon, named Fume, said in amazement.

All the young dragons commented in amazement how the little dragon managed to beat the 'wild Crackle', and they came up to congratulate Spike. That made Spike smile for the first time in that place. Feeling proud that his dragon brothers recognized him.

Well done Spike!” Dusk thought happily, still lying on the ground. Looking through the holes in his costume at how happy Spike was laughing.

“Haha! It was so easy. I don’t think I knew my own strength.” Spike said full of pride and arrogance. Feeling that if he could beat that wild dragon, he could beat anyone.

“So you think you're invincible, huh?” Garble said with his frown. Who had been the only one of the dragons not to approach Spike to congratulate him. “Well, if you think you're so strong, why don't you fight Whip?” Garble added, pointing to a small dragon with green skin and orange hair. Which was partially hidden behind the other dragons.

After taking a close look at his possible rival. Spike smiled confidently, seeing that that dragon was quite small, just a little taller than him. And if he had defeated the 'fearsome Crackle', he could well defeat that inferior rival.

"Sure! No problem! It’ll be easy.” Spike said full of confidence. Quickly getting into position to hook his tail.

As soon as Spike got into position, the other dragons also moved to make way for Whip. At that moment, Spike's mouth almost dropped as he saw the little green dragon finally in full body. Indeed, that dragon was small, but it had a disproportionately giant tail, like that of an adult dragon. And Spike was even more stunned to see that when he approached him, Whip smiled with fierce teeth, causing several thorns to appear from his tail, which made his tail look even more threatening.

The result was obvious. After only half a second of competition, Spike flew away.

“Ouch!” Rainbow Dash muttered after watching the duel. Seeing how Spike flew away, until he hit a huge rock.

The rest of the dragons ran to where Spike fell and burst out laughing when they saw how dizzy he became. Completely forgetting about the little dragon's previous achievement, and now mocking him even more at how far he had been thrown.

“Haha! So you can't last even a second in a tail wrestling.” Garble said, mocking Spike. “Crackle must have fallen asleep, since you weren't a real challenge… I knew you weren't a real dragon.” Garble added, looking Spike in the eye and pointing at his chest.

“I-I… I am a real dragon!” Spike shouted in frustration, almost on the verge of tears as everyone kept saying he wasn't a real dragon. “Give me another chance.”

“Maybe I could try making the 'lava cannonball.'” The dragon Fume suggested. With a small giggle, speaking to Garble.

“Yeah… That might be a good idea.” Garble said, looking at Spike with a wicked smile. Seeing that he could make fun of that clumsy baby dragon again. A look that made Spike swallow nervously and begin to sweat, anticipating that something very bad was coming.

Before Dusk and his friends could reach Spike and the rest of the dragons, since they were walking very clumsily due to their costume, the young dragons took Spike somewhere else. So Dusk and Rainbow Dash quickened their pace to follow them again to where they were going.

The teenage dragons guided Spike to a small cliff. Below it, there was a large crater containing a large pool of lava. Several dragons were already enjoying themselves, resting their bodies in the warm temperatures of melted rock, which only their dragon scales could withstand.

“D-Do you want to go and bathe inside a volcano!?” A scared Spike said, who had never seen a lava pool.

“It's not a volcano, it's just a crater with lava.” The obese dragon Clump said, shrugging his shoulders. Since for dragons, it was normal to bathe in lava. Something Spike didn't know about.

“Besides, we won't walk there.” Garble said, smiling evilly. “We’ll launch from here making cannonballs!” Garble added, raising his claws, to encourage his friends, who also shouted excitedly.

“J-Jump from here…” Spike muttered even more terrified, taking a step back.

"Haha! I knew it. You’re a chicken. No! Less than that, you look like a cute pony! Hahaha." Garble laughed, mocking Spike. Then he moved closer to the baby dragon and looked at it with a fierce gaze. “You’re not a real dragon. You’re just a baby.” Garble mocked, making Spike freeze at those harsh words.

“Huff… Huff… Why did all those dragons just stand there on the cliff?” Dusk whispered to his friends. Tired after running with the full weight of the costume to where the other dragons were.

“Don't ask me. I only see your butt.” Rainbow Dash responded annoyed, as she couldn't see anything. Although she also blushed a little, since seeing Dusk's butt so close was not something that had bothered her as much as she said.

“I don't know what they expect.” Rarity said from above Dusk's shoulders. "Wait! They are…” Rarity added, surprised to see what was happening.

“Whoever splashes the most lava will be crowned the ultimate dragon!” Garble yelled. Being the first to jump off the small cliff into the lava pool.

The red dragon made an impeccable cannonball with his body, which managed to splash a lot of lava everywhere. Disturbing some more adult dragons who were resting peacefully in the pool.

One by one the teenage dragons imitated Garble's action and also threw themselves into the lava pool. For their part, as the ponies approached, they could see that the dragons were not jumping into the void, but into a lava crater. Which of course, left them even more scared.

“This is something where we can't follow Spike…” Dusk muttered sadly. Knowing that only a true dragon could withstand falling into a pool of lava.

“Well… I think it won't be necessary.” Rarity whispered, motioning for Dusk to turn to look at her side. At which point Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to make another couple of holes in the costume to see as well, since she was bored of not knowing what was happening.

As they moved, Dusk and Rainbow Dash could see that there was still a dragon on the cliff apart from them. It was Spike, who was looking down in terror, where the rest of his dragon brothers had jumped.

“I… I can’t.” Spike whispered. Squeezing his eyes tight and letting out a tear. "I... I'm not a real dragon."

“Of course you are… You’re braver than you yourself believe.” Dusk whispered with his heart tight. Feeling the need to go out and hug his brother. But knowing that Spike would feel worse if he realized that his older brother had been secretly following him all this time.

'I'm not your brother!' were the words Spike shouted angrily before running away from home. Words that now returned to Dusk's mind and made him look full of determination.

“I'm your big brother, and that means… Helping you grow and overcome your fears!” Dusk murmured, closing his eyes, breathing slowly, and then opening them again, with a serious look. Using his magic to push Spike away.

The little baby dragon felt something push him, and suddenly he found himself falling off the cliff.

“WAAAHHH!” Spike shouted in terror.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Rarity and Rainbow Dash screamed in terror. Who managed to see the purple glow of Dusk's magic. Launching themselves to choke Dusk when they saw that he had thrown the little baby dragon to his death.

“D-Don't worry, trust me.” Dusk said trying to calm his friends. All while the shape of the costume was completely lost due to the uproar within it. “Or rather, trust Spike. I know he’ll make it.” Dusk added, with a smile full of confidence. One that calmed his friends for the moment. Then the three ponies approached the edge of the cliff in their costume and saw Spike fall.

As the baby dragon fell, he was completely terrified, watching as he was going to fall into a huge pool of deadly molten stone. With his own screams, he couldn’t hear the cries of astonishment of the young dragons, who saw how the baby dragon had dared to jump.

SPLASH! Failing to form a 'cannonball', due to his fear, Spike fell face first into the pool of lava.

“Ouch!” The dragons in the pool said so much, as did the ponies on top of the cliff, when they saw how Spike fell, generating a loud noise like a slap.

“Well… That wasn't part of the plan…” Dusk murmured nervously. Seeing how painful it must have been to fall like that.

Slowly Spike sank motionless into the lava, and after a couple of seconds, the baby dragon rose to the surface again. With his entire face red due to the strong blow to the face. Spitting lava as if it were simple water.

“I-I'm really swimming in lava!?” Spike said in amazement. So surprised that he almost forgot the pain on his face.

"Of course. And what a way to fall, hahaha!” Garble laughed with a big laugh. Same laugh that the other young dragons had.

“They keep making fun of me…” Spike muttered, looking away sadly and rubbing his sore cheeks.

"What? No, this time we're not making fun of you. That fall was spectacular!” Garble said, genuinely excited. “Anyone who falls into a pool of lava like that is definitely a real dragon.” Garble added. Grabbing Spike from below and lifting him up with his claw for all his friends to see.

As he was picked up by Garble, the other dragons also approached and congratulated him. Laughing at how brave the little baby dragon had been to jump in such a daring way. That made Spike forget all the pain on his face and put on a big smile full of pride. Not only had he been recognized by the other dragons, but someone had finally told him what he had wanted to hear so much: He was a real dragon!

“I knew you could.” Dusk murmured from above the cliff, full of pride. “That's my bro-”

“That's my little brother!” Garble shouted from the pool. Accidentally interrupting Dusk's words. “I'll make you my honorary little brother, Spike. How about?" Garble said, punching Spike's shoulder.

"My brother?" Spike said surprised.

What Spike answered was something that Dusk couldn't hear, due to the commotion and laughter of the other dragons. But it wasn't necessary, since just hearing someone else call Spike 'his little brother' made Dusk's heart tighten and he stopped paying attention for a moment.

“What's all this fuss!? How many times have I told you not to splash in the lava pools!?” A female voice suddenly shouted.

Spike and the dragons became distracted and looked up at the sky. There, another young dragon approached them, only this one was a female dragon. It had turquoise skin, glowing red eyes, and two horns on the side of its head, which grew downward in a curve.

“Oh, great… The 'little princess' had to appear.” Garble said, looking away with a frustrated look.

“Don't call me little princess.” The turquoise dragon said, landing next to the lava pool and looking very angry at Garble.

"Who is she?" Spike whispered to one of the dragons next to him.

"You do not know her? It’s Ember, the annoying daughter of the Dragon Lord.” The dragon next to Spike responded.

“Oh!” Spike said very surprised. Then the baby dragon rushed out of the lava to get closer to that dragon. Then he stood in front of her and, just as Dusk had taught him was the protocol towards a princess, Spike gave a small bow. “It’s an honor to meet you, Princess Ember.”

At Spike's bow, Ember opened her eyes in surprise and slight horror. Blushing with embarrassment. Meanwhile, the rest of the teenage dragons who were still in the pool burst into laughter, seeing how the little dragon had had the courage to make fun of the annoying Ember. Meanwhile, Spike was confused by the laughter.

What poor Spike didn't know was that Ember was indeed the daughter of the reigning Dragon Lord and could, therefore, be considered a princess. However, Ember hated being called a princess. She always wanted to prove that she could earn the respect of others on her own merits, not just by being the daughter of the Dragon Lord. That's why sometimes Garble and the others made fun of Ember by calling her 'princess'. Although of course, it was not something they did very often, since Ember was a fierce dragon who hated it when others made fun of her, and usually hit anyone who dared to make fun of her.

“Are you making fun of me, baby dragon!?” Ember shouted, red with embarrassment. Grabbing Spike by the neck and lifting him up, looking him in the face angrily. Then she looked closely at Spike and put on a confused look. "Where did you come from? I don't remember having seen you here before.” Ember added, looking suspiciously at Spike.

“I…I came walking.” Spike responded very nervously. Seeing Ember's fierce gaze.

"That's how it is. Even without wings, my little brother Spike managed to make the great migration on foot.” Garble added, walking over to Spike and giving him a few playful pats on the head as a sign of pride.

“Uh… Actually, I didn't do the whole migration walking.” Spike responded with a nervous smile. “I came from Ponyville.”

“Ponyville!?” Ember and Garble said at the same time. Both very surprised.

Just at that moment, Dusk, Rarity and Rainbow Dash had finally managed to get down the small cliff with their disguise, and they managed to see how Spike was now faced by Ember.

“Is that a pony town? What were you doing in a place like that?” Ember asked, a little worried.

“Wait, you were born in a pony town!?” Garble said with a look of displeasure, taking a step away from Spike and looking at him with disgust. “That's the strange smell I've been smelling all day.”

At that moment, Dusk swallowed nervously, and decided not to get any closer. Realizing that the dragons' powerful sense of smell had managed to subtly notice the smell of pony around, even under the disguise.

“Weren't you born in the Dragon Land…?” Ember murmured with a thoughtful look, not looking at Spike. More talking to herself than to Spike. However, the little dragon responded in the same way, nervously shaking his head. Then Ember put on a serious look and looked at Spike. "Come with me. “We’ll go see my father.”

“Y-Your father?” Spike asked very nervously. “The Dragon Lord!?” Spike added, gritting his teeth in fear. Since he had never seen a Dragon Lord before. The leader of all dragons.

"DAD! STOP SLEEPING AND COME HERE FOR A MOMENT!” Ember shouted at the top of her lungs, not paying attention to Spike.

At Ember's scream, a great noise, a mix of growl and yawn, echoed throughout the valley. Then, the earth began to tremble intermittently, as if huge footsteps were making everything around rumble.

As the valley rumbled, Dusk and his two friends stood paralyzed with fear, not knowing whether or not they should flee from there. For they were about to come face to face with what might be the scariest dragon of all, if he was the king of all those other huge and fierce dragons.

“Hey Crackle! What a miracle you didn’t get lost flying here.” Ember suddenly said, approaching Dusk and his friends. Then Ember stared intently at the fake dragon's face. “Hmmm… Your face looks a little strange… You should rest, and definitely take a lava bath, since the pony smell of these lands seems to have rubbed off on you.” Ember added, quickly putting aside her suspicions and putting on a small smile.

Okay… Dragons have an excellent sense of smell, but they’re terrible at telling someone apart by their appearance!” Dusk thought, sighing in relief. Seeing that his disguise was still unmasked.

Finally, after one last loud rumble, a huge shadow appeared behind a hill, and surrounding that same hill, appeared the largest dragon that Spike and the ponies had ever seen. Almost the size of the hill itself. He had dull green skin, red wings, two huge horns falling from the sides of his head to the side of his neck, and he wore black armor and a gold necklace on one of his horns.

Just seeing that colossal dragon made Spike and the ponies freeze in terror. Even more so when seeing the fierce, unfriendly look that the huge beast had. Imagining that every pony in Ponyville could fit in the jaws of that dragon, if he wanted to.

“Why are you waking me up?” The huge dragon said, with a deep voice. Looking annoyed at Ember. “I told you I would sleep until tomorrow, before resuming the migration.”

“Father, this little dragon says he comes from a pony village.” Ember replied, pointing towards Spike.

"What?" The huge Dragon Lord asked. Bringing his face closer to get a closer look at Spike. Who, for his part, was left trembling with fear, upon seeing that enormous face, which was hundreds of times larger than him. “Hngh… What color was your egg when you were born, young dragon?” The Dragon Lord asked. Narrowing his eyes and clearing his voice a little, what seemed to sound like a growl.

“M-M-My egg?” Spike responded, shaking with fear. “I-It was lilac, like my skin. With purple spots.”

“Hmm… Where is elder Graytusk?” The Dragon Lord said, after meditating for a second. “He's the one who knows everything about the missing eggs.”

"He still has not arrived." Ember replied, shrugging. “The old dragon is always the last to arrive everywhere. He should arrive by nightfall.” Ember added, looking towards the sun, which was about to set.

“Well, he’ll clear our doubts. Now… Let me sleep! That's an order!" The Dragon Lord shouted in annoyance. Turning to go back behind the hill, which was his chosen resting place.

“You heard… Don't bother the Dragon Lord again!” Ember shouted, looking at the young dragons, as if she had forgotten that she summoned her father. Yelling in the same authoritative tone of voice as her father. “Take care of the baby dragon until the old dragon arrives.” Ember added, looking at Garble.

“I-I'm not a baby.” Spike grumbled in annoyance.

“Well, you called me, princess. Now we’re even." Ember said, narrowing her eyes in annoyance. Then she looked at Garble and then back at Spike. “Be careful who you follow as an example, little one. We dragons are strong, but being strong doesn’t mean destroying everything.” Ember added, glancing sideways at Garble again. Then she opened her wings and flew away from there.

Once Ember left, the young dragons approached Spike. Who, for his part, was still trembling a little, after coming face to face with the Dragon Lord.

“W-What was that all about?” Spike muttered, confused and afraid at everything that had happened.

“Looks like Ember was really bothered by us splashing in the lava pool, hahaha.” Garble said, mocking Ember after hearing that last comment she made about him.

“No… I meant, why was the Dragon Lord interested in what my egg looked like?” Spike asked confused.

“Oh, that. It's no big deal. It seems that a few years ago some eggs disappeared in the Dragon Land.” Garble responded, shrugging. “I guess they think you're one of those lost eggs.”

Those words left Spike's eyes wide open. Who began to ask himself many questions, or rather, remember dozens of questions about his origin. Questions that he had tried to ignore, but that were now impossible to put aside.

“Anyway, if you’re one of those lost eggs, it means that you’re indeed a real dragon.” Garble added, punching Spike on the shoulder again, as a sign of affection. “Although you’ll have to take several lava baths to get rid of that disgusting pony smell that you have, hehe.”

"Yeah. And that way you made fun of that annoying Ember, it was great!” The dragon Fume said, smiling. “Saying 'princess' to her face was the best!”

“Yeah, with that you already showed that you’re one of us.” Garble said, raising his claw. Which caused the other young dragons to also cheer for Spike. “What do you guys say? Let’s make ‘little princess’ Ember angrier?” Garble added, looking at his friends with a mischievous smile.

"Yeah! Let’s take the dwarf on a real dragon raid.” The obese dragon Clump said, very excited.

While the dragons were talking about their next expedition, Dusk and his friends were still somewhat trembling after seeing the enormous Dragon Lord.

“Dragons can be this big!?” Rainbow Dash whispered in terror.

“Maybe… They could be even bigger…” Dusk responded with fear. Remembering that in some books it was said that ancient dragons were even more enormous. Feeling a chill finally understanding the true danger they were in. If the Dragon Lord discovered their identity... What could he do to save himself and his friends from such a huge beast!?

Suddenly Dusk and his friends were distracted when they saw Garble and his friends take Spike and start flying. Heading to the top of the hills, as if they were thinking of leaving the valley.

Without wasting time, Dusk and his friends began to run to avoid losing sight of Spike. Although it was very difficult for them to run fast, because they had to remain hidden under the disguise of 'Crackle'.

While his friends went in search of him, Spike and the other dragons flew to the outskirts of the dragon rest valley, heading towards a small forest there. At that time, the sun had already set and night was falling quickly. But fortunately, it could still be seen relatively normally.

"What is this place?" Spike asked once they landed. Relieved that his new friends hadn't thought to go to the Everfree Forest.

“This, little bro, is where you’ll have your next test.” Garble responded, lowering his voice volume a bit. Approaching Spike, hiding behind some bushes, and pointing for a nearby tree.

Spike squinted his eyes a little to see where Garble was pointing. At the top of that tree, two feathered figures of red and gold could be seen. The little dragon didn’t need to be told what those creatures were, since he had already seen an identical one for many years, in Canterlot Castle. Those were phoenixes, legendary birds that could light their bodies and even rejuvenate from their own ashes.

“What do you want to do with those phoenixes?” Spike asked with some trepidation. Since he knew from experience, from meeting 'Philomena', Celestia's pet, that those birds could be very temperamental.

"You’ll see." Garble said with a sinister smile. “Your turn, guys.” He added, looking at a young white dragon and another purple one.

At Garble's command, both dragons jumped from the bushes, ran towards the tree where the phoenix pair was nesting, and began shouting and throwing stones at them.

It only took a few seconds before one of the phoenixes raised its head in annoyance, as a rock had hit it. Then the phoenix and its partner raised their wings and threw themselves against those two dragons. Setting their wings on fire from their fury. That made both dragons begin to quickly flee from there while both phoenixes chased them.

“Okay… Time to crack those eggs!” Garble said victoriously. Coming out of the bushes with Fume and Clump.

“Crack eggs? What do you mean by that?" Spike asked very nervously. Approaching Garble and the others, as they approached the tree where the nest was and began to climb it.

"It’s simple. I heard that there were phoenix nests nearby.” Garble said smiling mischievously. “So let's break those silly birds' eggs before they realize it, haha!”

“W-Why would you do something like that!?” Spike asked, widening his eyes in horror, not liking where this whole situation was heading.

"Why? That's very easy." Garble responded. Pausing briefly in his climb, and turning to smile at Spike with an evil smile, along with his friends. "Because it's fun." Garble smiled. With a normal smile, but one that seemed creepy to Spike, realizing that those dragons were going to break eggs just 'for fun'.

"Are here!" Fume said, who was the first to reach the nest. However, his smile faded when he saw that the nest no longer had any eggs. Just a small handful of little phoenix chicks. “Ugh, we're late, the eggs have already opened.”

“Well, change of plans.” Garble said, running his tongue over his lips. “I think we'll have fried chicken for dinner tonight, hehe.”

The little phoenix chicks were only a few days old, but not for nothing were they one of the smartest magical birds that existed. Instantly, the chicks sensed that they were in danger and began to fly and sting the dragons, trying to make them fall from the tree.

"Ouch! Take them away from me!” Clump said, moving one of his claws quickly. Trying to keep the chicks away, they lunged at his face to sting his cheeks and eyes.

As the three dragons struggled to get the chicks off their faces, they shook the nest so much that without realizing it, an egg that they hadn’t been able to see slipped and fell from the nest. Seeing it fall, Spike rushed to catch it in his claws before it crashed to the ground.

“Huff…! Are you okay, little one?” Spike whispered tenderly. Looking at the small orange and gold egg in his claws, feeling its heat and even thinking he heard a small throb. Which made him feel tender, seeing that defenseless being, and imagining that once he too was just a small egg.

"Enough!" Garble shouted, releasing a large flare. One that finally scared the chicks, who flew away quickly from the nest. Then, seeing his prey flee, Garble looked down, and was surprised to see that Spike had an egg. Garble jumped and landed in front of Spike. “Well done little bro. Now give me the egg.”

"What!?" Spike said scared. Instinctively moving his claws to move the egg away from Garble.

Just at that moment, Fume and Clump also jumped out of the tree as well. Staying behind Spike. So the little dragon was surrounded.

“I know you want to break the egg.” Garble said with a shrug. Then, smiling evilly and taking the egg from Spike, taking advantage of the fact that he was careless with the fall of the other two dragons. “But the thing is, there is only one egg. So since I'm the boss, I'll break it.”

Without waiting for a response, Garble lifted the egg high and threw it with all his strength towards the ground.

“NOOO!” Spike yelled. Jumping at the last second, managing to catch the egg before it hit the ground.

“Wow… Do you want to be the one to break the egg that much? Now that's guts, little bro!” Garble said with a small amused smile. Annoyed that Spike took away his fun, but amazed at the little dragon's thirst for destruction.

“I don't want to break it!” Spike shouted, looking at Garble and the others with a look full of fear and tears in his eyes. “Don't you see it? We were all eggs once, what would have happened to us if someone had broken our eggs just for fun? What would have happened to me if no one had taken care of me!?” Spike shouted, wiping away a tear and looking at the helpless egg in his claws. Then, he remembered his first moments with Dusk, playing together in the castle, while Princess Celestia looked at them and smiled. Those two ponies were the most important beings in his life, because the princess saved his egg and Dusk gave him a family. “You cannot just play with life and death… You must appreciate life, of every living being.”

At Spike's speech, Clump and Fume looked at each other and simply burst into laughter. Mocking at how cheesy the little baby dragon's speech had been. On the other hand, the one who didn't laugh was Garble. Who made an angry look and looked down on Spike.

“So you think you're better than us.” Garble said, standing in front of Spike and looking down at him angrily. “Being close to the ponies made you feel how tender and weak they are... We are dragons! The biggest and strongest creatures that exist in this world! We feel no mercy for anything or anyone! You would know that, if you were a real dragon.”

'Be careful who you follow as an example, little one. Dragons are strong, but being strong doesn't mean destroying everything.' They were the words that Princess Ember had said to Spike as a warning towards Garble, and he finally understood why she had said them to him.

“Being a dragon means being strong, but being strong doesn’t mean destroying everything, but protecting what is important.” Spike said, looking at Garble with fear, but also determination. Hiding the phoenix egg behind him and taking two steps back. “My real brother taught me that you must do the right thing no matter what danger threatens you, and that is precisely what I will do.” Spike added with teary eyes. Remembering Dusk Shine, his true brother and role model. Remembering how he and his friends had risked their lives so many times to protect others.

“So you think so, huh?” Garble said with a murderous look. Cracking his knuckles as he and his two friends advanced towards Spike. “You’ve disappointed me 'little bro'... Now we’ll have to teach you what it means to be truly strong.” Garble added, raising his fist.

Seeing that Garble would hit him, Spike closed his eyes tightly. He knew he could escape the beating if he gave them the egg, but no matter what happened, he wouldn't let them hurt an innocent baby.

“Ouch!” Garble suddenly shouted, after throwing his fist at Spike. "What is this?"

Spike opened his eyes, and saw that in front of him was a bright purple aura, which had served as a barrier between him and Garble, and which had been so hard, that Garble felt like he hit a concrete wall.

“Well done, little brother.” It suddenly said a voice, one that Spike knew well, and upon hearing it, the baby dragon couldn't help but let out happy tears. Then Spike turned around and saw that at his side was his real brother, Dusk Shine. "I'm proud of you." Dusk added, smiling warmly at him.

“DUSK!!” Spike shouted with euphoria, Hugging his brother's leg tightly. Then he opened his eyes in surprise when he felt the hug of Rainbow Dash and Rarity, who had also arrived to save him.

“We arrived just in time.” Rainbow Dash said smiling. Then she looked up and glared at the dragons. “Nopony's gonna lay a claw on him!”

"That's right! Fighting's not really my thing, I'm more into fashion.” Rarity said, elegantly tossing her mane back. Then getting into a fighting pose. “But I'll rip you to pieces if you touch one scale on his cute little head!” Rarity added, glaring at the dragons behind the barrier.

Just at that moment, Garble gave another strong blow to Dusk's magical shield, managing to break it. Something that greatly surprised Dusk, who thought that his shield would last longer.

"Uh? What is this? Did you call your pony friends to come help you?” Garble said, who was only able to see the ponies after breaking the magic shield and understand that what he had broken had been pony magic.

“Waaah! They skinned Crackle!” Clump suddenly shouted in fright. Seeing that behind the ponies, there was the dragon costume that Dusk and his friends had used.

“It's just a costume, you trio of idiots.” Rainbow Dash said annoyed. “We’re not savages like you.”

Being called idiots, the three dragons glared at Rainbow Dash and exhaled smoke from their noses, menacingly. That made Rainbow Dash crouch down a little, not being able to help but feel a shiver of fear when she saw those fierce gazes.

Dusk Shine quickly used his magic again to create another barrier that separated them from the dragons.

“It’s best that we leave here, before the other dragons come.” Dusk said, turning to look at his friends.

At that precise moment Dusk turned around again when he saw that Garble and his friends hit Dusk's barrier and cracked it with the first blow. And with just another blow, it once again burst into pieces easily. Leaving Dusk almost in shock.

Magic isn't very effective on dragons!” Dusk thought scared, remembering something he had learned in class but almost forgot. Finally understanding why it was so easy for those dragons to destroy his barrier.

Dusk and his friends began to back away in fear, with Dusk ready to use his magic again, only this time, thinking about teleporting.

“It doesn't matter what trick you use. Nothing will stop us from smashing their faces for making fun of us.” Garble said menacingly, beginning to approach the ponies. “You must understand that a real dragon will never be afraid of a cute pony…”

“RUN!” Another voice suddenly shouted in the distance.

Both ponies and dragons turned around when they heard that scream. Then they saw that the one who had screamed was the white dragon that had flown away, to distract the phoenix couple. This dragon was flying quickly with his other friend. Both with looks of terror, fleeing from what seemed to be a great light approaching.

“What are you running from?” Garble asked as both dragons passed in front of him. So scared, that they didn’t stop in front of Garble and continued flying, to flee even further.

"A pony! A PONY!" The white dragon shouted, as he fled.

"A pony? Haha! Who would run away from a pony?” Garble said with a mocking smile. Turning to see what his friends had run from. However, upon seeing what he was, his smile slowly faded.

Approaching him was indeed a pony, but a different one from the ones next to Spike. This pony was very tall, with large wings, a large horn on her forehead, and a mane that waved and shined on its own. Garble had never seen that pony before, but every dragon knew well who that white pony was. The one pony every dragon knew they should never face.

"Princess Celestia!" Dusk said relieved and surprised. Seeing that his teacher was there.

“Dusk? What are you doing here?" Celestia asked, just as confused to see her beloved student there.

“You… Y-You are the princess of the Sun?” Garble asked stuttering.

At the red dragon's question, Celestia turned around so the dragons could see her cutie mark. Making it shine a little with her magic, to give an even more impressive effect. Then she slowly approached Garble, who, for his part, stood paralyzed, as did his friends; until they were both face to face. Then Celestia put on a big smile.

"Boo!" Celestia said smiling.

“Waaahhh!” Garble shouted in fright. Opening his wings quickly and fleeing the place. Same action that his two friends did. They almost collided with each other because of how quickly they fled the scene.

“Wow… I thought I heard they weren't afraid of ponies.” Celestia said smiling amused. Looking at Dusk and his friends.

“P-Princess, what are you doing here?” Dusk asked. Still somewhat stunned to see his teacher in that place.

“Whenever there is dragon migration, I come to this forest to take care of the phoenix nests around here.” Celestia responded smiling. “With each new generation of dragons, there are always some clumsy teenagers who come here to try to break or eat the eggs. I sent you a letter asking if you wanted to come with me, but since you didn't answer it, I thought you were busy.”

"A letter?" Dusk asked confused. Then he looked at Spike and they both widened their eyes in surprise as they realized that that must have been the letter that Spike tore up and ate, when he was at the burping contest.

'Crack!' Everyone suddenly became distracted when they heard something break. Then everyone looked towards Spike's claws, seeing the egg he was holding beginning to open. After breaking the top of the egg, everyone could see a cute phoenix chick, who looked at Spike attentively, and began to chirp very happily.

“Phoenixes never forget those who took care of them at birth.” Celestia said, looking tenderly at the little dragon. “I'm sure that little phoenix will remember you forever.” Celestia added, turning around to see that just at that moment, her own phoenix, Philomena, was returning towards her.

Celestia had traveled with her pet to that forest, so that they could both cover more ground and care for more phoenixes. For the same reason, she was surprised to see that Philomena was flying very quickly, in the company of two other phoenixes.

“I imagine they must be the parents of that chick,” Celestia said, using her magic to take the newborn chick and put it back in its nest. “It’s best that we leave it in its nest before the parents see it. Phoenixes are very protective of their children.”

At that moment, the phoenix couple arrived at the nest with Philomena. The mother phoenix looked at her newborn chick and immediately stroked it with her head. Meanwhile, the father began to fly in circles, screaming and looking everywhere, as if he were looking for something. For her part, Philomena flew back to where Celestia was and also screeched with a frightened look.

“It must be the other chicks!” Spike said, understanding the situation. “The father must be looking for the other chicks, who ran away from Garble and the others.”

“Hmm… We must find them as soon as possible.” Celestia said, with a slight look of concern. “Those young dragons could warn the Dragon Lord of our presence, and things could get complicated.”

“Yeah, we already saw the Dragon Lord. It really is intimidating.” Dusk added with a small chuckle.

"What? You seen the Dragon Lord!?” Celestia asked. For some reason, getting scared when hearing that. “And the Dragon Lord saw you!?” Celestia asked very worried. Looking at Dusk and his friends, but focusing her sight mainly on Spike.

Before Dusk could respond, the stallion was distracted when something began to glow next to him. At that moment Dusk and his friends opened their mouths and eyes in surprise when they saw that Spike began to shine. Something that surprised Spike himself even more. Meanwhile, Celestia looked scared, thinking that due to carelessness, what she had feared could be about to happen.

End of chapter 29

Author's Note:

Many thanks to 'Silveranon' for his great help:pinkiehappy:

and now, it's a promise:rainbowdetermined2: Next week, new chapter :twilightsmile: