• Member Since 19th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

The Sleepless Beholder

I just headbutt the keyboard till my ideas spill out into writing. Sometimes it works.


Through long anxious nights and angry early mornings I stand at her side, giving her majesty what she desperately needs... a friend.

Inspired by The Contingency Letter written by TCC56.
This is their second bardic inspiration, so if you haven't seen his work, you should. He has a bit of everything.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 159 )

Am I the only one who thinks that Raven Inkwell is waifu material? She's pretty cute!

Man, that last line

Kind of surprised they aren’t willing to test the boundaries somewhat.

They have. It had... consequences

Fun times. Ellipses are always a good thing.

F e a t u r e d !

Me and Celestia...

Sorry, but it's "Celestia and I".

I think they should have really expanded on Raven a bit in the show

it's up to us now. There're very good versions of her out there.

Indeed! I just meant they could have shown what she actually does that just appear in the background

Or keep consistent if she's and Unicorn or an Earth Pony

Well now, this looks to be fun. Something is sending Celly visions? Raven can detach her horn? I look forward to seeing what's going on with all this.

...and munchs anxiously.

I guess that wording feels weird to me?

Once I’m in bed, I fiddle with my little horn till I hear it detach from my skull and set it on my end table before going to sleep.

Wait- a fake unicorn? w-what? I-

I like obscure characters being the main character; interesting story so far :twilightsmile:


I guess that wording feels weird to me?

Yeah, munch was the wrong word to use there.

Wait- a fake unicorn? w-what? I-


I like obscure characters being the main character; interesting story so far :twilightsmile:

Thank you! Raven is honestly an interesting character in her position, and a lot of people really like when she appears in some story.

Once I’m in bed, I fiddle with my little horn till I hear it detach from my skull and set it on my end table before going to sleep.

I can't stop imagining her unscrewing it off like a lightbulb :trollestia:


I can't stop imagining her unscrewing it off like a lightbulb :trollestia:

And now I'm imagining that she has a little box of spare horns in her room :rainbowlaugh:

Ooh, this looks interesting! I have to wonder, will Celestia ever meet the entity responsible for her visions? I'm assuming it's Harmony, so maybe not until the Plundervines attack?

nicely done! The horn at the start though...a prosthetic? I can't imagine fake unicorns are well seen

By the way, it appears your story has a glitch or something. I only noticed the update to die notifications/feed, it does not appear among the latest updates page

I'm sure Tempest would be pretty angry if she finds out such horns exist.

Yeah, don't know why it happened. Probably because it's already in the new and popular pages.

but a neat idea of how it comes she appears as unicorn and earth pony, Though, makes me curious how it came to that

could be

In the show she only shows up as a unicorn when she's around Celestia, and when she's in Ponyville helping Mayor Mare she's an Earth Pony, so I 'deduced' that the reason would be involved with her job with the princess.

I like coming up with reasons for some of the shows inconsistencies. They can make for interesting twists

good thought. So, it's like an artificial enhancement required for the job?

It’s to bad they never back to that or pointed out it was the tree of harmony

Yes, an experimental one so there isn't a market for them. (Sorry Tempest)

then I hope it won't backfire on Raven in terms of sociality

Fun that Sunset is punished for Celestia’s disobedience.

Once I’m in bed, I fiddle with my little horn till I hear it detach from my skull and set it on my end table before going to sleep.


I wonder what kind of vision she had at the time

Obviously, Faust is watching over everypony.

I would assume one that would have endangered her and tied to the mirror. Always felt like Celestia got cold hooves by showing it to her and then telling her not to ask about it anymore.

So Raven's horn is an enchanted attachment? Neat, and a pretty creative way to reconcile the whole earth-pony/unicorn thing.

So what happens if we send Celestia a vision of a natural disaster, or perhaps something caused by extreme negligence?

if you just show her the cause of the incident, and it doesn't involve her, she'll go deal with it herself or send the most qualified creature.


so if we show her a vision of her letting Blueblood be king for a day, she'll do it?

I question this wisdom.

“Fluttershy’s also scared of her own shadow,” Celestia remarks. “She could freeze, lose her voice, get sent back home, and then they would be defenseless against the dragon.”

or she could explain that the Dragon is actually her dad-

lmao I couldn't find the clip so I uploaded the video on my youtube just to make this comment 😭

Well, obviously if any rando could give her ridiculous visions she wouldn't follow them. There is some level of bulls*it she won't permit. She can barely keep it together here.

I had forgotten how insane Friendship is Witchcraft was :rainbowlaugh:

If it was experimental before Luna's return, surely the 2-3 years between that and the movie would see it progress at least to clinical trials. And I can't think of a more suitable candidate for such a trial than a unicorn with a long-broken horn. If it works for an earth pony, it should work for an actual unicorn.

Woah. It does make sense that her prosthetic horn makes her origin as an earth pony.

> Prosthetic horn

That's a route I have never seen done before! Well, at least I think I've never seen done before. That's a nice explanation as to why she's sometimes an earth pony and unicorn

Recessive genes in the family would work a whole lot better. Raven is one of a set of twins, only one is an earth pony while the other is a unicorn. That way she's not being run ragged by two government officials.

I already used the twins explanation for another character in my stories, so I made it different here.

Also, she's only a unicorn when she's helping Celestia, so I thought that it could be something given for her job.

But what if "visions" are events that just happened in a parallel dimension and by her actions Celestia makes her timeline similar to the parallel one in which these events originally took place? 🤔


You are not alone:heart:

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