• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 19,274 Views, 1,070 Comments

Sunflower - Side Projects - Hoopy McGee

A collection of short stories related to Project: Sunflower

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Working Harmony, chapter 3 of 4: Hoof in mouth disease

“It’s just so aggravating.” Lyra snorted and scuffed a hoof on the floor before she continued walking. “I mean, I can completely understand him not getting computers, because I don’t really either. But it’s like he doesn’t even try to learn!”

Adam, walking along next to her, grunted and shrugged. “Well, I wasn’t around when you first started learning how to use them, but maybe there’s something we could use from your experiences in order to help him out?”

“I’m not sure I want to bother,” Lyra said, shaking her head. “He’s still on the ninety day trial, which means I can tell him ‘thanks, but no thanks’ any time I like.”

Adam frowned at that, running his fingers through his hair. “Seems like a waste. I mean, he’s got all those qualifications and, when he’s not being insufferable, he’s actually okay.”

Lyra rolled her eyes at that. “Yeah, Adam, that applies to everyone. Anyone who’s not being a jerk at the moment can actually be okay. The problem is, he’s a jerk all the time.”

“Not to me,” Adam replied with a smirk. “I think he likes me.”

“Fine. Let’s make him your problem, then.”

His hands came up in a warding gesture. “Whoah, whoah, I never said that! I mean, I don’t mind helping him out, but…”

“I’m honestly at my wit’s end, Adam.” Lyra looked away from him and frowned at the corner of the hallway. “If we can’t… I don’t know, deflate that ego of his, I guess… then I’m going to have to get rid of him. I can’t work like this!”

Lyra looked back to see Adam scratching at the stubble that he insisted on calling a beard.

“Maybe it would make it easier on him if we activated voice commands on the computer?” he suggested.

Lyra had never heard of such a thing. Raising an eyebrow, she asked, “Voice commands?”

“Yeah. You activate those, and then you can just tell the computer what you want.”

“Really? Wow!”

“Yeah. It works great, sometimes. Other times, not so much. It won’t always understand you.” Adam flashed her a smile. “I always wondered why you never used it, honestly. It always seemed like it would be much easier than using your magic on a keyboard and mouse.”

“Nobody ever told me about it!” Lyra said defensively, stomping a hoof.

Adam laughed and shook his head. “Figures. Our tech guys tend to just drop things off and run. I suppose they figure we’re all scientists, we should know how to use the stuff.”

“Yeah, but I’m a pony from an entirely different world,” Lyra groused. “You’d figure they’d stick around and show me the basics.”

She considered Adam’s suggestion for a moment.

“You really think this will help him out?” she asked.

“Yeah. I mean, he’ll still need to learn how to use our software, how to search, how nested directories work and so on.” Adam grinned. “But at least he can yell at his computer, instead of us.”

Lyra nodded, feeling an odd mix of hope and regret. Hope, because this might make things easier for everyone. Regret, because this might make Spectral Charm just tolerable enough to not warrant firing him.

“I’ll suggest it to him after today’s meeting with Maggie,” she said with a sigh.


The door opened to allow a slightly wide-eyed Spectral Charm to stumble into the conference room.

“That human is crazy!” he stated. Lyra and the three humans already seated around the table looked up in surprise.

Maggie put her tablet aside. “You’ll have to be a lot more specific than that,” she said.

“He wanted to change me into a... a... human!” the stallion sputtered.

Lyra burst out laughing while Maggie sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Adam and Becky, sitting next to each other, exchanged a wry glance.

Across the table, Lyra giggled behind her hoof. “I take it you met Mark?” she asked. “I’m just shocked that he didn’t ask you days ago, honestly.”

“Like I told Lyra already, if you said no and he keeps bothering you I’ll ask him to leave you alone,” Maggie said to Spectral Charm.

“I’m surprised, though,” Lyra said before Spectral had a chance to respond. “I thought you would have jumped at the chance. You know, in the spirit of scientific inquiry, and all?”

“Well, I...” Spectral began before his eyes began to narrow. “It was you. You set that maniac upon me!”

Lyra’s further attempts to smother her laughter only resulted in her snickering into her hoof before dropping all pretense and laughing uncontrollably. Spectral regarded her with stony silence while Maggie massaged her temples.

“Sorry, sorry,” Lyra said when she’d started to recover herself. “I told him you probably wouldn’t be interested, but that it wouldn’t hurt to ask.” Spectral Charm just glowered at her. Lyra shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Uh... I didn’t think you’d be upset. I figured you’d just tell him ‘no’, and that would be that. He was going to ask you eventually, anyway, since I keep turning him down.”

The stallion cleared his throat as he sat stiffly in one of the two specially designed pony chairs in the conference room. It was very much like a human chair, just lower and had a gap between the seat and the back to allow a tail through. “In the future, I would like to be asked before you drag me into such nonsense.”

Lyra straightened up in her seat. “Hey, now. You hold on just one minute! I didn’t ‘drag’ you into anything. I told Mark he could ask, which he could have done anyway without my permission.”

“Oh, indeed?” Light glinted off of Spectral’s glasses as he turned to face her. “I gather from your earlier statement that you were more than happy to have him harass me instead of you! Why, I wager that it seemed the most excellent of solutions! You removed an irritant to yourself while setting him on me, all the while laughing at my expense!”

Lyra gaped at him, unable to find the words to reply. She stood in her seat, front hooves on the table. “That’s not true!”

“You were laughing earlier!” he countered, rising in his own seat and leaning forward. “Try and tell me that it wasn’t at my expense!”

“Yeah, but it’s not because I tried to upset you on purpose!” Lyra said hotly. “I only found it funny because you always have such a huge stick up your—”

“Lyra!” Maggie barked, standing suddenly. The ponies jumped and stared in shock at the human woman. Maggie treated both unicorns to a steely glare. “Sit down, please. Both of you.”

Lyra sat down, red faced and muttering to herself. Spectral Charm, looking flushed and angry, sat as well.

“This bickering of yours has to stop, and I mean right now,” Maggie said sternly as she sat back down. “It’s been almost a week of this nonsense, and I’m frankly sick of it.”

Lyra gulped and nodded, her previous annoyance drying up and blowing away. This wasn’t a side of her human friend that she’d ever seen before, and she found herself suddenly reminded that Maggie was also her boss. She hadn’t seen her this angry even after what had happened on Tuesday during make-your-own-sundae day, and that had involved the malicious use of hot fudge.

“Now, Lyra,” Maggie said. “You shouldn’t have laughed at Spectral Charm’s discomfort. He’s on your team, and it’s your job to take care of him. Understood?”

Lyra nodded while studying the table top, not quite able to meet Maggie’s eyes. Then it was Spectral’s turn to be on the receiving end of the human’s disapproving stare.

“And Spectral Charm, you need to understand that sometimes you may be asked to do something outside of your comfort zone. When someone asks you if you want to volunteer for something, it creates no obligation for you to do so, but you will still react professionally. If someone is pressuring you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, you may speak to Lyra or myself, and we’ll handle it. But if you take every such request as a personal infraction, you’re not going to last long here. Understand?”

“I don’t see why I should have to—” Spectral began, only for Maggie to interrupt him.

“You don’t have to do anything outside of your assigned duties,” she said. “But you will maintain a professional attitude. We’re all on the same team, here.”

Spectral’s ears flattened as he snorted and looked away. “Very well,” he said, crossing his forelegs over his chest.

“And that comment about a professional attitude goes towards you, too, Lyra.”

“Yes, Maggie,” Lyra mumbled lowly, her tail hanging and her ears drooping down on either side of her head.

Maggie glared back and forth between the two ponies for a few more seconds before picking up her tablet again.

“Maybe now we can get back to why we’re all here,” she said, tapping away. “Now, the Princesses have restricted the frequency of the portals between our worlds in order to prevent damage to the Veil of Equestria. We all know this, right?”

Both the unicorns and humans who were part of the Magical Research team acknowledged that they did.

“Well, I’ve received a directive from the Council, and they want to see if there’s any way to measure similar damage to what we’re calling the Veil of Earth. They’ve dropped that project directly into my lap, and now I’m delegating it to your team.”

“We’re supposed to gauge the damage to the Earth’s veil?” Lyra asked. “That’s it?”

“That, and determine what risks we face, if at all possible,” Maggie said.

Lyra considered for a moment. “Well, that’s—”

“Likely to be impossible,” Spectral Charm broke in, pretending not to notice as Lyra scowled at him. “The only way to measure the Veil of Equestria is via how it interacts with Equestria’s magical field. Assuming the Veil of Earth works the same way, then there is no way for us to measure or monitor it without the Earth having its own magical field.”

“I see,” Maggie said, frowning. “Well, maybe—”

“It’s not impossible,” Lyra said. “We just have to find an alternate way to measure it.”

“As I said,” Spectral said icily, “without a magical field, there is absolutely no way to measure the impact that opening gates has on the Earth’s Veil.”

“Then we’ll find a way!” Lyra said. “If it exists, it can be measured, right?” She’d remembered at least that much from her Magical Sciences classes.

Spectral snorted and turned away from her. Lyra found herself grinding her teeth as she slumped back into her chair.

Becky spoke cautiously into the ensuing awkward silence. “Please tell me that we’re not the only team working on this.”

“No, of course not. The higher-ups think this is important enough to put a lot of resources on it. They’re not just going to saddle one team with it.” Maggie’s eyes widened and she added, “Um, it’s not offensive that I said ‘saddle’, is it?”

“No. Why would it be?” Lyra asked, confused. “Though I don’t know what wearing saddles has to do with anything.”

“Equestrian ponies actually wear saddles?” Adam asked.

“Yeah. Usually during the winter, to keep our backs warm. They’re also handy for attaching bags and stuff to, and acting as a cushion if we’re carrying something heavy on our backs.”

“Oh.” Maggie cleared her throat. “On earth, saddles have a different connotation. They’re used for riding.”

Lyra blushed. “Well, certain types of saddles are used for the same thing in Equestria, but we really shouldn’t be talking about that at work.”

Becky and Adam burst out laughing. Spectral Charm had a different reaction.

“For Celestia’s sake!” the stallion said, staring wildly back and forth between Maggie and Lyra. “This topic is highly inappropriate!”

“What? No! What?!” Maggie exclaimed, leaning back her seat. “I meant that we use saddles on horses when we want to ride around on them! On their backs!” She waved her hands in frantic, defensive motions in front of her. “For transportation, not sexytimes!!”

“Oh…” Lyra said. She snickered uncontrollably even as her blushing intensified.

The two younger humans howled with renewed laughter at “sexytimes”, tears streaming out of their eyes and breaths coming in ragged gasps. Adam had slumped halfway under the table, hugging his ribcage. Becky was hunched over and hiding her mouth behind her hands, but her laughter was still as clear as a bell.

Lyra couldn’t help herself. She joined in the laughter, giggling into her hooves like a lunatic. Spectral Charm held himself aloof, regarding the others with a look of disdain.

“Alright, alright, let’s get it under control,” Maggie said, her face ruddy with embarrassment.

It took a few minutes, but eventually everyone started to calm down, the laughter fading to wheezing and only stopping completely when Spectral Charm managed to throw a wet blanket over everything.

“Is this an example of the ‘professional attitude’ I was asked to maintain?” the stallion asked sardonically, which earned him a sour look from Maggie.

“Oh, argh, my ribs,” Adam managed eventually. “Oh, man, oh, I’m gonna feel that later.” A grinning Becky poked him in the ribs, murmuring something about “a saddle” and “birthday present”.

Lyra could sympathise with the human. Her own ribcage felt like she’d been bucked in the side by an earth pony, and her face actually ached from all the laughter. Maggie cleared her throat, adjusted her coat, and tried to continue.

“Okay, okay. Glad we got that out of our system.” Maggie’s face was still a little red as she talked. “Anyway, no. It’s not up to just us. But we’re the most specialized research unit on the planet right now. Nowhere else in the world has a magical research group, at least nowhere that has actual magic practitioners as part of the staff. Which reminds me; Adam, Becky, you two are going to be full-time under Lyra from now on. I cleared this with your previous managers this morning.”

Adam straightened in his seat. “Oh, so no more floating between departments as needed?”

“That’s right,” Maggie replied. “As for the rest, I’ll get you the names of the other groups via email later. You’ll all be expected to join in on any and all conference calls and group chats, enter any speculations and research you might have on the shared site, and to keep current on all proposals and documentation. Your input is invaluable and indispensable, and you should consider this your highest priority, even surpassing research on Harmony whenever we open the gateway there.”

“Um, just a thought,” Lyra said, raising a hoof. “If we don’t know how much damage there’s been to the Earth’s Veil, wouldn’t it be a good idea to stop ripping holes in reality until we figure out a way to gauge it?”

Maggie sighed. “Yes. In fact, I’ve been ordered to halt all tests. We’re only opening the scheduled gateways to Equestria from now on, at least until we figure out a way to get some idea of how much damage we’re doing to ourselves.”

“Good,” Lyra said. “I have no idea what would happen if the Veil were to rupture, but I doubt it would be good.”

“It would be catastrophic,” Spectral Charm interjected. “A rupture would cause a semi-permanent tear. It would be an open wound in your universe. Anything and everything could spill through from other worlds. Life forms, yes, but also things such as poisonous alien atmospheres and suchlike. For example, that world you initially named Lava World and later renamed Hades, if that intersected with the Earth without an intact veil, it could very well spill a torrent of toxic gasses and magma onto your world.”

“Huh.” Maggie tapped a pen against her teeth, causing Lyra to fold her ears back and cringe at the sound. “If we could have done that on purpose and chose where to do it, we could have used that as a weapon against the Black Tide.”

“That’s an extraordinarily bad idea,” Spectral said with a frown. “The Veils are constantly shifting. What’s on the other side now may not be what’s on the other side a few days later. Today it could be a lava flow. Tomorrow, it could be a hard vacuum, sucking out your atmosphere.”

“Ugh,” Maggie said with a shudder. “Okay. No more playing with the Earth’s Veil until we’ve got a better idea of what we’re doing, got it.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” Adam said, squeezing Becky’s hand. The human girl looked almost as frightened as he did.

“Okay, well, that’s it,” Maggie said. “This is what I expect you to work on until I tell you otherwise. We’ll end the meeting now, unless there are any questions.”

She waited a few seconds while the other members of the room exchanged glances.

“No questions? Okay, good,” Maggie said as she stood up. “See you all later.”

Maggie left the room as the others started standing up.

“Team? Hold up, please,” Lyra said softly after Maggie left. Becky and Adam exchanged a look and sat back down.

Spectral Charm let out a ragged sigh. “What is it now?”

“Have a seat,” Lyra said. The stallion stood there in the doorway, scowling back at her. “Please?”

Grumbling, Spectral finally returned to his seat, dropping his folders none-too-delicately back on the table.

“First, I wanted to apologize to you, Spectral Charm. I never thought that Mark asking if you’d volunteer for Ascent would bother you that much. It wasn’t my intention to make you uncomfortable or to embarrass you. I’m sorry.”

Spectral stared at her with a stony expression. “I see. Is that all?”

Lyra gaped at him. “You… No! That is not all! You—”

“Lyra,” Becky said softly.

Lyra sucked in a deep breath and then let it out. Then another. After the third deep breath, she felt like her anger was under control. At least, as much as was possible when faced with a stallion who wouldn’t even accept a sincere apology.

If trying to be nice didn’t work, Lyra decided, maybe it was time to try Maggie’s approach and put her hoof down.

“No, that’s not all,” she said tightly. “In the future, when somepony gives us a project or asks us our input on something, the first things out of our muzzles should never be ‘that’s impossible’ or ‘we can’t do that’. We should at least give it some time for thought, find out exactly what they want, and, if what they’re asking for actually is impossible, then we should try to come up with some feasible alternatives. Got it?”

Spectral’s face became even more stony, if that were possible. “Excuse me,” he said icily. “I am the resident expert on Veils, am I not? That’s why I was hired, by Maggie Henson and not you, correct?” He apparently took the strangled sounds coming from Lyra’s throat as agreement, because he nodded sharply and continued. “If I say a thing is impossible, then that is because I have experience. I have education. I have actual knowledge that pertains to this exact situation which you, frankly, lack. And when I say that there is no way—”

“What about resistance?” Becky said suddenly. She shrank back a little as the entire room focused on her. “Um…”

“It’s okay, hon,” Adam said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “What resistance?”

“Uh, well… When a gateway opens, there’s a certain amount of resistance. The first time we opened a window to another world, it blew out our emitters. We got better emitters, sure, but we haven’t lost one since then. At least, none that weren’t destroyed by crazy unicorn mares.”

Becky said that last bit with an awkward chuckle. Spectral Charm’s eyes flicked from the human woman over to Lyra.

“It wasn’t me!” she grated through clenched teeth.

“A-anyway,” Becky continued, fiddling with her pen. “I just thought, maybe we could check the readouts. If nothing else, we could rate the comparative difficulty of opening a gateway to Equestria with how badly damaged they say the Veil is on their side. Maybe there’s a correlation?”

“That… That may actually work,” Spectral Charm admitted grudgingly.

“And that is why we don’t just say ‘it’s impossible’ as soon as someone asks us something!” Lyra said. She was unaware of the fact that she was nearly shouting.

Spectral Charm’s eyes widened and then narrowed. “Now, you listen here, you… you…”

“Go on,” Lyra said softly. “Say it. I dare you.”

“You know, you two should just kiss already.”

The temperature in the room seemed to drop sharply. Lyra’s mind went blank as she stared at Becky, who’d just dropped the unlikely phrase into the office. Even Adam was staring at her with apparent shock. She couldn’t have been more astounded if the woman had turned into Discord and pulled a funnel cake out of her nose.

“What?” was all that Lyra could manage to say.

“Well, I mean, it’s obvious that there’s a lot of UST floating around in this room. That’s why you two fight all the time, right? So, you should just kiss and see how it mmmph… mph?” she tried to say, but Adam had his hand firmly over her mouth.

“I, personally, think that’s a horrible idea,” Adam said. Becky’s eyes narrowed at him over the top of his hand.

“UST?” Lyra asked. Her voice sounded to her like it was coming from extremely far away.

“Unresolved sexual tension,” Adam supplied grudgingly. “It’s… um. She reads waaay too much TV Tropes. Er. Sorry.” He grunted as Becky elbowed him in the ribs.

“What.” Lyra said again. Her brain felt like it had locked up. Finally, it kicked back into gear. “What?! Him?!” A trembling hoof shot out at the stunned stallion. “You can’t be serious!”

That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!” Spectral Charm’s voice was shrieking like a tea kettle on the boil. “That… You think.. that mare—?!”

“Hold on, buster!” Lyra said, concentrating her fury on the stallion. “You don’t get to say ‘that mare’ at me. I’ve already decided there’s not a chance in… in… Tartarus!” She stomped her hoof to emphasize the point. “Like I could ever go for a stallion like you!”

“Like there would even be a chance in the first place!” he shouted back, his tail lashing in agitation.

“You stiff-necked, supercilious, smug jerkass!” Lyra seethed. Somehow, she’d gotten around the table and was nearly muzzle to muzzle with the other unicorn.

“You low-class, low intellect art student!” he shot back, rage burning in his eyes. Adam had his hands on his shoulders and was trying to pull him back. Lyra was dimly aware that Becky was trying to do the same to her.

“If I were looking for a stallion, it wouldn’t be a fussy, arrogant, egomaniacal creep like you!” Lyra said hotly.

“I wouldn’t have anything to do with any mare, much less with you!” Spectral Charm shouted back. Once again the room froze, except for the expression on the Spectral’s face. The anger slowly drained away, leaving behind a look of of horrified realization.

Lyra, whose mouth was already open in anticipation for her next comeback, felt her thoughts pinwheel out of her head only to be replaced by confusion as her mouth worked soundlessly. The look on Spectral Charm’s face was so distraught that “Huh?” was all she could manage.

“I… I—I didn’t…” Spectral stuttered.

“You… I…” The shock finally caught up with her. “You’re gay?” she blurted out.

Spectral Charm flinched and looked away. Lyra felt her emotions spinning like a roulette wheel in Las Pegasus, with the ball ending up landing on “inappropriately funny.” She pressed a hoof to her muzzle, trying to hide the snerk of laughter that was trying to force its way out. She failed.

Spectral Charm’s eyes got wide and his face flushed an ugly red under his coat. He batted Adam’s arms away from his shoulders.

“I quit,” he said. Then he turned and marched out the door with his neck and tail stiff and his ears folded back. Lyra watched him go, already feeling the surge of guilt crushing her shocked laughter. Adam’s look of disappointment didn’t help. She didn’t dare turn to see what Becky’s face looked like.

There was only one thing she could think to say in the midst of this unfolding disaster and her inappropriate reaction to it.

“Oh, damn...”

Author's Note:

Many thanks to my editing team (presented in no particular order):
Merlos the Mad
Brilliant Point
and Ludicrous Lycan as pre-reader and audience surrogate